48 research outputs found

    Checking Interaction-Based Declassification Policies for Android Using Symbolic Execution

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    Mobile apps can access a wide variety of secure information, such as contacts and location. However, current mobile platforms include only coarse access control mechanisms to protect such data. In this paper, we introduce interaction-based declassification policies, in which the user's interactions with the app constrain the release of sensitive information. Our policies are defined extensionally, so as to be independent of the app's implementation, based on sequences of security-relevant events that occur in app runs. Policies use LTL formulae to precisely specify which secret inputs, read at which times, may be released. We formalize a semantic security condition, interaction-based noninterference, to define our policies precisely. Finally, we describe a prototype tool that uses symbolic execution to check interaction-based declassification policies for Android, and we show that it enforces policies correctly on a set of apps.Comment: This research was supported in part by NSF grants CNS-1064997 and 1421373, AFOSR grants FA9550-12-1-0334 and FA9550-14-1-0334, a partnership between UMIACS and the Laboratory for Telecommunication Sciences, and the National Security Agenc


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    Mobile operating systems pervade our modern lives. Security and privacy is of particular concern on these systems, as they have access to a wide range of sensitive resources. Apps access these sensitive resources to help users perform tasks. However, apps may use these sensitive resources in a way that the user does not expect. For example, an app may look up reviews of restaurants nearby, but also leak the user’s location to an ad service every hour. I claim that interaction serves as a valuable component of security decisions, because the user’s interaction with the app’s user interface (UI) deeply informs their mental model of how apps access sensitive data. I introduce the notion of interaction-based security, wherein security decisions are driven by this interaction. To help understand and enforce interaction-based security, I present four pieces of work. The first is Redexer, which performs binary instrumentation of off-the-shelf Android binaries. Binary instrumentation is a useful tool for enforcing and studying security properties. I demonstrate one example of how Redexer can be used to study location privacy in apps. Android permissions constrain how data enters apps, but do not constrain how the information is used or where it goes. Information-flow allows us to formally define what it means for data to leak from applications, but it is unclear how to use information-flow policies for Android apps, because apps frequently declassify information. I define interaction-based declassification policies, and show how they can be used to define policies for several example apps. I then implement a symbolic executor which checks Android apps to ensure they respect these policies. Next, I test the hypothesis that the app’s UI influences security decisions. I outline an app study that measures when apps use sensitive resources with respect to their UI. I then conduct a user study to measure how an app’s UI influences their expectation that a sensitive resource will be accessed. I find that interactivity plays a large role in determining user expectation of sensitive resource use, and that apps largely access sensitive resources interactively. I also find that users may not always understand background uses of these sensitive resources and using them expectation requires special care in some circumstances. Last, I present a tool which can help a security auditor quickly understand how apps use resources. My tool uses a novel combination of app logging, symbolic execution, and abstract interpretation to infer a formula that holds on each per- mission use. I evaluate my tool on several moderately-sized apps and show that it infers the same formulas we laboriously found by hand

    CamFlow: Managed Data-sharing for Cloud Services

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    A model of cloud services is emerging whereby a few trusted providers manage the underlying hardware and communications whereas many companies build on this infrastructure to offer higher level, cloud-hosted PaaS services and/or SaaS applications. From the start, strong isolation between cloud tenants was seen to be of paramount importance, provided first by virtual machines (VM) and later by containers, which share the operating system (OS) kernel. Increasingly it is the case that applications also require facilities to effect isolation and protection of data managed by those applications. They also require flexible data sharing with other applications, often across the traditional cloud-isolation boundaries; for example, when government provides many related services for its citizens on a common platform. Similar considerations apply to the end-users of applications. But in particular, the incorporation of cloud services within `Internet of Things' architectures is driving the requirements for both protection and cross-application data sharing. These concerns relate to the management of data. Traditional access control is application and principal/role specific, applied at policy enforcement points, after which there is no subsequent control over where data flows; a crucial issue once data has left its owner's control by cloud-hosted applications and within cloud-services. Information Flow Control (IFC), in addition, offers system-wide, end-to-end, flow control based on the properties of the data. We discuss the potential of cloud-deployed IFC for enforcing owners' dataflow policy with regard to protection and sharing, as well as safeguarding against malicious or buggy software. In addition, the audit log associated with IFC provides transparency, giving configurable system-wide visibility over data flows. [...]Comment: 14 pages, 8 figure

    Advancing Practical Specification Techniques for Modern Software Systems

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    The pervasive nature of software (and the tendency for it to contain errors) has long been a concern of theoretical computer scientists. Many investigators have endeavored to produce theories, tools, and techniques for verifying the behavior of software systems. One of the most promising lines of research is that of formal specification, which is a subset of the larger field of formal methods. In formal specification, one composes a precise mathematical description of a software system and uses tools and techniques to ensure that the software that has been written conforms to this specification. Examples of such systems are Z notation, the Java Modeling Language, and many others. However, a fundamental problem that plagues this line of research is that the specifications themselves are often costly to produce and difficult to reuse. If the field of formal specification is to advance, we must develop sound techniques for reducing the cost of producing and reusing software specifications. The work presented in this dissertation lays out a path to producing sophisticated, automated tools for inferring large, complex code bases, tools for allowing engineers to share and reuse specifications, and specification languages for specifying information flow policies that can be written separately from program code. This dissertation introduces three main lines of research. First, I discuss a system that facilitates the authoring, sharing, and reuse of software specifications. Next, I discuss a technique which aims to reduce the cost of producing specifications by automatically inferring them. Finally, I discuss a specification language called Evidently which aims to make information flow security policies easier to write, maintain, and enforce by untangling them from the code to which they are applied

    Flexible Information-Flow Control

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    As more and more sensitive data is handled by software, its trustworthinessbecomes an increasingly important concern. This thesis presents work on ensuringthat information processed by computing systems is not disclosed to thirdparties without the user\u27s permission; i.e. to prevent unwanted flows ofinformation. While this problem is widely studied, proposed rigorousinformation-flow control approaches that enforce strong securityproperties like noninterference have yet to see widespread practical use.Conversely, lightweight techniques such as taint tracking are more prevalent inpractice, but lack formal underpinnings, making it unclear what guarantees theyprovide.This thesis aims to shrink the gap between heavyweight information-flow controlapproaches that have been proven sound and lightweight practical techniqueswithout formal guarantees such as taint tracking. This thesis attempts toreconcile these areas by (a) providing formal foundations to taint trackingapproaches, (b) extending information-flow control techniques to more realisticlanguages and settings, and (c) exploring security policies and mechanisms thatfall in between information-flow control and taint tracking and investigating whattrade-offs they incur

    Practical and Effcient Runtime Taint Tracking

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    Runtime taint tracking is a technique for controlling data propagation in applications. It is typically used to prevent disclosure of confidential information or to avoid application vulnerabilities. Taint tracking systems intercept application operations at runtime, associate meta-data with the data being processed and inspect the meta-data to detect unauthorised data propagation. To keep metadata up-to-date, every attempt of the application to access and process data is intercepted. To ensure that all data propagation is monitored, different categories of data (e.g. confidential and public data) are kept isolated. In practice, the interception of application operations and the isolation of different categories of data are hard to achieve. Existing applications, language interpreters and operating systems need to be re-engineered while keeping metadata up-to-date incurs significant overhead at runtime. In this thesis we show that runtime taint tracking can be implemented with minimal changes to existing infrastructure and with reduced overhead compared to previous approaches. In other words, we suggest methods to achieve both practical and efficient runtime taint tracking. Our key observation is that applications in specific domains are typically implemented in high-level languages and use a subset of the available language features. This facilitates the implementation of a taint tracking system because it needs to support only parts of a programming language and it may leverage features of the execution platform. This thesis explores three different applications domains. We start with event processing applications in Java, for which we introduce a novel solution to achieve isolation and a practical method to declare restrictions about data propagation. We then focus on securing PHP web applications. We show that if taint tracking is restricted to a small part of an application, the runtime overhead is significantly reduced without sacrificing effectiveness. Finally, we target accidental data disclosure in Ruby web applications. Ruby emerges as an ideal choice for a practical taint tracking system because it supports meta-programming facilities that simplify interception and isolation

    Deductive Verification of Concurrent Programs and its Application to Secure Information Flow for Java

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    Formal verification of concurrent programs still poses a major challenge in computer science. Our approach is an adaptation of the modular rely/guarantee methodology in dynamic logic. Besides functional properties, we investigate language-based security. Our verification approach extends naturally to multi-threaded Java and we present an implementation in the KeY verification system. We propose natural extensions to JML regarding both confidentiality properties and multi-threaded programs

    Combining Static and Dynamic Program Analysis Techniques for Checking Relational Properties

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    Die vorliegende Dissertation ist im Bereich der formalen Verifikation von Software angesiedelt. Sie behandelt die Überprüfung relationaler Eigenschaften von Computerprogrammen, d.h. solche Eigenschaften, die zwei oder mehr Programmausführungen betrachten. Die Dissertation konzentriert sich auf zwei spezifische relationale Eigenschaften: (1) Nichtinterferenz und (2) ob ein Programm ein Slice eines anderen Programms ist. Die Nichtinterferenz-Eigenschaft besagt, dass die Ausführung eines Programms mit den gleichen öffentlichen Eingaben die gleichen öffentlichen Ausgaben produziert und dies unabhängig von den geheimen Eingaben (z.B. eines Passworts) ist. Das bedeutet, dass die geheimen Eingaben die öffentlichen Ausgaben nicht beeinflussen. Programm-Slicing ist eine Technik zur Reduzierung eines Programms durch das Entfernen von Programmbefehlen, sodass ein spezifizierter Teil des Programmverhaltens erhalten bleibt, z.B. der Wert einer Variablen in einer Instruktion in dem Programm. Die Dissertation stellt Frameworks zur Verfügung, die es dem Nutzer ermöglichen, die obigen zwei Eigenschaften für ein gegebenes Programm zu analysieren. Die Dissertation erweitert den Stand der Technik in dem Bereich der Verifikation relationaler Eigenschaften, indem sie einerseits neue Ansätze zur Verfügung stellt und andererseits bereits existierende Ansätze miteinander kombiniert. Die Dissertation enthält jeweils einen Teil für die behandelten zwei relationalen Eigenschaften. Nichtinterferenz.\textbf{Nichtinterferenz.} Das Framework zur Überprüfung der Nichtinterferenz stellt neue Ansätze für die automatische Testgenerierung und für das Debuggen des Programms zur Verfügung und kombiniert diese mit Ansätzen, die auf deduktiver Verifikation und Programmabhängigkeitsgraphen basieren. Der erste neue Ansatz ermöglicht die automatische Generierung von Nichtinterferenz-Tests. Er ermöglicht dem Nutzer, nach Verletzungen der Nichtinterferenz-Eigenschaft im Programm zu suchen und stellt zudem ein für relationale Eigenschaften passendes Abdeckungskriterium für die generierten Test-Suites zur Verfügung. Der zweite neue Ansatz ist ein relationaler Debugger zur Analyse von Nichtinterferenz-Gegenbeispielen. Er verwendet bekannte Konzepte des Programm-Debuggens und erweitert diese für die Analyse relationaler Eigenschaften. Um den Nutzer beim Beweisen der Nichtinterferenz-Eigenschaft zu unterstützen, kombiniert das Framework einen auf Programmabhängigkeitsgraphen basierenden Ansatz mit einem auf Logik basierenden Ansatz, der einen Theorembeweiser verwendet. Auf Programmabhängigkeitsgraphen basierende Ansätze berechnen die Abhängigkeiten zwischen den unterschiedlichen Programmteilen und überprüfen, ob die öffentliche Ausgabe von der geheimen Eingabe abhängt. Im Vergleich zu logik-basierten Ansätzen skalieren programmabhängigkeitsgraphen-basierte Ansätze besser. Allerdings, können sie Fehlalarme melden, da sie die Programmabhängigkeiten überapproximieren. Somit bestehen zwei weitere Beiträge des Frameworks in Kombinationen von programmabhängigkeitsgraphen- und logik basierten Ansätzen: (1) der programmabhängigkeitsgraphen basierte Ansatz vereinfacht das Programm, das danach vom logik basierten Ansatz überprüft wird und (2) der logik basierte Ansatz beweist, dass einige vom Programmabhängigkeitsgraphen-basierten Ansatz berechnete Abhängigkeiten Überapproximationen sind und aus der Analyse entfernt werden können. Programm-Slicing.\textbf{Programm-Slicing.} Der zweite Teil der Dissertation behandelt ein Framework für das automatische Programm-Slicing. Während die meisten zum Stand der Technik gehörenden Slicing-Ansätze nur eine syntaktische Programmanalyse durchführen, betrachtet dieses Framework auch die Programmsemantik und kann dadurch mehr Programmbefehle entfernen. Der erste Beitrag des Frameworks besteht aus einem Ansatz zur relationalen Verifikation, der erweitert wurde, um die Korrektheit eines Programm-Slice nachzuweisen, d.h. dass es das spezifizierte Verhalten des Originalprogramms bewahrt. Der Vorteil der Benutzung relationaler Verifikation ist, dass sie auf zwei ähnlichen Programmen automatisch läuft -- was bei einem Slice-Kandidaten und Originalprogramm der Fall ist. Somit, anders als bei den wenigen zum Stand der Technik gehörenden Ansätzen, die die Programmsemantik betrachten, ist dieser Ansatz automatisch. Der zweite Beitrag des Frameworks besteht aus einer neuen Strategie zur Generierung von Slice-Kandidaten durch durch die Verfeinerung von dynamischen Slices (für eine Eingabe gültigen Slices) mithilfe von der relationalen Verifikation gelieferte Gegenbeispiele

    Using theorem provers to increase the precision of dependence analysis for information flow control

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    Information flow control (IFC) is a category of techniques for enforcing information flow properties. In this paper we present the Combined Approach, a novel IFC technique that combines a scalable system-dependence-graph-based (SDG-based) approach with a precise logic-based approach based on a theorem prover. The Combined Approach has an increased precision compared with the SDG-based approach on its own, without sacrificing its scalability. For every potential illegal information flow reported by the SDG-based approach, the Combined Approach automatically generates proof obligations that, if valid, prove that there is no program path for which the reported information flow can happen. These proof obligations are then relayed to the logic-based approach. We also show how the SDG-based approach can provide additional information to the theorem prover that helps decrease the verification effort. Moreover, we present a prototypical implementation of the Combined Approach that uses the tools JOANA and KeY as the SDG-based and logic-based approach respectively