1,101 research outputs found

    Spatial Identification Methods and Systems for RFID Tags

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    Disertační práce je zaměřena na metody a systémy pro měření vzdálenosti a lokalizaci RFID tagů pracujících v pásmu UHF. Úvod je věnován popisu současného stavu vědeckého poznání v oblasti RFID prostorové identifikace a stručnému shrnutí problematiky modelování a návrhu prototypů těchto systémů. Po specifikaci cílů disertace pokračuje práce popisem teorie modelování degenerovaného kanálu pro RFID komunikaci. Detailně jsou rozebrány metody měření vzdálenosti a odhadu směru příchodu signálu založené na zpracování fázové informace. Pro účely lokalizace je navrženo několik scénářů rozmístění antén. Modely degenerovaného kanálu jsou simulovány v systému MATLAB. Významná část této práce je věnována konceptu softwarově definovaného rádia (SDR) a specifikům jeho adaptace na UHF RFID, která využití běžných SDR systémů značně omezují. Diskutována je zejména problematika průniku nosné vysílače do přijímací cesty a požadavky na signál lokálního oscilátoru používaný pro směšování. Prezentovány jsou tři vyvinuté prototypy: experimentální dotazovač EXIN-1, měřicí systém založený na platformě Ettus USRP a anténní přepínací matice pro emulaci SIMO systému. Závěrečná část je zaměřena na testování a zhodnocení popisovaných lokalizačních technik, založených na měření komplexní přenosové funkce RFID kanálu. Popisuje úzkopásmové/širokopásmové měření vzdálenosti a metody odhadu směru signálu. Oba navržené scénáře rozmístění antén jsou v závěru ověřeny lokalizačním měřením v reálných podmínkách.The doctoral thesis is focused on methods and systems for ranging and localization of RFID tags operating in the UHF band. It begins with a description of the state of the art in the field of RFID positioning with short extension to the area of modeling and prototyping of such systems. After a brief specification of dissertation objectives, the thesis overviews the theory of degenerate channel modeling for RFID communication. Details are given about phase-based ranging and direction of arrival finding methods. Several antenna placement scenarios are proposed for localization purposes. The degenerate channel models are simulated in MATLAB. A significant part of the thesis is devoted to software defined radio (SDR) concept and its adaptation for UHF RFID operation, as it has its specialties which make the usage of standard SDR test equipment very disputable. Transmit carrier leakage into receiver path and requirements on local oscillator signals for mixing are discussed. The development of three experimental prototypes is also presented there: experimental interrogator EXIN-1, measurement system based on Ettus USRP platform, and antenna switching matrix for an emulation of SIMO system. The final part is focused on testing and evaluation of described positioning techniques based on complex backscatter channel transfer function measurement. Both narrowband/wideband ranging and direction of arrival methods are validated. Finally, both proposed antenna placement scenarios are evaluated with real-world measurements.

    2012 PWST Workshop Summary

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    The role of Industry 4.0 enabling technologies for safety management: A systematic literature review

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    Abstract Innovations introduced during the Industry 4.0 era consist in the integration of the so called "nine pillars of technologies" in manufacturing, transforming the conventional factory in a smart factory. The aim of this study is to investigate enabling technologies of Industry 4.0, focusing on technologies that have a greater impact on safety management. Main characteristics of such technologies will be identified and described according to their use in an industrial environment. In order to do this, we chose a systematic literature review (SLR) to answer the research question in a comprehensively way. Results show that articles can be grouped according to different criteria. Moreover, we found that Industry 4.0 can increase safety levels in warehouse and logistic, as well as several solutions are available for building sector

    Wireless characterization and assessment of an UWB-Based system in industrial environments

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    The advent of Indsutrial Internet of Things is one of the main drivers for the implementation of Industry 4.0 scenarios and applications, in which wireless communication systems play a key role in terms of flexibility, mobility and deployment capabilities. However, the integration of wireless communication systems poses challenges, owing to variable path loss conditions and interference impact. In this work, an Ultra-Wideband (UWB) system for indoor location in very large, complex industrial scenarios is presented. Precise wireless channel characterization for the complete volume of a logistical plant is performed, based on 3D hybrid ray launching approximation, in order to aid network node design process. Wireless characterization, implementation and measurement results are obtained for both 4 GHz and 6 GHz frequency bands, considering different densities of scatterers within the scenario under test. Time domain estimation results have been obtained and compared with time of flight measurement results, showing good agreement. The proposed methodology enables to perform system design and performance tasks, analyzing the impact of variable object density conditions in wireless channel response, providing accurate time of flight estimations without the need of complex channel sounder systems, aiding in optimal system planning and implementation.This work was supported in part by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme (Stardust-Holistic and Integrated Urban Model for Smart Cities) under Grant 774094, in part by the Ministerio de Ciencia through the Innovación y Universidades, Gobierno de España (Agencia Estatal de Investigación, Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional—FEDER, European Union) under Grant RTI2018-095499-B-C31 IoTrain, and in part by the Gobierno de Navarra-Departamento de Desarrollo Económico under Grant 0011-1365-2019-000097 OEE LOG

    Accuracy evaluation of probabilistic location methods in UWB-RFID systems

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    The present project is focused on investigating the achievable accuracy of classical location methods commonly used in wireless and proposing an alternative location method based on combining two of them. The first part of the project studies the advantages and disadvantages of extending Ultra Wideband and Radiofrequency Identification technologies on some classical location methods. As a result of the study and with the goal of improving accuracy in indoor radio propagation channels, the Received Strength Signal-based location method and the Time Difference Of Arrival-based location method are selected to be combined in the alternative location method, including the proper channel models. This combined location method takes advantage of the virtues of each location method and combines information in order to improve the estimation of one target's position when locating in indoor channel. The second part of the project is devoted to analyse and simulate the modified RSS, TDOA and Combined location methods, considering the randomness of a real multipath fading channel. Results show that the Combined location method performs always the best accuracy. Specifically in analytical study, the combined location method provides a deterministic error of 24 cm which represents an improvement of 54% and 15% of the RSS and TDOA accuracies respectively. In the simulated study, results show that it is able to improve the accuracy up to 46% and 85% of the RSS and TDOA respectively in specific evaluated points

    The role of Industry 4.0 enabling technologies for safety management: A systematic literature review

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    Innovations introduced during the Industry 4.0 era consist in the integration of the so called "nine pillars of technologies" in manufacturing, transforming the conventional factory in a smart factory. The aim of this study is to investigate enabling technologies of Industry 4.0, focusing on technologies that have a greater impact on safety management. Main characteristics of such technologies will be identified and described according to their use in an industrial environment. In order to do this, we chose a systematic literature review (SLR) to answer the research question in a comprehensively way. Results show that articles can be grouped according to different criteria. Moreover, we found that Industry 4.0 can increase safety levels in warehouse and logistic, as well as several solutions are available for building sector

    Accuracy evaluation of probabilistic location methods in UWB-RFID systems

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    The present project is focused on investigating the achievable accuracy of classical location methods commonly used in wireless and proposing an alternative location method based on combining two of them. The first part of the project studies the advantages and disadvantages of extending Ultra Wideband and Radiofrequency Identification technologies on some classical location methods. As a result of the study and with the goal of improving accuracy in indoor radio propagation channels, the Received Strength Signal-based location method and the Time Difference Of Arrival-based location method are selected to be combined in the alternative location method, including the proper channel models. This combined location method takes advantage of the virtues of each location method and combines information in order to improve the estimation of one target's position when locating in indoor channel. The second part of the project is devoted to analyse and simulate the modified RSS, TDOA and Combined location methods, considering the randomness of a real multipath fading channel. Results show that the Combined location method performs always the best accuracy. Specifically in analytical study, the combined location method provides a deterministic error of 24 cm which represents an improvement of 54% and 15% of the RSS and TDOA accuracies respectively. In the simulated study, results show that it is able to improve the accuracy up to 46% and 85% of the RSS and TDOA respectively in specific evaluated points