21 research outputs found

    Generalizing graph decompositions

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    The Latin aphorism ‘divide et impera’ conveys a simple, but central idea in mathematics and computer science: ‘split your problem recursively into smaller parts, attack the parts, and conquer the whole’. There is a vast literature on how to do this on graphs. But often we need to compute on other structures (decorated graphs or perhaps algebraic objects such as groups) for which we do not have a wealth of decomposition methods. This thesis attacks this problem head on: we propose new decomposition methods in a variety of settings. In the setting of directed graphs, we introduce a new tree-width analogue called directed branch-width. We show that parameterizing by directed branch-width allows us to obtain linear-time algorithms for problems such as directed Hamilton Path and Max-Cut which are intractable by any other known directed analogue of tree-width. In fact, the algorithmic success of our new measure is more far-reaching: by proving algorithmic meta-theorems parameterized by directed branch-width, we deduce linear-time algorithms for all problems expressable in a variant of monadic second-order logic. Moving on from directed graphs, we then provide a meta-answer to the broader question of obtaining tree-width analogues for objects other than simple graphs. We do so introducing the theory of spined categories and triangualtion functors which constitutes a vast category-theoretic abstraction of a definition of tree-width due to Halin. Our theory acts as a black box for the definition and discovery of tree-width-like parameters in new settings: given a spined category as input, it yields an appropriate tree-width analogue as output. Finally we study temporal graphs: these are graphs whose edges appear and disappear over time. Many problems on temporal graphs are intractable even when their topology is severely restricted (such as being a tree or even a star); thus, to be able to conquer, we need decompositions that take temporal information into account. We take these considerations to heart and define a purely temporal width measure called interval-membership-width which allows us to employ dynamic programming (i.e. divide and conquer) techniques on temporal graphs whose times are sufficiently well-structured, regardless of the underlying topology

    Author index for volumes 101–200

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    Polynomial systems : graphical structure, geometry, and applications

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    Thesis: Ph. D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2018.This electronic version was submitted by the student author. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections.Cataloged from student-submitted PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (pages 199-208).Solving systems of polynomial equations is a foundational problem in computational mathematics, that has several applications in the sciences and engineering. A closely related problem, also prevalent in applications, is that of optimizing polynomial functions subject to polynomial constraints. In this thesis we propose novel methods for both of these tasks. By taking advantage of the graphical and geometrical structure of the problem, our methods can achieve higher efficiency, and we can also prove better guarantees. Various problems in areas such as robotics, power systems, computer vision, cryptography, and chemical reaction networks, can be modeled by systems of polynomial equations, and in many cases the resulting systems have a simple sparsity structure. In the first part of this thesis we represent this sparsity structure with a graph, and study the algorithmic and complexity consequences of this graphical abstraction. Our main contribution is the introduction of a novel data structure, chordal networks, that always preserves the underlying graphical structure of the system. Remarkably, many interesting families of polynomial systems admit compact chordal network representations (of size linear in the number of variables), even though the number of components is exponentially large. Our methods outperform existing techniques by orders of magnitude in applications from algebraic statistics and vector addition systems. We then turn our attention to the study of graphical structure in the computation of matrix permanents, a classical problem from computer science. We provide a novel algorithm that requires Õ(n 2[superscript w]) arithmetic operations, where [superscript w] is the treewidth of its bipartite adjacency graph. We also investigate the complexity of some related problems, including mixed discriminants, hyperdeterminants, and mixed volumes. Although seemingly unrelated to polynomial systems, our results have natural implications on the complexity of solving sparse systems. The second part of this thesis focuses on the problem of minimizing a polynomial function subject to polynomial equality constraints. This problem captures many important applications, including Max-Cut, tensor low rank approximation, the triangulation problem, and rotation synchronization. Although these problems are nonconvex, tractable semidefinite programming (SDP) relaxations have been proposed. We introduce a methodology to derive more efficient (smaller) relaxations, by leveraging the geometrical structure of the underlying variety. The main idea behind our method is to describe the variety with a generic set of samples, instead of relying on an algebraic description. Our methods are particularly appealing for varieties that are easy to sample from, such as SO(n), Grassmannians, or rank k tensors. For arbitrary varieties we can take advantage of the tools from numerical algebraic geometry. Optimization problems from applications usually involve parameters (e.g., the data), and there is often a natural value of the parameters for which SDP relaxations solve the (polynomial) problem exactly. The final contribution of this thesis is to establish sufficient conditions (and quantitative bounds) under which SDP relaxations will continue to be exact as the parameter moves in a neighborhood of the original one. Our results can be used to show that several statistical estimation problems are solved exactly by SDP relaxations in the low noise regime. In particular, we prove this for the triangulation problem, rotation synchronization, rank one tensor approximation, and weighted orthogonal Procrustes.by Diego Cifuentes.Ph. D

    Discrete and Continuous Optimization for Motion Estimation

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    The study of motion estimation reaches back decades and has become one of the central topics of research in computer vision. Even so, there are situations where current approaches fail, such as when there are extreme lighting variations, significant occlusions, or very large motions. In this thesis, we propose several approaches to address these issues. First, we propose a novel continuous optimization framework for estimating optical flow based on a decomposition of the image domain into triangular facets. We show how this allows for occlusions to be easily and naturally handled within our optimization framework without any post-processing. We also show that a triangular decomposition enables us to use a direct Cholesky decomposition to solve the resulting linear systems by reducing its memory requirements. Second, we introduce a simple method for incorporating additional temporal information into optical flow using inertial estimates of the flow, which leads to a significant reduction in error. We evaluate our methods on several datasets and achieve state-of-the-art results on MPI-Sintel. Finally, we introduce a discrete optimization framework for optical flow computation. Discrete approaches have generally been avoided in optical flow because of the relatively large label space that makes them computationally expensive. In our approach, we use recent advances in image segmentation to build a tree-structured graphical model that conforms to the image content. We show how the optimal solution to these discrete optical flow problems can be computed efficiently by making use of optimization methods from the object recognition literature, even for large images with hundreds of thousands of labels

    Passivity enforcement via chordal methods

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    Orientador: Prof. Dr. Gustavo Henrique da Costa OliveiraTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Tecnologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica. Defesa : Curitiba, 27/08/2019Inclui referências: p. 164-175Resumo: Neste documento são propostos três algoritmos inéditos associados aos problemas subsequentes de aferição e imposição da passividade, a qual é uma propriedade qualitativa, geral e fundamental na modelagem matemática de transitórios eletromagnéticos de sistemas elétricos passivos, como transformadores. Esses algoritmos baseiam-se numa combinação de teoria dos grafos e otimização convexa. O primeiro deles consiste na aferição de subsistemas passivos contidos num sistema não passivo, intuitivamente busca-se partes passivas contidas num todo não passivo. Já na etapa de imposição de passividade, o segundo algoritmo é consequência natural do primeiro: retendo apenas os parâmetros associados às partes passivas e descartando os demais, parte-se de um sistema passivo parcialmente especificado para se determinar novos parâmetros em substituição àqueles descartados de modo que o sistema como um todo seja passivo. A possibilidade de determinação dos novos parâmetros depende de uma propriedade topológica de um grafo associado às matrizes de parâmetros do modelo, tal propriedade é denominada cordalidade. O terceiro algoritmo aborda novamente a questão de imposição da passividade e também faz uso da cordalidade, não mais como condição de existência de solução, mas sim como uma forma de explorar a esparsidade das matrizes de parâmetros. O problema de imposição da passividade encerra dois desafios no seu processo de solução, a saber: (i) compensação de parâmetros resultando na degradação do modelo bem como (ii) longos tempos de solução. Os algoritmos ora propostos são uma resposta a essas questões e os resultados obtidos demonstraram-se comparáveis àqueles já existentes na literatura especializada, em alguns casos apresentando melhorias, seja em termos de aproximação ou tempo computacionais. Os algoritmos foram testados a partir de dados de medição de um Transformador de Potencial Indutivo bem como de um Transformador de Potência. Palavras-chave: Macro-modelagem Passiva. Teoria de Sistemas. Álgebra Linear Aplicada. Análise de Transitórios. Transformadores.Abstract: Three novel algorithms are herein proposed to solve passivity assessment and enforcement problems. Passivity is a general, qualitative and fundamental property pertaining to the modeling associated with electromagnetic transients in passive power systems, such as transformers. These algorithms make combined use of Graph Theory and Convex Optimization. The first algorithm is concerned with passivity assesment. In particular, it searches for passive subsystems embedded into a larger nonpassive system and eventually specifies a partially specified passive system. Focusing on the subsequent step, algorithm two is a natural consequence of the preceeding one: retaining only the parameter set associated with passive subsystems as determined before, this partially specified passive system is used to further determine the remaining parameters so that the entire system be fully specified and passive. The existence condition for finding a fully specified system hinges on the fulfillment of a topological property of the graph associated the parameter matrices, namely chordality. The third algorithm also solves the passivity enforcement problem by making use of chordality, not as an existence condition, but rather by exploiting chordal sparsity patterns obtained with the parameter matrices. Solving passivity enforcement problems entails two persisting challenges, namely: (i) passivity compensations to parameters prompting increased model degradation as well as (ii) large computation times. The algorithms herein proposed tackle these issues and yield results comparable to those already in use, sometimes resulting in improved performance in terms of either approximation accuracy or runtime. These results herein reported entail data from actual measurements of an Inductive Voltage Transformer and a Power Transformer. Keywords: Passive Macromodeling. System Theory. Applied Linear Algebra. Transient Analysis. Transformers

    Fundamental Limits of Nanophotonic Design

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    Nanoscale fabrication techniques, computational inverse design, and fields from silicon photonics to metasurface optics are enabling transformative use of an unprecedented number of structural degrees of freedom in nanophotonics. A critical need is to understand the extreme limits to what is possible by engineering nanophotonic structures. This thesis establishes the first general theoretical framework identifying fundamental limits to light--matter interactions. It derives bounds for applications across nanophotonics, including far-field scattering, optimal wavefront shaping, optical beam switching, and wave communication, as well as the miniaturization of optical components, including perfect absorbers, linear optical analog computing units, resonant optical sensors, multilayered thin films, and high-NA metalenses. The bounds emerge from an infinite set of physical constraints that have to be satisfied by polarization fields in response to an excitation. The constraints encode power conservation in single-scenario scattering and requisite field correlations in multi-scenario scattering. The framework developed in this thesis, encompassing general linear wave scattering dynamics, offers a new way to understand optimal designs and their fundamental limits, in nanophotonics and beyond.Comment: PhD thesi

    LIPIcs, Volume 274, ESA 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 274, ESA 2023, Complete Volum