513 research outputs found

    Dendrobium Flower Color: Histology and Genetic Manipulation

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    Dendrobium is the most important cut flower orchid in the world. Understanding the chemical, histological and molecular aspects of flower color is crucial for the development of breeding strategies for novel colors. The objectives of this research were to examine the histology of flower color, cloning and characterization of flavonoid biosynthetic genes, and metabolic engineering of Dendrobium flavonoid pathway to obtain new colors. In Dendrobium, anthocyanins can be confined to a single layer of cells (epidermal or suepidermal) in pale flowers. More intensely colored flowers had anthocyanin in several cell layers. Striped patterns on the perianth were due to the restriction of pigment to cells surrounding the vascular bundles. Color perception is markedly influenced by the presence or absence of carotenoids. Four types of epidermal cells were found in Dendrobium: flat, dome, elongated dome, and papillate. Epidermal cell shape and cell packing in the mesophyll affected the visual texture. Perianth parts with flat cells and a tightly packed mesophyll had a glossy texture, whereas dome cells and loosely packed mesophyll contributed a velvety texture. The labella in the majority of flowers examined had a complex epidermis with more than one epidermal cell shape, predominantly papillate epidermal cells. We were able to isolate a full clone of Dendrobium dihydroflavonol 4-reductase (dfr), and partial clones of chalcone synthase (chs), flavonoid 3'- hydroxylase (J3'h) and flavonoid 3', 5'-hydroxylase (f3'5'h), from Dendrobium Jaquelyn Thomas ‘Uniwai Prince’ (UH503). Expression data indicated that dfr and chs were expressed to the greatest degree in unopened buds. Amount of f3'h and f3’5'h mRNA was too small to detect. Southern analysis has shown that f3'h and f3'5’h is represented by 2 copies each in UH503. These clones will be extremely useful in future for flower color manipulation. Two different color genes, dfr and f3'5'h from two non-orchid plants, under the constitutive promoter ubiquitin3, were inserted into Dendrobium Icy Pink ‘Sakura’ with the intention of creating orange-red and blue shades, which are absent in commercial Dendrobium. Presence of the transgene in two sets of transformants was confirmed by PCR. Expression of the transgene from a few plants was indicated by RT-PCR and northern analyses

    Surface Modification and Functionalization of Colloidal Nanoparticles

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    Den Schwerpunkt dieser Dissertation stellt die Synthese multifunktionaler Nanopartikel, sowie deren OberflĂ€chen-Modifikation und –Funktionalisierung fĂŒr biologische Anwendungen dar. Kolloidale Nanopartikel haben gemeinsame, grĂ¶ĂŸenabhĂ€ngige physikalische und chemische Eigenschaften inne, die in einer Weise kontrollierbar sind, wie es fĂŒr makroskopische Festkörper nicht möglich ist. Multimodale, molekulare Bildgebung ist die synergetische Kombination aus zwei oder mehr Detektionstechniken, ermöglicht durch multimodale Objekte und Bildgebungsverfahren und gewĂ€hrleistet eine verbesserte Visualisierung biologischer Materialien. Einige Prototypen, die auf multimodalen Nanopartikeln basieren, sind entwickelt worden. Kolloidale Nanopartikel,aufgebaut aus einem anorganischen Kern und einer PolymerhĂŒlle wurden synthetisiert. Sowohl der Kern als auch die PolymerhĂŒlle können je nach ZweckmĂ€ĂŸigkeit fĂŒr die Bildgebung/Detektion fluoreszent, magnetisch oder radioaktiv sein. Das Polymer enthĂ€lt Carboxygruppen, die die Partikel durch elektrostatische Repulsion stabilisieren und darĂŒber hinaus als Bindungsstellen fĂŒr weitere chemische Funktionalisierungen zur VerfĂŒgung stehen. Hydrophobe Nanopartikel (CdSe/ZnS, Fe2O3 oder Gold-198) wurden anhand unterschiedlich modifizierter Polymere (mit Gadolinium, organischen Fluorophoren oder Indium-111) in eine wĂ€ssrige Phase ĂŒberfĂŒhrt. Zur Untersuchung nanopartikel-basierter Sensoren wurde eine FRET-Struktur eingefĂŒhrt, in der ein organischer Farbstoff (ATTO-590) als Akzeptor direkt in die PolymerhĂŒlle eingebettet wurde, die die kolloidale StabilitĂ€t der als Donor fungierenden CdSe/ZnS Quantenpunkte generierte. Zur Detektion von Protonen wurden sowohl negativ als auch positiv geladene Goldnanopartikel mit einem ionensensitiven Farbstoff (SNARF) modifiziert. Es wurde außerdem demonstriert, dass das Sensor-Signal nicht durch die reale Konzentration, sondern die lokale Konzentration, in der „nano“-Umgebung der PartikeloberflĂ€che generiert wird. DarĂŒber hinaus wurde in einer kollaborativen Arbeit demonstriert, dass Nanopartikel-Kerne kombiniert mit PolymerhĂŒllen fĂŒr die Induktion von ZellschĂ€digungen verantwortlich sind, nicht jedoch die HĂŒllen allein. Es wurde festgestellt, dass das Aufnahmeverhalten und die zellulĂ€r unfreundlichen Effekte von der Dauer der Aussetzung, vom Zelltyp und der Zellkultur abhĂ€ngen. Außerdem wurden Goldnanopartikel mit und ohne PEG-Modifizierung in der „rainbow trout gill“ Zelllinie RTGill-W untersucht, wobei Goldnanopartikel mit PEG-Modifizierung eine geringere ToxizitĂ€t auf die Alge als nicht PEG-modifizierte Partikel zeigten

    Targeting p53 and its domains for cancer gene therapy

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    Der Tumorsuppressor p53 ist eines der am hĂ€ufigsten mutierten Proteine in humanen Krebsarten und wird daher umfassend fĂŒr seinen Nutzen in der Krebstherapie erforscht. Dies fĂŒhrte in China zur MarkteinfĂŒhrung von Wildtyp-p53 zur Therapie von Kopf-Hals-Karzinomen. p53 fungiert in der Zelle hauptsĂ€chlich als Transkriptionsfaktor und stimuliert eine Vielzahl von Genen, die im intrinsischen und extrinsischen Apoptosemechanismus involviert sind. In Krebszellen treten Mutationen normalerweise in der DNA-BindungsdomĂ€ne von p53 auf, wohingegen die TetramerizationsdomĂ€ne (TD) des Tumorsuppressors intakt bleibt. Dies fĂŒhrt intrazellular zur Bildung von Heterotetrameren von Wildtyp-p53 und seiner mutierten Form, was die TranskriptionsaktivitĂ€t erheblich beeintrĂ€chtigt und einen dominant negativen Effekt ergibt. WĂ€hrend transkriptionell aktives p53 als Gentherapeutikum genutzt wird, ist das therapeutische Potential fĂŒr den Einsatz von mitochondrialem p53 noch nicht vollstĂ€ndig ermittelt. Wenn p53 zum Mitochondrium getargeted wird, interagiert es mit pro- und anti-apoptotischen Proteinen, die sich in der mitochondrialen AuÎČenmembran befinden. FĂŒr diese Interaktion reicht die monomere Form von p53 aus, was bedeutet, dass es nicht durch mutiertes p53 inaktiviert werden kann. In dieser Arbeit wurde die Funktion von mitochondrialem p53 charakterisiert, indem es zu verschiedenen mitochondrialen Kompartimenten getargeted wurde: der mitochondrialen AuÎČenmembran, der Innenmembran und der Matrix. Es konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass mitochondriale Targeting Sequenzen (MTS) in der mitochondrialen AuÎČenmembran optimal fĂŒr eine p53-spezifische Aktivierung geeignet sind. Auch konnte gezeigt werden, dass als minimalste DomĂ€ne von p53 die DNA-BindungsdomĂ€ne (DBD) ausreicht, um Apoptose zu induzieren. Weitere Untersuchungen haben ergeben, dass das Vereinigen von p53 oder nur seiner DBD mit der MTS von Bcl-XL, eine Bcl-XL spezifische Apoptose hervorruft, wĂ€hrend eine Vereinigung der Segmente mit Bak auf p53/Bak spezifische Apoptose zurĂŒckzufĂŒhren ist. Dies hebt hervor, dass mitochondriales Targeting von p53 stark von der benutzten MTS abhĂ€ngig ist. AuÎČerdem haben in vitro-Studien gezeigt, dass die Bindung von p53 oder DBD an die MTS von Bcl-XL eine dominant negative Inhibition ĂŒberwinden kann, aber auÎČerstande ist dominant negative MDA-MB-468 Tumore in einem orthotopischen Maus-Tumor-Model fĂŒr das gewĂ€hlte Dosisschema zu reduzieren. Die Thematik dieser Dissertation war die Entwicklung Apoptose-induzierender Proteine basierend auf p53 und seinen BindungsdomĂ€nen, um eine modifizierte Version von p53 zu generieren. Der Schwerpunkt lag sowohl auf der Optimierung eines mitochondrial getargeten p53 fĂŒr mögliche Krebstherapien als auch in der Neugestaltung der TD von p53, um den dominant negativen Effekt der TranskriptionsaktivitĂ€t zu ĂŒberwinden. DafĂŒr wurde die OligomerizationsdomĂ€ne von p53 mit der Coiled-Coil (CC) DomĂ€ne von BCR ersetzt, damit der dominant negative Effekt von mutiertem p53 ausgeschaltet wird. Experimente zeigen, dass das chimĂ€re p53 (p53-CC) in den Nukleus transloziert, Gene transaktiviert und Apoptose in Ă€hnlicher Form wie Wildtyp-p53 auslöst. In vitro- und in vivo-Studien haben gezeigt, dass im Gegensatz zu Wildtyp-p53, das neu generierte p53-CC nicht mit endogen mutiertem p53 interagiert und seine apoptotische AktivitĂ€t in Krebszellen, die dominant negatives mutiertes p53 enthalten, beibehĂ€lt. Zusammenfassend liegt der Forschungsschwerpunkt dieser Dissertation in der Entwicklung neuartiger p53-Gentherapeutika, die das Potential haben derzeitige EinschrĂ€nkungen einer Wildtyp-p53 Therapie zu ĂŒberwinden


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    Anaplasma phagocytophilum is an obligatory intracellular bacterium that infects neutrophils to cause human granulocytic anaplasmosis. Sialyl Lewis x (sLex)-modified P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 (PSGL-1) is the confirmed receptor utilized by A. phagocytophilum to bind and invade human neutrophils and myeloid cell lines. As an obligate intracellular pathogen, the binding of A. phagocytophilum to a host cell receptor is a prerequisite step for entry and replication, and thus its survival. However, the bacterial adhesins mediating this process have yet to be identified. In this study, we sought to identify surface proteins of A. phagocytophilum as putative adhesins. A. phagocytophilum undergoes a biphasic developmental cycle, transitioning between a smaller electron dense-cored cell (DC), which has a dense nucleoid, and a larger, pleomorphic electron lucent reticulate cell (RC), which has a dispersed nucleoid. We determined that the respective roles of the A. phagocytophilum DCs and RCs are adherence/infection and vacuolar replication, respectively, which is a finding that is consistent with the life cycles of other obligate intravacuolar pathogens that undergo biphasic development. Most importantly, we demonstrated the A. phagocytophilum DC is responsible for recognizing human PSGL-1. To identify surface proteins as putative adhesins we tested a variety of approaches. Three different computer prediction programs were compared, resulting in identification of 16 to 130 potential membrane proteins. As a more direct means to identify A. phagocytophilum surface proteins as PSGL-1 adhesins, several affinity capture approaches were tested. We used commercially available recombinant human PSGL-1 (rhPSGL-1) to try and capture adhesins by crosslinking and affinity purification. We were unsuccessful, but nevertheless gained insight into the binding properties of A. phagocytophilum. We next chose to take a broader approach to identify outer membrane proteins of the adherent DC by biotinylation. In the process we developed new density-gradient centrifugation approaches which successfully purified an RC-enriched population as well as a mixed population of RC and DC organisms. Results from this work demonstrate that A. phagocytophilum DC organisms are responsible for binding PSGL-1. Additionally, the results obtained thus far of gradient-purified bacteria will serve as a foundation for future experiments in identifying surface and developmental form specific proteins

    ADC 11(4)

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    Article Abstrac

    Developing the Yeast Disaggregase Hsp104 as a Treatment for Polyglutamine Disease in Drosophila

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    There is currently no cure for neurodegenerative disease or the underlying burden of protein aggregation that is associated with symptom development. A novel approach to combat this accumulation of misfolded protein species is surprisingly found in a protein disaggregase in yeast, the heat shock protein Hsp104. To investigate whether Hsp104 can be introduced into an animal system and harnessed to attack disease-associated protein inclusions, we created a transgenic Drosophila model expressing Hsp104 and investigated whether this would mitigate toxicity and alter the load of protein accumulations. We found that Hsp104 indeed suppressed toxicity of a disease-associated protein fragment containing an expanded polyglutamine tract. However, we found that Hsp104 worsened toxicity of the full-length pathogenic polyglutamine protein, and this coincided with increased accumulation of amyloid inclusions. This aberrant activity of Hsp104 depended on intact domains in the non-polyglutamine stretches of the protein, and this negative interaction could be prevented by mutation to these neighboring domains. These results indicate that knowing the precise protein state of a disease environment is critical in evaluating potential therapeutics. Moreover, we sequentially activated Hsp104 after the onset of protein aggregation and start of tissue degeneration, to find that Hsp104, but not Hsp70, significantly suppressed progressive degeneration. Thus, the unique ability of Hsp104 to tackle pre-existing amyloid conformers may offer a novel opportunity to reverse disease progression once underway

    Modelling, Simulation and Data Analysis in Acoustical Problems

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    Modelling and simulation in acoustics is currently gaining importance. In fact, with the development and improvement of innovative computational techniques and with the growing need for predictive models, an impressive boost has been observed in several research and application areas, such as noise control, indoor acoustics, and industrial applications. This led us to the proposal of a special issue about “Modelling, Simulation and Data Analysis in Acoustical Problems”, as we believe in the importance of these topics in modern acoustics’ studies. In total, 81 papers were submitted and 33 of them were published, with an acceptance rate of 37.5%. According to the number of papers submitted, it can be affirmed that this is a trending topic in the scientific and academic community and this special issue will try to provide a future reference for the research that will be developed in coming years

    Antitumoral Properties of Natural Products

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    Cancer is one of the major causes of death worldwide. It is a multifactorial heterogeneous disease characterized by the transformation of normal cells into malignant cells, which acquire an uncontrolled growth, immortality, invasiveness, and ability to form distant metastasis. Natural bioactive molecules may interfere with these processes and inhibit the carcinogenesis process. In this book, new molecules and extracts, mainly derived from plants, have been described as being able to alter tumor cell behavior and target several abnormal molecular pathways in cancer cells. Among different cancer cells, the more studied include those derived from glioblastoma, osteosarcoma, lung, breast and gastric cancer. These natural products could be an attractive source for the development of new preventative and therapeutic agents against cancer. They may be more selective and have weaker adverse effects compared to conventional chemotherapy drugs that are actually used for cancer treatment. Clinical trials are necessary to demonstrate whether the in vitro and in vivo animal data are reproduced in humans before the application of natural products in cancer prevention and treatment

    Matrix Metalloproteinase

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    Zinc-dependent matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) belong to metzincins that comprise not only 23 human MMPs but also other metalloproteinases, such as 21 human ADAMs (a disintegrin and metalloproteinase domain) and 19 secreted ADAMTSs (a disintegrin and metalloproteinase thrombospondin domain). The many setbacks from the clinical trials of broad-spectrum MMP inhibitors for cancer indications in the late 1990s emphasized the extreme complexity of the participation of these proteolytic enzymes in biology. This editorial mini-review summarizes the Special Issue, which includes four review articles and 10 original articles that highlight the versatile roles of MMPs, ADAMs, and ADAMTSs, in normal physiology as well as in neoplastic and destructive processes in tissue. In addition, we briefly discuss the unambiguous involvement of MMPs in wound healing
