2,261 research outputs found

    Scoping out urban areas of tourist interest though geolocated social media data: Bucharest as a case study

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    Social media data has frequently sourced research on topics such as traveller planning or the factors that influence travel decisions. The literature on the location of tourist activities, however, is scarce. The studies in this line that do exist focus mainly on identifying points of interest and rarely on the urban areas that attract tourists. Specifically, as acknowledged in the literature, tourist attractions produce major imbalances with respect to adjacent urban areas. The present study aims to fill this research gap by addressing a twofold objective. The first was to design a methodology allowing to identify the preferred tourist areas based on concentrations of places and activities. The tourist area was delimited using Instasights heatmaps information and the areas of interest were identified by linking data from the location-based social network Foursquare to TripAdvisor’s database. The second objective was to delimit areas of interest based on users’ existing urban dynamics. The method provides a thorough understanding of functional diversity and the location of a city’s different functions. In this way, it contributes to a better understanding of the spatial distribution imbalances of tourist activities. Tourist areas of interest were revealed via the identification of users’ preferences and experiences. A novel methodology was thus created that can be used in the design of future tourism strategies or, indeed, in urban planning. The city of Bucharest, Romania, was taken as a case study to develop this exploratory research.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This research has been partially funded by the Valencian Conselleria de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital, Generalitat Valenciana and the European Social Fund (ACIF/2020/173); and by the University of Alicante—Vicerrectorado de Investigación (GRE 21-15)

    Referencial para a caracterização de websites de hotéis de acordo com as necessidades dos consumidores

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    Online presence is essential for tourism organisations, and the quality of websites can influence customers. In the case of hotels, there are many studies to evaluate website performance based on functionality, usability and other factors, much less on the amount of different information available to the consumer. In the near future by using Big Data it is expected that hotel websites will be dynamic, they will adapt themselves on-the-fly, showing personalized information to each consumer. Different consumers will have different websites (information? available) from the same hotel. This paper presents a framework for the characterisation of hotel websites, focusing on the amount of information available to the consumer in each website, which was applied in a case study during the last months of 2013 to the websites of five-star hotels that operate in the tourist region of the Algarve, Portugal. The framework allowed to identify a set of exhaustive indicators for hotel website characterisation, which were then grouped into ten fundamental information dimensions. These dimensions further fell into four dimension groups. Finally, it is presented and discussed quantitative and qualitative evaluations, that illustrates which indicators and dimensions are more often considered on hotel websites to satisfy the consumer?s information needs

    Understanding the trip and user characteristics of the combined bicycle and transit mode

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    Several cities around the world are facing mobility related problems such as traffic congestion and air pollution. Although limited individually, the combination of bicycle and transit offers speed and accessibility; by complementing each other’s characteristics the bicycle and transit combination can compete with automobiles. Recognising this, several studies have investigated policies that encourage integration of these modes. However, empirical analysis of the actual users and trips of the combined mode is largely missing. This study addresses this gap by (i) reviewing empirical findings on related modes, (ii) deriving user and trip characteristics of the bicycle and transit mode in the Netherlands, and (iii) applying latent class cluster analysis to discover prototypical users based on their sociodemographic attributes. Most trips by this mode are found to be for relatively long commutes where transit is in the form of trains, and bicycle and walking are access and egress modes respectively. Furthermore, seven user groups are identified and their spatial and temporal travel behaviour is discussed. Transport authorities may use the empirical results in this study to further streamline integration of bicycle and transit for its largest users as well as to tailor policies to attract more travellers.Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies. Faculty of Economics and Business. The University of Sydne

    Modus D5.2 Final project results report

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    The Final Project Results Report of the Modus project provides a comprehensive overview of the project. First, it outlines the operational context, the project scope and the objectives in order to show the relevance of the project to the ATM Master Plan as well as other European high-level strategic mobility agendas. Based on this scope and the objectives, the report describes the work performed and discusses the key project results, including a list of all technical deliverables. Based on the work performed and the results, the report contains a detailed maturity gate assessment which described the Modus solution and how this solution has been achieved. Furthermore, the report describes the overall conclusions of the project, the technical lessons learned and identifies further R&D needs

    A best practice framework for visitor information centres in Gauteng Province, South Africa

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    Abstracts in English, Zulu and AfrikaansGlobally, Visitor Information Centres are increasingly recognised touchpoints contributing to the success of tourism destinations. In Gauteng, South Africa, their numbers continue to decline. The service level of these remaining VICs differ across and fall below expectation. Furthermore, most models of operation are obsolete, with these centres having minimal exposure to best practices. Limited research focuses on the supply side, namely the staffing and management of centres. The study focuses on Gauteng VICs and the best practices that could improve future effectiveness. An exploratory design was followed which commenced with a concise review of best practice literature, global case studies and examples on the operation of effective VICs. An empirical study then reported on the opinions of 25 VIC staff and eight managers from eight Gauteng VICs regarding the current situation and future needs. A two-tiered approach was used to gather data via two custom-designed surveys with Gauteng VIC staff and managers respectively. A snowball sample of 25 staff members and a purposive sample of eight key informants were obtained. Data were analysed quantitatively using SPSS and qualitatively using thematic content analysis; and presented in three parts. The literature, the findings and the researcher’s recommendations culminate in a best practice framework for Gauteng VICs. The framework advocates for an integration of traditional and new media services and platforms in the dissemination of tourism information based on the funding available to a particular VIC. It is envisaged that if managers implement the best practice framework, it could avert further decline in the number of VICs. Moreover, it could improve their effectiveness in meeting the needs of the technologically-savvy and the traditional visitor, thereby ushering the Gauteng VICs into the 21st century.Emhlabeni jikelele, izikhungo zolwazi zabavakashi (VICs) ziya ngokuya ziqashelwa njengamaphuzu okuxhumana abamba iqhaza ekuphumeleleni kwezindawo zezokuvakasha. EGauteng, eNingizimu Afrika inani labo, liyaqhubeka ngokwehla. Amazinga okusebenza kwalokho kwama-VIC asele ahluka ezindaweni zonkana futhi awela ngezansi kokulindelekile. Ngaphezu kwalokho, izinhlobo eziningi zezifanekiso zomsebenzi azisetshenziswa, nalezo zikhungo nokuba nokubanakaliswa okuncane nemikhuba ephambili. Ucwaningo olulinganiselwe lugxile ohlangothini lokunikezela, okuyizikhungo zabasebenzi nokuphathwa. Lolu cwaningo lugxile kuma-VIC aseGauteng kanye nemikhuba ephambili engase ithuthukise ukusebenza ngokuzayo. Umklamo oyisibonelo walandelwa okuyinto eyaqala ngokubuyekeza okufingqiwe okuhamba phambili kwezincwadi, izifundo zomhlaba nezibonelo zokusebenza ngempumelelo kwama-VIC. Ucwaningo lomdlandla lwabika ngemibono yamalungu abasebenzi abangama -25 beVIC nabaphathi abayisishiyagalombili abavela kuma-VIC ayisishiyagalombili aseGauteng mayelana nesimo samanje kanye nezidingo esikhathini esizayo. Izindlela ezimbili zokuhlaziya zasetshenziswa ukuqoqa imininingwane ngokusebenzisa izinhlolovo ezimbili ezenziwe ngokwezifiso nabasebenzi be-VIC eGauteng nabaphathi ngokulandelana Isampula yokudluliselwa (snowball sampling) kwamalungu abasebenzi abangama-25 kanye nesampula yokwahlulela ekhethayo (purposive sampling) yabafundisi abamqoka abayisishiyagalombili yatholakala. Imininingwane yahlaziywa ngokufanelekile kusetshenziswa iSPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) futhi ngokufanelekile kusetshenziswa ukuhlaziywa kwezindikimba okuqukethwe futhi yethulwa izingxenye ezintathu. Imibhalo, okutholakele kanye neziphakamiso zomcwaningi zifinyelele emkhubeni ophezulu wohlaka lwama-VIC aseGauteng. Uhlaka lummela ukuhlanganiswa kwendabuko futhi ukusebenzisa kwezokwazisa ngezinkundla ekusabalalisweni kolwazi lwezokuvakasha kusekelwe ngokuxhaswa ngezimali okutholakala ku-VIC ethile. Kucatshangwa ukuthi uma abaphathi beqalisa umkhuba ophambili wohlaka, kungase kugweme ukwehla okwengeziwe kwenani lama-VIC. Ngaphezu kwalokho, kungase kuthuthukise ukuphumelela kwabo ekuhlangabezaneni nezidingo zobuchwepheshe zokwenza izinqumo ezinhle kanye nesivakashi sendabuko, kanjalo kubonise ama-VIC ku-21st Century.Besoekersinligtingsentrums word wĂȘreldwyd toenemend erken as kontakpunte (touchpoints) wat tot die sukses van toerismebestemmings bydra. Die aantal besoekersinligtingsentrums in Gauteng, Suid- Afrika, toon ’n afname. Die diensvlakke van die oorblywende sentrums verskil en voldoen nie aan verwagtinge nie. Die bedryfsmodelle van die meeste van hierdie besoekersinligtingsentrums is ook verouderd en die betrokke sentrums het minimale blootstelling aan beste praktyk. Beperkte navorsing fokus op die aanbodkant, dit wil sĂȘ, die personeelvoorsiening en bestuur van besoekersinligtingsentrums. Hierdie studie fokus op besoekersinligtingsentrums in Gauteng en die beste praktyke wat hulle doeltreffendheid in die toekoms kan verbeter. Die navorser het ’n verkenningsontwerp gebruik, beginnende met ’n bondige oorsig van literatuur oor beste praktyk, wĂȘreldwye gevallestudies en voorbeelde van die werkswyse van doeltreffende besoekersinligtingsentrums. Die navorser het daarna in ’n empiriese studie verslag oor die menings van 25 personeellede van besoekersinligtingsentrums en 8 bestuurders van 8 besoekersinligtingsentrums in Gauteng rakende die huidige stand en toekomstige behoeftes van die sentrums gelewer. Die navorser het ’n tweevlakkige benadering gevolg om data in te win deur twee aangemete opnames te gebruik om data van onderskeidelik personeellede en bestuurders van besoekersinligtingsentrums in Gauteng te bekom. ’n Sneeubalsteekproef van 25 personeellede en ’n doelbewuste steekproef van 8 sleutelrespondente is bekom. Data is kwantitatief met behulp van die Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) en kwalitatief deur middel van ’n tematiese inhoudsanalise ontleed en in drie dele aangebied. Die literatuur, die bevindings en die navorser se aanbevelings het op ’n raamwerk van bestek praktyk vir Gautengse besoekersinligtingsentrums uitgeloop. Ingevolge hierdie raamwerk moet tradisionele en nuwe mediadienste en -platforms geĂŻntegreer word na gelang van die befondsing wat tot ’n bepaalde besoekersinligtingsentrum se beskikking is. Daar word voorsien dat indien sentrumbestuurders die bestepraktyk-raamwerk implementeer, dit ’n verdere afname in die aantal besoekersinligtingsentrums kan verhoed. Daarbenewens kan die raamwerk lei tot ’n verbetering in Gautengse besoekersinligtingsentrums se vermoĂ« om in die behoeftes van beide tegnologies bedrewe en tradisionele besoekers te voorsien, en sodoende daartoe bydra dat die sentrums by die 21ste eeu aanpas.Transport Economics, Logistics and TourismM. Com. (Tourism Management

    Inventory of ATT system requirements for elderly and disabled drivers and travellers

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    This Inventory of ATT System Requirements for Elderly and Disabled Drivers and Travellers is the product of the TELSCAN project’s Workpackage 3: Identification and Updating of User Requirements of Elderly and Disabled Travellers. It describes the methods and tools used to identify the needs of elderly and disabled (E&D) travellers. The result of this investigation is a summary of the requirements of elderly and disabled travellers using different modes of transport, including private cars, buses/trams, metros/trains, ships and airplanes. It provides a generic user requirements specification which can guide the design of all transport telematics systems. However, it is important to stress that projects should also capture a more detailed definition of user requirements for their specific application area or system

    A Sense of Injustice: Experiences of the Central and Eastern European Roma in Accessing UK Health and Public Services

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    This study explores how Central and Eastern European Roma communities perceive and experience UK health and public services. The Roma arguably experience poorer health than any other minority ethnic group in the UK, according to a range of indicators, measures and outcomes. Health issues in UK Roma communities are reported to stem from language barriers, difficulties in registering with a GP and mistrust of health professionals. To date, there has been little comprehensive exploration of the influence of social, cultural and political factors on health in Central and Eastern European Roma communities in the UK. Much of the literature provides an overview of barriers to access, yet gives limited attention to the complex social dynamics underlying interactions between the Roma and health service providers. This study investigates the interplay of Roma migration experiences, personal histories of discrimination, barriers to accessing health and benefits systems, and the influence of public policy decisions in shaping UK Roma people’s experiences of health services. This study incorporates data collection through participant observation and interviews, as well as an analysis of national and local policy attention to the health situations of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller (GRT) communities. The policy analysis occurred concurrently with fieldwork, and findings helped to contextualise Roma interviewees’ impressions of health system functioning. Field data was collected over the course of volunteer work carried out at Roma community organisations in London and Luton. Field notes were recorded throughout the course the this fieldwork, and interviews with 27 Roma community members and 10 health professionals began after approximately 5 months of active participant observation. Analysis of field data proceeded according to a strategy that hybridised grounded theory and narrative methodologies. This entailed an initial round of grounded theory analysis, which involved the constant comparison methods of analysing concepts arising from the data, and provided an overarching framework for understanding the social phenomena under observation. Fieldnotes and selected interviews were then subjected to a second round of scrutiny, with particular emphasis on their narrative character. Analysing these individual stories added nuance and depth to the results of grounded theory analysis, and provided insight into the ways in which Roma migrants experience discrimination, unconscious bias and unequal treatment within UK public service environments. The time period in which this study occurred – 2014 to 2018 – was a time of substantial political change in the UK, and the results are best understood in the context of growing public hostility to migrant groups. Within a policy landscape of limited official attention to the needs of the Roma, intra-community development of health-related knowledge, direct contact with health services and engagement in a broader environment of public service provision contribute to the development of power differentials between Roma individuals and service providers. Many participants in this study suffered from long-term ill health, yet intra-community networks of health information-sharing aided participants in better understanding their health conditions and empowering themselves to seek out support. Their contact with health and benefits systems, however, revealed barriers related to limited language support, lack of transparency in administrative procedures, difficulties in navigating complex and unfamiliar systems and cultural disparities between patients and providers. Analysis of these factors in light of participants’ distinct narrative revealed further dimensions of service providers’ unconscious bias, participants’ efforts to assert their right to equitable access to services and the long-term emotional impacts of unequal treatment
