3,746 research outputs found

    Map++: A Crowd-sensing System for Automatic Map Semantics Identification

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    Digital maps have become a part of our daily life with a number of commercial and free map services. These services have still a huge potential for enhancement with rich semantic information to support a large class of mapping applications. In this paper, we present Map++, a system that leverages standard cell-phone sensors in a crowdsensing approach to automatically enrich digital maps with different road semantics like tunnels, bumps, bridges, footbridges, crosswalks, road capacity, among others. Our analysis shows that cell-phones sensors with humans in vehicles or walking get affected by the different road features, which can be mined to extend the features of both free and commercial mapping services. We present the design and implementation of Map++ and evaluate it in a large city. Our evaluation shows that we can detect the different semantics accurately with at most 3% false positive rate and 6% false negative rate for both vehicle and pedestrian-based features. Moreover, we show that Map++ has a small energy footprint on the cell-phones, highlighting its promise as a ubiquitous digital maps enriching service.Comment: Published in the Eleventh Annual IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication, and Networking (IEEE SECON 2014

    Geophysical methods to detect tunnelling at a geological repository site : Applicability in safeguards

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    ABSTRACT Generating power with nuclear energy accumulates radioactive spent nuclear fuel, anticipated not to be diversified into any unknown purposes. Nuclear safeguards include bookkeeping of nuclear fuel inventories, frequent checking, and monitoring to confirm nuclear non-proliferation. Permanent isolation of radionuclides from biosphere by disposal challenges established practices, as opportunities for monitoring of individual fuel assemblies ceases. Different concepts for treatment and geological disposal of spent nuclear fuel exist. Spent nuclear fuel disposal facility is under construction in Olkiluoto in Southwest Finland. Posiva Oy has carried out multidisciplinary bedrock characterization of crystalline bedrock for siting and design of the facility. Site description involved compilation of geological models from investigations at surface level, from drillholes and from underground rock characterization facility ONKALO. Research focused on long term safety case (performance) of engineered and natural barriers in purpose to minimize risks of radionuclide release. Nuclear safeguards include several concepts. Containment and surveillance (C/S) are tracking presence of nuclear fuel through manufacturing, energy generation, cooling, transfer, and encapsulation. Continuity of knowledge (CoK) ensures traceability and non-diversion. Design information provided by the operator to the state and European Commission (Euratom), and further to IAEA describes spent nuclear fuel handling in the facility. Design information verification (DIV) using timely or unannounced inspections, provide credible assurance on absence of any ongoing undeclared activities within the disposal facility. Safeguards by design provide information applicable for the planning of safeguards measures, e.g., surveillance during operation of disposal facility. Probability of detection of an attempt to any undeclared intrusion into the repository containment needs to be high. Detection of such preparations after site closure would require long term monitoring or repeated geophysical measurements within or at proximity of the repository. Bedrock imaging (remote sensing, geophysical surveys) would serve for verifying declarations where applicable, or for characterization of surrounding rock mass to detect undeclared activities. ASTOR working group has considered ground penetrating radar (GPR) for DIV in underground constructed premises during operation. Seismic reflection survey and electrical or electromagnetic imaging may also apply. This report summarizes geophysical methods used in Olkiluoto, and some recent development, from which findings could be applied also for nuclear safeguards. In this report the geophysical source fields, involved physical properties, range of detection, resolution, survey geometries, and timing of measurements are reviewed for different survey methods. Useful interpretation of geophysical data may rely on comparison of results to declared repository layout, since independent understanding of the results may not be successful. Monitoring provided by an operator may enable alarm and localization of an undeclared activity in a cost-effective manner until closure of the site. Direct detection of constructed spaces, though possible, might require repeated effort, have difficulties to provide spatial coverage, and involve false positive alarms still requiring further inspection

    Optical Flow-Based Odometry for Underground Tunnel Exploration

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    As military operations in degraded or GPS-denied environments continue to increase in frequency and importance, there is an increased necessity to be able to determine precision location within these environments. Furthermore, authorities are finding a record number of tunnels along the U.S.-Mexico border; therefore, underground tunnel characterization is becoming a high priority for U.S. Homeland Security as well. This thesis investigates the performance of a new image registration technique based on a two camera optical- flow configuration using phase correlation techniques. These techniques differ from other image based navigation methods but present a viable alternative increasing autonomy and answering the tunnel based navigation problem. This research presents an optical flow based image registration technique and validates its use with experimental results on a mobile vehicle. Results reveal that further extension to pose estimation yields accuracy within 1.3 cm

    Construcción de mapas de cobertura para comunicaciones inalámbricas

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    Conocer ciertas características sobre cómo es la propagación de la señal en determinados entornos es de vital importancia para el uso efectivo de una red de comunicaciones inalámbrica. Dependiendo de la complejidad del medio podemos utilizar como guía uno o varios modelos de propagación, pudiéndose llegar a buenas aproximaciones sobre el comportamiento de la señal. Bien sea para desarrollar modelos (empíricos o deterministas) o validarlos, se requieren mediciones experimentales. En otros casos no se dispone de un modelo de propagación, por lo que la única opción radica en tomar mediciones prácticas. Cualquiera sea el caso, a través de la representación de estas mediciones en función de la posición obtenemos lo que se suele llamar un mapa de comunicaciones o mapa de cobertura. Situados en este contexto, en este trabajo se desarrollaron herramientas para la construcción de mapas de comunicaciones a gran escala y a pequeña escala. Pensando en una solución modular, se desarrollaron diversos módulos para el meta sistema operativo ROS y se implementaron en un vehículo real todoterreno, y en un robot Pioneer P3AT. Se realizaron pruebas en un ambiente de especial interés para el grupo RoPeRT (Robotics, Perception and Real Time) de la Universidad de Zaragoza: el túnel ferroviario de Somport, que conecta Francia con España. Se obtuvo un mapa de cobertura a gran escala de una sección de especial interés, de unos 2.5 km de largo con cambio de pendiente, y uno más detallado a menor escala de una sección de 1 Km, donde aparecen atenuaciones importantes. Se compararon los resultados con un modelo de propagación basado en “Ray Tracing” (trazado de rayos), desarrollado por Valenzuela (1993). Se obtuvieron similitudes como la existencia de un notable fading, pero a la vez diferencias que dan importancia a las mediciones realizadas, como la ubicación de este fading y diversas atenuaciones que no aparecen en las simulaciones. Se verificó la repetibilidad de estos fenómenos realizando diversos experimentos, inclusive en días diferentes, cuestión que no se ha sido tratada con importante énfasis en la literatura. También se encontró que, debido a variaciones transversales, aplicando una diversidad espacial muy superior a la de las tarjetas comerciales, podemos mejorar la calidad de señal en la mayoría del trayecto estudiado. Los resultados obtenidos pueden ser utilizados tanto para el despliegue óptimo de redes inalámbricas, hasta inclusive para el desarrollo de técnicas de navegación para equipos multi-robot manteniendo la comunicación

    A Survey of Positioning Systems Using Visible LED Lights

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    © 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.As Global Positioning System (GPS) cannot provide satisfying performance in indoor environments, indoor positioning technology, which utilizes indoor wireless signals instead of GPS signals, has grown rapidly in recent years. Meanwhile, visible light communication (VLC) using light devices such as light emitting diodes (LEDs) has been deemed to be a promising candidate in the heterogeneous wireless networks that may collaborate with radio frequencies (RF) wireless networks. In particular, light-fidelity has a great potential for deployment in future indoor environments because of its high throughput and security advantages. This paper provides a comprehensive study of a novel positioning technology based on visible white LED lights, which has attracted much attention from both academia and industry. The essential characteristics and principles of this system are deeply discussed, and relevant positioning algorithms and designs are classified and elaborated. This paper undertakes a thorough investigation into current LED-based indoor positioning systems and compares their performance through many aspects, such as test environment, accuracy, and cost. It presents indoor hybrid positioning systems among VLC and other systems (e.g., inertial sensors and RF systems). We also review and classify outdoor VLC positioning applications for the first time. Finally, this paper surveys major advances as well as open issues, challenges, and future research directions in VLC positioning systems.Peer reviewe

    Towards Odor-Sensitive Mobile Robots

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    J. Monroy, J. Gonzalez-Jimenez, "Towards Odor-Sensitive Mobile Robots", Electronic Nose Technologies and Advances in Machine Olfaction, IGI Global, pp. 244--263, 2018, doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-3862-2.ch012 Versión preprint, con permiso del editorOut of all the components of a mobile robot, its sensorial system is undoubtedly among the most critical ones when operating in real environments. Until now, these sensorial systems mostly relied on range sensors (laser scanner, sonar, active triangulation) and cameras. While electronic noses have barely been employed, they can provide a complementary sensory information, vital for some applications, as with humans. This chapter analyzes the motivation of providing a robot with gas-sensing capabilities and also reviews some of the hurdles that are preventing smell from achieving the importance of other sensing modalities in robotics. The achievements made so far are reviewed to illustrate the current status on the three main fields within robotics olfaction: the classification of volatile substances, the spatial estimation of the gas dispersion from sparse measurements, and the localization of the gas source within a known environment

    Propagation, Localization and Navigation in Tunnel-like Environments

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    La robótica de servicio, entendida como aquella destinada al uso de uno o varios robots con fines de, por ejemplo, vigilancia, rescate e inspecciones, ha ido tomando cada vez más relevancia en los últimos años. Debido a los grandes avances en las distintas áreas de la robótica, los robots han sido capaces de ejecutar satisfactoriamente tareas que resultan peligrosas o incluso imposibles para los humanos, en diversos entornos. Entre ellos, los entornos confinados como túneles, minas y tuberías, han atraído la atención en aplicaciones relacionadas con transporte ferroviario, redes vehiculares, búsqueda y rescate, y vigilancia, tanto en el ámbito civil como militar. En muchas tareas, la utilización de varios robots resulta más provechoso que utilizar sólo uno. Para cooperar, los robots deben intercambiar información sobre el entorno y su propio estado, por lo que la comunicación entre ellos resulta crucial. Debido a la imposibilidad de utilizar redes cableadas entre robots móviles, se despliegan redes inalámbricas. Para determinar la calidad de señal entre dos robots, inicialmente se utilizaban modelos de propagación basados únicamente en la distancia entre ellos. Sin embargo, estas predicciones sólo resultan útiles en exteriores y sin la presencia de obstáculos, que sólo componen una pequeña parte de los escenarios de la robótica de servicio. Mas aún, la naturaleza altamente multi-trayecto de la propagación electromagnética en túneles hace que éstos actúen como guías de onda para cierto rango de frecuencias, extendiendo considerablemente el alcance de comunicación en comparación con entornos exteriores. Sin embargo, la señal se ve afectada con profundos desvanecimientos (llamados fadings en inglés). Esto los convierte en un reto para la robótica que considera la comunicación entre robots como fundamental. Además, la naturaleza hostil de estos entornos, así como también la falta de características visuales y estructurales, dificultan la localización en estos escenarios, cuestión que resulta fundamental para ejecutar con éxito una tarea con un robot. Los métodos de localización utilizados en interiores, como aquellos basados en SLAM visual, resultan imprecisos por la falta de características distintivas para cámaras o lásers, mientras que los sensores utilizados en exteriores, como el GPS, no funcionan dentro de túneles o tuberías. En esta tesis abordamos problemas fundamentales para la robótica con el fin de proporcionar herramientas necesarias para la exploración con robots en entornos tipo túnel, manteniendo la conectividad de la red de comunicaciones formada por varios robots y una estación base. Para ello, primeramente caracterizamos, en términos de propagación, los dos escenarios tipo túnel más comunes: un túnel de hormigón y una tubería metálica. Hacemos énfasis en el fenómeno de los fadings, ya que son el problema más importante a considerar para mantener la comunicación. Posteriormente presentamos una estrategia de navegación para desplegar un equipo de robots en un túnel, lidiando con los fadings para mantener la conectividad de la red formada por los robots. Esta estrategia ha sido validada a través de numerosos experimentos realizados en un túnel real, el túnel de Somport. Luego, abordamos el problema de la localización, proponiendo e implementando una técnica que permite estimar la posición de un robot dentro de una tubería, basada en la periodicidad de los fadings. El método es validado a través de experimentos reales en tuberías de pequeña y grandes dimensiones. Finalmente, proponemos esquemas de diversidad espacial, de forma que se facilita la navegación mientras se mejora la localización.Deploying a team of robots for search and rescue, inspection, or surveillance, has increasingly gained attention in the last years. As a result of the advances in several areas of robotics, robots have been able to successfully execute tasks that are hazardous or even impossible for humans in a variety of scenarios, such as outdoors, indoors, or even underground. Among these scenarios, tunnel-like environments (such as tunnels, mines, or pipes) have attracted attention for train applications, vehicular networks, search and rescue, and even service and surveillance missions in both military and civilian contexts. In most of the tasks, utilizing a multi-robot team yields better results than a singlerobot system, as it makes the system more robust while reducing the time required to complete tasks. In order to cooperate, robots must exchange information about their current state and the surrounding environment, making communication between them a crucial task. However, due to the mobile nature of robots used for exploration, a wired architecture is not possible nor convenient. Instead, a wireless network is often deployed. Wireless propagation in tunnel-like environments, characterized for the presence of strong fading phenomena, differs from regular indoor and outdoor scenarios, posing multiple challenges for communication-aware robotics. In addition, accurate localization is a problem in environments such as tunnels or pipes. These environments generally lack distinctive visual and/or structural features and are longer than they are wide in shape. Standard indoor localization techniques do not perform well in pipelines or tunnels given the lack of exploitable features, while outdoor techniques (GPS in particular) do not work in these scenarios. In this thesis, we address basic robotics-related problems in order to provide some tools necessary for robotics exploration in tunnel-like scenarios under connectivity constraints. In the first part, we characterize, in terms of propagation, two of the most common tunnel-like environments: a pipe and a tunnel. We emphasize the spatial-fadings phenomena, as it is one of the most relevant issues to deal with, in a communications context. Secondly, we present a navigation strategy to deploy a team of robots for tunnel exploration, in particular maintaining network connectivity in the presence of these fadings. Several experiments conducted in a tunnel allow us to validate the connectivity maintenance of the system. Next, we address the localization problem and propose a technique that uses the periodicity of the fadings to estimate the position of the robots from the base station. The method is validated in small-scale and large-scale pipes. Finally, we propose spatial diversity schemes in order to ease the navigation while improving the localization

    Propagation Mechanism modeling in the Near-Region of Arbitrary Cross-Sectional Tunnels.

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    Along with the increase of the use of working frequencies in advanced radio communication systems, the near-region inside tunnels lengthens considerably and even occupies the whole propagation cell or the entire length of some short tunnels. This paper analytically models the propagation mechanisms and their dividing point in the near-region of arbitrary cross-sectional tunnels for the first time. To begin with, the propagation losses owing to the free space mechanism and the multimode waveguide mechanism are modeled, respectively. Then, by conjunctively employing the propagation theory and the three-dimensional solid geometry, the paper presents a general model for the dividing point between two propagation mechanisms. It is worthy to mention that this model can be applied in arbitrary cross-sectional tunnels. Furthermore, the general dividing point model is specified in rectangular, circular, and arched tunnels, respectively. Five groups of measurements are used to justify the model in different tunnels at different frequencies. Finally, in order to facilitate the use of the model, simplified analytical solutions for the dividing point in five specific application situations are derived. The results in this paper could help deepen the insight into the propagation mechanisms in tunnels


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    This thesis develops a simulation framework for undersea feature-based navigation. Using an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) to locate an item of interest on the seafloor is a capability that would greatly benefit the Navy. AUVs provide a gateway toward removing the workforce requirement; however, they are still costly both in acquisition and maintenance. A solution to this problem is using two AUVs, one with increased capability and charged with finding and marking seafloor items with a beacon. An expendable AUV outfitted with cost-effective sensors would relocate, identify and neutralize the threat. Using undersea imaging to correlate seafloor images to an a priori image mosaic together with a ultra short baseline (USBL) beacon allows the AUV to complete challenging mission objectives without traditional navigation systems. Incremental Smoothing and Mapping 2 (iSAM2) is a Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) technique that can be used by the AUV for position localization and is an appropriate technique, with image and USBL sensing, for real-time navigation operations. A simulation framework provides the ability to evaluate an AUV's performance while minimizing the risk of real-world operations. The framework is composed of a software architecture that allows for testing using the same software applied in real-world operations. This thesis demonstrates this framework and provides analysis for its usability for image-based SLAM.Lieutenant, United States NavyApproved for public release. Distribution is unlimited