1,207 research outputs found

    Effects of chronic social stress on oligodendrocyte proliferation-maturation and myelin status in prefrontal cortex and amygdala in adult mice

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    Stress-related neuropsychiatric disorders present with excessive processing of aversive stimuli. Whilst underlying pathophysiology remains poorly understood, within- and between-regional changes in oligodendrocyte (OL)-myelination status in anterior cingulate cortex and amygdala (ACC-AMY network) could be important. In adult mice, a 15-day chronic social stress (CSS) protocol leads to increased aversion responsiveness, accompanied by increased resting-state functional connectivity between, and reduced oligodendrocyte- and myelin-related transcript expression within, medial prefrontal cortex and amygdala (mPFC-AMY network), the analog of the human ACC-AMY network. In the current study, young-adult male C57BL/6 mice underwent CSS or control handling (CON). To assess OL proliferation-maturation, mice received 5-ethynyl-2'-deoxyuridine via drinking water across CSS/CON and brains were collected on day 16 or 31. In mPFC, CSS decreased the density of proliferative OL precursor cells (OPCs) at days 16 and 31. CSS increased mPFC myelin basic protein (MBP) integrated density at day 31, as well as increasing myelin thickness as determined using transmission electron microscopy, at day 16. In AMY, CSS increased the densities of total CC1+ OLs (day 31) and CC1+/ASPA+ OLs (days 16 and 31), whilst decreasing the density of proliferative OPCs at days 16 and 31. CSS was without effect on AMY MBP content and myelin thickness, at days 16 and 31. Therefore, CSS impacts on the OL lineage in mPFC and AMY and to an extent that, in mPFC at least, leads to increased myelination. This increased myelination could contribute to the excessive aversion learning and memory that occur in CSS mice and, indeed, human stress-related neuropsychiatric disorders

    Sex-specific effects of chronic stress on intestinal health and depression-like behaviours

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    La dépression majeure est devenue la cause principale d'incapacité dans le monde. Pourtant, les antidépresseurs les plus courants sont inefficaces chez 30-50% des patients traités. La dépression présente une comorbidité élevée avec les troubles gastro-intestinaux, avec une pathologie commune comprenant le dysbiose du microbiote un profil périphérique hautement inflammatoire, ce qui suggère une perméabilité intestinale accrue chez ces patients. Il est proposé que le stress chronique soit lié à la détérioration de la barrière intestinale et à la dérégulation de la signalisation intestin-cerveau, cependant, les mécanismes biologiques restent à identifier. Nous avons utilisé les modèles de la dépression pour étudier les effets du stress chronique sur la perméabilité intestinale chez les souris mâles et femelles. Le séquençage du microbiote a montré une modification des populations microbiennes après le stress. De plus, l'expression génétique des jonctions serrées intestinales a été altérée avec des effets spécifiques au sexe, en fonction du type et de la durée du stress. Certaines modifications des jonctions serrées sont associées à la résilience ou à la susceptibilité à l'exposition au stress, déterminée par des tests comportementaux. Nous avons également identifié la protéine de liaison au lipopolysaccharide (LBP) comme un biomarqueur potentiel lié à la susceptibilité au stress chronique. En étudiant les différences entre individus et selon les sexes, nos résultats contribueront à la connaissance des mécanismes moléculaires qui déterminent la vulnérabilité ou la résilience au stress chronique. Les femmes ayant un risque environ deux fois plus élevé de développer une dépression, l'identification des différences entre les sexes est particulièrement pertinente. Ces études contribueront à l'élaboration de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques et diagnostiques pour le traitement de la dépression. Des traitements ciblant l'intégrité de la barrière intestinale pourraient avoir des effets positifs sur les voies inflammatoires périphériques et centrales impliquées dans la dépression.Major depressive disorder (MDD) is the leading cause of disability worldwide. Still, common antidepressants are ineffective in 30-50% of treated patients, highlighting that biological mechanisms remain to be elucidated. MDD has high comorbidity with gastrointestinal disorders including patterns of microbiota dysbiosis and inflammatory peripheral markers, suggesting enhanced intestinal permeability in these patients. Chronic stress, the main environmental risk factor for MDD is linked to intestinal barrier deterioration and dysregulated gut-brain signalling. Therefore, we investigate effects of chronic stress on manifestations of intestinal permeability in both male and female mouse models of depression. Sequencing showed altered microbial populations post-stress. Furthermore, gene expression of intestinal tight junctions was altered with sex-specific effects, dependent on stress type and duration. Certain tight junction changes associated with resilience or susceptibility to the stress exposure, as determined by behavioural tests. We also identified Lipopolysaccharide binding protein (LBP) as a potential biomarker related to susceptibility to chronic stress. By investigating individual and sex differences, our results will be contributing to the knowledge of molecular mechanisms underlying vulnerability or resilience to chronic stress. As women have roughly a twofold higher risk of developing depression, identifying sex differences is particularly relevant. These studies will help to develop more effective and appropriate therapeutic strategies for the treatment of depression and possibly identify biomarkers which are greatly needed in the field. Targeting the intestinal barrier and potentially promoting barrier integrity, future treatments could have positive downstream effects on peripheral and central inflammatory pathways implicated in depression

    The function of the endocannabinoid system and glial cells in vivo in patients with first episode psychosis

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    Psychoses are relatively common and often severely debilitating mental disorders with a multifactorial etiological background involving both psychosocial and biological factors. Previously reported associations between the endocannabinoid and immune systems, and psychotic disorders, suggest that they are involved in the etiology of psychosis. Healthy individuals were studied with the selective type 1 endocannabinoid receptor (CB1R) radiotracer [18F]FMPEP-d2, and positron emission tomography (PET), for possible demographic confounders. Radiotracer synthesis and the compound’s behaviour in blood and brain tissues, were in line with reports from previous validation studies. Females had lower availabilities of CB1R than males in 17 discrete brain regions. Separate samples of male patients with first-episode psychosis (FEP) were then studied concurrently in Turku and London, using the CB1R radiotracers [18F]FMPEP-d2 and [11C]MEPPEP respectively. Lower CB1R availability was seen in FEP as compared to healthy controls. The availability of CB1R was also inversely associated with the symptomatology of the psychoses. Translocator protein (TSPO) expression has been postulated to represent glial cell and mitochondrial functions, both of which are influenced by endocannabinoid signalling. Another sample of male and female patients with first episode psychoses was studied using PET with the selective TSPO radiotracer [11C]PBR28. Male and female FEP subjects showed globally lower availability of brain TSPO in comparison to healthy controls. Two concurrent samples of FEP individuals showed persistent elevations of the chemokine CCL22 when compared to population controls. A subgroup of patients with the highest levels of CCL22 also had aberrant levels of other cyto- and chemokines. These results indicate that the immune and brain endocannabinoid systems have become dysregulated in early psychosis. Aberrant glial cell function and/or disturbances in cell metabolism are indicated by the lower availability of TSPO.Endokannabinoidijärjestelmän ja gliasolujen toiminta ensipsykooseissa Psykoosit ovat verrattain yleisiä, vakavia mielenterveyshäiriöitä, joiden syntyyn vaikuttaa sekä psykososiaaliset että biologiset tekijät. Endokannabinoidi- ja immuunijärjestelmien yhteydet psykooseihin, sekä dopamiinijärjestelmän toimintaan, viittaavat näiden järjestelmien toimivan osana psykoosien etiologiaa. Terveiden koehenkilöiden aivojen endokannabinoidijärjestelmän toimintaa tutkittiin tyypin 1 endokannabinoidireseptorin (CB1R) merkkiaineella [18F]FMPEPd2, ja positroniemissiotomografialla (PET), mahdollisten sekoittavien tekijöiden tunnistamiseksi. Merkkiaineen tuotannon laatua kuvaavat tunnusluvut, sekä merkkiaineen käyttäytyminen veressä ja aivokudoksessa, vastasivat aiempien validointitutkimusten tuloksia. Naiskoehenkilöillä oli alhaisemmat [18F]FMPEP-d2:n jakautumistilavuudet 17 aivoalueella verrattuna miehiin. Miespuolisten ensipsykoosipotilaiden aivojen endokannabinoidijärjestelmän toimintaa tutkittiin erikseen Turussa ja Lontoossa PET:lla vastaavasti CB1R merkkiaineilla [18F]FMPEP-d2 ja [11C]MEPPEP. Molempien otosten ensipsykoosipotilailla oli alhaisemmat merkkiaineiden jakautumistilavuudet verrattuna terveisiin koehenkilöihin. Merkkiaineen sitoutumiselle vapaat CB1R:t olivat lisäksi käänteisesti yhteydessä psykoosioireiden vaikeusasteeseen. Aivojen tukisolujen ja näiden mitokondrioiden toimintaan vaikuttavat sekä endokannabinoidiviestintä, että translokaattoriproteiinin (TSPO) toiminta. Ensipsykoosipotilailla oli kauttaaltaan alhaisemmat TSPO PET merkkiaineen [11C]PBR28 jakautumistilavuudet verrattuna terveisiin verrokkihenkilöihin. Ensipsykoosipotilaiden kemokiini CCL22:n pitoisuudet olivat verrokkien pitoisuuksia korkeammat. Korkeimpia CCL22:n pitoisuuksia omaavien potilaiden immuuniviestintä poikkesi muista verrokki- ja potilastutkittavista laaja-alaisesti. Nämä tulokset osoittavat, että immuuni- ja endokannabinoidijärjestelmät toimivat poikkeavasti ensipsykooseissa. TSPO:n poikkeava toiminta viittaa siihen, että aivojen tukisolut ja/tai solujen aineenvaihdunta häiriintyvät psykooseissa

    Ketamine’s fast antidepressant drug response: Biosignatures and pathways

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    Ketamine's fast antidepressant drug response: Biosignatures and pathways

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    Pathway and biomarker discovery in a posttraumatic stress disorder mouse model

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    Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a prevalent psychiatric disorder, is caused by exposure to a traumatic event. Individuals diagnosed for PTSD not only experience significant functional impairments but also have higher rates of physical morbidity and mortality. Despite intense research efforts, the neurobiological pathways affecting fear circuit brain regions in PTSD remain obscure and most of the previous studies were limited to characterization of specific markers in periphery or defined brain regions. In my PhD study, I employed proteomics, metabolomics and transcriptomcis technologies interrogating a foot shock induced PTSD mouse model. In addition, I studied the effects of early intervention of chronic fluoxetine treatment. By in silico analyses, altered cellular pathways associated with PTSD were identified in stress-vulnerable brain regions, including prelimbic cortex (PrL), anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), basolateral amygdala (BLA), central nucleus of amygdala(CeA), nucleus accumbens (NAc) and CA1 of the dorsal hippocampus. With RNA sequencing, I compared the brain transcriptome between shocked and control mice, with and without fluoxetine treatment. Differentially expressed genes were identified and clustered, and I observed increased inflammation in ACC and decreased neurotransmitter signaling in both ACC and CA1. I applied in vivo 15N metabolic labeling combined with mass spectrometry to study alterations at proteome level in the brain. By integrating proteomics and metabolomics profiling analyses, I found decreased Citric Acid Cycle pathway in both NAc and ACC, and dysregulated cytoskeleton assembly and myelination pathways in BLA, CeA and CA1. In addition, chronic fluoxetine treatment 12 hours after foot shock prevented altered inflammatory gene expression in ACC, and Citric Acid Cycle in NAc and ACC, and ameliorated conditioned fear response in shocked mice. These results shed light on the role of immune response and energy metabolism in PTSD pathogenesis. Furthermore, I performed microdialysis in medial prefrontal cortex and hippocampus to measure the changes in extracellular norepinephrine and free corticosterone (CORT) in the shocked mouse and related them to PTSD-like symptoms, including hyperaroual and contextual fear response. I found that increased free CORT was related to immediate stress response, whereas norepinephrine level, in a brain region specific manner, predicted arousal and contextual fear response one month after trauma. I also applied metabolomics analysis to investigate molecular changes in prefrontal microdialysates of shocked mice. Citric Acid Cycle, Glyoxylate and Dicarboxylate metabolism and Alanine, Aspartate and Glutamate metabolism pathways were found to be involved in foot shock induced hyperarousal. Taken together, my study provides novel insights into PTSD pathogenesis and suggests potential therapeutic applications targeting dysregulated pathways

    Pathway and biomarker discovery in a posttraumatic stress disorder mouse model

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    Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a prevalent psychiatric disorder, is caused by exposure to a traumatic event. Individuals diagnosed for PTSD not only experience significant functional impairments but also have higher rates of physical morbidity and mortality. Despite intense research efforts, the neurobiological pathways affecting fear circuit brain regions in PTSD remain obscure and most of the previous studies were limited to characterization of specific markers in periphery or defined brain regions. In my PhD study, I employed proteomics, metabolomics and transcriptomcis technologies interrogating a foot shock induced PTSD mouse model. In addition, I studied the effects of early intervention of chronic fluoxetine treatment. By in silico analyses, altered cellular pathways associated with PTSD were identified in stress-vulnerable brain regions, including prelimbic cortex (PrL), anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), basolateral amygdala (BLA), central nucleus of amygdala(CeA), nucleus accumbens (NAc) and CA1 of the dorsal hippocampus. With RNA sequencing, I compared the brain transcriptome between shocked and control mice, with and without fluoxetine treatment. Differentially expressed genes were identified and clustered, and I observed increased inflammation in ACC and decreased neurotransmitter signaling in both ACC and CA1. I applied in vivo 15N metabolic labeling combined with mass spectrometry to study alterations at proteome level in the brain. By integrating proteomics and metabolomics profiling analyses, I found decreased Citric Acid Cycle pathway in both NAc and ACC, and dysregulated cytoskeleton assembly and myelination pathways in BLA, CeA and CA1. In addition, chronic fluoxetine treatment 12 hours after foot shock prevented altered inflammatory gene expression in ACC, and Citric Acid Cycle in NAc and ACC, and ameliorated conditioned fear response in shocked mice. These results shed light on the role of immune response and energy metabolism in PTSD pathogenesis. Furthermore, I performed microdialysis in medial prefrontal cortex and hippocampus to measure the changes in extracellular norepinephrine and free corticosterone (CORT) in the shocked mouse and related them to PTSD-like symptoms, including hyperaroual and contextual fear response. I found that increased free CORT was related to diate stress response, whereas norepinephrine level, in a brain region specific manner, predicted arousal and contextual fear response one month after trauma. I also applied metabolomics analysis to investigate molecular changes in prefrontal microdialysates of shocked mice. Citric Acid Cycle, Glyoxylate and Dicarboxylate metabolism and Alanine, Aspartate and Glutamate metabolism pathways were found to be involved in foot shock induced hyperarousal. Taken together, my study provides novel insights into PTSD pathogenesis and suggests potential therapeutic applications targeting dysregulated pathways

    FGFR1-5HT1AR heteroreceptor complexes differently modulate GIRK currents in the hippocampus and the raphe nucleus of control rats and of a genetic rat model of depression

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    The midbrain raphe serotonin neurons provide the main ascending serotonergic projection to the forebrain, including the hippocampus, which has a recognized role in the pathophysiology of depressive disorder. The activation of G protein-coupled inwardly-rectifying potassium (GIRK) channels by serotonin 5HT1A receptors at the soma-dendritic level of serotonergic raphe neurons and glutamatergic hippocampal pyramidal neurons reduces neuronal activity. The presence of FGFR1-5HT1A heteroreceptor complexes in this raphe-hippocampal serotonin neuron system has been demonstrated, but functional receptor-receptor interactions in the heterocomplexes have only been studied in CA1 pyramidal neurons of control Sprague Dawley (SD) rats. In the present research, the short-term effects of FGFR1-5HT1A complex activation were studied in hippocampal pyramidal neurons, both in CA1 and CA2 areas, and midbrain dorsal raphe serotonergic neurons of SD rats and a genetic rat model of depression, the Flinders sensitive line (FSL) rats selected from SD strain, using an electrophysiological technique. The results obtained demonstrate that FGFR1-5HT1A heteroreceptor activation by specific agonists reduced the ability of the 5HT1AR protomer to open the GIRK channels via the allosteric inhibitory interplay produced by agonist activation of the FGFR1 protomer, resulting in increased neuronal firing in the raphe-hippocampal 5HT system of SD rats. In contrast, apart from CA2 neurons, the inhibitory allosteric effects of FGFR1 agonist on the 5HT1AR protomer were unable to have this influence on GIRK channels in FSL rats. According to these data, 5HT1AR activation impaired hippocampal plasticity in both SD and FSL rats, as determined by long-term potentiation induction capability in the CA1 field, but not in SD rats following simultaneous FGFR1-5HT1A heterocomplex activation. While, due to the impairment in heterocomplex activation, long-term potentiation was precluded in FSL rats. It is thus hypothesized that in the genetic FSL model of depression, there is a considerable decrease of the allosteric inhibition mediated by the FGFR1 protomer on the 5HT1AR protomer, resulting in a reduced opening of the GIRK channels in the raphe-hippocampal serotonin pathway. The consequent increase in inhibition in dorsal raphe 5HT nerve cells and glutamatergic hippocampal CA1 pyramidal nerve cell firing may contribute to the onset of major depression

    Putative Mechanisms Underlying the Antidepressant Actions of Ketamine: A Review and Study Proposal

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    Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is a highly debilitating and common psychiatric disorder that affects over 250 million people globally; it is among the most financially and emotionally burdensome illnesses in the world. Currently approved antidepressants are suboptimal in their efficacy and latency of therapeutic action. In contrast, single administrations of sub-anesthetic ketamine have been shown to rapidly alleviate depressive symptoms within hours, even in treatment-resistant patients. Ketamine is believed to exert these effects by increasing glutamatemediated neurotransmission and promoting rapid neurotrophic factor release, restoring the integrity of neural circuits that are compromised in depression. However, uncertainty surrounding its specific antidepressant mechanism of action has stalled distribution of this promising drug. Here, a chronology of antidepressant treatment advances that preceded the ketamine discovery is detailed, and current hypotheses for ketamine’s antidepressant mechanism are critically reviewed to identify the limits of our understanding. Then, a study addressing a poorly characterized aspect of this mechanism is proposed. The study aims to assess whether isolated ketamine or its active antidepressant metabolite, (2R,6R)-hydroxynorketamine, differ in their ability to ameliorate stress-induced depressive phenotypes within the hippocampus of mice, compared to when they are present in combination. This study will provide insight for ongoing drug discovery efforts. An improved understanding of how ketamine exerts its effects within the brain will help foster future therapeutic innovation, which may lighten the ever-increasing burden of MDD on society