2,788 research outputs found

    Knowledge Matters: Radiology Report Generation with General and Specific Knowledge

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    Automatic radiology report generation is critical in clinics which can relieve experienced radiologists from the heavy workload and remind inexperienced radiologists of misdiagnosis or missed diagnose. Existing approaches mainly formulate radiology report generation as an image captioning task and adopt the encoder-decoder framework. However, in the medical domain, such pure data-driven approaches suffer from the following problems: 1) visual and textual bias problem; 2) lack of expert knowledge. In this paper, we propose a knowledge-enhanced radiology report generation approach introduces two types of medical knowledge: 1) General knowledge, which is input independent and provides the broad knowledge for report generation; 2) Specific knowledge, which is input dependent and provides the fine-grained knowledge for report generation. To fully utilize both the general and specific knowledge, we also propose a knowledge-enhanced multi-head attention mechanism. By merging the visual features of the radiology image with general knowledge and specific knowledge, the proposed model can improve the quality of generated reports. Experimental results on two publicly available datasets IU-Xray and MIMIC-CXR show that the proposed knowledge enhanced approach outperforms state-of-the-art image captioning based methods. Ablation studies also demonstrate that both general and specific knowledge can help to improve the performance of radiology report generation.Comment: Medical Image Analysi

    Improving sentiment analysis via sentence type classification using BiLSTM-CRF and CNN

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    Different types of sentences express sentiment in very different ways. Traditional sentence-level sentiment classification research focuses on one-technique-fits-all solution or only centers on one special type of sentences. In this paper, we propose a divide-and-conquer approach which first classifies sentences into different types, then performs sentiment analysis separately on sentences from each type. Specifically, we find that sentences tend to be more complex if they contain more sentiment targets. Thus, we propose to first apply a neural network based sequence model to classify opinionated sentences into three types according to the number of targets appeared in a sentence. Each group of sentences is then fed into a one-dimensional convolutional neural network separately for sentiment classification. Our approach has been evaluated on four sentiment classification datasets and compared with a wide range of baselines. Experimental results show that: (1) sentence type classification can improve the performance of sentence-level sentiment analysis; (2) the proposed approach achieves state-of-the-art results on several benchmarking datasets

    Combining granularity-based topic-dependent and topic-independent evidences for opinion detection

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    Fouille des opinion, une sous-discipline dans la recherche d'information (IR) et la linguistique computationnelle, fait référence aux techniques de calcul pour l'extraction, la classification, la compréhension et l'évaluation des opinions exprimées par diverses sources de nouvelles en ligne, social commentaires des médias, et tout autre contenu généré par l'utilisateur. Il est également connu par de nombreux autres termes comme trouver l'opinion, la détection d'opinion, l'analyse des sentiments, la classification sentiment, de détection de polarité, etc. Définition dans le contexte plus spécifique et plus simple, fouille des opinion est la tâche de récupération des opinions contre son besoin aussi exprimé par l'utilisateur sous la forme d'une requête. Il y a de nombreux problèmes et défis liés à l'activité fouille des opinion. Dans cette thèse, nous nous concentrons sur quelques problèmes d'analyse d'opinion. L'un des défis majeurs de fouille des opinion est de trouver des opinions concernant spécifiquement le sujet donné (requête). Un document peut contenir des informations sur de nombreux sujets à la fois et il est possible qu'elle contienne opiniâtre texte sur chacun des sujet ou sur seulement quelques-uns. Par conséquent, il devient très important de choisir les segments du document pertinentes à sujet avec leurs opinions correspondantes. Nous abordons ce problème sur deux niveaux de granularité, des phrases et des passages. Dans notre première approche de niveau de phrase, nous utilisons des relations sémantiques de WordNet pour trouver cette association entre sujet et opinion. Dans notre deuxième approche pour le niveau de passage, nous utilisons plus robuste modèle de RI i.e. la language modèle de se concentrer sur ce problème. L'idée de base derrière les deux contributions pour l'association d'opinion-sujet est que si un document contient plus segments textuels (phrases ou passages) opiniâtre et pertinentes à sujet, il est plus opiniâtre qu'un document avec moins segments textuels opiniâtre et pertinentes. La plupart des approches d'apprentissage-machine basée à fouille des opinion sont dépendants du domaine i.e. leurs performances varient d'un domaine à d'autre. D'autre part, une approche indépendant de domaine ou un sujet est plus généralisée et peut maintenir son efficacité dans différents domaines. Cependant, les approches indépendant de domaine souffrent de mauvaises performances en général. C'est un grand défi dans le domaine de fouille des opinion à développer une approche qui est plus efficace et généralisé. Nos contributions de cette thèse incluent le développement d'une approche qui utilise de simples fonctions heuristiques pour trouver des documents opiniâtre. Fouille des opinion basée entité devient très populaire parmi les chercheurs de la communauté IR. Il vise à identifier les entités pertinentes pour un sujet donné et d'en extraire les opinions qui leur sont associées à partir d'un ensemble de documents textuels. Toutefois, l'identification et la détermination de la pertinence des entités est déjà une tâche difficile. Nous proposons un système qui prend en compte à la fois l'information de l'article de nouvelles en cours ainsi que des articles antérieurs pertinents afin de détecter les entités les plus importantes dans les nouvelles actuelles. En plus de cela, nous présentons également notre cadre d'analyse d'opinion et tâches relieés. Ce cadre est basée sur les évidences contents et les évidences sociales de la blogosphère pour les tâches de trouver des opinions, de prévision et d'avis de classement multidimensionnel. Cette contribution d'prématurée pose les bases pour nos travaux futurs. L'évaluation de nos méthodes comprennent l'utilisation de TREC 2006 Blog collection et de TREC Novelty track 2004 collection. La plupart des évaluations ont été réalisées dans le cadre de TREC Blog track.Opinion mining is a sub-discipline within Information Retrieval (IR) and Computational Linguistics. It refers to the computational techniques for extracting, classifying, understanding, and assessing the opinions expressed in various online sources like news articles, social media comments, and other user-generated content. It is also known by many other terms like opinion finding, opinion detection, sentiment analysis, sentiment classification, polarity detection, etc. Defining in more specific and simpler context, opinion mining is the task of retrieving opinions on an issue as expressed by the user in the form of a query. There are many problems and challenges associated with the field of opinion mining. In this thesis, we focus on some major problems of opinion mining

    Information Outlook, March 1999

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    Volume 3, Issue 3https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_io_1999/1002/thumbnail.jp

    The multi-level governance of formulating regional brand identities: Evidence from three Mega City Regions in China

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    The emergence and expansion of clusters of large metropolitan areas also known as Mega City Regions (MCRs) is a worldwide phenomenon. In China, governmental attempts are made to develop so-called regional brand identities for them. Regional brand identities, as a subspecies of place brand identities, differ from regional identities in the sense that they are the result of conscious branding efforts on the part of public authorities rather than more historically evolved regional identities as experienced by citizens. In this study, the establishment of regional brand identities for three MCRs in China is examined, as these are constituted through and institutionally embedded in intergovernmental relations. We map the perceptions of national, provincial and municipal governments of regional brand identities based on planning documents and relevant interviews. The emergence and stabilization of the regional profiles for China's largest MCRs Pearl River Delta (PRD), Yangtze River Delta (YRD) and Jing-Jin-Ji (JJJ) are featured in their dynamic territorial boundaries, centralized institutionalization and various symbolic meanings. The national government promotes the regional brands to reinforce the strategic awareness and future direction of the region, and these profiles are diffused at the provincial and municipal level

    Recolha, extração e classificação de opiniões sobre aplicações lúdicas para saúde e bem-estar

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    Nowadays, mobile apps are part of the life of anyone who owns a smartphone. With technological evolution, new apps come with new features, which brings a greater demand from users when using an application. Moreover, at a time when health and well-being are a priority, more and more apps provide a better user experience, not only in terms of health monitoring but also a pleasant experience in terms of entertainment and well-being. However, there are still some limitations regarding user experience and usability. What can best translate user satisfaction and experience are application reviews. Therefore, to have a perception of the most relevant aspects of the current applications, a collection of reviews and respective classifications was performed. This thesis aims to develop a system that allows the presentation of the most relevant aspects of a given health and wellness application after collecting the reviews and later extracting the aspects and classifying them. In the reviews collection task, two Python libraries, one for the Google Play Store and one for the App Store, provide methods for extracting data about an application. For the extraction and classification of aspects, the LCF-ATEPC model was chosen given its performance in aspects-based sentiment analysis studies.Atualmente, as aplicações móveis fazem parte da vida de qualquer pessoa que possua um smartphone. Com a evolução tecnológica, novas aplicações surgem com novas funcionalidades, o que traz uma maior exigência por parte dos utilizadores quando usam uma aplicação. Numa altura em que a saúde e bem-estar são uma prioridade, existem cada vez mais aplicações com o intuito de providenciar uma melhor experiência ao utilizador, não só a nível de monitorização de saúde, mas também de uma experiência agradável em termos de entertenimento e bem estar. Contudo, existem ainda algumas limitações no que toca à experiência e usabilidade do utilizador. O que melhor pode traduzir a satisfação e experiência do utilizador são as reviews das aplicações. Assim sendo, para ter uma perceção dos aspetos mais relevantes das atuais aplicações, foi feita uma recolha das reviews e respetivas classificações. O objetivo desta tese consiste no desenvolvimento de um sistema que permita apresentar os aspetos mais relevantes de uma determinada aplicação de saúde e bem estar, após a recolha das reviews e posterior extração dos aspetos e classificação dos mesmos. No processo de recolha de reviews, foram usadas duas bibliotecas em Python, uma relativa à Google Play Store e outra à App Store, que providenciam métodos para extrair dados relativamente a uma aplicação. Para a extração e classificação dos aspetos, o modelo LCF-ATEPC foi o escolhido dada a sua performance em estudos de análise de sentimento baseada em aspectos.Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e Telemátic

    Entity-Oriented Search

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    This open access book covers all facets of entity-oriented search—where “search” can be interpreted in the broadest sense of information access—from a unified point of view, and provides a coherent and comprehensive overview of the state of the art. It represents the first synthesis of research in this broad and rapidly developing area. Selected topics are discussed in-depth, the goal being to establish fundamental techniques and methods as a basis for future research and development. Additional topics are treated at a survey level only, containing numerous pointers to the relevant literature. A roadmap for future research, based on open issues and challenges identified along the way, rounds out the book. The book is divided into three main parts, sandwiched between introductory and concluding chapters. The first two chapters introduce readers to the basic concepts, provide an overview of entity-oriented search tasks, and present the various types and sources of data that will be used throughout the book. Part I deals with the core task of entity ranking: given a textual query, possibly enriched with additional elements or structural hints, return a ranked list of entities. This core task is examined in a number of different variants, using both structured and unstructured data collections, and numerous query formulations. In turn, Part II is devoted to the role of entities in bridging unstructured and structured data. Part III explores how entities can enable search engines to understand the concepts, meaning, and intent behind the query that the user enters into the search box, and how they can provide rich and focused responses (as opposed to merely a list of documents)—a process known as semantic search. The final chapter concludes the book by discussing the limitations of current approaches, and suggesting directions for future research. Researchers and graduate students are the primary target audience of this book. A general background in information retrieval is sufficient to follow the material, including an understanding of basic probability and statistics concepts as well as a basic knowledge of machine learning concepts and supervised learning algorithms

    A novel gluten knowledge base of potential biomedical and health-related interactions extracted from the literature: using machine learning and graph analysis methodologies to reconstruct the bibliome

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    Background In return for their nutritional properties and broad availability, cereal crops have been associated with different alimentary disorders and symptoms, with the majority of the responsibility being attributed to gluten. Therefore, the research of gluten-related literature data continues to be produced at ever-growing rates, driven in part by the recent exploratory studies that link gluten to non-traditional diseases and the popularity of gluten-free diets, making it increasingly difficult to access and analyse practical and structured information. In this sense, the accelerated discovery of novel advances in diagnosis and treatment, as well as exploratory studies, produce a favourable scenario for disinformation and misinformation. Objectives Aligned with, the European Union strategy “Delivering on EU Food Safety and Nutrition in 2050″ which emphasizes the inextricable links between imbalanced diets, the increased exposure to unreliable sources of information and misleading information, and the increased dependency on reliable sources of information; this paper presents GlutKNOIS, a public and interactive literature-based database that reconstructs and represents the experimental biomedical knowledge extracted from the gluten-related literature. The developed platform includes different external database knowledge, bibliometrics statistics and social media discussion to propose a novel and enhanced way to search, visualise and analyse potential biomedical and health-related interactions in relation to the gluten domain. Methods For this purpose, the presented study applies a semi-supervised curation workflow that combines natural language processing techniques, machine learning algorithms, ontology-based normalization and integration approaches, named entity recognition methods, and graph knowledge reconstruction methodologies to process, classify, represent and analyse the experimental findings contained in the literature, which is also complemented by data from the social discussion. Results and conclusions In this sense, 5814 documents were manually annotated and 7424 were fully automatically processed to reconstruct the first online gluten-related knowledge database of evidenced health-related interactions that produce health or metabolic changes based on the literature. In addition, the automatic processing of the literature combined with the knowledge representation methodologies proposed has the potential to assist in the revision and analysis of years of gluten research. The reconstructed knowledge base is public and accessible at https://sing-group.org/glutknois/Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | Ref. UIDB/50006/2020Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481B-2019-032Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431G2019/06Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C 2022/03Universidade de Vigo/CISU