12 research outputs found

    Polymer optical fiber gratings for microwave photonics and communications application

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] Con el continuo desarrollo de materiales y tecnolog铆as de fabricaci贸n durante las 煤ltimas tres d茅cadas, la atenuaci贸n de la transmisi贸n de las fibras 贸pticas de pol铆mero (POF) se ha reducido considerablemente. Las POF son ventajosas para las redes dom茅sticas, as铆 como para las interconexiones de almacenamiento, y tienen ventajas significativas para muchas aplicaciones de detecci贸n, que incluye el l铆mite alto de tensi贸n el谩stica, alta resistencia a la fractura, alta flexibilidad en la flexi贸n, alta sensibilidad a la tensi贸n y coeficientes termo贸pticos negativos. Esta tesis consigue mejorar la tecnolog铆a de irradiaci贸n con l谩ser para POF e investiga dispositivos especiales basados en redes de difracci贸n en POF para comunicaciones 贸pticas, microondas, fot贸nica y detecci贸n. En particular, desarrollamos la tecnolog铆a de fabricaci贸n r谩pida de FBGs en POF con un estudio detallado y la optimizaci贸n de los par谩metros de fabricaci贸n de redes de difracci贸n de Bragg en fibra (FBG). Los resultados m谩s destacados incluyen un FBG uniforme de 8 dB con un solo pulso l谩ser Nd: YAG (26 nsm) (8 ns) basado en fibra dopada con BDK, que es el tiempo m谩s corto presentado hasta ahora para la fabricaci贸n de FBGs en POF. La irradiaci贸n de fibras 贸pticas de pol铆mero utilizando diferentes materiales basado en el l谩ser KrF a 248 nm permiti贸 demostrar un mejor rendimiento en comparaci贸n con el sistema que emplea el l谩ser He-Cd a 325 nm. Adem谩s, se fabricaron FBGs uniformes en POFs de 铆ndice escal贸n dopadas con TS en menos de 1 segundo mediante la repetici贸n de pulsos con baja energ铆a. Finalmente, el estudio de la irradiaci贸n UV con pulsos de baja energ铆a para la fabricaci贸n de redes de difracci贸n estables permiti贸 ahorrar energ铆a en el proceso de fabricaci贸n de FBGs en POF, como uno de los principales requisitos para la producci贸n en masa. Bas谩ndonos en la tecnolog铆a de fabricaci贸n mejorada, nos centramos en la fabricaci贸n de redes de difracci贸n con diferentes estructuras: se fabric贸 un FBG con desplazamiento de fase utilizando dos pulsos de 15 ns a 248 nm KrF superpuestos por el m茅todo de Moir茅; el primer FBG con chirp sintonizable se logr贸 utilizando un solo pulso corto del l谩ser, que abri贸 nuevas perspectivas a las aplicaciones basadas en redes de difracci贸n con chirp en POF; tambi茅n se propuso un nuevo m茅todo basado en gradientes t茅rmicos para obtener FBG con chirp en POF basadas en FBG uniformes, y se demostr贸 como la forma m谩s conveniente publicada hasta la fecha para lograr este tipo de FBGs no uniformes en POF; y, finalmente, tambi茅n se han fabricado redes de difracci贸n de largo per铆odo utilizando un proceso de fabricaci贸n de corto tiempo, especialmente en comparaci贸n con investigaciones anteriores. En la 煤ltima parte de la tesis, y en base a los dispositivos basados en redes de difracci贸n obtenidos a lo largo de este trabajo, se han propuesto varias aplicaciones . De manera similar a los FBG en fibra de s铆lice, los FBGs con chirp en POF tienen muchas aplicaciones futuras en las 谩reas de comunicaciones 贸pticas y de los sensores. Este documento describe la aplicaci贸n de detecci贸n de tensi贸n basada en una FBG con chirp sintonizable en POF, su aplicaci贸n para detecci贸n t茅rmica en sistemas biom茅dicos; e ilustra el potencial de los dispositivos de dispersi贸n sintonizables en el campo de las comunicaciones 贸pticas, bien como compensaci贸n de dispersi贸n o en fot贸nica de microondas.[CA] Amb el continu desenvolupament de materials i tecnologies de fabricaci贸 durant les 煤ltimes tres d猫cades, l'atenuaci贸 de la transmissi贸 de les fibres 貌ptiques de pol铆mer (POF) s'ha redu茂t considerablement. Els POF s贸n avantatjosos per a les xarxes dom猫stiques, aix铆 com per a les interconnexions d'emmagatzematge, i tenen avantatges significatius per a moltes aplicacions de detecci贸, inclosos els l铆mits de tensi贸 el脿stica alta, alta resist猫ncia a la fractura, alta flexibilitat en la flexi贸, alta sensibilitat a la tensi贸 i potencials coeficients termo贸pticos negatius. Aquesta tesi va millorar la tecnologia d'irradiaci贸 amb l脿ser per a POF i va investigar dispositius basats en xarxes difracci贸 de Bragg (FBG) especials en POF per a comunicaci贸 貌ptica, microones, fot貌nica i detecci贸. En particular, desenvolupem la tecnologia de fabricaci贸 r脿pida de FBG en POF amb un estudi detallat i l'optimitzaci贸 dels par脿metres per a la seua fabricaci贸. Els punts destacats dels resultats inclouen un FBG uniforme de 8 dB amb un sol pols del l脿ser Nd: YAG (266 nm) (8 ns) basat en fibra dopada amb BDK, que 茅s el temps m茅s curt reportat per a la fabricaci贸 de POF FBG. La irradiaci贸 de fibres 貌ptiques de pol铆mer utilitzant diferents materials sota el sistema de l脿ser KrF a 248 nm va permetre demostrar un millor rendiment en comparaci贸 amb el sistema de l脿ser Kimmon de 325 nm. A m茅s, els FBG uniformes en el POF dopat amb TS d'铆ndex escalonat es van aconseguir amb menys d'1 segon mitjan莽ant la repetici贸 de polsos de control i l'energia baixa de pols. Finalment, l'estudi de la irradiaci贸 d'energia de pols per a la fabricaci贸 de FBGs estables va permetre estalviar energia en el proc茅s de fabricaci贸 de FBGs en POF, com un dels principals objectius de la producci贸 en massa. Basant-nos en la tecnologia de fabricaci贸 millorada, ens centrem en la fabricaci贸 de diferents estructures de xarxes de difracci贸: es va fabricar un FBG amb despla莽ament de fase utilitzant dos polsos de 15 ns a 248 nm KrF superposats pel m猫tode de Moir茅; el primer FBG amb chirp sintonitzable es va aconseguir utilitzant un sol pols curt de l脿ser, que va obrir les aplicacions basades en FBG amb chirp en POF; tamb茅 es va proposar un nou m猫tode amb gradients t猫rmics per a obtindre FBG en POF basat en FBG uniformes, i es va demostrar com la forma m茅s convenient publicada fins hui per a aconseguir FBG POF estimulada; i, finalment, tamb茅 s'han aconseguit xarxes de llarg per铆ode utilitzant un proc茅s de fabricaci贸 de curt temps, especialment en comparaci贸 amb investigacions anteriors. Finalment, sobre la base dels dispositius de xarxes de difracci贸 obtinguts al llarg d'aquest treball, s'han proposat diverses aplicacions potencials en aquesta tesi. De manera similar que per als FBG amb silici, el FBG amb chirp en POF t茅 moltes aplicacions potencials en comunicacions 貌ptiques i a l驴脿rea de sensors. Aquest document descriu l'aplicaci贸 de detecci贸 de tensi贸 basada en FBG amb chirp sintonitzable en POF; a m茅s, l'aplicaci贸 de detecci贸 t猫rmica en sistemes biom猫dics; i el potencial dels dispositius de dispersi贸 sintonitzables en les comunicacions 貌ptiques, com per eixample a la compensaci贸 de dispersi贸 o a la fot貌nica de microones.[EN] With the continuing development of material and fabrication technologies over the last three decades, the transmission attenuation of polymer optical fibers (POF) has been greatly decreased. POFs are advantageous for home networks as well as storage interconnections and have significant advantages for many sensing applications, including high elastic strain limits, high fracture toughness, high flexibility in bending, high sensitivity to strain and potential negative thermo-optic coefficients. This thesis improved the laser irradiation technology for POF and investigated special grating devices in POF for optical communication, microware photonics and sensing. In particular, we developed fast POF grating fabrication technology with a detailed study and optimization of the polymer optical fiber Bragg grating (POFBG) fabrication parameters. Highlights of the results include an 8 dB uniform POFBG with one single Nd:YAG (266nm) laser pulse (8 ns) based on BDK doped fiber, which is the shortest time ever reported for POFBG fabrication. The irradiation of polymer optical fibers using different materials under 248 nm KrF laser system allowed to demonstrate a better performance compared with 325 nm Kimmon laser system. Furthermore, uniform FBGs in step-index TS doped POF were achieved with less than 1 second by means of controlling pulse repetition and low pulse energy. Finally, the study of low UV pulse power irradiation for fabricating stable gratings allowed to save energy in the POF grating fabrication process, as one of the main goals for mass production. Based on the improved fabrication technology, we focused on the fabrication of different grating structures: a phase-shifted FBG was fabricated by using two 15 ns 248 nm KrF pulses overlapped by Moir茅 method; the first tunable chirped FBG was achieved by using a single laser short pulse, which opened the applications based on chirped POF BGs; also a novel thermal annealing method was proposed to obtain chirped POFBGs based on uniform FBGs, and proved as the ever published most convenient way to achieve chirped POFBG; and finally, long period gratings have been also achieved by using a short time fabrication process, specially when compared with previous research. Finally, based on the grating devices obtained throughout this work, several potential applications have been proposed in this thesis. Similarly, to silica chirped FBG, chirped FBG in POF have many potential applications in optical communications and sensing area. This document described the potential strain sensing application based on tunable chirped POFBG; also, the thermal detection application in bio-medical systems; and the potential of tunable dispersion devices in optical communications, i.e., dispersion compensation or microwave photonics.Min, R. (2019). Polymer optical fiber gratings for microwave photonics and communications application [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Polit猫cnica de Val猫ncia. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/125473TESISCompendi

    The development and applications of polymer fiber Bragg grating

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    Optical pulse processing towards Tb/s high-speed photonic systems

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    Due to the continued growth of high-bandwidth services provided by the internet, there is a requirement to operate individual line rates in excess of 100 Gb/s in next generation optical communications systems. Thus, to implement these high-speed optical networks all-optical processing techniques are necessary for pulse shaping and pulse routing. Two sub-systems (pulse generation and wavelength conversion), which exploit optical processing techniques are explored within this thesis. Future systems will require high-quality pulse sources and this thesis develops the pulse generation technique of gain switching to provide simple and cost efficient pulse sources. The poor pulse quality typically associated with gain switching is enhanced by developing all-optical methods. The main attribute of the first pulse generation scheme presented is its wavelength tunability over 50 nm. The novelty of the second scheme lies in the ability to design a grating which has a nonlinear chirp profile exactly opposite to the gain-switched pulses. This grating used in conjunction with the gain-switched laser generates transform limited pulses suitable for 80 Gb/s systems. Furthermore the use of a vertical microcavity-based saturable absorber to suppress detrimental temporal pulse pedestals of a pulse source is investigated. Next generation networks will require routing of data in the optical domain, which can be accomplished by high-speed all-optical wavelength converters. A semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) is an ideal device to carry out wavelength conversion. In this thesis pulses following propagation through an SOA are experimentally characterised to examine the temporal and spectral dynamics due to the nonlinear response of the SOA. High-speed wavelength conversion is presented using SOA-based shifted filtering. For the first time 80 Gb/s error-free performance was obtained using cross phase modulation in conjunction with blue spectral shifted filtering. In addition an important attribute of this work experimentally examines the temporal profile and phase of the SOA-based shifted filtering wavelength converted signals. Thus the contribution and effect of ultrafast carrier dynamics associated with SOAs is presented

    Advanced tilted fiber gratings and their applications

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    This thesis presents a detailed numerical analysis, fabrication method and experimental investigation on 45潞 tilted fiber gratings (45潞-TFGs) and excessively tilted fiber gratings (Ex-TFGs), and their applications in fiber laser and sensing systems. The one of the most significant contributions of the work reported in this thesis is that the 45潞-TFGs with high polarization extinction ratio (PER) have been fabricated in single mode telecom and polarization maintaining (PM) fibers with spectral response covering three prominent optic communication and central wavelength ranges at 1060nm, 1310nm and 1550nm. The most achieved PERs for the 45潞-TFGs are up to and greater than 35-50dB, which have reached and even exceeded many commercial in-fiber polarizers. It has been proposed that the 45潞-TFGs of high PER can be used as ideal in-fiber polarizers for a wide range of fiber systems and applications. In addition, in-depth detailed theoretical models and analysis have been developed and systematic experimental evaluation has been conducted producing results in excellent agreement with theoretical modeling. Another important outcome of the research work is the proposal and demonstration of all fiber Lyot filters (AFLFs) implemented by utilizing two (for a single stage type) and more (for multi-stage) 45潞-TFGs in PM fiber cavity structure. The detailed theoretical analysis and modelling of such AFLFs have also been carried out giving design guidance for the practical implementation. The unique function advantages of 45潞-TFG based AFLFs have been revealed, showing high finesse multi-wavelength transmission of single polarization and wide range of tuneability. The temperature tuning results of AFLFs have shown that the AFLFs have 60 times higher thermal sensitivity than the normal FBGs, thus permitting thermal tuning rate of ~8nm/10潞C. By using an intra-cavity AFLF, an all fiber soliton mode locking laser with almost total suppression of siliton sidebands, single polarization output and single/multi-wavelength switchable operation has been demonstrated. The final significant contribution is the theoretical analysis and experimental verification on the design, fabrication and sensing application of Ex-TFGs. The Ex-TFG sensitivity model to the surrounding medium refractive index (SRI) has been developed for the first time, and the factors that affect the thermal and SRI sensitivity in relation to the wavelength range, tilt angle, and the size of cladding have been investigated. As a practical SRI sensor, an 81潞-TFG UV-inscribed in the fiber with small (40渭m) cladding radius has shown an SRI sensitivity up to 1180nm/RIU in the index of 1.345 range. Finally, to ensure single polarization detection in such an SRI sensor, a hybrid configuration by UV-inscribing a 45潞-TFG and an 81潞-TFG closely on the same piece of fiber has been demonstrated as a more advanced SRI sensing system