37 research outputs found

    Heterogeneous Self-Reconfiguring Robotics

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    Self-reconfiguring (SR) robots are modular systems that can autonomously change shape, or reconfigure, for increased versatility and adaptability in unknown environments. In this thesis, we investigate planning and control for systems of non-identical modules, known as heterogeneous SR robots. Although previous approaches rely on module homogeneity as a critical property, we show that the planning complexity of fundamental algorithmic problems in the heterogeneous case is equivalent to that of systems with identical modules. Primarily, we study the problem of how to plan shape changes while considering the placement of specific modules within the structure. We characterize this key challenge in terms of the amount of free space available to the robot and develop a series of decentralized reconfiguration planning algorithms that assume progressively more severe free space constraints and support reconfiguration among obstacles. In addition, we compose our basic planning techniques in different ways to address problems in the related task domains of positioning modules according to function, locomotion among obstacles, self-repair, and recognizing the achievement of distributed goal-states. We also describe the design of a novel simulation environment, implementation results using this simulator, and experimental results in hardware using a planar SR system called the Crystal Robot. These results encourage development of heterogeneous systems. Our algorithms enhance the versatility and adaptability of SR robots by enabling them to use functionally specialized components to match capability, in addition to shape, to the task at hand

    Contribuições para a enumeração e para a análise de mecanismos e manipuladores paralelos

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Mecânica, Florianópolis, 2010A fase de projeto conceitual demecanismos emanipuladores paralelos, i.e. estruturas cinematicas, destina-se ao desenvolvimento da concepçao da cadeia cinematica. As etapas fundamentais para o desenvolvimento da concepao da cadeia cinematica sao sintese e analise. A sintese corresponde à enumeraçao de concepcoes e a analise corresponde `a seleçao das concepçoes mais promissoras considerando os requisitos de projeto. O objetivo deste trabalho é aplicar ferramentas da teoria de grupos e teoria de grafos para a enumeraçao e para a analise de estruturas cinematicas. A enumeraçao sera desenvolvida de forma sistematica em tres niveis: enumeraçao de cadeias cinematicas, enumeraçao de mecanismos e enumeraçao de manipuladores paralelos. A aplicaçao de ferramentas da teoria de grafos e grupos permite desenvolver novos metodos para enumeraçao e, consequentemente, obter novos resultados. A analise sera simplificada considerando um novo metodo que avalia as simetrias das cadeias cinematicas. Uma cadeia cinematica é representada de forma univoca atraves de um grafo. A representaçao atraves do grafo permite a manipulaçao computacional do problema de enumeraçao de cadeias cinematicas. A aplicaçao de ferramentas integradas da teoria de grafos e teoria de grupos permite identificar as simetrias das cadeias cinematicas atraves do grupo de automorfismos do grafo e, assim, é possivel identificar quais são as possiveis escolhas de base para novos mecanismos e avaliar quais sao as possiveis escolhas de base e efetuador final para manipuladores paralelos. O primeiro nivel da sintese corresponde à enumeraçao de cadeias cinematicas com determinada mobilidade, numero de elos, numero de juntas que operam num determinado sistema de helicoides. O segundo nivel da sintese corresponde a enumeraçao de mecanismos. Um mecanismo é uma cadeia cinematica com um elo escolhido para ser a base. Assim, a enumeraçao de mecanismos consiste em determinar todas as possiveis escolhas de bases para uma determinada cadeia cinematica. O principal conceito empregado neste nivel é o de simetria de grafos não coloridos e orbitas do grupo de automorfismos. O terceiro nivel da sintese corresponde `a enumeraçao de manipuladores paralelos. Um manipulador paralelo é uma cadeia cinematica com um elo escolhido para ser a base e outro para ser o efetuador final. Em outras palavras, um manipulador paralelo é um mecanismo com um elo escolhido para ser o efetuador final. Assim, a enumeraçao de manipuladores paralelos consiste em determinar todas as possiveis escolhas de efetuador final para um determinado mecanismo. O principal conceito empregado neste nivel é a simetria de grafos coloridos e orbitas do grupo de automorfismos de grafos coloridos. Na etapa de analise das concepcoes enumeradas serao abordadas propriedades bem estabelecidas na literatura: mobilidade, variedade, conectividade, grau de controle, redundancia e simetria. Mobilidade e variedade sao propriedades globais das estruturas cinematicas. Conectividade, grau de controle e redundancia sao propriedades locais, i.e. entre dois elos da estrutura cinematica e sao dadas por matrizes n×n, onde n é o número de elos da cadeia. A simetria pode ser considerada uma propriedade global e/ou local da estrutura cinem´atica. A aplicaçao de ferramentas integradas da teoria de grafos e teoria de grupos permite demonstrar que as propriedades locais sao invariantes pela acao do grupo de automorfismos do grafo, i.e. elas sao propriedades simetricas. Desta forma, a representaçao matricial é reduzida de n×n para o×n, onde o é o numero de orbitas do grupo de automorfismos do grafo aassociado à estrutura cinematica. Essa abordagem permite simplificar a analise de estruturas cinematicas apenas considerando as simetrias das cadeia associadas

    Motion planning for self-reconfiguring robotic systems

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    Robots that can actively change morphology offer many advantages over fixed shape, or monolithic, robots: flexibility, increased maneuverability and modularity. So called self-reconfiguring systems (SRS) are endowed with a shape changing ability enabled by an active connection mechanism. This mechanism allows a mechanical link to be engaged or disengaged between two neighboring robotic subunits. Through utilization of embedded joints to change the geometry plus the connection mechanism to change the topology of the kinematics, a collection of robotic subunits can drastically alter the overall kinematics. Thus, an SRS is a large robot comprised of many small cooperating robots that is able to change its morphology on demand. By design, such a system has many and variable degrees of freedom (DOF). To gain the benefits of self-reconfiguration, the process of morphological change needs to be controlled in response to the environment. This is a motion planning problem in a high dimensional configuration space. This problem is complex because each subunit only has a few internal DOFs, and each subunit's range of motion depends on the state of its connected neighbors. Together with the high dimensionality, the problem may initially appear to be intractable, because as the number of subunits grow, the state space expands combinatorially. However, there is hope. If individual robotic subunits are identical, then there will exist some form of regularity in the resulting state space of the conglomerate. If this regularity can be exploited, then there may exist tractable motion planning algorithms for self-reconfiguring system. Existing approaches in the literature have been successful in developing algorithms for specific SRSs. However, it is not possible to transfer one motion planning algorithm onto another system. SRSs share a similar form of regularity, so one might hope that a tool from mathematical literature would identify the common properties that are exploitable for motion planning. So, while there exists a number of algorithms for certain subsets of possible SRS instantiations, there is no general motion planning methodology applicable to all SRSs. In this thesis, firstly, the best existing general motion planning techniques were evaluated to the SRS motion planning problem. Greedy search, simulated annealing, rapidly exploring random trees and probabilistic roadmap planning were found not to scale well, requiring exponential computation time, as the number of subunits in the SRS increased. The planners performance was limited by the availability of a good general purpose heuristic. There does not currently exist a heuristic which can accurately guide a path through the search space toward a far away goal configuration. Secondly, it is shown that a computationally efficient reconfiguration algorithms do exist by development of an efficient motion planning algorithm for an exemplary SRS, the Claytronics formulation of the Hexagonal Metamorphic Robot (HMR). The developed algorithm was able to solve a randomly generated shape-to-shape planning task for the SRS in near linear time as the number of units in the configuration grew. Configurations containing 20,000 units were solvable in under ten seconds on modest computational hardware. The key to the success of the approach was discovering a subspace of the motion planning space that corresponded with configurations with high mobility. Plans could be discovered in this sub-space much more readily because the risk of the search entering a blind alley was greatly reduced. Thirdly, in order to extract general conclusions, the efficient subspace, and other efficient subspaces utilized in other works, are analyzed using graph theoretic methods. The high mobility is observable as an increase in the state space's Cheeger constant, which can be estimated with a local sampling procedure. Furthermore, state spaces associated with an efficient motion planning algorithm are well ordered by the graph minor relation. These qualitative observations are discoverable by machine without human intervention, and could be useful components in development of a general purpose SRS motion planner compiler

    Algorithmes distribués pour l'optimisation de déploiement des microrobots MEMS

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    MEMS microrobots are miniaturized elements that can capture and act on the environment. They have a small size, low memory capacity and limited energy capacity. These inexpensive devices can perform several missions and tasks in a wide range of applications such as locating odor, fighting against fires, medical service, surveillance, search, rescue and safety. To do these tasks and missions, they have to carry out protocols of redeployment to adapt to the working conditions. These algorithms should be efficient, scalable, robust and should only use local information. Redeployment for mobile MEMS microrobots currently requires a positioning system and a map (predefined positions) of the target shape. Traditional positioning solutions such as using GPS consumes a lot of energy and it is no applicable in the micro scale. Also, the use of an algorithmic solution positioning with multilateration techniques causes problems due to errors in the coordinates obtained. In the literature works, if we want a microrobots self-reconfiguring to a target shape consisting of P positions, each microrobot must have a storage capacity of at least P positions to save them. Therefore, if P equals to thousands or millions, every node must have a storage capacity of thousands or millions of positions. However, these algorithms are notscalable. In this thesis, we propose protocols of self-reconfiguration where nodes are not aware of their position in the plane and do not record the positions of the target shape. Therefore, the memory space required for each node is significantly reduced at a constant complexity. The purpose of these distributed algorithms is to optimize the logical topology of the network of mobile MEMS microrobots to seek a better complexity for message exchange and inexpensive communication.In this work, we show for the reconfiguration of a chain into a square, how to handle the dynamicity of the network to save energy, and we study how to use parallelism in motion to optimize the execution time and the number of movements. Furthermore, another solution is proposed where the initial physical topology may be any connected configuration. With thesesolutions the nodes can execute the algorithm regardless of where they are deployed, because the algorithm is independent of the map of the target shape. Furthermore, these solutions seek to achieve the shape of the target with a minimum amount of movement.Les microrobots MEMS sont des éléments miniaturisés qui peuvent capter et agir sur l'environnement. Leur taille est de l'ordre du millimètre et ils ont une faible capacité de mémoire et une capacité énergétique limitée. Les microrobots MEMS continuent d'accroître leur présence dans notre vie quotidienne. En effet, ils peuvent effectuer plusieurs missions et tâches dans une large gamme d'applications telles que la localisation d'odeur, la lutte contre les incendies, le service médical, la surveillance, le sauvetage et la sécurité. Pour faire ces taches et missions, ils doivent appliquer des protocoles de redéploiement afin de s'adapter aux conditions du travail. Ces algorithmes doivent être efficaces, évolutifs, robustes et ils doivent utiliser de préférence des informations locales. Le redéploiement pour les microrobots MEMS mobiles nécessite actuellement un système de positionnement et une carte (positions prédéfinies) de la forme cible. La solution traditionnelle de positionnement comme l'utilisation d'un GPS consommerait trop d'énergie. De plus, l'utilisation de solutions de positionnement algorithmique avec les techniques de multilatération pose toujours des problèmes à cause des erreurs dans les coordonnées obtenues.Dans la littérature, si nous voulons une auto-reconfiguration de microrobots vers une forme cible constituée de P positions, chaque microrobot doit avoir une capacité mémoire de P positions pour les sauvegarder. Par conséquent, si P est de l'ordre de milliers ou de millions, chaque noeud devra avoir une capacité de mémoire de positions en milliers ou millions. Parconséquent, ces algorithmes ne sont pas extensibles ou évolutifs. Dans cette thèse, on propose des protocoles de reconfiguration où les noeuds ne sont pas conscients de leurs positions dans le plan et n'enregistrent aucune position de la forme cible. En d'autres termes, les noeuds ne stockent pas au départ les coordonnées qui construisent la forme cible. Par conséquent, l'utilisation de mémoire pour chaque noeud est réduite à une complexité constante. L'objectif desalgorithmes distribués proposés est d'optimiser la topologie logique du réseau des microrobots afin de chercher une meilleure complexité pour l'échange de message et une communication peu coûteuse. Ces solutions sont complètement distribués. On montre pour la reconfiguration d'une chaîne à un carré comment gérer la dynamicité du réseau pour sauvegarder l'énergie, on étudie comment utiliser le parallélisme de mouvements pour optimiser le temps d'exécution et lenombre de mouvements. Ainsi, on propose une autre solution où la topologie physique initiale peut être n'importe quelle configuration initiale. Avec ces solutions, les noeuds peuvent exécuter l'algorithme indépendamment du lieu où ils sont déployés, parce que l'algorithme est indépendant de la carte de la forme cible. En outre, ces solutions cherchent à atteindre la forme de la cible avec une quantité minimale de mouvement

    Addressing Tasks Through Robot Adaptation

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    Developing flexible, broadly capable systems is essential for robots to move out of factories and into our daily lives, functioning as responsive agents that can handle whatever the world throws at them. This dissertation focuses on two kinds of robot adaptation. Modular self-reconfigurable robots (MSRR) adapt to the requirements of their task and environments by transforming themselves. By rearranging the connective structure of their component robot modules, these systems can assume different morphologies: for example, a cluster of modules might configure themselves into a car to maneuver on flat ground, a snake to climb stairs, or an arm to pick and place objects. Conversely, environment augmentation is a strategy in which the robot transforms its environment to meet its own needs, adding physical structures that allow it to overcome obstacles. In both areas, the presented work includes elements of hardware design, algorithms, and integrated systems, with the common goal of establishing these methods of adaptation as viable strategies to address tasks. The research takes a systems-level view of robotics, placing particular emphasis on experimental validation in hardware

    Heterogeneous Robot Swarm – Hardware Design and Implementation

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    Swarm robotics is one the most fascinating, new research areas in the field of robotics, and one of it's grand challenge is the design of swarm robots that are both heterogeneous and self-sufficient. This can be crucial for robots exposed to environments that are unstructured or not easily accessible for a human operator, such as a collapsed building, the deep sea, or the surface of another planet. In Swarm robotics; self-assembly, self-reconfigurability and self-replication are among the most important characteristics as they can add extra capabilities and functionality to the robots besides the robustness, flexibility and scalability. Developing a swarm robot system with heterogeneity and larger behavioral repertoire is addressed in this work. This project is a comprehensive study of the hardware architecture of the homogeneous robot swarm and several problems related to the important aspects of robot's hardware, such as: sensory units, communication among the modules, and hardware components. Most of the hardware platforms used in the swarm robot system are homogeneous and use centralized control architecture for task completion. The hardware architecture is designed and implemented for UB heterogeneous robot swarm with both decentralized and centralized control, depending on the task requirement. Each robot in the UB heterogeneous swarm is equipped with different sensors, actuators, microcontroller and communication modules, which makes them distinct from each other from a hardware point of view. The methodology provides detailed guidelines in designing and implementing the hardware architecture of the heterogeneous UB robot swarm with plug and play approach. We divided the design module into three main categories - sensory modules, locomotion and manipulation, communication and control. We conjecture that the hardware architecture of heterogeneous swarm robots implemented in this work is the most sophisticated and modular design to date

    Parallel Manipulators

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    In recent years, parallel kinematics mechanisms have attracted a lot of attention from the academic and industrial communities due to potential applications not only as robot manipulators but also as machine tools. Generally, the criteria used to compare the performance of traditional serial robots and parallel robots are the workspace, the ratio between the payload and the robot mass, accuracy, and dynamic behaviour. In addition to the reduced coupling effect between joints, parallel robots bring the benefits of much higher payload-robot mass ratios, superior accuracy and greater stiffness; qualities which lead to better dynamic performance. The main drawback with parallel robots is the relatively small workspace. A great deal of research on parallel robots has been carried out worldwide, and a large number of parallel mechanism systems have been built for various applications, such as remote handling, machine tools, medical robots, simulators, micro-robots, and humanoid robots. This book opens a window to exceptional research and development work on parallel mechanisms contributed by authors from around the world. Through this window the reader can get a good view of current parallel robot research and applications