22 research outputs found

    Uma breve revisão sobre métodos Meta-Heurísticos para a extração dos parâmetros Fotovoltaicos

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    As mudanças climáticas, o aumento da poluição e as crescentes preocupações ambientais colocam a humanidade diante de um problema energético. É nesse contexto que as energias renováveis assumem um papel fundamental para alcançar a neutralidade carbónica. Assim, para reduzir a utilização dos combustíveis fosseis é indispensável que as fontes de energia renovável se afirmem como uma solução vantajosa e viável para a produção de energia elétrica. Este aumento de produção de energia elétrica a partir de fontes renováveis é vital para se cumprirem os vários acordos mundiais e europeus que foram assinados com o propósito de atingir os desígnios assinados. A fonte de energia renovável com o maior potencial no futuro é a energia solar. No entanto, para esta energia se consolidar é necessário que as tecnologias fotovoltaicas sejam mais eficientes. A presente dissertação tem como objetivo analisar uma série de fatores que influenciam a determinação dos parâmetros e que caraterizam os respetivos modelos matemáticos. Concretamente, os fatores determinantes que foram analisados foram: os modelos matemáticos, as tecnologias PV, os métodos/algoritmos de otimização que foram utilizados para simular o comportamento de uma célula ou módulo fotovoltaico e, por último, a técnica aplicada para contornar a natureza implícita das equações que caraterizam o respetivo modelo fotovoltaico.Climate change, the increasing pollution, and growing environmental concerns place humanity in the face of an energetic problem. In this context, renewable energies play a key role in achieving carbon neutrality. Thus, in order to reduce the use of fossil fuels it is essential that renewable energy sources establish themselves as an advantageous and viable solution for the production of electricity. Increasing the production of electrical energy from renewable sources is crucial to meet the various global and European agreements that have been signed aiming the achievement of the proposed objectives. The renewable energy source with the highest potential for the future is solar energy. However, to consolidate this energy, photovoltaic technologies must be more efficient. The present dissertation aims to analyse a series of factors that influence the determination of the parameters that characterize the respective mathematical models. Specifically, the determining factors that have been analysed are: the mathematical models, the PV technologies, the optimization methods/algorithms that were used to simulate the behavior of a photovoltaic cell or module, and the technique applied to avoid the implicit nature of the equations that characterize the respective photovoltaic model

    A comprehensive survey on cultural algorithms

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    A Survey on Natural Inspired Computing (NIC): Algorithms and Challenges

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    Nature employs interactive images to incorporate end users2019; awareness and implication aptitude form inspirations into statistical/algorithmic information investigation procedures. Nature-inspired Computing (NIC) is an energetic research exploration field that has appliances in various areas, like as optimization, computational intelligence, evolutionary computation, multi-objective optimization, data mining, resource management, robotics, transportation and vehicle routing. The promising playing field of NIC focal point on managing substantial, assorted and self-motivated dimensions of information all the way through the incorporation of individual opinion by means of inspiration as well as communication methods in the study practices. In addition, it is the permutation of correlated study parts together with Bio-inspired computing, Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning that revolves efficient diagnostics interested in a competent pasture of study. This article intend at given that a summary of Nature-inspired Computing, its capacity and concepts and particulars the most significant scientific study algorithms in the field

    A Survey on Natural Inspired Computing (NIC): Algorithms and Challenges

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    Nature employs interactive images to incorporate end users’ awareness and implication aptitude form inspirations into statistical/algorithmic information investigation procedures. Nature-inspired Computing (NIC) is an energetic research exploration field that has appliances in various areas, like as optimization, computational intelligence, evolutionary computation, multi-objective optimization, data mining, resource management, robotics, transportation and vehicle routing. The promising playing field of NIC focal point on managing substantial, assorted and self-motivated dimensions of information all the way through the incorporation of individual opinion by means of inspiration as well as communication methods in the study practices. In addition, it is the permutation of correlated study parts together with Bio-inspired computing, Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning that revolves efficient diagnostics interested in a competent pasture of study. This article intend at given that a summary of Nature-inspired Computing, its capacity and concepts and particulars the most significant scientific study algorithms in the field

    An investigation into the utilization of swarm intellingence for the control of the doubly fed induction generator under the influence of symmetrical and assymmetrical voltage dips.

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    Doctoral Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.The rapid depletion of fossil, fuels, increase in population, and birth of various industries has put a severe strain on conventional electrical power generation systems. It is because of this, that Wind Energy Conversion Systems has recently come under intense investigation. Among all topologies, the Doubly Fed Induction Generator is the preferred choice, owing to its direct grid connection, and variable speed nature. However, this connection has disadvantages. Wind turbines are generally placed in areas where the national grid is weak. In the case of asymmetrical voltage dips, which is a common occurrence near wind farms, the operation of the DFIG is negatively affected. Further, in the case of symmetrical voltage dips, as in the case of a three-phase short circuit, this direct grid connection poses a severe threat to the health and subsequent operation of the machine. Owing to these risks, there has been various approaches which are utilized to mitigate the effect of such occurrences. Considering asymmetrical voltage dips, symmetrical component theory allows for decomposition and subsequent elimination of negative sequence components. The proportional resonant controller, which introduces an infinite gain at synchronous frequency, is another viable option. When approached with the case of symmetrical voltage dips, the crowbar is an established method to expedite the rate of decay of the rotor current and dc link voltage. However, this requires the DFIG to be disconnected from the grid, which is against the rules of recently grid codes. To overcome such, the Linear Quadratic Regulator may be utilized. As evident, there has been various approaches to these issues. However, they all require obtaining of optimized gain values. Whilst these controllers work well, poor optimization of gain quantities may result in sub-optimal performance of the controllers. This work provides an investigation into the utilization of metaheuristic optimization techniques for these purposes. This research focuses on swarm-intelligence, which have proven to provide good results. Various swarm techniques from across the timeline spectrum, beginning from the well-known Particle Swarm Optimization, to the recently proposed African Vultures Optimization Algorithm, have been applied and analysed

    Enhancement of bees algorithm for global optimisation

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    This research focuses on the improvement of the Bees Algorithm, a swarm-based nature-inspired optimisation algorithm that mimics the foraging behaviour of honeybees. The algorithm consists of exploitation and exploration, the two key elements of optimisation techniques that help to find the global optimum in optimisation problems. This thesis presents three new approaches to the Bees Algorithm in a pursuit to improve its convergence speed and accuracy. The first proposed algorithm focuses on intensifying the local search area by incorporating Hooke and Jeeves’ method in its exploitation mechanism. This direct search method contains a pattern move that works well in the new variant named “Bees Algorithm with Hooke and Jeeves” (BA-HJ). The second proposed algorithm replaces the randomly generated recruited bees deployment method with chaotic sequences using a well-known logistic map. This new variant called “Bees Algorithm with Chaos” (ChaosBA) was intended to use the characteristic of chaotic sequences to escape from local optima and at the same time maintain the diversity of the population. The third improvement uses the information of the current best solutions to create new candidate solutions probabilistically using the Estimation Distribution Algorithm (EDA) approach. This new version is called Bees Algorithm with Estimation Distribution (BAED). Simulation results show that these proposed algorithms perform better than the standard BA, SPSO2011 and qABC in terms of convergence for the majority of the tested benchmark functions. The BA-HJ outperformed the standard BA in thirteen out of fifteen benchmark functions and is more effective in eleven out of fifteen benchmark functions when compared to SPSO2011 and qABC. In the case of the ChaosBA, the algorithm outperformed the standard BA in twelve out of fifteen benchmark functions and significantly better in eleven out of fifteen test functions compared to qABC and SPSO2011. BAED discovered the optimal solution with the least number of evaluations in fourteen out of fifteen cases compared to the standard BA, and eleven out of fifteen functions compared to SPSO2011 and qABC. Furthermore, the results on a set of constrained mechanical design problems also show that the performance of the proposed algorithms is comparable to those of the standard BA and other swarm-based algorithms from the literature

    Role of Metaheuristics in Optimizing Microgrids Operating and Management Issues::A Comprehensive Review

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    The increased interest in renewable-based microgrids imposes several challenges, such as source integration, power quality, and operating cost. Dealing with these problems requires solving nonlinear optimization problems that include multiple linear or nonlinear constraints and continuous variables or discrete ones that require large dimensionality search space to find the optimal or sub-optimal solution. These problems may include the optimal power flow in the microgrid, the best possible configurations, and the accuracy of the models within the microgrid. Metaheuristic optimization algorithms are getting more suggested in the literature contributions for microgrid applications to solve these optimization problems. This paper intends to thoroughly review some significant issues surrounding microgrid operation and solve them using metaheuristic optimization algorithms. This study provides a collection of fundamental principles and concepts that describe metaheuristic optimization algorithms. Then, the most significant metaheuristic optimization algorithms that have been published in the last years in the context of microgrid applications are investigated and analyzed. Finally, the employment of metaheuristic optimization algorithms to specific microgrid issue applications is reviewed, including examples of some used algorithms. These issues include unit commitment, economic dispatch, optimal power flow, distribution system reconfiguration, transmission network expansion and distribution system planning, load and generation forecasting, maintenance schedules, and renewable sources max power tracking

    Enhancing statistical wind speed forecasting models : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering at Massey University, Manawatū Campus, New Zealand

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    In recent years, wind speed forecasting models have seen significant development and growth. In particular, hybrid models have been emerging since the last decade. Hybrid models combine two or more techniques from several categories, with each model utilizing its distinct strengths. Mainly, data-driven models that include statistical and Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning (AI/ML) models are deployed in hybrid models for shorter forecasting time horizons (< 6hrs). Literature studies show that machine learning models have gained enormous potential owing to their accuracy and robustness. On the other hand, only a handful of studies are available on the performance enhancement of statistical models, despite the fact that hybrid models are incomplete without statistical models. To address the knowledge gap, this thesis identified the shortcomings of traditional statistical models while enhancing prediction accuracy. Three statistical models are considered for analyses: Grey Model [GM(1,1)], Markov Chain, and Holt’s Double Exponential Smoothing models. Initially, the problems that limit the forecasting models' applicability are highlighted. Such issues include negative wind speed predictions, failure of predetermined accuracy levels, non-optimal estimates, and additional computational cost with limited performance. To address these concerns, improved forecasting models are proposed considering wind speed data of Palmerston North, New Zealand. Several methodologies have been developed to improve the model performance and fulfill the necessary and sufficient conditions. These approaches include adjusting dynamic moving window, self-adaptive state categorization algorithm, a similar approach to the leave-one-out method, and mixed initialization method. Keeping in view the application of the hybrid methods, novel MODWT-ARIMA-Markov and AGO-HDES models are further proposed as secondary objectives. Also, a comprehensive analysis is presented by comparing sixteen models from three categories, each for four case studies, three rolling windows, and three forecasting horizons. Overall, the improved models showed higher accuracy than their counter traditional models. Finally, the future directions are highlighted that need subsequent research to improve forecasting performance further

    Flood Forecasting Using Machine Learning Methods

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    This book is a printed edition of the Special Issue Flood Forecasting Using Machine Learning Methods that was published in Wate

    Enhancing the bees algorithm using the traplining metaphor

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    This work aims to improve the performance of the Bees Algorithm (BA), particularly in terms of simplicity, accuracy, and convergence. Three improvements were made in this study as a result of bees’ traplining behaviour. The first improvement was the parameter reduction of the Bees Algorithm. This strategy recruits and assigns worker bees to exploit and explore all patches. Both searching processes are assigned using the Triangular Distribution Random Number Generator. The most promising patches have more workers and are subject to more exploitation than the less productive patches. This technique reduced the original parameters into two parameters. The results show that the Bi-BA is just as efficient as the basic BA, although it has fewer parameters. Following that, another improvement was proposed to increase the diversification performance of the Combinatorial Bees Algorithm (CBA). The technique employs a novel constructive heuristic that considers the distance and the turning angle of the bees’ flight. When foraging for honey, bees generally avoid making a sharp turn. By including this turning angle as the second consideration, it can control CBA’s initial solution diversity. Third, the CBA is strengthened to enable an intensification strategy that avoids falling into a local optima trap. The approach is based on the behaviour of bees when confronted with threats. They will keep away from re-visiting those flowers during the next bout for reasons like predators, rivals, or honey run out. The approach will remove temporarily threatened flowers from the whole tour, eliminating the sharp turn, and reintroduces them again to the habitual tour’s nearest edge. The technique could effectively achieve an equilibrium between exploration and exploitation mechanisms. The results show that the strategy is very competitive compared to other population-based nature-inspired algorithms. Finally, the enhanced Bees Algorithms are demonstrated on two real-world engineering problems, namely, Printed Circuit Board insertion sequencing and vehicles routing problem