76 research outputs found

    Actor Concurrency Bugs: A Comprehensive Study on Symptoms, Root Causes, API Usages, and Differences

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    Actor concurrency is becoming increasingly important in the development of real-world software systems. Although actor concurrency may be less susceptible to some multithreaded concurrency bugs, such as low-level data races and deadlocks, it comes with its own bugs that may be different. However, the fundamental characteristics of actor concurrency bugs, including their symptoms, root causes, API usages, examples, and differences when they come from different sources are still largely unknown. Actor software development can significantly benefit from a comprehensive qualitative and quantitative understanding of these characteristics, which is the focus of this work, to foster better API documentations, development practices, testing, debugging, repairing, and verification frameworks. To conduct this study, we take the following major steps. First, we construct a set of 184 real-world Stackoverflow and Github actor bugs by manual analysis of 3,924 Stackoverflow questions, answers, and comments and 3,315 Github commits, messages, original and modified code snippets, issues, and pull requests. Second, we manually study these actor bugs and their fixes to understand and classify their symptoms, root causes, and API usages. Third, we study the differences between the commonalities and distributions of symptoms, root causes, and API usages of Stackoverflow and Github actor bugs. Fourth, we discuss real-world examples of bugs with these root causes and symptoms. Finally, we investigate the relation of our findings with the findings of previous work and discuss the implications of our findings using the anecdotal evidence of our actor bug examples. A few findings of our study are: (1) Symptoms of actor bugs can be classified into 5 categories with Error and Incorrect Exceptions being the most and least common symptoms (2) Root causes of actor bugs can be classified into 10 categories with Logic and Untyped Communication being the most and least common root causes (3) A small number of API packages are responsible for most of API usages by actor bugs (4) Stackoverflow and Github actors can differ significantly in the commonality and distribution of symptoms, root causes, and API usages (5) Actor developers may need help not only with complex, unknown, or semantic bugs in the development code but also with simple, well-known, well-documented, or syntactic bugs in the test code. While some of our findings are in agreement with the findings of the previous work, others are in sharp contrast

    Enabling modern concurrency through program transformations

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    Concurrency is becoming the norm in modern software because multicores are now everywhere. Developers use concurrency constructs (i) to make their software responsive and scalable via asynchrony and (ii) to increase the throughput of their software via parallelism. Yet, we know little about how developers use these constructs in practice. Without such knowledge, (i) other developers cannot educate themselves about the state of the practice, (ii) language and library designers are unaware of any misuse, (iii) researchers make wrong assumptions, and (iv) tool providers do not provide the tools that developers really need. We claim that concurrent programming deserves first-class citizenship in empirical research and tool support. In this dissertation, we study the use, misuse, and underuse of concurrency constructs for C#. Based on our large-scale empirical studies, we found two main problems. First, developers still use complex, slow, low-level, and old constructs. Second, when developers use modern concurrency constructs, they highly misuse them, causing severe consequences such as subtle data-races and swallowed exceptions. Some significantly degrade the performance of async programs or can even deadlock the program. Other misuses make developers erroneously think that their code runs sequentially, when in reality the code runs concurrently; this causes unintended behavior and wrong results. This dissertation presents four tools to enable C# developers (i) to migrate their software to modern concurrency constructs and (ii) to fix misused modern constructs. First, we present an automated migration tool, Taskifier, that transforms old style Thread and ThreadPool constructs to higher-level Task constructs. Second, we present a refactoring tool, Simplifier, that extracts and converts Task-related code snippets into higher-level parallel patterns. Third, we provide Asyncifier to developers who want to refactor their callback-based asynchronous constructs to new async/await keywords. Fourth, we developed AsyncFixer, a static analysis tool that detects and corrects 14 common kinds of async/await misuses that cannot be detected by any existing tools. We released all our tools as plugins for the widely used Visual Studio IDE which has millions of users. We conducted both quantitative and qualitative evaluation of our tools. We applied the tools thousands of times over the real-world software and we show that they (i) are highly applicable, (ii) are much safer than manual transformations, and (iii) fast enough to be used interactively in Visual Studio. Our tools are useful in practice for both industry and open-source communities. Developers of the open-source software accepted 408 patches which are generated by the tools. We also received positive feedback from the early adopters. In industry, our tools are embraced by two companies. They started to actively use AsyncFixer in their automated build process. Our empirical findings have (i) educated thousands of developers through our educational web portals and (ii) influenced the design of modern constructs across programming languages. We hope that our dissertation serves as a call to action for the testing, program verification, and program analysis communities to study new constructs from programming languages and standard libraries. Researchers can empirically study these constructs and provide necessary tools to help developers adopt them. Hence, we also present a set of guidelines for researchers that aim to make a practical impact on the usage of new programming constructs

    Static detection of anomalies in transactional memory programs

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    Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia InformáticaTransactional Memory (TM) is an approach to concurrent programming based on the transactional semantics borrowed from database systems. In this paradigm, a transaction is a sequence of actions that may execute in a single logical instant, as though it was the only one being executed at that moment. Unlike concurrent systems based in locks, TM does not enforce that a single thread is performing the guarded operations. Instead, like in database systems, transactions execute concurrently, and the effects of a transaction are undone in case of a conflict, as though it never happened. The advantages of TM are an easier and less error-prone programming model, and a potential increase in scalability and performance. In spite of these advantages, TM is still a young and immature technology, and has still to become an established programming model. It still lacks the paraphernalia of tools and standards which we have come to expect from a widely used programming paradigm. Testing and analysis techniques and algorithms for TM programs are also just starting to be addressed by the scientific community, making this a leading research work is many of these aspects. This work is aimed at statically identifying possible runtime anomalies in TMprograms. We addressed both low-level dataraces in TM programs, as well as high-level anomalies resulting from incorrect splitting of transactions. We have defined and implemented an approach to detect low-level dataraces in TM programs by converting all the memory transactions into monitor protected critical regions, synchronized on a newly generated global lock. To validate the approach, we have applied our tool to a set of tests, adapted from the literature, that contain well documented errors. We have also defined and implemented a new approach to static detection of high-level concurrency anomalies in TM programs. This new approach works by conservatively tracing transactions, and matching the interference between each consecutive pair of transactions against a set of defined anomaly patterns. Once again, the approach was validated with well documented tests adapted from the literature

    Challenges in Migrating Imperative Deep Learning Programs to Graph Execution: An Empirical Study

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    Efficiency is essential to support responsiveness w.r.t. ever-growing datasets, especially for Deep Learning (DL) systems. DL frameworks have traditionally embraced deferred execution-style DL code that supports symbolic, graph-based Deep Neural Network (DNN) computation. While scalable, such development tends to produce DL code that is error-prone, non-intuitive, and difficult to debug. Consequently, more natural, less error-prone imperative DL frameworks encouraging eager execution have emerged at the expense of run-time performance. While hybrid approaches aim for the best of both worlds, the challenges in applying them in the real world are largely unknown. We conduct a data-driven analysis of challenges—and resultant bugs—involved in writing reliable yet performant imperative DL code by studying 250 open-source projects, consisting of 19.7 MLOC, along with 470 and 446 manually examined code patches and bug reports, respectively. The results indicate that hybridization: (i) is prone to API misuse, (ii) can result in performance degradation—the opposite of its intention, and (iii) has limited application due to execution mode incompatibility. We put forth several recommendations, best practices, and anti-patterns for effectively hybridizing imperative DL code, potentially benefiting DL practitioners, API designers, tool developers, and educators

    Testing, runtime verification, and analysis of concurrent programs

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    With the development of multi-core processors, concurrent programs are becoming more and more popular. Among several models, the multithreaded shared-memory model is the predominant programming paradigm for developing concurrent programs. However, because of non-deterministic scheduling, multithreaded code is hard to develop and test. Concurrency bugs, such as data races, atomicity violations, and deadlocks, are hard to detect and fix in multithreaded programs. To test and verify multithreaded programs, two sets of techniques are needed. The first one is to enforce thread schedules and runtime properties efficiently. Being able to enforce desired thread schedules and runtime properties would greatly help developers to develop reliable multithreaded code. The second one is to explore the state space of multithreaded programs efficiently. Systematic state-space exploration could guarantee correctness for mul- tithreaded code, however, it is usually time consuming and thus infeasible in most cases. This dissertation presents several techniques to address challenges arising in testing and runtime verification of multithreaded programs. The first two techniques are the IMUnit framework for enforcing testing schedules and the EnforceMOP system for enforcing runtime properties for multithreaded programs. An experimental evaluation shows that our techniques can enforce thread schedules and runtime properties effectively and efficiently, and have their own advantages over existing techniques. The other techniques are the RV-Causal framework and the CAPP technique in the ReEx framework for efficient state-space exploration of multithreaded code. RV-Causal employs the idea of the maximal causal model for state-space exploration in a novel way to reduce the exploration cost, without losing the ability to detect certain types of concurrency bugs. The results show that RV-Causal outperforms existing techniques by finding concurrency bugs and exploring the entire state space much more efficiently

    Safe Stream-Based Programming with Refinement Types

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    In stream-based programming, data sources are abstracted as a stream of values that can be manipulated via callback functions. Stream-based programming is exploding in popularity, as it provides a powerful and expressive paradigm for handling asynchronous data sources in interactive software. However, high-level stream abstractions can also make it difficult for developers to reason about control- and data-flow relationships in their programs. This is particularly impactful when asynchronous stream-based code interacts with thread-limited features such as UI frameworks that restrict UI access to a single thread, since the threading behavior of streaming constructs is often non-intuitive and insufficiently documented. In this paper, we present a type-based approach that can statically prove the thread-safety of UI accesses in stream-based software. Our key insight is that the fluent APIs of stream-processing frameworks enable the tracking of threads via type-refinement, making it possible to reason automatically about what thread a piece of code runs on -- a difficult problem in general. We implement the system as an annotation-based Java typechecker for Android programs built upon the popular ReactiveX framework and evaluate its efficacy by annotating and analyzing 8 open-source apps, where we find 33 instances of unsafe UI access while incurring an annotation burden of only one annotation per 186 source lines of code. We also report on our experience applying the typechecker to two much larger apps from the Uber Technologies Inc. codebase, where it currently runs on every code change and blocks changes that introduce potential threading bugs


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    In real-world software development, maintenance plays a major role and developers spend 50-80% of their time in maintenance-related activities. During software maintenance, a significant amount of effort is spent on ending and fixing bugs. In some cases, the fix does not completely eliminate the buggy behavior; though it addresses the reported problem, it fails to account for conditions that could lead to similar failures. There could be many possible reasons: the conditions may have been overlooked or difficult to reproduce, e.g., when the components that invoke the code or the underlying components it interacts with can not put it in a state where latent errors appear. We posit that such latent errors can be discovered sooner if the buggy section can be tested more thoroughly in a separate environment, a strategy that is loosely analogous to the medical procedure of performing a biopsy where tissue is removed, examined and subjected to a battery of tests to determine the presence of a disease. In this thesis, we propose a process in which the buggy code is extracted and isolated in a test framework. Test drivers and stubs are added to exercise the code and observe its interactions with its dependencies. We lay the groundwork for the creation of an automated tool for isolating code by studying its feasibility and investigating existing testing technologies that can facilitate the creation of such drivers and stubs. We investigate mocking frameworks, symbolic execution and model checking tools and test their capabilities by examining real bugs from the Apache Tomcat project. We demonstrate the merits of performing unit-level symbolic execution and model checking to discover runtime exceptions and logical errors. The process is shown to have high coverage and able to uncover latent errors due to insufficient fixes

    Static Analysis in Practice

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    Static analysis tools search software looking for defects that may cause an application to deviate from its intended behavior. These include defects that compute incorrect values, cause runtime exceptions or crashes, expose applications to security vulnerabilities, or lead to performance degradation. In an ideal world, the analysis would precisely identify all possible defects. In reality, it is not always possible to infer the intent of a software component or code fragment, and static analysis tools sometimes output spurious warnings or miss important bugs. As a result, tool makers and researchers focus on developing heuristics and techniques to improve speed and accuracy. But, in practice, speed and accuracy are not sufficient to maximize the value received by software makers using static analysis. Software engineering teams need to make static analysis an effective part of their regular process. In this dissertation, I examine the ways static analysis is used in practice by commercial and open source users. I observe that effectiveness is hampered, not only by false warnings, but also by true defects that do not affect software behavior in practice. Indeed, mature production systems are often littered with true defects that do not prevent them from functioning, mostly correctly. To understand why this occurs, observe that developers inadvertently create both important and unimportant defects when they write software, but most quality assurance activities are directed at finding the important ones. By the time the system is mature, there may still be a few consequential defects that can be found by static analysis, but they are drowned out by the many true but low impact defects that were never fixed. An exception to this rule is certain classes of subtle security, performance, or concurrency defects that are hard to detect without static analysis. Software teams can use static analysis to find defects very early in the process, when they are cheapest to fix, and in so doing increase the effectiveness of later quality assurance activities. But this effort comes with costs that must be managed to ensure static analysis is worthwhile. The cost effectiveness of static analysis also depends on the nature of the defect being sought, the nature of the application, the infrastructure supporting tools, and the policies governing its use. Through this research, I interact with real users through surveys, interviews, lab studies, and community-wide reviews, to discover their perspectives and experiences, and to understand the costs and challenges incurred when adopting static analysis tools. I also analyze the defects found in real systems and make observations about which ones are fixed, why some seemingly serious defects persist, and what considerations static analysis tools and software teams should make to increase effectiveness. Ultimately, my interaction with real users confirms that static analysis is well received and useful in practice, but the right environment is needed to maximize its return on investment

    Towards Automated Software Evolution of Data-Intensive Applications

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    Recent years have witnessed an explosion of work on Big Data. Data-intensive applications analyze and produce large volumes of data typically terabyte and petabyte in size. Many techniques for facilitating data processing are integrated into data-intensive applications. API is a software interface that allows two applications to communicate with each other. Streaming APIs are widely used in today\u27s Object-Oriented programming development that can support parallel processing. In this dissertation, an approach that automatically suggests stream code run in parallel or sequentially is proposed. However, using streams efficiently and properly needs many subtle considerations. The use and misuse patterns for stream codes are proposed in this dissertation. Modern software, especially for highly transactional software systems, generates vast logging information every day. The huge amount of information prevents developers from receiving useful information effectively. Log-level could be used to filter run-time information. This dissertation proposes an automated evolution approach for alleviating logging information overload by rejuvenating log levels according to developers\u27 interests. Machine Learning (ML) systems are pervasive in today\u27s software society. They are always complex and can process large volumes of data. Due to the complexity of ML systems, they are prone to classic technical debt issues, but how ML systems evolve is still a puzzling problem. This dissertation introduces ML-specific refactoring and technical debt for solving this problem

    Towards Implicit Parallel Programming for Systems

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    Multi-core processors require a program to be decomposable into independent parts that can execute in parallel in order to scale performance with the number of cores. But parallel programming is hard especially when the program requires state, which many system programs use for optimization, such as for example a cache to reduce disk I/O. Most prevalent parallel programming models do not support a notion of state and require the programmer to synchronize state access manually, i.e., outside the realms of an associated optimizing compiler. This prevents the compiler to introduce parallelism automatically and requires the programmer to optimize the program manually. In this dissertation, we propose a programming language/compiler co-design to provide a new programming model for implicit parallel programming with state and a compiler that can optimize the program for a parallel execution. We define the notion of a stateful function along with their composition and control structures. An example implementation of a highly scalable server shows that stateful functions smoothly integrate into existing programming language concepts, such as object-oriented programming and programming with structs. Our programming model is also highly practical and allows to gradually adapt existing code bases. As a case study, we implemented a new data processing core for the Hadoop Map/Reduce system to overcome existing performance bottlenecks. Our lambda-calculus-based compiler automatically extracts parallelism without changing the program's semantics. We added further domain-specific semantic-preserving transformations that reduce I/O calls for microservice programs. The runtime format of a program is a dataflow graph that can be executed in parallel, performs concurrent I/O and allows for non-blocking live updates
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