57 research outputs found

    Mining a Small Medical Data Set by Integrating the Decision Tree and t-test

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    [[abstract]]Although several researchers have used statistical methods to prove that aspiration followed by the injection of 95% ethanol left in situ (retention) is an effective treatment for ovarian endometriomas, very few discuss the different conditions that could generate different recovery rates for the patients. Therefore, this study adopts the statistical method and decision tree techniques together to analyze the postoperative status of ovarian endometriosis patients under different conditions. Since our collected data set is small, containing only 212 records, we use all of these data as the training data. Therefore, instead of using a resultant tree to generate rules directly, we use the value of each node as a cut point to generate all possible rules from the tree first. Then, using t-test, we verify the rules to discover some useful description rules after all possible rules from the tree have been generated. Experimental results show that our approach can find some new interesting knowledge about recurrent ovarian endometriomas under different conditions.[[journaltype]]國外[[incitationindex]]EI[[booktype]]紙本[[countrycodes]]FI

    A novel graph-based method for targeted ligand-protein fitting

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    A thesis submitted to the Faculty of Creative Arts, Technologies & Science, University of Bedfordshire, in partial & fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Philosophy.The determination of protein binding sites and ligand -protein fitting are key to understanding the functionality of proteins, from revealing which ligand classes can bind or the optimal ligand for a given protein, such as protein/ drug interactions. There is a need for novel generic computational approaches for representation of protein-ligand interactions and the subsequent prediction of hitherto unknown interactions in proteins where the ligand binding sites are experimentally uncharacterised. The TMSite algorithms read in existing PDB structural data and isolate binding sites regions and identifies conserved features in functionally related proteins (proteins that bind the same ligand). The Boundary Cubes method for surface representation was applied to the modified PDB file allowing the creation of graphs for proteins and ligands that could be compared and caused no loss of geometric data. A method is included for describing binding site features of individual ligands conserved in terms of spatial relationships allowed identification of 3D motifs, named fingerprints, which could be searched for in other protein structures. This method combine with a modification of the pocket algorithm allows reduced search areas for graph matching. The methods allow isolation of the binding site from a complexed protein PDB file, identification of conserved features among the binding sites of individual ligand types, and search for these features in sequence data. In terms of spatial conservation create a fingerprint ofthe binding site that can be sought in other proteins of/mown structure, identifYing putative binding sites. The approach offers a novel and generic method for the identification of putative ligand binding sites for proteins for which there is no prior detailed structural characterisation of protein/ ligand interactions. It is unique in being able to convert PDB data into graphs, ready for comparison and thus fitting of ligand to protein with consideration of chemical charge and in the future other chemica! properties

    Crowd-supervised training of spoken language systems

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2012.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 155-166).Spoken language systems are often deployed with static speech recognizers. Only rarely are parameters in the underlying language, lexical, or acoustic models updated on-the-fly. In the few instances where parameters are learned in an online fashion, developers traditionally resort to unsupervised training techniques, which are known to be inferior to their supervised counterparts. These realities make the development of spoken language interfaces a difficult and somewhat ad-hoc engineering task, since models for each new domain must be built from scratch or adapted from a previous domain. This thesis explores an alternative approach that makes use of human computation to provide crowd-supervised training for spoken language systems. We explore human-in-the-loop algorithms that leverage the collective intelligence of crowds of non-expert individuals to provide valuable training data at a very low cost for actively deployed spoken language systems. We also show that in some domains the crowd can be incentivized to provide training data for free, as a byproduct of interacting with the system itself. Through the automation of crowdsourcing tasks, we construct and demonstrate organic spoken language systems that grow and improve without the aid of an expert. Techniques that rely on collecting data remotely from non-expert users, however, are subject to the problem of noise. This noise can sometimes be heard in audio collected from poor microphones or muddled acoustic environments. Alternatively, noise can take the form of corrupt data from a worker trying to game the system - for example, a paid worker tasked with transcribing audio may leave transcripts blank in hopes of receiving a speedy payment. We develop strategies to mitigate the effects of noise in crowd-collected data and analyze their efficacy. This research spans a number of different application domains of widely-deployed spoken language interfaces, but maintains the common thread of improving the speech recognizer's underlying models with crowd-supervised training algorithms. We experiment with three central components of a speech recognizer: the language model, the lexicon, and the acoustic model. For each component, we demonstrate the utility of a crowd-supervised training framework. For the language model and lexicon, we explicitly show that this framework can be used hands-free, in two organic spoken language systems.by Ian C. McGraw.Ph.D

    Policy-Driven Adaptive Protection Systems.

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    PhDThe increasing number and complexity of security attacks on IT infrastructure demands for the development of protection systems capable of dealing with the security challenges of today’s highly dynamic environments. Several converging trends including mobilisation, externalisation and collaboration, virtualisation, and cloud computing are challenging traditional silo approaches to providing security. IT security policies should be considered as being inherently dynamic and flexible enough to trigger decisions efficiently and effectively taking into account not only the current execution environment of a protection system and its runtime contextual factors, but also dynamically changing the security requirements introduced by external entities in the operational environment. This research is motivated by the increasing need for security systems capable of supporting security decisions in dynamic operational environments and advocates for a policy-driven adaptive security approach. The first main contribution of this thesis is to articulate the property of specialisation in adaptive software systems and propose a novel methodological framework for the realisation of policy-driven adaptive systems capable of specialisation via adaptive policy transformation. Furthermore, this thesis proposes three distinctive novel protection mechanisms, all three mechanisms exhibit adaptation via specialisation, but each one presenting its own research novelty in its respective field. They are: 1. A Secure Execution Context Enforcement based on Activity Detection; 2. Privacy and Security Requirements Enforcement Framework in Internet-Centric Services; 3. A Context-Aware Multifactor Authentication Scheme Based On Dynamic Pin. 3 Along with a comprehensive study of the state of the art in policy based adaptive systems and a comparative analysis of those against the main objectives of the framework this thesis proposes, these three protection mechanisms serve as a foundation and experimental work from which core characteristics, methods, components, and other elements are analysed in detail towards the investigation and the proposition of the methodological framework presented in this thesis

    A design proposal of an online corpus-driven dictionary of Portuguese for University Students

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    University students are expected to read and write academic texts as part of typical literacy practices in higher education settings. Hyland (2009, p. viii-ix) states that meeting these literacy demands involves “learning to use language in new ways”. In order to support the mastery of written academic Portuguese, the primary aim of this PhD research was to propose a design of an online corpus-driven dictionary of Portuguese for university students (DOPU) attending Portuguese-medium institutions, speakers of Brazilian Portuguese (BP) and European Portuguese (EP), either as a mother tongue or as an additional language. The semi-automated approach to dictionary-making (Gantar et al., 2016), which is the latest method for dictionary compilation and had never been employed for Portuguese, was tested as a means of provision of lexical content that would serve as a basis for compiling entries of DOPU. It consists of automatic extraction of data from the corpus and import into dictionary writing system, where lexicographers then analyse, validate and edit the information. Thus, evaluation of this method for designing DOPU was a secondary goal of this research. The procedure was performed on the Sketch Engine (Kilgarriff et al., 2004) corpus tool and the dictionary writing system used was iLex (Erlandsen, 2010). A number of new resources and tools were created especially for the extraction, given the unsuitability of the existing ones. These were: a 40 million-word corpus of academic texts (CoPEP), balanced between BP and EP and covering six areas of knowledge, a sketch grammar, and GDEX configurations for academic Portuguese. Evaluation of the adoption of the semi-automated approach in the context of the DOPU design indicated that although further development of these brand-new resources and tools, as well as the procedure itself, would greatly contribute to increasing the quality of DOPU’s lexical content, the extracted data can already be used as a basis for entry writing. The positive results of the experiment also suggest that this approach should be highly beneficial to other lexicographic projects of Portuguese as well.No ensino superior, espera-se que estudantes participem, em maior ou menor extensão, em atividades de leitura e escrita de textos que tipicamente circulam no contexto universitário, como artigos, livros, exames, ensaios, monografias, projetos, trabalhos de conclusão de curso, dissertações, teses, entre outros. Contudo, essas práticas costumam se apresentar como verdadeiros desafios aos alunos, que não estão familiarizados com esses novos gêneros discursivos. Conforme Hyland (2009, p. viii-ix), a condição para se ter sucesso nessas práticas é “aprender a usar a língua de novas maneiras”. A linguagem acadêmica é objeto de pesquisa há muitos anos, sendo especialmente desenvolvida no âmbito da língua inglesa. Se por um lado, durante um longo período todas as atenções estavam voltadas para o English for Academic Purposes (EAP) (inglês para fins acadêmicos), tendo em vista o incomparável apelo comercial dessa área, mais recentemente tem-se entendido que falantes de inglês como língua materna também precisam aprender inglês acadêmico, pois, como dito acima, trata-se de uma nova maneira de usar a língua, que os estudantes universitários desconhecem. Nesse sentido, é natural que a grande maioria de matérias pedagógicos como livros, manuais, gramáticas, listas de palavras e dicionários, por exemplo, sejam produzidos para o contexto de uso da língua inglesa. Assim como o inglês e tantas outras línguas, o português também é usado em universidades como língua na e pela qual se constrói conhecimento. Aliás, nos últimos 15 anos, temos vivenciado um fenômeno de expansão do acesso ao ensino universitário no Brasil, paralelamente a um grande aumento da presença de alunos estrangeiros fazendo ensino superior no Brasil e em Portugal, o que reforça a natureza do português como língua de construção e difusão científica. É de se saudar os esforços e as medidas de política linguística da Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa (CPLP) para apoiar e fomentar o português como língua da ciência. Apesar dessa clara importância do português acadêmico, sabemos que sua presença como objeto de estudo de uma área específica ainda é bastante restrita. Tem-se observado algum crescimento no que diz respeito à abordagem discursiva da linguagem acadêmica; contudo, descrições ao nível léxico-gramatical ainda são bastante escassas. Em especial, no que concerne recursos lexicográficos como auxiliares pedagógicos, a existência de um dicionário de português acadêmico especialmente criado para atender as necessidades de estudantes universitários é desconhecida. Nesse sentido, tendo em vista a demanda apresentada acima e a lacuna nos estudos atuais, a presente pesquisa de doutorado buscou colaborar tanto com o campo dos recursos ao ensino de português acadêmico quanto com o de elaboração de recursos lexicográficos através da proposta de desenho de um dicionário online corpus-driven de português para estudantes universitários (DOPU). Baseando-se em uma perspectiva de português como língua pluricêntrica, este dicionário contempla as variedades português brasileiro (PB) e europeu (PE). Além disso, o público-alvo se constitui por falantes de português como língua materna e como língua adicional. Para a construção do desenho, adotou-se a mais moderna abordagem de compilação de dicionários atualmente existente, qual seja, a semi-automated approach to dictionary-making (Gantar et al., 2016). Esse método consiste na extração automática de dados de um corpus e importação para um sistema de escrita de dicionários, no qual lexicógrafos analisam, editam e validam as informações que foram automaticamente pré-organizadas nos campos da entrada conforme definições previamente estabelecidas. Esta abordagem é revolucionária no sentido em que o ponto de partida da análise lexical do corpus não mais se dá na ferramenta de análise de corpus, mas sim diretamente no sistema de escrita de dicionários. Experimentar essa abordagem no desenvolvimento do desenho do DOPU constitui-se em um objetivo secundário desta pesquisa de doutorado, uma vez que tal método nunca foi aplicado para a construção de dicionários de português. Os programas utilizados para a aplicação do procedimento de extração foram o Sketch Engine (SkE) (Kilgarriff et al., 2004), provavelmente a mais sofisticada ferramenta de criação, análise e manutenção de corpus da atualidade, e o iLex (Erlandsen, 2010), um sistema de escrita de dicionários bastante flexível e com alta capacidade de processamento de dados. Para a implementação da abordagem, são necessários: um corpus anotado com classes de palavra; uma sketch grammar (trata-se de um arquivo com relações gramaticais e diretivas de processamento para o sistema do SkE computar diferentes tipos de relações através de cálculos estáticos); uma configuração de GDEX, isto é, Good Dictionary Examples – bons exemplos para dicionários (trata-se de uma configuração com classificadores para avaliar frases e atribuir pontuações conforme os critérios estabelecidos); e definições de parâmetros (frequência mínima dos colocados e das relações gramaticais). Tendo em vista a inadequação de corpora de português, bem como da sketch grammar e do GDEX existentes para o português, em função do propósito dessa extração de dados, qual seja, a compilação de entradas para o DOPU, foi necessário elaborar novos recursos. Foi compilado o Corpus de Português Escrito em Periódicos (CoPEP), com 40 milhões de palavras, equilibrado entre as variedades PB e PE, e que cobre seis áreas de conhecimento. Os metadados do corpus foram detalhadamente anotados, permitindo fazer pesquisas avançadas. É o primeiro corpus internacional de português acadêmico de que temos notícia. De forma a padronizar a análise lexical e diminuir desequilíbrios na contagem estatística, o CoPEP foi pós-processado com o conversor Lince de forma a atualizar as ortografias de cada variedade conforme a determinação do Acordo Ortográfico da Língua Portuguesa, de 1990. Uma sketch grammar foi especialmente elaborada para o CoPEP, e, nesse sentido, pode ser aplicada a outros corpora de português anotados pelo mesmo anotador. Optou-se por usar o anotador oferecido por padrão no SkE, qual seja, o Freeling v3. Criou-se uma sketch grammar com mais e mais precisas relações gramaticais do que aquela oferecida por padrão pelo SkE. Assim, usuários trabalhando com corpora de português anotados com Freeling no SkE poderão usar a minha versão, que já está disponível no Sketch Engine. Uma configuração de GDEX havia sido produzida para fornecer exemplos para a compilação do Oxford Portuguese Dicionary (2015). No entanto, por ser bastante geral, elaborada para um corpus Web e por buscar selecionar exemplos para um dicionário bilíngue português-inglês/inglês-português, julgou-se mais apropriado criar uma configuração completamente nova. Assim, desenvolvi tal recurso, tendo em vista as características de uso da língua como apresentadas no CoPEP e o perfil do usuário do DOPU. O procedimento de extração automática de dados do CoPEP e importação para o iLex tomou como base o procedimento usado para a criação de dicionários de esloveno (criadores desse método), fazendo-se adaptações. Acrescentaram-se dois elementos ao processo de extração: o longest-commonest match (LCM), que mostra a realização mais comum do par keyword e colocado, ajudando a entender o uso mais típico das colocações; e sugestões para atribuição de etiquetas com variedade típica, tanto para a keyword quanto para o colocado. A avaliação do processo de escrita de entradas-piloto indicou que o método de extração de dados do CoPEP e importação para o iLex foi extremamente positivo, dado que a análise lexical pôde ser bastante sofisticada sem demandar o tempo rotineiro necessário quando se parte das linhas de concordância para elaboração de entradas. Alguns dados que nesta pesquisa não foram extraídos automaticamente e que tiveram que ser analisados manualmente na ferramenta de corpus poderão ser incluídos numa próxima versão do procedimento. Análise do processo de criação dos recursos necessários indicou que aprimoramentos podem ser feitos, assim aumentando a acurácia da extração. Espera-se que o desenho de dicionário online corpus-driven de português para estudantes universitários proposto por esta pesquisa de doutorado sirva como base para o desenvolvimento de outras pesquisas relacionadas de forma que a sustentar a elaboração do DOPU

    Computer-Assisted Interactive Documentary and Performance Arts in Illimitable Space

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    This major component of the research described in this thesis is 3D computer graphics, specifically the realistic physics-based softbody simulation and haptic responsive environments. Minor components include advanced human-computer interaction environments, non-linear documentary storytelling, and theatre performance. The journey of this research has been unusual because it requires a researcher with solid knowledge and background in multiple disciplines; who also has to be creative and sensitive in order to combine the possible areas into a new research direction. [...] It focuses on the advanced computer graphics and emerges from experimental cinematic works and theatrical artistic practices. Some development content and installations are completed to prove and evaluate the described concepts and to be convincing. [...] To summarize, the resulting work involves not only artistic creativity, but solving or combining technological hurdles in motion tracking, pattern recognition, force feedback control, etc., with the available documentary footage on film, video, or images, and text via a variety of devices [....] and programming, and installing all the needed interfaces such that it all works in real-time. Thus, the contribution to the knowledge advancement is in solving these interfacing problems and the real-time aspects of the interaction that have uses in film industry, fashion industry, new age interactive theatre, computer games, and web-based technologies and services for entertainment and education. It also includes building up on this experience to integrate Kinect- and haptic-based interaction, artistic scenery rendering, and other forms of control. This research work connects all the research disciplines, seemingly disjoint fields of research, such as computer graphics, documentary film, interactive media, and theatre performance together.Comment: PhD thesis copy; 272 pages, 83 figures, 6 algorithm

    A speaker classification framework for non-intrusive user modeling : speech-based personalization of in-car services

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    Speaker Classification, i.e. the automatic detection of certain characteristics of a person based on his or her voice, has a variety of applications in modern computer technology and artificial intelligence: As a non-intrusive source for user modeling, it can be employed for personalization of human-machine interfaces in numerous domains. This dissertation presents a principled approach to the design of a novel Speaker Classification system for automatic age and gender recognition which meets these demands. Based on literature studies, methods and concepts dealing with the underlying pattern recognition task are developed. The final system consists of an incremental GMM-SVM supervector architecture with several optimizations. An extensive data-driven experiment series explores the parameter space and serves as evaluation of the component. Further experiments investigate the language-independence of the approach. As an essential part of this thesis, a framework is developed that implements all tasks associated with the design and evaluation of Speaker Classification in an integrated development environment that is able to generate efficient runtime modules for multiple platforms. Applications from the automotive field and other domains demonstrate the practical benefit of the technology for personalization, e.g. by increasing local danger warning lead time for elderly drivers.Die Sprecherklassifikation, also die automatische Erkennung bestimmter Merkmale einer Person anhand ihrer Stimme, besitzt eine Vielzahl von Anwendungsmöglichkeiten in der modernen Computertechnik und Künstlichen Intelligenz: Als nicht-intrusive Wissensquelle für die Benutzermodellierung kann sie zur Personalisierung in vielen Bereichen eingesetzt werden. In dieser Dissertation wird ein fundierter Ansatz zum Entwurf eines neuartigen Sprecherklassifikationssystems zur automatischen Bestimmung von Alter und Geschlecht vorgestellt, welches diese Anforderungen erfüllt. Ausgehend von Literaturstudien werden Konzepte und Methoden zur Behandlung des zugrunde liegenden Mustererkennungsproblems entwickelt, welche zu einer inkrementell arbeitenden GMM-SVM-Supervector-Architektur mit diversen Optimierungen führen. Eine umfassende datengetriebene Experimentalreihe dient der Erforschung des Parameterraumes und zur Evaluierung der Komponente. Weitere Studien untersuchen die Sprachunabhängigkeit des Ansatzes. Als wesentlicher Bestandteil der Arbeit wird ein Framework entwickelt, das alle im Zusammenhang mit Entwurf und Evaluierung von Sprecherklassifikation anfallenden Aufgaben in einer integrierten Entwicklungsumgebung implementiert, welche effiziente Laufzeitmodule für verschiedene Plattformen erzeugen kann. Anwendungen aus dem Automobilbereich und weiteren Domänen demonstrieren den praktischen Nutzen der Technologie zur Personalisierung, z.B. indem die Vorlaufzeit von lokalen Gefahrenwarnungen für ältere Fahrer erhöht wird

    The First 25 Years of the Bled eConference: Themes and Impacts

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    The Bled eConference is the longest-running themed conference associated with the Information Systems discipline. The focus throughout its first quarter-century has been the application of electronic tools, migrating progressively from Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) via Inter-Organisational Systems (IOS) and eCommerce to encompass all aspects of the use of networking facilities in industry and government, and more recently by individuals, groups and society as a whole. This paper reports on an examination of the conference titles and of the titles and abstracts of the 773 refereed papers published in the Proceedings since 1995. This identified a long and strong focus on categories of electronic business and corporate perspectives, which has broadened in recent years to encompass the democratic, the social and the personal. The conference\u27s extend well beyond the papers and their thousands of citations and tens of thousands of downloads. Other impacts have included innovative forms of support for the development of large numbers of graduate students, and the many international research collaborations that have been conceived and developed in a beautiful lake-side setting in Slovenia

    K + K = 120 : Papers dedicated to László Kálmán and András Kornai on the occasion of their 60th birthdays

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