7 research outputs found

    ProcessPageRank - A Network-based Approach to Process Prioritization Decisions

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    Deciding which business processes to improve first is a challenge most corporate decision-makers face. The literature offers many approaches, techniques, and tools that support such process prioritization decisions. Despite the broad knowledge about measuring the performance of individual processes and determining related need for improvement, the interconnectedness of processes has not been considered in process prioritization decisions yet. So far, the interconnectedness of business processes is captured for descriptive purposes only, for example in business process architectures. This drawback systematically biases process prioritization decisions. As a first step to address this gap, we propose the ProcessPageRank (PPR), an algorithm based on the Google PageRank that ranks processes according to their network-adjusted need for improvement. The PPR is grounded in the literature related to process improvement, process performance measurement, and network analysis. For demonstration purposes, we created a software prototype and applied the PPR to five process network archetypes to illustrate how the interconnectedness of business processes affects process prioritization decisions

    Process Project Portfolio Management : Considering Process and Project Interactions in Process Decision-Making

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    Die Prozessorientierung ist ein zentrales Paradigma der Organisationsgestaltung und ein anerkannter Treiber des Unternehmenserfolgs. Das Management und die Verbesserung betrieblicher Prozesse genießen daher hohe Aufmerksamkeit in Wissenschaft und Praxis. Eine zentrale Frage an der Schnittstelle zwischen traditioneller und betriebswirtschaftlich orientierter Prozessmanagementforschung ist, wie sich die Entwicklung von Prozessmanagementfähigkeiten und die Verbesserung einzelner Prozesse über die Zeit hinweg integriert planen lassen. Während die Verbesserung einzelner Prozesse die Prozessleistung erhöht und somit unmittelbar zum Unternehmenserfolg beiträgt, erleichtern Prozessmanagementfähigkeiten die künftige Ausführung und Verbesserung von Prozessen und tragen somit mittelbar zum Unternehmenserfolg bei. Vor diesem Hintergrund untersucht diese Dissertation die Schnittstelle zwischen der Verbesserung einzelner Prozesse und der Entwicklung von übergreifenden Prozessmanagementfähigkeiten und bezieht sich dabei auf das Forschungsgebiet des Prozessprojektportfoliomanagements. Daher ist es das Ziel dieser Arbeit Prozess- und Projektabhängigkeiten innerhalb von Prozessmanagemententscheidungen bei der integrierten Planung der Verbesserung von Prozessen und der Entwicklung von Prozessmanagementfähigkeiten zu untersuchen. Hierzu verdeutlicht das erste Kapitel die Notwendigkeit für Forschung an der Schnittstelle von Prozessverbesserung und der Entwicklung von Prozessmanagementfähigkeiten. Außerdem wird das Forschungsgebiet des Prozessprojektportfoliomanagements strukturiert, der Fokus der Dissertation sowie die untersuchten Forschungsfragen aufgezeigt und der individuelle Beitrag des Autors zu den beinhalteten Forschungsbeiträgen präsentiert. Das zweite Kapitel stellt das Forschungsgebiet des Prozessprojektportfoliomanagements in Detail vor und erarbeitet eine Forschungsagenda. Das dritte Kapitel fokussiert sich auf die integrierte Planung der Verbesserung einzelner Prozesse und der Entwicklung von Prozessmanagementfähigkeiten. Hierzu wird ein Planungsmodell vorgestellt, das Unternehmen unter Berücksichtigung von Projekteffekten auf die Prozessleistung sowie von Abhängigkeiten zwischen Projekten dabei unterstützt welche Projekte in welcher Reihenfolge durchgeführt werden sollten. Außerdem wird in diesem Kapitel eine Software vorgestellt die es ermöglicht die Auswahl und Reihenfolge dieser Projekte zu berechnen, darzustellen und zu analysieren. Das vierte Kapitel untersucht die Vernetzung von Prozessen. Hierzu wird der ProcessPageRank(PPR) Algorithmus vorgestellt, der Unternehmen dabei unterstützt Prozesspriorisierungen unter Berücksichtigung der Vernetzung von Prozessen vorzunehmen. Das fünfte Kapitel fokussiert sich auf Prozessmanagementfähigkeiten und untersucht wie diese sich im Lichte der Zukunft der Arbeit weiterentwickeln müssen. Das sechste Kapitel fasst die wichtigsten Ergebnisse der Dissertation zusammen und schließt mit den Herausforderungen für die zukünftige Forschung

    Tendências do BPM

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia e Gestão de Sistemas de InformaçãoAtualmente, as organizações encontram-se inseridas em ambientes de mercado cada vez mais competitivos, deparando-se com várias dificuldades, em que face a estas, necessitam de encontrar soluções. Por essa razão, viram o BPM como uma solução para melhorar o seu negócio. Um dos objetivos do BPM é ter a capacidade de identificar, monitorar e otimizar processos de negócio cujo resultado final é um conjunto de atividades realizadas. Com base nesta monitorização e otimização, as organizações tornam-se capazes de identificar possíveis lacunas nos seus processos e com isto melhorá-los. Com isto, verificou-se a falta de informação existente cientificamente em relação à identificação de novas tendências para o BPM. Neste sentido, com este trabalho propomos realizar uma investigação seguindo a metodologia de pesquisa em Design Science Research, em que iniciamos uma pesquisa de levantamento de tendência seguindo a abordagem proposta por Webster e Watson (2002), com base em duas conferências internacionais em BPM de ranking elevado, em que se identificou os tópicos mais abordados como também problemas e soluções desde 2013 até 2015. Posteriormente, com informação recolhida ao longo de três anos, através da criação de um framework identificamos algumas tendências para o BPM, de forma a melhorá-lo. Para garantir a credibilidade dos resultados, através da criação de um inquérito por questionário realizou-se a avaliação dos resultados obtidos.Nowadays, the market gets more and more competitive, thus companies need to learn how to manage and find the right solutions for their business when facing challenges. For that reason, they saw BPM as a great tool to expand their business. One of the features of BPM is the capacity to identify, monetize and optimize processes within the business which ultimately allow for an aggregation of performed activities. Thanks to these features, the business have been capable of identifying possible gaps in their processes and how to improve them. With this, it was verified the lack of scientific information regarding the identification of new trends for BPM. Therefore, with this work we propose to conduct an investigation that follows the searching methodology in Design Science Research, where we initiate a search of lifting trends as proposed by Webster and Watson (2002). This is based on two international conferences on BPM, in which it identified the most discussed topics and also the problems and solutions since 2013 until 2015. After this investigation, with collected information over 3 years, through the creation of framework we identify some BPM trends. To approve this results, we created a survey that was held an evaluation of the final results

    Chopping Down Trees vs. Sharpening the Axe – Balancing the Development of BPM Capabilities with Process Improvement

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    The management and improvement of business processes is an evergreen topic of organizational design. With many techniques and tools for process modeling, execution, and improvement being available, research pays progressively more attention to the organizational impact of business process management (BPM) and the development of BPM capabilities. Despite knowledge about the capabilities required for successful BPM, there is a lack of guidance on how these BPM capabilities should be developed and balanced with the improvement of individual business processes. As a first step to address this research gap, we propose a decision model that enables valuating and selecting BPM roadmaps, i.e., portfolios of scheduled projects with different effects on business processes and BPM capabilities. The decision model is grounded in the literature related to project portfolio selection, process performance measurement, and value-based management. We also provide an extensive demonstration example to illustrate how the decision model can be applied

    The Music Sound

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    A guide for music: compositions, events, forms, genres, groups, history, industry, instruments, language, live music, musicians, songs, musicology, techniques, terminology , theory, music video. Music is a human activity which involves structured and audible sounds, which is used for artistic or aesthetic, entertainment, or ceremonial purposes. The traditional or classical European aspects of music often listed are those elements given primacy in European-influenced classical music: melody, harmony, rhythm, tone color/timbre, and form. A more comprehensive list is given by stating the aspects of sound: pitch, timbre, loudness, and duration. Common terms used to discuss particular pieces include melody, which is a succession of notes heard as some sort of unit; chord, which is a simultaneity of notes heard as some sort of unit; chord progression, which is a succession of chords (simultaneity succession); harmony, which is the relationship between two or more pitches; counterpoint, which is the simultaneity and organization of different melodies; and rhythm, which is the organization of the durational aspects of music