197 research outputs found

    Multi-round Master-Worker Computing: a Repeated Game Approach

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    We consider a computing system where a master processor assigns tasks for execution to worker processors through the Internet. We model the workers decision of whether to comply (compute the task) or not (return a bogus result to save the computation cost) as a mixed extension of a strategic game among workers. That is, we assume that workers are rational in a game-theoretic sense, and that they randomize their strategic choice. Workers are assigned multiple tasks in subsequent rounds. We model the system as an infinitely repeated game of the mixed extension of the strategic game. In each round, the master decides stochastically whether to accept the answer of the majority or verify the answers received, at some cost. Incentives and/or penalties are applied to workers accordingly. Under the above framework, we study the conditions in which the master can reliably obtain tasks results, exploiting that the repeated games model captures the effect of long-term interaction. That is, workers take into account that their behavior in one computation will have an effect on the behavior of other workers in the future. Indeed, should a worker be found to deviate from some agreed strategic choice, the remaining workers would change their own strategy to penalize the deviator. Hence, being rational, workers do not deviate. We identify analytically the parameter conditions to induce a desired worker behavior, and we evaluate experi- mentally the mechanisms derived from such conditions. We also compare the performance of our mechanisms with a previously known multi-round mechanism based on reinforcement learning.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figure

    Achieving reliability and fairness in online task computing environments

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorWe consider online task computing environments such as volunteer computing platforms running on BOINC (e.g., SETI@home) and crowdsourcing platforms such as Amazon Mechanical Turk. We model the computations as an Internet-based task computing system under the masterworker paradigm. A master entity sends tasks across the Internet, to worker entities willing to perform a computational task. Workers execute the tasks, and report back the results, completing the computational round. Unfortunately, workers are untrustworthy and might report an incorrect result. Thus, the first research question we answer in this work is how to design a reliable masterworker task computing system. We capture the workers’ behavior through two realistic models: (1) the “error probability model” which assumes the presence of altruistic workers willing to provide correct results and the presence of troll workers aiming at providing random incorrect results. Both types of workers suffer from an error probability altering their intended response. (2) The “rationality model” which assumes the presence of altruistic workers, always reporting a correct result, the presence of malicious workers always reporting an incorrect result, and the presence of rational workers following a strategy that will maximize their utility (benefit). The rational workers can choose among two strategies: either be honest and report a correct result, or cheat and report an incorrect result. Our two modeling assumptions on the workers’ behavior are supported by an experimental evaluation we have performed on Amazon Mechanical Turk. Given the error probability model, we evaluate two reliability techniques: (1) “voting” and (2) “auditing” in terms of task assignments required and time invested for computing correctly a set of tasks with high probability. Considering the rationality model, we take an evolutionary game theoretic approach and we design mechanisms that eventually achieve a reliable computational platform where the master receives the correct task result with probability one and with minimal auditing cost. The designed mechanisms provide incentives to the rational workers, reinforcing their strategy to a correct behavior, while they are complemented by four reputation schemes that cope with malice. Finally, we also design a mechanism that deals with unresponsive workers by keeping a reputation related to the workers’ response rate. The designed mechanism selects the most reliable and active workers in each computational round. Simulations, among other, depict the trade-off between the master’s cost and the time the system needs to reach a state where the master always receives the correct task result. The second research question we answer in this work concerns the fair and efficient distribution of workers among the masters over multiple computational rounds. Masters with similar tasks are competing for the same set of workers at each computational round. Workers must be assigned to the masters in a fair manner; when the master values a worker’s contribution the most. We consider that a master might have a strategic behavior, declaring a dishonest valuation on a worker in each round, in an attempt to increase its benefit. This strategic behavior from the side of the masters might lead to unfair and inefficient assignments of workers. Applying renown auction mechanisms to solve the problem at hand can be infeasible since monetary payments are required on the side of the masters. Hence, we present an alternative mechanism for fair and efficient distribution of the workers in the presence of strategic masters, without the use of monetary incentives. We show analytically that our designed mechanism guarantees fairness, is socially efficient, and is truthful. Simulations favourably compare our designed mechanism with two benchmark auction mechanisms.This work has been supported by IMDEA Networks Institute and the Spanish Ministry of Education grant FPU2013-03792.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Ingeniería MatemáticaPresidente: Alberto Tarable.- Secretario: José Antonio Cuesta Ruiz.- Vocal: Juan Julián Merelo Guervó

    Trusted community : a novel multiagent organisation for open distributed systems

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    Využití tenchnologie GRID při zpracování medicínské informace

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    Práce se soustředí na vybrané oblasti biomedicínského výzkumu, které mohou profitovat ze současných výpočetních infrastruktur vybudovaných ve vědecké komunitě v evropském a světovém prostoru. Teorie výpočtu, paralelismu a distribuovaného počítání je stručně uvedena s ohledem na počítání v gridech a cloudech. Práce se zabývá oblastí výměny medicínských snímků a představuje propojení Gridového PACS systému s existujícími distribuovanými systémy pro sdílení DICOM snímků. Práce se dál zaměřuje na studium vědy týkající se lidského hlasu. Práce představuje vzdálený způsob přístupu k aplikaci pro analýzu hlasu v reálném čase pomocí úpravy protokolů pro vzdálenou plochu a pro přenos zvukových nahrávek. Tento dílčí výsledek ukazuje možnost využití stávajících aplikací na dálku specialisty na hlas. Oblast lidské fyziologie a patofyziologie byla studována pomocí přístupu tzv. systémové biologie. Práce přispívá v oblasti metodologie modelování lidské fyziologie pro tvorbu komplexních modelů založených na akauzálním a objektově orientovaném modelovacím přístupu. Metody pro studium parametrů byly představeny pomocí technologie počítání v gridech a v cloudech. Práce ukazuje, že proces identifikaci parametrů středně komplexních modelů kardiovasculárního systému a komplexního modelu lidské fyziologie lze významně zrychlit...This thesis focuses on selected areas of biomedical research in order to benefit from current computational infrastructures established in scientific community in european and global area. The theory of computation, parallelism and distributed computing, with focus on grid computing and cloud computing, is briefly introduced. Exchange of medical images was studied and a seamless integration of grid-based PACS system was established with the current distributed system in order to share DICOM medical images. Voice science was studied and access to real-time voice analysis application via remote desktop technology was introduced using customized protocol to transfer sound recording. This brings a possibility to access current legacy application remotely by voice specialists. The systems biology approach within domain of human physiology and pathophysiology was studied. Modeling methodology of human physiology was improved in order to build complex models based on acausal and object-oriented modeling techniques. Methods for conducting a parameter study (especially parameter estimation and parameter sweep) were introduced using grid computing and cloud computing technology. The identification of parameters gain substantial speedup by utilizing cloud computing deployment when performed on medium complex models of...nezařazení_neaktivníFirst Faculty of Medicine1. lékařská fakult

    Security in Distributed, Grid, Mobile, and Pervasive Computing

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    This book addresses the increasing demand to guarantee privacy, integrity, and availability of resources in networks and distributed systems. It first reviews security issues and challenges in content distribution networks, describes key agreement protocols based on the Diffie-Hellman key exchange and key management protocols for complex distributed systems like the Internet, and discusses securing design patterns for distributed systems. The next section focuses on security in mobile computing and wireless networks. After a section on grid computing security, the book presents an overview of security solutions for pervasive healthcare systems and surveys wireless sensor network security


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    I sistemi distribuiti cooperativi, tra cui in particolare i sistemi peer-to-peer, sono oggi alla base di applicazioni Internet di larga diffusione come file-sharing e media streaming, nonch\ue9 di tecnologie emergenti quali Blockchain e l'Internet of Things. Uno dei fattori chiave per il successo di un sistema cooperativo \ue8 che i nodi che vi partecipano mettano a disposizione della comunit\ue0 una parte delle proprie risorse (es. capacit\ue0 di calcolo, banda, spazio disco). Alcuni nodi, poich\ue9 controllati da agenti autonomi e indipendenti, potrebbero tuttavia agire egoisticamente e scegliere di non condividere alcuna risorsa, spinti dall'obiettivo di massimizzare la propria utilit\ue0 anche se a danno delle prestazioni dell'intero sistema. Affrontare l'egoismo dei nodi rappresenta dunque un'attivit\ue0 imprescindibile per lo sviluppo di un sistema cooperativo affidabile e performante. Nonostante il grande numero di tecniche ed approcci presenti in letteratura, tale attivit\ue0 richiede elaborazioni complesse, manuali e laboriose, nonch\ue9 conoscenze approfondite in vari domini di applicazione. Obiettivo di questa tesi \ue8 di fornire strumenti sia pratici che teorici per semplificare lo studio e il contrasto dei comportamenti egoistici nei sistemi cooperativi. Il primo contributo, basato su un'analisi esaustiva dello stato dell'arte sull'egoismo in sistemi distribuiti, presenta un framework di classificazione finalizzato all'identificazione e comprensione dei comportamenti egoistici pi\uf9 importanti su cui concentrarsi durante la progettazione di un sistema cooperativo. Come secondo contributo, presentiamo RACOON, un framework per la progettazione e configurazione di sistemi cooperativi resilienti all'egoismo dei nodi. L'obiettivo di RACOON \ue8 di semplificare tali attivit\ue0 fornendo una metodologia generale e semi-automatica, capace di integrare in un dato sistema pratici meccanismi di incentivo alla cooperazione, attentamente calibrati in modo da raggiungere gli obiettivi di resilienza e performance desiderati. A tal fine, RACOON impiega sia strumenti analitici appartenenti alla teoria dei giochi che metodi simulativi, che vengono utilizzati per fare previsioni sul comportamento del sistema in presenza di nodi egoisti. In questa tesi presentiamo inoltre una versione estesa del framework, chiamata RACOON++, sviluppata per migliorare l'accuratezza, flessibilit\ue0 e usabilit\ue0 del framework originale. Infine, come ultimo contributo del lavoro di tesi, presentiamo SEINE, un framework per la rapida modellazione e analisi sperimentale di vari tipi di comportamenti egoistici in un dato sistema cooperativo. Il framework \ue8 basato su un nuovo linguaggio specifico di dominio (SEINE-L) sviluppato per la descrizione degli scenari di egoismo da analizzare. SEINE fornisce inoltre supporto semi-automatico per l'implementazione e lo studio di tali scenari in un simulatore di sistemi distribuiti selezionato dallo stato dell'arte.Cooperative distributed systems, particularly peer-to-peer systems, are the basis of several mainstream Internet applications (e.g., file-sharing, media streaming) and the key enablers of new and emerging technologies, including blockchain and the Internet of Things. Essential to the success of cooperative systems is that nodes are willing to cooperate with each other by sharing part of their resources, e.g., network bandwidth, CPU capability, storage space. However, as nodes are autonomous entities, they may be tempted to behave in a selfish manner by not contributing their fair share, potentially causing system performance degradation and instability. Addressing selfish nodes is, therefore, key to building efficient and reliable cooperative systems. Yet, it is a challenging task, as current techniques for analysing selfishness and designing effective countermeasures remain manual and time-consuming, requiring multi-domain expertise. In this thesis, we aim to provide practical and conceptual tools to help system designers in dealing with selfish nodes. First, based on a comprehensive survey of existing work on selfishness, we develop a classification framework to identify and understand the most important selfish behaviours to focus on when designing a cooperative system. Second, we propose RACOON, a unifying framework for the selfishness-aware design and configuration of cooperative systems. RACOON provides a semi-automatic methodology to integrate a given system with practical and finely tuned mechanisms to meet specified resilience and performance objectives, using game theory and simulations to predict the behaviour of the system when subjected to selfish nodes. An extension of the framework (RACOON++) is also proposed to improve the accuracy, flexibility, and usability of RACOON. Finally, we propose SEINE, a framework for fast modelling and evaluation of various types of selfish behaviour in a given cooperative system. SEINE relies on a domain-specific language for describing the selfishness scenario to evaluate and provides semi-automatic support for its implementation and study in a state-of-the-art simulator.Les syst\ue8mes distribu\ue9s collaboratifs, en particulier les syst\ue8mes pair-\ue0-pair, forment l\u2019infrastructure sous-jacente de nombreuses applications Internet, certaines parmi les plus populaires (ex\ua0: partage de fichiers, streaming multim\ue9dia). Ils se situent \ue9galement \ue0 la base d\u2019un ensemble de technologies \ue9mergentes telles que la blockchain et l\u2019Internet des Objets. Le succ\ue8s de ces syst\ue8mes repose sur la contribution volontaire, de la part des n\u153uds participants, aux ressources partag\ue9es (ex : bande passante r\ue9seau, puissance de calcul, stockage de donn\ue9es). Or ces n\u153uds sont des entit\ue9s autonomes qui peuvent consid\ue9rer comme plus avantageux de se comporter de mani\ue8re \ue9go\uefste, c\u2019est-\ue0- dire de refuser de collaborer. De tels comportements peuvent fortement impacter les performances et la stabilit\ue9 op\ue9rationnelles du syst\ue8me cible. Prendre en compte et pr\ue9venir les comportements \ue9go\uefstes des n\u153uds est donc essentiel pour garantir l\u2019efficacit\ue9 et la fiabilit\ue9 des syst\ue8mes coop\ue9ratifs. Cependant, cela exige du d\ue9veloppeur, en d\ue9pit de la grande quantit\ue9 de techniques et d\u2019approches propos\ue9es dans la litt\ue9rature, des connaissances multisectorielles approfondies. L'objectif de cette th\ue8se est de concevoir et \ue9tudier de nouveaux outils th\ue9oriques et pratiques pour aider les concepteurs de syst\ue8mes distribu\ue9s collaboratifs \ue0 faire face \ue0 des n\u153uds \ue9go\uefstes. La premi\ue8re contribution, bas\ue9e sur une analyse exhaustive de la litt\ue9rature sur les comportements \ue9go\uefstes dans les syst\ue8mes distribu\ue9s, propose un mod\ue8le de classification pour identifier et analyser les comportements \ue9go\uefstes les plus importants sur lesquels il est important de se concentrer lors de la conception d'un syst\ue8me coop\ue9ratif. Dans la deuxi\ue8me contribution, nous proposons RACOON, un framework pour la conception et la configuration de syst\ue8mes coop\ue9ratifs r\ue9silients aux comportements \ue9go\uefstes. Outre un ensemble de m\ue9canismes d'incitation \ue0 la coop\ue9ration, RACOON fournit une m\ue9thodologie semi-automatique d\u2019int\ue9gration et de calibration de ces m\ue9canismes de mani\ue8re \ue0 garantir le niveau de performance souhait\ue9. RACOON s\u2019appuie sur une analyse du syst\ue8me cible fond\ue9e sur la th\ue9orie des jeux et sur des simulations pour pr\ue9dire l\u2019existence de n\u153uds \ue9go\uefstes dans le syst\ue8me. RACOON a \ue9t\ue9 \ue9tendu en un deuxi\ue8me framework, RACOON++. Plus pr\ue9cis, plus flexible, RACOON++ offre \ue9galement une plus grande facilit\ue9 d'utilisation. Une derni\ue8re contribution, SEINE, propose un framework pour la mod\ue9lisation et l'analyse des diff\ue9rents types de comportements \ue9go\uefstes dans un syst\ue8me coop\ue9ratif. Bas\ue9 sur un langage d\ue9di\ue9, d\ue9velopp\ue9 pour d\ue9crire les sc\ue9narios de comportement \ue9go\uefstes, SEINE fournit un support semi-automatique pour la mise en \u153uvre et l'\ue9tude de ces sc\ue9narios dans un simulateur choisi sur la base de l\u2019\ue9tat de l\u2019art (PeerSim)
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