48 research outputs found

    Deletion Study of DNA Topoisomerase IB from Leishmania donovani: Searching for a Minimal Functional Heterodimer

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    The substantial differences between trypanosomal and leishmanial DNA topoisomerase IB concerning to their homologues in mammals have provided a new lead in the study of the structural determinants that can be effectively targeted. Leishmania donovani, the causative agent of visceral leishmaniasis, contains an unusual heterodimeric DNA topoisomerase IB. The catalytically active enzyme consists of a large subunit (LdTopIL), which contains the non-conserved N-terminal end and the phylogenetically conserved “core” domain, and of a small subunit (LdTopIS) which harbors the C-terminal region with the characteristic tyrosine residue in the active site. Heterologous co-expression of LdTopIL and LdTopIS genes in a topoisomerase I deficient yeast strain, reconstitutes a fully functional enzyme LdTopIL/S which can be used for structural studies. An approach by combinatorial cloning of deleted genes encoding for truncated versions of both subunits was used in order to find out structural insights involved in enzyme activity or protein-protein interaction. The role played by the non-conserved N-terminal extension of LdTopIL in both relaxation activity and CPT sensitivity has been examined co-expressing the full-length LdTopIS and a fully active LdTopIΔS deletion with several deletions of LdTopIL lacking growing sequences of the N-terminal end. The sequential deletion study shows that the first 26 amino acids placed at the N-terminal end and a variable region comprised between Ala548 to end of the C-terminal extension of LdTopIL were enzymatically dispensable. Altogether this combinatorial approach provides important structural insights of the regions involved in relaxation activity and for understanding the atypical structure of this heterodimeric enzyme

    ATP independent type IB topoisomerase of Leishmania donovani is stimulated by ATP: an insight into the functional mechanism

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    Most type IB topoisomerases do not require ATP and Mg2+ for activity. However, as shown previously for vaccinia topoisomerase I, we demonstrate that ATP stimulates the relaxation activity of the unusual heterodimeric type IB topoisomerase from Leishmania donovani (LdTOP1L/S) in the absence of Mg2+. The stimulation is independent of ATP hydrolysis but requires salt as a co-activator. ATP binds to LdTOP1L/S and increases its rate of strand rotation. Docking studies indicate that the amino acid residues His93, Tyr95, Arg188 and Arg190 of the large subunit may be involved in ATP binding. Site directed mutagenesis of these four residues individually to alanine and subsequent relaxation assays reveal that the R190A mutant topoisomerase is unable to exhibit ATP-mediated stimulation in the absence of Mg2+. However, the ATP-independent relaxation activities of all the four mutant enzymes remain unaffected. Additionally, we provide evidence that ATP binds LdTOP1L/S and modulates the activity of the otherwise ATP-independent enzyme. This study establishes ATP as an activator of LdTOP1L/S in the absence of Mg2+

    Clonage et caractérisation du gÚne TOP1 de Leishmania donovani

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    Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothÚques de l'Université de Montréal

    ‘LeishMan’ topoisomerase I: an ideal chimera for unraveling the role of the small subunit of unusual bi-subunit topoisomerase I from Leishmania donovani

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    The active site tyrosine residue of all monomeric type IB topoisomerases resides in the C-terminal domain of the enzyme. Leishmania donovani, possesses unusual heterodimeric type IB topoisomerase. The small subunit harbors the catalytic tyrosine within the SKXXY motif. To explore the functional relationship between the two subunits, we have replaced the small subunit of L.donovani topoisomerase I with a C-terminal fragment of human topoisomerase I (HTOP14). The purified LdTOP1L (large subunit of L.donovani topoisomerase I) and HTOP14 were able to reconstitute topoisomerase I activity when mixed in vitro. This unusual enzyme, ‘LeishMan’ topoisomerase I (Leish for Leishmania and Man for human) exhibits less efficiency in DNA binding and strand passage compared with LdTOP1L/S. Fusion of LdTOP1L with HTOP14 yielded a more efficient enzyme with greater affinity for DNA and faster strand passage ability. Both the chimeric enzymes are less sensitive to camptothecin than LdTOP1L/S. Restoration of topoisomerase I activity by LdTOP1L and HTOP14 suggests that the small subunit of L.donovani topoisomerase I is primarily required for supplying the catalytic tyrosine. Moreover, changes in the enzyme properties due to substitution of LdTOP1S with HTOP14 indicate that the small subunit contributes to subunit interaction and catalytic efficiency of the enzyme

    Découvertes de nouveaux mécanismes de résistance au Topotecan, un inhibiteur des topoisomérases, chez Leishmania infantum

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    Le protozoaire Leishmania est Ă  l’origine d’une maladie tropicale nĂ©gligĂ©e qui peut s’avĂ©rer mortelle si elle n’est pas traitĂ©e adĂ©quatement. Dans les derniĂšres annĂ©es, l’efficacitĂ© des mĂ©dicaments utilisĂ©s dans le combat de la leishmaniose a grandement diminuĂ© en raison de la rĂ©sistance du parasite Ă  ceux-ci. Bien que le Topotecan (TPT), prĂ©sentement utilisĂ© comme antitumoral, ait dĂ©montrĂ© une activitĂ© antileishmaniale puissante (EC50 de l’ordre des nanomolaires), son efficacitĂ© pourrait ĂȘtre compromise par l’émergence de la rĂ©sistance du parasite d’autant plus que des rĂ©sistances tumorales cliniques au TPT ont dĂ©jĂ  Ă©tĂ© rapportĂ©es. Dans cette Ă©tude, les mĂ©canismes de rĂ©sistance au TPT par Leishmania infantum ont Ă©tĂ© caractĂ©risĂ©s d’un point de vue molĂ©culaire. Le gĂ©nome complet des parasites sĂ©lectionnĂ©s rĂ©sistants au TPT (16 x EC50) (TPT700.1, TPT700.2, TPT700.3) a Ă©tĂ© sĂ©quencĂ©. Le rĂŽle dans la rĂ©sistance des diffĂ©rents Ă©lĂ©ments gĂ©nĂ©tiques identifiĂ©s a Ă©tĂ© confirmĂ© Ă  l’aide d’une complĂ©mentation par nuclĂ©ofection Ă©pisomale dans le parasite sauvage et a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ© avec des simulations computationnelles. Aucune amplification ni dĂ©lĂ©tion n’a Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©e et seulement une variation mineure du nombre de chromosomes a Ă©tĂ© observĂ©e. Cependant, un polymorphisme d’un seul nuclĂ©otide non synonyme a Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ© dans le gĂšne de la grande sous-unitĂ© de la topoisomĂ©rase IB (TOP IB), la cible du TPT, chez chacun des parasites mutants rĂ©sistants confĂ©rant des niveaux de rĂ©sistance variables (TPT700.1 F187Y > TPT700.3 W232R > TPT700.2 G191A > sauvage). De plus, des modĂ©lisations in sillico ont permis d’illustrer la proximitĂ© de ces substitutions d’acides aminĂ©s au site catalytique de TOP IB ainsi qu’au site de liaison du TPT. En conclusion, ces rĂ©sultats suggĂšrent qu’une mutation ponctuelle dans la grande sous-unitĂ© TOP IB est suffisante pour engendrer des hauts niveaux de rĂ©sistance (environ 24 x EC50) chez TPT700.1F187Y, TPT700.2G191A et TPT700.3 W232R. TPT pourrait ĂȘtre considĂ©rĂ© comme un modĂšle pharmacologique pour l’étude de la rĂ©sistance chez Leishmania.Leishmania, a protozoan parasite, causes a neglected tropical disease that is fatal if left untreated. In recent years, the effectiveness of the drugs used to tackle leishmaniasis has decreased dramatically due to the emergence of drug resistant parasites. Even though Topetecan (TPT), currently employed as an anti-tumoral drug, has shown strong anti-leishmanial activity (its EC50 being measured in nanomoles), its efficiency may be compromised by the resistance developped by the parasites, similarly to the resistance already recorded by tumoral cells to the drug. In this study, the mecanisms of resistance to TPT by Leishmania infantum were caracterised at the molecular level. The whole genome of parasites resistant to TPT (16 x EC50) (TPT700.1, TPT700.2, TPT700.3) was sequenced. The role of various genetic elements in the resistance mecanisms was confirmed via a complementation by episomal nucleofection in the wild type and was studied with the help of computational models. Neither amplications nor deletions were identified and only a minor variation in the chromosome number was observed. However, a non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphism was identified in the gene coding the large subunit of topoisomerase IB, TPT’s target, within each of the resistant mutant parasites confering variable levels of resistance (TPT700.1 F187Y > TPT700.3 W232R > TPT700.2 G191A > wild type). Furthermore, in sillico models highlighted the proximity of these amino acid substitutions to the catalytic site of topoisomerase IB and also to the binding pockets of TPT. In conclusion, these results suggest that a point mutation in the large subunit of TOP IB is sufficient to confer high levels of resistance (about 24 x EC50) to TPT700.1F187Y, TPT700.2G191A and TPT700.3 W232R. Therefore, TPT can be considered a pharmacological tool to study resistance in Leishmania

    Studies on a thiol-dependent reductase and ascorbate metabolism of leishmania

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    The intracellular protozoan parasite Leishmania causes leishmaniasis, a disease which is most prevalent in tropical and sub-tropical countries where it infects some two million people every year and kills around 60,000 of them. For decades pentavalent antimonial compounds have been the standard first-line drugs used to treat the disease and this remains the case despite increasing reports of drug-resistance. The mode of action of these drugs is not entirely understood, although it is generally accepted that in vivo reduction of the compounds from the pentavalent to a trivalent form is required for antileishmanial activity. The site of antimonial conversion and whether the reaction is catalysed by an enzyme remain controversial points. However, it was recently reported that L. donovani amastigotes were capable of reducing pentavalent antimonials to the trivalent form and that drug-resistant parasites were deficient in this activity, suggesting that a parasite enzyme did mediate drug toxicity. The identity of such an enzyme was investigated in this study. Arsenical and antimonial compounds are similar and several classes of proteins that exhibit arsenate reductase activity have been previously identified in other organisms. Whether Leishmania possessed an enzyme akin to one of these was assessed by attempting to purify enzymes from parasite lysates and by searching the L. major genome database for similar sequences to the arsenate reductases. The latter approach was successful and a gene fragment was identified that shared similarity with omega glutathione S-transferases (oGSTs), a class of glutaredoxin-like GSTs which are capable of reducing pentavalent methylated arsenicals in vitro. The sequence of the complete L. major gene was elucidated by 5' RACE, and was found to encode a protein twice the expected size with similar 3' and 5' halves. The protein was named thiol-dependent reductase, or TDRl. Active recombinant protein was successfully produced and its biochemical activities were found to coincide with oGSTs: TDRl was capable of reducing pentavalent arsenical and antimonial compounds to trivalent species, and possessed thioltransferase and dehydroascorbate reductase activities usually associated with glutaredoxins. TDRl, which was shown to probably reside in the parasite cytosol but may also be secreted, was found to be more abundant in amastigote than promastigote forms, which correlates with the antileishmanial stage-specificity of pentavalent antimonials. L. major TDRl knockout mutants were generated, and the protein was also over-expressed in parasites. Both these genetic manipulations resulted in mutants with enhanced infectivity. TDRl knockout parasites were more susceptible than wild type parasites to paraquat, which induces the production of intracellular superoxide. As its glutaredoxin-like in vitro activities suggest, this implies TDRl has a role in protecting the parasites from oxidative stress, although re-expression of TDRl did not reinstate resistance. (Abstract shortened by ProQuest.)

    Estudio de las regiones implicadas en la funcionalidad y resistencia a fĂĄrmacos de la ADN topoisomerasa IB de leishmania

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    278 p.Las leishmaniosis son un complejo de enfermedades causadas por parĂĄsitos del gĂ©nero Leishmania spp. que presentan una elevada prevalencia a nivel mundial. Afectan sobretodo a paĂ­ses en vĂ­as de desarrollo, aunque recientemente, debido a diversos factores, se ha producido una propagaciĂłn hacia regiones aparentemente exentas de riesgo. Por todo ello, la OMS considera la leishmaniosis una enfermedad priorizada dentro de su ÂżSpecial Programme for Research and Training in Tropical DiseasesÂż. Dado que no existen vacunas eficaces contra estas enfermedades y que los tratamientos mĂ©dicos actuales estĂĄn basados en fĂĄrmacos obsoletos con una elevada toxicidad, es vital abrir nuevas vĂ­as de lucha frente a este parĂĄsito mediante la identificaciĂłn de nuevas dianas terapĂ©uticas y el consiguiente diseño de inhibidores especĂ­ficos. Recientemente, se han identificado las ADN topoisomerasas como prometedoras dianas de intervenciĂłn terapĂ©utica en tripanosomĂĄtidos. Estas enzimas estĂĄn involucradas en resolver los problemas topolĂłgicos generados durante la replicaciĂłn, trascripciĂłn y recombinaciĂłn del ADN. La ADN topoisomerasa IB de Leishmania spp. es un complejo heterodimĂ©rico con escasa homologĂ­a con respecto a la proteĂ­na del hospedador mamĂ­fero, por lo que las regiones no conservadas de la enzima de Leishmania constituyen una diana terapĂ©utica altamente selectiva. En el presente trabajo se ha realizado un estudio exhaustivo de las regiones no conservadas de la ADN topoisomerasa IB de Leishmania, identificando las secuencias especĂ­ficas responsables de las interacciones entre las dos subunidades del heterodĂ­mero asĂ­ como de la conformaciĂłn del dominio linker de la proteĂ­na, probando ademĂĄs la importancia de este dominio tanto en la capacidad de relajaciĂłn de la enzima como en la sensibilidad a diferentes tipos de inhibidores. En segundo lugar se han identificado y caracterizado las tres secuencias responsables de la translocaciĂłn de la proteĂ­na al interior del nĂșcleo; una en el extremo C-terminal de la subunidad grande y dos en la subunidad pequeña. La primera de ellas correspondiĂł con una secuencia de 10 aminoĂĄcidos localizados en el extremo N-terminal, mientras la que la segunda fue delimitada en las inmediaciones del residuo Tyr catalĂ­tico del extremo C-terminal. En este estudio no se encontrĂł ninguna señal especĂ­fica de translocaciĂłn al kinetoplasto. Finalmente se evaluĂł la enzima de Leishmania como diana molecular de intervenciĂłn terapĂ©utica con tres familias de compuestos: derivados de la camptotecina, indenoisoquinolinas y ĂĄcidos grasos tanto acetilĂ©nicos como alquinoicos. Con ello se demostrĂł que varios derivados camptotecĂ­nicos e indenoisoquinolĂ­nicos, especialmente el gimatecan y el LMP400, son inhibidores preferenciales de la enzima de Leishmania frente a la humana, encontrĂĄndose una buena correlaciĂłn entre los ensayos in vitro e in vivo realizados. De igual manera se demostrĂł el uso potencial de los ĂĄcidos grasos insaturados de cadena larga como inhibidores de la ADN topoisomerasa, por un mecanismo de acciĂłn diferente al de la camptotecina, en el que dichos ĂĄcidos grasos impiden el corte del ADN mediado por la enzima pero no la uniĂłn entre ambos

    Involvement of tyrosine phosphatases in Leishmania differentiation and virulence

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    Leishmania protozoan parasites, the causative agent of leishmaniasis, a disease endemic in more than 80 countries, undergo two main developmental stages during its life cycle: the extracellular flagellated promastigote residing in the midget of the sandfly vector and the obligate intracellular amastigotes which multiply in the phagolysosome of infected macrophages within the mammalian host. The differentiation process from promastigote to amastigote allows Leishmania parasites to adapt to different environments and is essential for parasite proliferation and survival. However, the molecular events that regulate this process are not well understood.In higher eukaryotes, cellular proliferation, differentiation and function are governed largely by protein phosphorylation, which is controlled by protein kinases and phosphatases. The research described in this thesis has investigated the role of protein tyrosine phosphatase in controlling the differentiation and proliferation of the Leishmania pathogen in different life cycle stages, by analogy to what happens in higher eukaryotes. The focus was on protein phosphatases because in general, there are fewer phosphatases than kinases in the eukaryotic cells and therefore there is less likelihood of redundancy under conditions where it is possible to genetically develop mutants in phosphatase genes.By undertaking a predominantly genetic approach, we show the protein tyrosine phosphatase may play a role in L. donovani differentiation and is clearly required for parasite virulence as defined by survival in the mammalian host.The results from this study suggest that Leishmania PTP1 represents a potential drug target. However it is also revealed that the overall three dimensional structure of the active site of Leishmania PTP1 is very similar to the human PTP1B arguing that it may be difficult to develop parasite specific inhibitors. Taken together this study represents the first genetic analysis of a key regulatory gene in Leishmania, which establishes the foundation for future more biochemical approaches to study protein phosphorylation in Leishmania