5,909 research outputs found

    Finding Structural Information of RF Power Amplifiers using an Orthogonal Non-Parametric Kernel Smoothing Estimator

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    A non-parametric technique for modeling the behavior of power amplifiers is presented. The proposed technique relies on the principles of density estimation using the kernel method and is suited for use in power amplifier modeling. The proposed methodology transforms the input domain into an orthogonal memory domain. In this domain, non-parametric static functions are discovered using the kernel estimator. These orthogonal, non-parametric functions can be fitted with any desired mathematical structure, thus facilitating its implementation. Furthermore, due to the orthogonality, the non-parametric functions can be analyzed and discarded individually, which simplifies pruning basis functions and provides a tradeoff between complexity and performance. The results show that the methodology can be employed to model power amplifiers, therein yielding error performance similar to state-of-the-art parametric models. Furthermore, a parameter-efficient model structure with 6 coefficients was derived for a Doherty power amplifier, therein significantly reducing the deployment's computational complexity. Finally, the methodology can also be well exploited in digital linearization techniques.Comment: Matlab sample code (15 MB): https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/106958743/SampleMatlabKernel.zi

    Characterizing nonlinearity in multiantenna multibeam transmitters

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    Abstract. In this thesis, effects of power amplifier (PA) distortion in multiantenna transmitter is studied. Input signal of each PA in the array is modelled by two or multiple tones to characterize the nonlinearity in terms of intermodulation distortion (IMD). In intermodulation, the phase of the nonlinearity depends on the phases of the corresponding input tones. Hence, in beamforming, progressive phase of the nonlinear components over the antenna elements creates a steered beam for the nonlinearity. Measurement setup is created to measure the phase and amplitude of the IMD components in the PA output. The theoretical polynomial relation of the IMD phase dependency on the input tones is validated by measurements. For flexible measurements, the setup is automatized by standard commands for programmable instruments. Second part of the thesis studies the array IMD by simulations in MATLAB. The used PA model is a memoryless polynomial fitted against the measured amplitude-to-amplitude modulation and amplitude-to-phase modulation responses of a real amplifier. The effects of nonlinearity are studied by using two tones to present each independent data stream in the PA inputs. Hence, in multibeam scenario, each data stream is modelled by two tones having individual phase and amplitude depending on the beamforming coefficients of given stream. The simulations are performed in frequency domain by utilizing the concept of spectral convolution to model the intermodulation distortion, and array factor to model the far-field radiation of the linear and nonlinear PA output components. By utilizing the simulator, PA nonlinearity is analyzed in single-beam and multi-beam scenarios by varying the steering angles, allocated stream powers and amplitude distribution over the PAs. It is observed that IMD terms which depend on only one stream are steered to same direction as the linear terms whereas the IMD terms depending on both streams spreads more in space. This has potentially positive impacts on the signal-to-distortion ratio of the streams observed in beamforming directions

    Energy-based Stabilization of Network Flows in Multi-machine Power Systems

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    This paper considers the network flow stabilization problem in power systems and adopts an output regulation viewpoint. Building upon the structure of a heterogeneous port-Hamiltonian model, we integrate network aspects and develop a systematic control design procedure. First, the passive output is selected to encode two objectives: consensus in angular velocity and constant excitation current. Second, the non-Euclidean nature of the angle variable reveals the geometry of a suitable target set, which is compact and attractive for the zero dynamics. On this set, circuit-theoretic aspects come into play, giving rise to a network potential function which relates the electrical circuit variables to the machine rotor angles. As it turns out, this energy function is convex in the edge variables, concave in the node variables and, most importantly, can be optimized via an intrinsic gradient flow, with its global minimum corresponding to angle synchronization. The third step consists of explicitly deriving the steady-state-inducing control action by further refining this sequence of control-invariant sets. Analogously to solving the so called regulator equations, we obtain an impedance-based network flow map leading to novel error coordinates and a shifted energy function. The final step amounts to decoupling the rotor current dynamics via feedback-linearziation resulting in a cascade which is used to construct an energy-based controller hierarchically.Comment: In preparation for MTNS 201

    Integration of magnetic amplifier switch model into computer aided design for power converters

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    Зазвичай у джерелах вторинного електроживлення (ДВЕЖ) комутаційну та регулюючу функції виконують напівпровідникові компоненти. Однак вони не можуть забезпечити високу якість вихідних характеристик у багатоканальних джерелах живлення та в ДВЕЖ із високим рівнем струму навантаження. В таких випадках як силові ключі використовують високочастотні магнітні підсилювачі (ВМП) на основі аморфних магнітом’яких сплавів з прямокутною петлею гістерезису. Розроблення перетворювачів електроенергії на основі ВМП не є повністю автоматизованим. ВМП є магнітним компонентом з нелінійними властивостями. Системи автоматизованого проектування (САПР) для комп’ютерного імітаційного моделювання електричних кіл не призначені для розрахунків магнітних полів та працюють з дискретними електричними компонентами. Існує проблема інтеграції моделі компонента з магнітним гістерезисом у бібліотеку моделей САПР. Крім того, досить складно оцінити оптимальні параметри такого компонента. У статті запропоновано нову математичну модель силового ключа на основі ВМП, що ґрунтується на функції, яку можна генерувати з допомогою цифрових технологій. Досліджено цифровий генератор синуса, що складається з цифрових дискретних компнентів для моделювання силового ключа на основі ВМП. Запропоновану математичну модель силового ключа на основі ВМП інтегровано у САПР. Проведено комп’ютерне імітаційне моделювання електричного кола, що містить ВМП. Розраховано абсолютну похибку та середньоквадратичне відхилення моделі процесів перемагнічення ВМП у порівнянні з експериментально отриманими даними. Така часткова автоматизація процесу розроблення високочастотних перетворювачів електроенергії на основі ВМП суттєво зменшить його складність, тривалість і вартість, а також сприятиме розвиткові нових схемотехнічних рішень.The designing of electrical power converters based on Magnetic Amplifier (MagAmp) switches is not fully automated. MagAmp is a magnetic component with nonlinear properties. Computer aided design (CAD) programmes are built to simulate electric circuits without electromagnetic field with distributed components. There is a problem of integration of a model of a component with magnetic hysteresis into the set of CAD models. In addition, estimation of the optimal parameters of such a component is rather complicated. The article proposes a new model of MagAmp switch which is based on a function that can be generated using digital technology. The digital generator of sinusoidal signals, consisting of discrete digital components for modeling the MagAmp switch, is investigated. Integration of the model into CAD programme and simulation of the electric circuit, which includes MagAmp switch, are obtained. Partial automation will reduce complexity, duration and cost of the design procedure, and will enhance the development of power converters