152,734 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Penambahan Saccharomyces Cerevisiae pada Pengolahan Tepung Berbagai Jenis Telur terhadap Mutu Tepung

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    White-egg flour is refined food product, it's make from white-egg, because oats has high price and for minimize about oats import, so making flour has combine with duck egg and chicken egg and ras chicken egg. White-egg flour has made from material local basic with 2 type egg for develop utilization egg waste and for chance to develop entrepreneurship. This research implemented at Laboratory Technology Food Medical of Polytechnic Nutrient Banjarmasin, Laboratory Microbiology and Analysis Material/Product Industry Agriculture Faculty Unlam Banjarbaru. It's call with Plan Complete Random (RAL). Observation for nutrient substance content, such as test about protein content and water content. Result about research is for analysis nutrient content give best result about the type duck egg than chicken and ras chicken egg. For analysis protein content, duck egg 86,7319%, chicken egg 86,4680%, ras chicken egg 85,5791% and for water content has the best to ras chicken egg around 8,7206% and duck egg 8,1789% and chicken egg 7,9552

    The development of egg hatching and storage machines equipped with cooling and heating systems and iot

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    The development of egg hatching and storage machines equipped with cooling and heating systems and IoT was for helping chicken breeders to address the issue of chicken production shortages. To produce large numbers of poultry production, eggs hatching is one of the major step that needs to pay attention to. There are several reasons why egg hatching process fails, such as lack of care by hen, eaten by rooster, and unsuitable hatching environment and temperature. In addition, if the eggs are not incubated within 1 week, the eggs will be damaged having producing a hatching machine and egg storage can help the chicken breeders to produce a better amount of chicken production. Internet of Things (IoT) elements such as the Arduino and Blynk are also used to make this egg hatching and storage machine attractive and to meet the needs and requirements of users. The objectives of this study were to design, develop and evaluate the functionality of egg hatching and storage machines in combination with cooling and heating systems along with IoT. Methodology is a technique and method that incorporates methods and approaches used to achieve the objectives and objectives of the study. The model used is the ADDIE model which consists of 5 phases namely Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. This product has received expert confirmation in terms of design and functionality. The results show that the egg hatching and storage machine is well developed and can attract users when using this hatching and storage machine

    The Differences in Egg Quality of White Leghorn and Naked Neck Chicken

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    Evaluation of egg quality characteristics and influencing factors are very important to note. One of the factors that affect the quality of the egg is the breed of chicken. The research objective was to compare some parameters of egg quality between White Leghorn (WL) and Naked Neck chicken. Number of eggs collected were 49 eggs from WL and 59 eggs from Naked Neck. All variable egg quality was measured using an egg multi tester EMT-5200. For egg white grading, it was used the standards of the USDA (grade AA, A, and B). The average of egg weight was significantly (P0.05) influenced by the breeds. Thickness of eggshell were significantly different (P0.05) between WL and Naked Neck chicken (0.46±0.05 vs 0.43±0.04 mm). Haugh units (HU) were significantly higher in WL (67.64±9.97) compared with Naked Neck chicken (57.62±11.69). The percentage of the characteristics of the egg white on a WL chicken more on grade A (47.68%) while the Naked Neck chicken on grade B (59.18%). More yolk color WL chicken on score 4 (52.54%) and Naked Neck chicken on score 5 (48.98%). It can be concluded that, egg weight, eggshell thickness, HU, and the percentage of egg white on WL chicken showed superior than Naked Neck chicken

    Evaluasi Sifat Produksi Telur Dan Berat Telur Ayam Lokal Nusa Tenggara Timur

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    Egg Production Character Evaluation And Heavy Local Chicken's Egg At East Nusa Tenggara. The experiment about genetic potential evaluation for the characteristics of egg production and egg weight of local chickens in East Nusa Tenggara has been conducted in animal production housing Animal husbandry department, Polytechnic of Agriculture Kupang. The objective of this study is determine the genetic potency of local chicken in terms of their egg production, heritability value of egg production characteristic and egg weight of local chicken in East Nusa Tenggara.Randomized complete block design was applied in this experiment by using Anova of heritability. The results show that the average of egg production of local chicken is 60,67% ± 2.5, white the egg weight is 0,38 (38%) ± 2,8. These findings show that local chicken has genetic potency for egg production which is above egg production average (60%) and egg weight is categorized as medium egg weight with (heritability value 0-1). The big standard deviation is probably due to the big variation of local chicken variety and their genetics that are needed to develop.In conclusion, local chicken in East Nusa Tenggara has genetic potency to be developed because of their heritability value of egg production which is above the egg production average and their egg weight is medium

    Struktur Dan Kualitas Telur Ayam Lokal Khas Dayak Bagi Pengembangan Dan Pelestarian Plasma Nutfah Ternak Unggas

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    Local chicken is a chicken typical Dayak native of East Kalimantan Province from Berau District, subdistrict Segah and developed by the Dayak Kenyah and Ga' ai. Typical Dayak good local chicken to be developed as free-range chicken layer. The purpose of this research was to determine the structure and composition of chicken eggs as well as the its typical for evaluating the quality and nutrient content. The study was conducted from December 2010 to April 2011 at Department of Animal Husbandry Faculty of Agriculture, University of Mulawarman. The material observed in this study were 100 local chicken eggs typical Dayak. The parameters observed included: egg weight, egg length, egg width, egg index, egg shell color, egg shell weight, egg shell percentage, weight of egg white/albumen, high egg white/albumen, percentage of egg white/albumen, weight of egg yolk/yolk, yolk height, percentage of egg yolk/yolk, yolk color, hough unit, grade/USDA score, egg hatchability and fertility. These results have shown that the average weight of a typical local chicken eggs was 34.49 ± 4.17 g. In addition, there were 46.86 ± 2.41 mm of egg length, 34.99 ± 2.03 mm of egg width, 1.34 ± 0,07 of egg indices, 5.24 ± 0.98 g of egg shell weight, 15.19 % of egg shell percentage , 14.78 ± 2.39 grams of weight of egg white/albumen, 8.36 ± 1.08 mm of high egg white/albumen, 42.85% of, the percentage of egg white/albumen, 11.7 ± 2.42 g of the egg yolk/yolk, 19.71 ± 1.19 mm of egg yolk egg, 33.92% of the percentage of egg yolk/yolk, 98.17 ± 4.64 Hought unit of yellow dark yellow eggs, 12 score of 8,80% egg hatchability of grade/USDA, and 100% of fertility. Based on the findings, it is concluded that local chickens typical Dayak has a potensial for egg production

    Comparative study of chicken egg yolk and quail egg yolk in two chilled canine semen extenders

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    The aim of this work was to substitute chicken egg yolk with quail egg yolk in two semen extenders and to evaluate the quality of the extended canine semen following chilled storage. Semen was pooled from male dogs (n= 4) of about 18-months old and body weight of about 28 kg. Four extenders were tested: (1) tris buffered chicken egg yolk extender (2) tris buffered quail egg yolk extender, (3) skimmed milk chicken egg yolk extender and (4) skimmed milk quail egg yolk extender. Semen was diluted with corresponding extender in the ratio 1:4. The diluted semen samples were analyzed for motility, mass activity, viability, abnormalities percentage and pH for three consecutive days. There was no significant difference (P>0.05) between chicken egg yolk and quail egg yolk in either tris diluent or skimmed milk extender with respect to pH, mass activity and sperm motility. Samples stored in both the tris and skimmed milk-based extenders with quail egg yolk displayed greater viability than those in chicken egg yolk but the difference was not significant (P>0.05). Viability, mass activity and sperm motility decreased as treatment days increased in both chicken and quail egg yolk extenders. Results showed that a pH of 6.5 was maintained from day 0 to day 3. There was no difference in semen quality between chicken and quail egg yolk in either the tris diluent or skimmed milk extender (P> 0.05). It was recommended that quail egg yolk could be substituted for chicken egg yolk in the two canine semen extenders. Further modifications of the diluents with quail egg yolk might produce an improved result. Keywords: Canine, Chicken Chilled, Egg yolk, Extenders, Quail, Seme

    Egg quality parameters of frizzle and naked-neck frizzle chicken genotypes under different farm management systems

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    A study was carried out to analyse the egg quality parameters of local chicken genotypes such as frizzle chicken and naked-neck frizzle chicken under different farm management systems including extensive, semi intensive and intensive farm management systems. The results of the study revealed that egg quality parameters such as egg fertility, egg hatchability, egg shell weight and egg shell thickness of both chicken population were significantly differed (P0.05) under semi intensive management system while in naked-neck frizzle chicken it was significantly higher (0.65±0.01) in intensive system. From the results, it was concluded, both the population performed well in extensive and intensive management systems for many egg quality traits. However, it is essential to select the cost of production before selecting a suitable management system for both frizzle and naked neck frizzle chickens