55 research outputs found

    Characterizing the Energy Trade-Offs of End-to-End Vehicular Communications using an Hyperfractal Urban Modelling

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    We characterize trade-offs between the end-to-end communication delay and the energy in urban vehicular communications with infrastructure assistance. Our study exploits the self-similarity of the location of communication entities in cities by modeling them with an innovative model called "hyperfractal". We show that the hyperfractal model can be extended to incorporate road-side infrastructure and provide stochastic geometry tools to allow a rigorous analysis. We compute theoretical bounds for the end-to-end communication hop count considering two different energy-minimizing goals: either total accumulated energy or maximum energy per node. We prove that the hop count for an end-to-end transmission is bounded by O(n1−α/(dF−1))O(n^{1-\alpha/(d_F-1)}) where α2\alpha2 is the fractal dimension of the mobile nodes process. This proves that for both constraints the energy decreases as we allow choosing routing paths of higher length. The asymptotic limit of the energy becomes significantly small when the number of nodes becomes asymptotically large. A lower bound on the network throughput capacity with constraints on path energy is also given. We show that our model fits real deployments where open data sets are available. The results are confirmed through simulations using different fractal dimensions in a Matlab simulator

    An Overview of Vehicular Communications

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    The transport sector is commonly subordinate to several issues, such as traffic congestion and accidents. Despite this, in recent years, it is also evolving with regard to cooperation between vehicles. The fundamental objective of this trend is to increase road safety, attempting to anticipate the circumstances of potential danger. Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V), Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) and Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) technologies strive to give communication models that can be employed by vehicles in different application contexts. The resulting infrastructure is an ad-hoc mesh network whose nodes are not only vehicles but also all mobile devices equipped with wireless modules. The interaction between the multiple connected entities consists of information exchange through the adoption of suitable communication protocols. The main aim of the review carried out in this paper is to examine and assess the most relevant systems, applications, and communication protocols that will distinguish the future road infrastructures used by vehicles. The results of the investigation reveal the real benefits that technological cooperation can involve in road safety. Document type: Articl

    Modeling and Analysis of Cellular Networks Using Stochastic Geometry: A Tutorial

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    This paper presents a tutorial on stochastic geometry (SG)-based analysis for cellular networks. This tutorial is distinguished by its depth with respect to wireless communication details and its focus on cellular networks. This paper starts by modeling and analyzing the baseband interference in a baseline single-tier downlink cellular network with single antenna base stations and universal frequency reuse. Then, it characterizes signal-to-interference-plus-noise-ratio and its related performance metrics. In particular, a unified approach to conduct error probability, outage probability, and transmission rate analysis is presented. Although the main focus of this paper is on cellular networks, the presented unified approach applies for other types of wireless networks that impose interference protection around receivers. This paper then extends the unified approach to capture cellular network characteristics (e.g., frequency reuse, multiple antenna, power control, etc.). It also presents numerical examples associated with demonstrations and discussions. To this end, this paper highlights the state-of-the-art research and points out future research directions

    6G Wireless Systems: Vision, Requirements, Challenges, Insights, and Opportunities

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    Mobile communications have been undergoing a generational change every ten years or so. However, the time difference between the so-called "G's" is also decreasing. While fifth-generation (5G) systems are becoming a commercial reality, there is already significant interest in systems beyond 5G, which we refer to as the sixth-generation (6G) of wireless systems. In contrast to the already published papers on the topic, we take a top-down approach to 6G. We present a holistic discussion of 6G systems beginning with lifestyle and societal changes driving the need for next generation networks. This is followed by a discussion into the technical requirements needed to enable 6G applications, based on which we dissect key challenges, as well as possibilities for practically realizable system solutions across all layers of the Open Systems Interconnection stack. Since many of the 6G applications will need access to an order-of-magnitude more spectrum, utilization of frequencies between 100 GHz and 1 THz becomes of paramount importance. As such, the 6G eco-system will feature a diverse range of frequency bands, ranging from below 6 GHz up to 1 THz. We comprehensively characterize the limitations that must be overcome to realize working systems in these bands; and provide a unique perspective on the physical, as well as higher layer challenges relating to the design of next generation core networks, new modulation and coding methods, novel multiple access techniques, antenna arrays, wave propagation, radio-frequency transceiver design, as well as real-time signal processing. We rigorously discuss the fundamental changes required in the core networks of the future that serves as a major source of latency for time-sensitive applications. While evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of key 6G technologies, we differentiate what may be achievable over the next decade, relative to what is possible.Comment: Accepted for Publication into the Proceedings of the IEEE; 32 pages, 10 figures, 5 table

    Serious Game Engineering and Lighting Models for the Realistic Emulation of 5G Systems

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    [ES] La quinta generación de comunicaciones móviles, 5G, promete ser una revolución tecnológica que vaya más allá de multiplicar la velocidad de transmisión de datos de sus predecesoras. Pretende soportar una gran cantidad de dispositivos y alcanzar latencias muy cercanas a 1 milisegundo. Para satisfacer estos ambiciosos requisitos, se han investigado nuevas tecnologías habilitadoras. Una de ellas es el uso de las bandas de ondas milimétricas (mmW) en las cuales hay una gran cantidad de espectro disponible. Para predecir las características del canal radio y evaluar las prestaciones de la 5G de forma fiable en las bandas mmW se requieren modelos de canal complejos. Concretamente, los modelos de propagación más precisos son los basados en trazado de rayos, pero su alto costo computacional los hacen inviables para la caracterización del canal radio en escenarios complejos. Por otro lado, en los últimos años, la tecnología de videojuegos ha desarrollado potentes herramientas para modelar la propagación de la luz en escenarios superrealistas. Dada la cercanía espectral entre el espectro visible y las ondas mmW, la presente Tesis ha estudiado la aplicación de las herramientas de modelado de propagación de la luz de los motores de juego para el modelado del canal radio en mmW. Esta Tesis propone un modelo de estimación de las pérdidas de propagación en mmW llamado "Modelo de Intensidad de Luz'' (LIM). Usando este modelo, basado en los procesos de iluminación realizados por los motores de juego, los transmisores de señal se sustituyen por focos de luz y la intensidad lumínica recibida en un punto se traduce a potencia de señal en milimétricas a través de una función polinómica sencilla. Una de las ventajas de usar los motores de juego es su gran capacidad y la facilidad que tiene el usuario para crear escenarios superrealistas que representen fielmente la geometría de escenarios donde se quiera evaluar el canal radio. De esta forma se pueden obtener estimaciones precisas de las pérdidas de propagación. La estimación de las pérdidas de propagación con LIM ha sido comparada con campañas de medida en las bandas de 28 GHz y 73 GHz y con otros modelos de propagación. Como resultado, el error de estimación de LIM es menor que los modelos estocásticos actuales y es comparable con el modelo de trazado de rayos. Y, además, el coste computacional de LIM comparado con el trazado de rayos es 130 veces menor, lo que posibilita el uso de LIM en escenarios altamente complejos para la estimación del canal radio en tiempo real. Los motores de juego permiten caracterizar de forma diferente la interacción de los materiales con la luz configurando el mapa de normales de sus superficies y sus funciones de dispersión y reflexión. En esta Tesis se ha determinado la caracterización de varios materiales que mejor se ajusta a medidas de laboratorio realizadas en un escenario controlado en la banda de 28 GHz. El modelo de LIM empleando materiales con esta caracterización óptima reduce más de un 50\% su error de estimación con respecto a la aplicación de LIM con los materiales por defecto, mientras que su coste computacional sigue siendo 26 veces menor que el modelo de trazado de rayos. Finalmente, se ha desarrollado sobre un motor de juego una primera versión de plataforma para la emulación de los sistemas 5G que es el punto de partida para un emulador completo de 5G. Esta plataforma no sólo contiene el modelo de LIM sino que incluye varios casos de uso de la 5G en entornos superrealistas. La plataforma, que se basa en el concepto de "Serious Game Engineering", rompe las limitaciones de los simuladores de redes móviles en cuanto a las capacidades de visualización e interacción del usuario con los componentes de la red en tiempo real.[CA] La cinquena generació de comunicacions mòbils, 5G, promet ser una revolució tecnològica que vaja més enllà de multiplicar la velocitat de transmissió de dades de les seues predecessores. Pretén suportar una gran quantitat de dispositius i aconseguir latències molt pròximes a 1 mil·lisegon. Per a satisfer aquests ambiciosos requisits, s'han investigat noves tecnologies habilitadores. Una d'elles és l'ús de les bandes d'ones mil·limètriques (mmW) en les quals hi ha una gran quantitat d'espectre disponible. Per a predir les característiques del canal ràdio i avaluar les prestacions de la 5G de forma fiable en les bandes mmW es requereixen models de canal complexos. Concretament, els models de propagació més precisos són els basats en traçat de rajos, però el seu alt cost computacional els fan inviables per a la caracterització del canal ràdio en escenaris complexos. D'altra banda, en els últims anys, la tecnologia de videojocs ha desenvolupat potents eines per a modelar la propagació de la llum en escenaris superrealistes. Donada la proximitat espectral entre l'espectre visible i les ones mmW, la present Tesi ha estudiat l'aplicació de les eines de modelatge de propagació de la llum dels motors de joc per al modelatge del canal radie en mmW. Aquesta Tesi proposa un model d'estimació de les pèrdues de propagació en mmW anomenat "Model d'Intensitat de Llum'' (LIM). Usant aquest model, basat en els processos d'il·luminació realitzats pels motors de joc, els transmissors de senyal se substitueixen per focus de llum i la intensitat lumínica rebuda en un punt es tradueix a potència de senyal en mil·limètriques a través d'una funció polinòmica senzilla. Una dels avantatges d'usar els motors de joc és la seua gran capacitat i la facilitat que té l'usuari per a crear escenaris superrealistes que representen fidelment la geometria d'escenaris on es vulga avaluar el canal ràdio. D'aquesta forma es poden obtindre estimacions precises de les pèrdues de propagació. L'estimació de les pèrdues de propagació amb LIM ha sigut comparada amb campanyes de mesura en les bandes de 28~GHz i 73~GHz i amb altres models de propagació. Com a resultat, l'error d'estimació de LIM és menor que els models estocàstics actuals i és comparable amb el model de traçat de rajos. I, a més, el cost computacional de LIM comparat amb el traçat de rajos és 130 vegades menor, la qual cosa possibilita l'ús de LIM en escenaris altament complexos per a l'estimació del canal ràdio en temps real. Els motors de joc permeten caracteritzar de forma diferent la interacció dels materials amb la llum configurant el mapa de normals de les seues superfícies i les seues funcions de dispersió i reflexió. En aquesta Tesi s'ha determinat la caracterització de diversos materials que s'ajusta millor a mesures de laboratori realitzades en un escenari controlat en la banda de 28 GHz. El model de LIM emprant materials amb aquesta caracterització òptima redueix més d'un 50 % el seu error d'estimació respecte a l'aplicació de LIM amb els materials per defecte, mentre que el seu cost computacional continua sent 26 vegades menor que el model de traçat de rajos. Finalment, s'ha desenvolupat sobre un motor de joc una primera versió de plataforma per a l'emulació dels sistemes 5G que és el punt de partida per a un emulador complet de 5G. Aquesta plataforma no solament conté el model de LIM sinó que inclou diversos casos d'ús de la 5G en entorns superrealistes. La plataforma, que es basa en el concepte de "Serious Game Engineering", trenca les limitacions dels simuladors de xarxes mòbils quant a les capacitats de visualització i interacció de l'usuari amb els components de la xarxa en temps real.[EN] The fifth generation of mobile communications, 5G, promises to be a technological revolution that goes beyond multiplying the data transmission speed of its predecessors. It aims to support a large number of devices and reach latencies very close to 1 millisecond. To meet these ambitious requirements, new enabling technologies have been researched. One of these is the use of millimetre-wave bands (mmW) in which a large amount of spectrum is available. Complex channel models are required to predict radio channel characteristics and reliably evaluate 5G performance in the mmW bands. Specifically, the most accurate propagation models are those based on ray tracing, but their high computational cost makes them unfeasible for radio channel characterization in complex scenarios. On the other hand, in recent years, video game technology has developed powerful tools to model the propagation of light in super realistic scenarios. Given the spectral closeness between the visible spectrum and the mmW waves, the present Thesis has studied the application of light propagation modeling tools from game engines for radio channel modeling in mmW. This Thesis proposes a model for estimating propagation losses in mmW called "Light Intensity Model'' (LIM). Using this model, based on the lighting processes performed by the game engines, the signal transmitters are replaced by light sources and the light intensity received at a point is translated into signal strength in mmW through a simple polynomial function. One of the advantages of using the game engines is their great capacity and the ease with which the user can create super realistic scenarios that faithfully represent the geometry of scenarios where the radio channel is to be evaluated. In this way, accurate estimates of propagation losses can be obtained. The estimation of propagation losses with LIM has been compared with measurement campaigns in the 28 GHz and 73 GHz bands and with other propagation models. As a result, the LIM estimation error is smaller than the current stochastic models and is comparable with the ray tracing model. In addition, the computational cost of LIM compared to ray tracing is 130 times lower, allowing the use of LIM in highly complex scenarios for real-time radio channel estimation. The game engines allow to characterize in a different way the interaction of the materials with the light configuring the normal map of their surfaces and their scattering and reflection functions. In this Thesis it has been determined the characterization of several materials that best fits to laboratory measurements made in a controlled scenario in the 28 GHz band. The LIM model using materials with this optimal characterization reduces by more than 50% its estimation error with respect to the application of LIM with default materials, while its computational cost remains 26 times lower than the ray tracing model. Finally, a first version of a platform for the emulation of 5G systems has been developed on a game engine, which is the starting point for a complete 5G emulator. This platform not only contains the LIM model but also includes several 5G use cases in super realistic environments. The platform, which is based on the concept of "`Serious Game Engineering", breaks the limitations of mobile network simulators in terms of visualization capabilities and user interaction with network components in real time.Inca Sánchez, SA. (2019). Serious Game Engineering and Lighting Models for the Realistic Emulation of 5G Systems [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/132695TESI

    Radio resource allocation for overlay D2D-based vehicular communications in future wireless networks

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    Mobilfunknetze der nächsten Generation ermöglichen einen weitverbreiteten Einsatz von Device-to-Device Kommunikation, der direkten Kommunikation zwischen zellularen Endgeräten. Für viele Anwendungsfälle zur direkten Kommunikation zwischen Endgeräten sind eine deterministische Latenz und die hohe Zuverlässigkeit von zentraler Bedeutung. Dienste zur direkten Kommunikation (D2D) für in der Nähe befindliche Endgeräte sind vielversprechend die hohen Anforderungen an Latenz und Zuverlässigkeit für zukünftige vertikale Anwendungen zu erfüllen. Eine der herausragenden vertikalen Anwendungen ist die Fahrzeugkommunikation, bei der die Fahrzeuge sicherheitskritische Meldungen direkt über D2D-Kommunikation austauschen, die dadurch zur Reduktion von Verkehrsunfällen und gleichzeitig von Todesfällen im Straßenverkehrt beiträgt. Neue Techniken zur effizienteren Zuweisung von Funkressourcen in der D2D-Kommunikation haben in letzter Zeit in Industrie und Wissenschaft große Aufmerksamkeit erlangt. Zusätzlich zur Allokation von Ressourcen, wird die Energieeffizienz zunehmend wichtiger, die normalerweise im Zusammenhang mit der Ressourcenallokation behandelt wird. Diese Dissertation untersucht verschiedener Ansätze der Funkressourcenzuweisung und Energieeffizienztechniken in der LTE und NR V2X Kommunikation. Im Folgenden beschreiben wir kurz die Kernideen der Dissertation. Meist zeichnen sich D2D-Anwendungen durch ein relativ geringes Datenvolumen aus, die über Funkressourcen übertragen werden. In LTE können diese Funkressourcen aufgrund der groben Granularität für die Ressourcenzuweisung nicht effizient genutzt werden. Insbesondere beim semi-persistenten Scheduling, bei dem eine Funkressource über einen längeren Zeitraum im Overlay D2D festgelegt wird, sind die Funkressourcen für solche Anwendungen nicht ausgelastet. Um dieses Problem zu lösen, wird eine hierarchische Form für das Management der Funkressourcen, ein sogenanntes Subgranting-Schema, vorgeschlagen. Dabei kann ein nahegelegener zellularer Nutzer, der sogenannte begünstigte Nutzer, ungenutzten Funkressourcen, die durch Subgranting-Signalisierung angezeigt werden, wiederzuverwenden. Das vorgeschlagene Schema wird bewertet und mit "shortening TTI", einen Schema mit reduzierten Sendezeitintervallen, in Bezug auf den Zellendurchsatz verglichen. Als nächster Schritt wird untersucht, wie der begünstigten Benutzer ausgewählt werden kann und als Maximierungsproblem des Zellendurchsatzes im Uplink unter Berücksichtigung von Zuverlässigkeits- und Latenzanforderungen dargestellt. Dafür wird ein heuristischer zentralisierter, d.h. dedizierter Sub-Granting-Radio-Ressource DSGRR-Algorithmus vorgeschlagen. Die Simulationsergebnisse und die Analyse ergeben in einem Szenario mit stationären Nutzern eine Erhöhung des Zelldurchsatzes bei dem Einsatz des vorgeschlagenen DSGRR-Algorithmus im Vergleich zu einer zufälligen Auswahl von Nutzern. Zusätzlich wird das Problem der Auswahl des begünstigten Nutzers in einem dynamischen Szenario untersucht, in dem sich alle Nutzer bewegen. Wir bewerten den durch das Sub-Granting durch die Mobilität entstandenen Signalisierungs-Overhead im DSGRR. Anschließend wird ein verteilter Heuristik-Algorithmus (OSGRR) vorgeschlagen und sowohl mit den Ergebnissen des DSGRR-Algorithmus als auch mit den Ergebnissen ohne Sub-Granting verglichen. Die Simulationsergebnisse zeigen einen verbesserten Zellendurchsatz für den OSGRR im Vergleich zu den anderen Algorithmen. Außerdem ist zu beobachten, dass der durch den OSGRR entstehende Overhead geringer ist als der durch den DSGRR, während der erreichte Zellendurchsatz nahe am maximal erreichbaren Uplink-Zellendurchsatz liegt. Zusätzlich wird die Ressourcenallokation im Zusammenhang mit der Energieeffizienz bei autonomer Ressourcenauswahl in New Radio (NR) Mode 2 untersucht. Die autonome Auswahl der Ressourcen wird als Verhältnis von Summenrate und Energieverbrauch formuliert. Das Ziel ist den Stromverbrauch der akkubetriebenen Endgeräte unter Berücksichtigung der geforderten Zuverlässigkeit und Latenz zu minimieren. Der heuristische Algorithmus "Density of Traffic-based Resource Allocation (DeTRA)" wird als Lösung vorgeschlagen. Bei dem vorgeschlagenen Algorithmus wird der Ressourcenpool in Abhängigkeit von der Verkehrsdichte pro Verkehrsart aufgeteilt. Die zufällige Auswahl erfolgt zwingend auf dem dedizierten Ressourcenpool beim Eintreffen aperiodischer Daten. Die Simulationsergebnisse zeigen, dass der vorgeschlagene Algorithmus die gleichen Ergebnisse für die Paketempfangsrate (PRR) erreicht, wie der sensing-basierte Algorithmus. Zusätzlich wird der Stromverbrauch des Endgeräts reduziert und damit die Energieeffizienz durch die Anwendung des DeTRA-Algorithmus verbessert. In dieser Arbeit werden Techniken zur Allokation von Funkressourcen in der LTE-basierten D2D-Kommunikation erforscht und eingesetzt, mit dem Ziel Funkressourcen effizienter zu nutzen. Darüber hinaus ist der in dieser Arbeit vorgestellte Ansatz eine Basis für zukünftige Untersuchungen, wie akkubasierte Endgeräte mit minimalem Stromverbrauch in der NR-V2X-Kommunikation Funkressourcen optimal auswählen können.Next-generation cellular networks are envisioned to enable widely Device-to-Device (D2D) communication. For many applications in the D2D domain, deterministic communication latency and high reliability are of exceptionally high importance. The proximity service provided by D2D communication is a promising feature that can fulfil the reliability and latency requirements of emerging vertical applications. One of the prominent vertical applications is vehicular communication, in which the vehicles disseminate safety messages directly through D2D communication, resulting in the fatality rate reduction due to a possible collision. Radio resource allocation techniques in D2D communication have recently gained much attention in industry and academia, through which valuable radio resources are allocated more efficiently. In addition to the resource allocation techniques, energy sustainability is highly important and is usually considered in conjunction with the resource allocation approach. This dissertation is dedicated to studying different avenues of the radio resource allocation and energy efficiency techniques in Long Term Evolution (LTE) and New Radio (NR) Vehicle-to-Everythings (V2X) communications. In the following, we briefly describe the core ideas in this study. Mostly, the D2D applications are characterized by relatively small traffic payload size, and in LTE, due to coarse granularity of the subframe, the radio resources can not be utilized efficiently. Particularly, in the case of semi-persistent scheduling when a radio resource is scheduled for a longer time in the overlay D2D, the radio resources are underutilized for such applications. To address this problem, a hierarchical radio resource management scheme, i.e., a sub-granting scheme, is proposed by which nearby cellular users, i.e., beneficiary users, are allowed to reuse the unused radio resource indicated by sub-granting signaling. The proposed scheme is evaluated and compared with shortening Transmission Time Interval (TTI) schemes in terms of cell throughput. Then, the beneficiary user selection problem is investigated and is cast as a maximization problem of uplink cell throughput subject to reliability and latency requirements. A heuristic centralized, i.e., dedicated sub-granting radio resource Dedicated Sub-Granting Radio Resource (DSGRR) algorithm is proposed to address the original beneficiary user selection problem. The simulation results and analysis show the superiority of the proposed DSGRR algorithm over the random beneficiary user selection algorithm in terms of the cell throughput in a scenario with stationary users. Further, the beneficiary user selection problem is investigated in a scenario where all users are moving in a dynamic environment. We evaluate the sub-granting signaling overhead due to mobility in the DSGRR, and then a distributed heuristics algorithm, i.e., Open Sub-Granting Radio Resource (OSGRR), is proposed and compared with the DSGRR algorithm and no sub-granting case. Simulation results show improved cell throughput for the OSGRR compared with other algorithms. Besides, it is observed that the overhead incurred by the OSGRR is less than the DSGRR while the achieved cell throughput is yet close to the maximum achievable uplink cell throughput. Also, joint resource allocation and energy efficiency in autonomous resource selection in NR, i.e. Mode 2, is examined. The autonomous resource selection is formulated as a ratio of sum-rate and energy consumption. The objective is to minimize the energy efficiency of the power-saving users subject to reliability and latency requirements. A heuristic algorithm, density of traffic-based resource allocation (DeTRA), is proposed to solve the problem. The proposed algorithm splits the resource pool based on the traffic density per traffic type. The random selection is then mandated to be performed on the dedicated resource pool upon arrival of the aperiodic traffic is triggered. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm achieves the same packet reception ratio (PRR) value as the sensing-based algorithm. In addition, per-user power consumption is reduced, and consequently, the energy efficiency is improved by applying the DeTRA algorithm. The research in this study leverages radio resource allocation techniques in LTE based D2D communications to be utilized radio resources more efficiently. In addition, the conducted research paves a way to study further how the power-saving users would optimally select the radio resources with minimum energy consumption in NR V2X communications

    Thirty Years of Machine Learning: The Road to Pareto-Optimal Wireless Networks

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    Future wireless networks have a substantial potential in terms of supporting a broad range of complex compelling applications both in military and civilian fields, where the users are able to enjoy high-rate, low-latency, low-cost and reliable information services. Achieving this ambitious goal requires new radio techniques for adaptive learning and intelligent decision making because of the complex heterogeneous nature of the network structures and wireless services. Machine learning (ML) algorithms have great success in supporting big data analytics, efficient parameter estimation and interactive decision making. Hence, in this article, we review the thirty-year history of ML by elaborating on supervised learning, unsupervised learning, reinforcement learning and deep learning. Furthermore, we investigate their employment in the compelling applications of wireless networks, including heterogeneous networks (HetNets), cognitive radios (CR), Internet of things (IoT), machine to machine networks (M2M), and so on. This article aims for assisting the readers in clarifying the motivation and methodology of the various ML algorithms, so as to invoke them for hitherto unexplored services as well as scenarios of future wireless networks.Comment: 46 pages, 22 fig

    Contributions to the Performance Analysis of Intervehicular Communications Systems and Schemes

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    RÉSUMÉ Le but des systèmes de communication intervéhicule (Inter-Vehicle Communication – IVC) est d'améliorer la sécurité de conduite en utilisant des capteurs et des techniques de communication sans fil pour être en mesure de communiquer mutuellement sans aucune intervention extérieure. Avec l'utilisation de ces systèmes, les communications véhicule à véhicule (V2V) peuvent être plus efficaces dans la prévention des accidents et la décongestion de la circulation que si chaque véhicule travaillait individuellement. Une des solutions proposées pour les systèmes IVC est l’utilisation des systèmes de communication coopérative, qui en principe, augmentent l'efficacité spectrale et énergétique, la couverture du réseau, et réduit la probabilité de défaillance. La diversité d'antenne (entrées multiples sorties multiples « Multiple-Input Multiple-Output » ou MIMO) peut également être une alternative pour les systèmes IVC pour améliorer la capacité du canal et la diversité (fiabilité), mais en échange d’une complexité accrue. Toutefois, l'application de telles solutions est difficile, car les communications sans fil entre les véhicules sont soumises à d’importants effets d'évanouissements des canaux appelés (canaux sujets aux évanouissements de n*Rayleigh, « n*Rayleigh fading channels»), ce qui conduit à la dégradation des performances. Par conséquent, dans cette thèse, nous proposons une analyse de la performance globale des systèmes de transmission coopératifs et MIMO sur des canaux sujets aux évanouissements de n*Rayleigh. Cette analyse permettra d’aider les chercheurs pour la conception et la mise en œuvre de systèmes de communication V2V avec une complexité moindre. En particulier, nous étudions d'abord la performance de la sélection du relais de coopération avec les systèmes IVC, on suppose que la transmission via « Amplify-and-Forward» (AF) ou bien «Decode-and-Forward» (DF) est assurée par N relais pour transférer le message de la source à la destination. La performance du système est analysée en termes de probabilité de défaillance, la probabilité d'erreur de symbole, et la capacité moyenne du canal. Les résultats numériques démontrent que la sélection de relais réalise une diversité de l'ordre de (d≈mN/n) pour les deux types de relais, où m est un paramètre évanouissement de Rayleigh en cascade. Nous étudions ensuite la performance des systèmes IVC à sauts multiples avec et sans relais régénératifs. Dans cette étude, nous dérivons des expressions approximatives pour la probabilité de défaillance et le niveau d’évanouissement lorsque la diversité en réception basée sur le ratio maximum de combinaison (MRC) est employée. En outre, nous analysons la répartition de puissance pour le système sous-jacent afin de minimiser la probabilité globale de défaillance. Nous montrons que la performance des systèmes régénératifs est meilleure que celle des systèmes non régénératifs lorsque l’ordre de cascade n est faible, tandis qu’ils ont des performances similaires lorsque n est élevé. Ensuite, nous considérons le problème de la détection de puissance des signaux inconnus aux n* canaux de Rayleigh. Dans ce travail, de nouvelles expressions approximatives sont dérivées de la probabilité de détection moyenne avec et sans diversité en réception MRC. En outre, la performance du système est analysée lorsque la détection de spectre coopérative (CSS) est considérée sous diverses contraintes de canaux (par exemple, les canaux de communication parfaits et imparfaits). Les résultats numériques ont montré que la fiabilité de détection diminue à mesure que l'ordre n augmente et s’améliore sensiblement lorsque CSS emploie le schéma MRC. Il est démontré que CSS avec le schéma MRC maintient la probabilité de fausse alarme minimale dans les canaux d’information imparfaite plutôt que d'augmenter le nombre d'utilisateurs en coopération. Enfin, nous présentons une nouvelle approche pour l'analyse des performances des systèmes IVC sur n*canaux de Rayleigh, en utilisant n_T antennes d'émission et n_R antennes de réception pour lutter contre l'effet d’évanouissement. Dans ce contexte, nous évaluons la performance des systèmes MIMO-V2V basés sur la sélection des antennes d'émission avec un ratio maximum de combinaison (TAS/MRC) et la sélection combinant (TAS/SC). Dans cette étude, nous dérivons des expressions analytiques plus précises pour la probabilité de défaillance, la probabilité d'erreur de symbole, et l’évanouissement sur n*canaux Rayleigh. Il est montré que les deux régimes ont le même ordre de diversité maximale équivalent à (d≈mn_T n_R /n) . En outre, TAS / MRC offre un gain de performance mieux que TAS/ SC lorsque le nombre d'antennes de réception est plus que celle des antennes d’émission, mais l’amélioration de la performance est limitée lorsque n augmente.----------Abstract The purpose of intervehicular communication (IVC) systems is to enhance driving safety, in which vehicles use sensors and wireless communication techniques to talk to each other without any roadside intervention. Using these systems, vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications can be more effective in avoiding accidents and traffic congestion than if each vehicle works individually. A potential solution can be implemented in this research area using cooperative communications systems which, in principle, increase spectral and power efficiency, network coverage, and reduce the outage probability. Antenna diversity (i.e., multiple-input multiple output (MIMO) systems) can also be an alternative solution for IVC systems to enhance channel capacity and diversity (reliability) but in exchange of an increased complexity. However, applying such solutions is challenging since wireless communications among vehicles is subject to harsh fading channels called ‘n*Rayleigh fading channels’, which leads to performance degradation. Therefore, in this thesis we provide a comprehensive performance analysis of cooperative transmission and MIMO systems over n*Rayleigh fading channels that help researchers for the design and implementation of V2V communication systems with lower complexity. Specifically, we first investigate the performance of cooperative IVC systems with relay selection over n*Rayleigh fading channels, assuming that both the decode-and-forward and the amplify-and-forward relaying protocols are achieved by N relays to transfer the source message to the destination. System performance is analyzed in terms of outage probability, symbol error probability, and average channel capacity. The numerical results have shown that the best relay selection approach achieves the diversity order of (d≈mN/n) where m is a cascaded Rayleigh fading parameter. Second, we investigate the performance of multihop-IVC systems with regenerative and non-regenerative relays. In this study, we derive approximate closed-form expressions for the outage probability and amount of fading when the maximum ratio combining (MRC) diversity reception is employed. Further, we analyze the power allocation for the underlying scheme in order to minimize the overall outage probability. We show that the performance of regenerative systems is better than that of non-regenerative systems when the cascading order n is low and they have similar performance when n is high. Third, we consider the problem of energy detection of unknown signals over n*Rayleigh fading channels. In this work, novel approximate expressions are derived for the average probability of detection with and without MRC diversity reception. Moreover, the system performance is analyzed when cooperative spectrum sensing (CSS) is considered under various channel constraints (e.g, perfect and imperfect reporting channels). The numerical results show that the detection reliability decreases as the cascading order n increases and substantially improves when CSS employs MRC schemes. It is demonstrated that CSS with MRC scheme keeps the probability of false alarm minimal under imperfect reporting channels rather than increasing the number of cooperative users. Finally, we present a new approach for the performance analysis of IVC systems over n*Rayleigh fading channels, using n_T transmit and n_R receive antennas to combat fading influence. In this context, we evaluate the performance of MIMO-V2V systems based on the transmit antenna selection with maximum ratio combining (TAS/MRC) and selection combining (TAS/SC) schemes. In this study, we derive tight analytical expressions for the outage probability, the symbol error probability, and the amount of fading over n*Rayleigh fading channels. It is shown that both schemes have the same maximum diversity order equivalent to (d≈mn_T n_R /n). In addition, TAS/MRC offers a better performance gain than TAS/SC scheme when the number of receive antennas is more than that of transmit antennas, but the performance improvement is limited as n increases
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