19 research outputs found

    Weak Secrecy in the Multi-Way Untrusted Relay Channel with Compute-and-Forward

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    We investigate the problem of secure communications in a Gaussian multi-way relay channel applying the compute-and-forward scheme using nested lattice codes. All nodes employ half-duplex operation and can exchange confidential messages only via an untrusted relay. The relay is assumed to be honest but curious, i.e., an eavesdropper that conforms to the system rules and applies the intended relaying scheme. We start with the general case of the single-input multiple-output (SIMO) L-user multi-way relay channel and provide an achievable secrecy rate region under a weak secrecy criterion. We show that the securely achievable sum rate is equivalent to the difference between the computation rate and the multiple access channel (MAC) capacity. Particularly, we show that all nodes must encode their messages such that the common computation rate tuple falls outside the MAC capacity region of the relay. We provide results for the single-input single-output (SISO) and the multiple-input single-input (MISO) L-user multi-way relay channel as well as the two-way relay channel. We discuss these results and show the dependency between channel realization and achievable secrecy rate. We further compare our result to available results in the literature for different schemes and show that the proposed scheme operates close to the compute-and-forward rate without secrecy.Comment: submitted to JSAC Special Issue on Fundamental Approaches to Network Coding in Wireless Communication System

    Relay assisted device-to-device communication with channel uncertainty

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    The gains of direct communication between user equipment in a network may not be fully realised due to the separation between the user equipment and due to the fading that the channel between these user equipment experiences. In order to fully realise the gains that direct (device-to-device) communication promises, idle user equipment can be exploited to serve as relays to enforce device-to-device communication. The availability of potential relay user equipment creates a problem: a way to select the relay user equipment. Moreover, unlike infrastructure relays, user equipment are carried around by people and these users are self-interested. Thus the problem of relay selection goes beyond choosing which device to assist in relayed communication but catering for user self-interest. Another problem in wireless communication is the unavailability of perfect channel state information. This reality creates uncertainty in the channel and so in designing selection algorithms, channel uncertainty awareness needs to be a consideration. Therefore the work in this thesis considers the design of relay user equipment selection algorithms that are not only device centric but that are relay user equipment centric. Furthermore, the designed algorithms are channel uncertainty aware. Firstly, a stable matching based relay user equipment selection algorithm is put forward for underlay device-to-device communication. A channel uncertainty aware approach is proposed to cater to imperfect channel state information at the devices. The algorithm is combined with a rate based mode selection algorithm. Next, to cater to the queue state at the relay user equipment, a cross-layer selection algorithm is proposed for a twoway decode and forward relay set up. The algorithm proposed employs deterministic uncertainty constraint in the interference channel, solving the selection algorithm in a heuristic fashion. Then a cluster head selection algorithm is proposed for device-to-device group communication constrained by channel uncertainty in the interference channel. The formulated rate maximization problem is solved for deterministic and probabilistic constraint scenarios, and the problem extended to a multiple-input single-out scenario for which robust beamforming was designed. Finally, relay utility and social distance based selection algorithms are proposed for full duplex decode and forward device-to-device communication set up. A worst-case approach is proposed for a full channel uncertainty scenario. The results from computer simulations indicate that the proposed algorithms offer spectral efficiency, fairness and energy efficiency gains. The results also showed clearly the deterioration in the performance of networks when perfect channel state information is assumed

    Physical layer security performance study for Two-Hop wireless networks with Buffer-Aided relay selection

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    Enabling Technologies for 5G and Beyond: Bridging the Gap between Vision and Reality

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    It is common knowledge that the fifth generation (5G) of cellular networks will come with drastic transformation in the cellular systems capabilities and will redefine mobile services. 5G (and beyond) systems will be used for human interaction, in addition to person-to-machine and machine-to-machine communications, i.e., every-thing is connected to every-thing. These features will open a whole line of new business opportunities and contribute to the development of the society in many different ways, including developing and building smart cities, enhancing remote health care services, to name a few. However, such services come with an unprecedented growth of mobile traffic, which will lead to heavy challenges and requirements that have not been experienced before. Indeed, the new generations of cellular systems are required to support ultra-low latency services (less than one millisecond), and provide hundred times more data rate and connectivity, all compared to previous generations such as 4G. Moreover, they are expected to be highly secure due to the sensitivity of the transmitted information. Researchers from both academia and industry have been concerting significant efforts to develop new technologies that aim at enabling the new generation of cellular systems (5G and beyond) to realize their potential. Much emphasis has been put on finding new technologies that enhance the radio access network (RAN) capabilities as RAN is considered to be the bottleneck of cellular networks. Striking a balance between performance and cost has been at the center of the efforts that led to the newly developed technologies, which include non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA), millimeter wave (mmWave) technology, self-organizing network (SON) and massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO). Moreover, physical layer security (PLS) has been praised for being a potential candidate for enforcing transmission security when combined with cryptography techniques. Although the main concepts of the aforementioned RAN key enabling technologies have been well defined, there are discrepancies between their intended (i.e., vision) performance and the achieved one. In fact, there is still much to do to bridge the gap between what has been promised by such technologies in terms of performance and what they might be able to achieve in real-life scenarios. This motivates us to identify the main reasons behind the aforementioned gaps and try to find ways to reduce such gaps. We first focus on NOMA where the main drawback of existing solutions is related to their poor performance in terms of spectral efficiency and connectivity. Another major drawback of existing NOMA solutions is that transmission rate per user decreases slightly with the number of users, which is a serious issue since future networks are expected to provide high connectivity. To this end, we develop NOMA solutions that could provide three times the achievable rate of existing solutions while maintaining a constant transmission rate per user regardless of the number of connected users. We then investigate the challenges facing mmWave transmissions. It has been demonstrated that such technology is highly sensitive to blockage, which limits its range of communication. To overcome this obstacle, we develop a beam-codebook based analog beam-steering scheme that achieves near maximum beamforming gain performance. The proposed technique has been tested and verified by real-life measurements performed at Bell Labs. Another line of research pursued in this thesis is investigating challenges pertaining to SON. It is known that radio access network self-planning is the most complex and sensitive task due to its impact on the cost of network deployment, etc., capital expenditure (CAPEX). To tackle this issue, we propose a comprehensive self-planning solution that provides all the planning parameters at once while guaranteeing that the system is optimally planned. The proposed scheme is compared to existing solutions and its superiority is demonstrated. We finally consider the communication secrecy problem and investigated the potential of employing PLS. Most of the existing PLS schemes are based on unrealistic assumptions, most notably is the assumption of having full knowledge about the whereabouts of the eavesdroppers. To solve this problem, we introduce a radically novel nonlinear precoding technique and a coding strategy that together allow to establish secure communication without any knowledge about the eavesdroppers. Moreover, we prove that it is possible to secure communications while achieving near transmitter-receiver channel capacity (the maximum theoretical rate)

    Low-resolution ADC receiver design, MIMO interference cancellation prototyping, and PHY secrecy analysis.

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    This dissertation studies three independent research topics in the general field of wireless communications. The first topic focuses on new receiver design with low-resolution analog-to-digital converters (ADC). In future massive multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) systems, multiple high-speed high-resolution ADCs will become a bottleneck for practical applications because of the hardware complexity and power consumption. One solution to this problem is to adopt low-cost low-precision ADCs instead. In Chapter II, MU-MIMO-OFDM systems only equipped with low-precision ADCs are considered. A new turbo receiver structure is proposed to improve the overall system performance. Meanwhile, ultra-low-cost communication devices can enable massive deployment of disposable wireless relays. In Chapter III, the feasibility of using a one-bit relay cluster to help a power-constrained transmitter for distant communication is investigated. Nonlinear estimators are applied to enable effective decoding. The second topic focuses prototyping and verification of a LTE and WiFi co-existence system, where the operation of LTE in unlicensed spectrum (LTE-U) is discussed. LTE-U extends the benefits of LTE and LTE Advanced to unlicensed spectrum, enabling mobile operators to offload data traffic onto unlicensed frequencies more efficiently and effectively. With LTE-U, operators can offer consumers a more robust and seamless mobile broadband experience with better coverage and higher download speeds. As the coexistence leads to considerable performance instability of both LTE and WiFi transmissions, the LTE and WiFi receivers with MIMO interference canceller are designed and prototyped to support the coexistence in Chapter IV. The third topic focuses on theoretical analysis of physical-layer secrecy with finite blocklength. Unlike upper layer security approaches, the physical-layer communication security can guarantee information-theoretic secrecy. Current studies on the physical-layer secrecy are all based on infinite blocklength. Nevertheless, these asymptotic studies are unrealistic and the finite blocklength effect is crucial for practical secrecy communication. In Chapter V, a practical analysis of secure lattice codes is provided

    Communication Sécurisée et Coopération dans les Réseaux sans Fil avec Interférences and of their Inverter

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    In this thesis, we conduct an information-theoretic study on two important aspects of wireless communications: the improvement of data throughput in interference-limited networks by means of cooperation between users and the strengthening of the security of transmissions with the help of feedback.In the first part of the thesis, we focus on the simplest model that encompasses interference and cooperation, the Interference Relay Channel (IRC). Our goal is to characterize within a fixed number of bits the capacity region of the Gaussian IRC, independent of any channel conditions. To do so, we derive a novel outer bound and two inner bounds. Specifically, the outer bound is obtained thanks to a nontrivial extension we propose of the injective semideterministic class of channels, originally derived by Telatar and Tse for the Interference Channel (IC).In the second part of the thesis, we investigate the Wiretap Channel with Generalized Feedback (WCGF) and our goal is to provide a general transmission strategy that encompasses the existing results for different feedback models found in the literature. To this end, we propose two different inner bounds on the capacity of the memoryless WCGF. We first derive an inner bound that is based on the use of joint source-channel coding, which introduces time dependencies between the feedback outputs and the channel inputs through different time blocks. We then introduce a second inner bound where the feedback link is used to generate a key that encrypts the message partially or completely.Dans cette thĂšse, nous menons une Ă©tude dans le cadre de la thĂ©orie de l'information sur deux questions importantes de la communication sans fil : l'amĂ©lioration du dĂ©bit de donnĂ©es dans les rĂ©seaux avec interfĂ©rence grĂące Ă  la coopĂ©ration entre utilisateurs et le renforcement de la sĂ©curitĂ© des transmissions Ă  l'aide d'un signal de rĂ©troaction.Dans la premiĂšre partie de la thĂšse, nous nous concentrons sur le modĂšle le plus simple qui intĂšgre Ă  la fois l'interfĂ©rence et la coopĂ©ration, le canal Ă  relais et interfĂ©rence ou IRC (Interference Relay Channel). Notre objectif est de caractĂ©riser dans un nombre fixe de bits la rĂ©gion de capacitĂ© du IRC gaussien. À cette fin, nous dĂ©rivons une nouvelle limite supĂ©rieure de la capacitĂ© et deux stratĂ©gies de transmission. La limite supĂ©rieure est notamment obtenue grĂące Ă  une extension non triviale que nous proposons, de la classe de canaux semi-dĂ©terministe et injective Ă  l'origine dĂ©rivĂ©e par Telatar et Tse pour le canal Ă  interfĂ©rence.Dans la seconde partie, nous Ă©tudions le canal avec espion et rĂ©troaction gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©e ou WCGF (Wiretap Channel with Generalized Feedback). Notre objectif est de dĂ©velopper une stratĂ©gie de transmission gĂ©nĂ©rale qui englobe les rĂ©sultats existants pour les diffĂ©rents modĂšles de rĂ©troaction trouvĂ©s dans la littĂ©rature. À cette fin, nous proposons deux stratĂ©gies de transmission diffĂ©rentes sur la capacitĂ© du WCGF sans mĂ©moire. Nous dĂ©rivons d'abord une stratĂ©gie qui est basĂ©e sur le codage source-canal conjoint. Nous introduisons ensuite une seconde stratĂ©gie oĂč le signal de rĂ©troaction est utilisĂ© pour gĂ©nĂ©rer une clĂ© secrĂšte qui permet de chiffrer le message partiellement ou totalement

    Advances in Multi-User Scheduling and Turbo Equalization for Wireless MIMO Systems

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    Nach einer Einleitung behandelt Teil 2 Mehrbenutzer-Scheduling fĂŒr die AbwĂ€rtsstrecke von drahtlosen MIMO Systemen mit einer Sendestation und kanaladaptivem precoding: In jeder Zeit- oder Frequenzressource kann eine andere Nutzergruppe gleichzeitig bedient werden, rĂ€umlich getrennt durch unterschiedliche Antennengewichte. Nutzer mit korrelierten KanĂ€len sollten nicht gleichzeitig bedient werden, da dies die rĂ€umliche Trennbarkeit erschwert. Die Summenrate einer Nutzermenge hĂ€ngt von den Antennengewichten ab, die wiederum von der Nutzerauswahl abhĂ€ngen. Zur Entkopplung des Problems schlĂ€gt diese Arbeit Metriken vor basierend auf einer geschĂ€tzten Rate mit ZF precoding. Diese lĂ€sst sich mit Hilfe von wiederholten orthogonalen Projektionen abschĂ€tzen, wodurch die Berechnung von Antennengewichten beim Scheduling entfĂ€llt. Die RatenschĂ€tzung kann basierend auf momentanen Kanalmessungen oder auf gemittelter Kanalkenntnis berechnet werden und es können Datenraten- und Fairness-Kriterien berĂŒcksichtig werden. Effiziente Suchalgorithmen werden vorgestellt, die die gesamte Systembandbreite auf einmal bearbeiten können und zur KomplexitĂ€tsreduktion die Lösung in Zeit- und Frequenz nachfĂŒhren können. Teil 3 zeigt wie mehrere Sendestationen koordiniertes Scheduling und kooperative Signalverarbeitung einsetzen können. Mittels orthogonalen Projektionen ist es möglich, Inter-Site Interferenz zu schĂ€tzen, ohne Antennengewichte berechnen zu mĂŒssen. Durch ein Konzept virtueller Nutzer kann der obige Scheduling-Ansatz auf mehrere Sendestationen und sogar Relays mit SDMA erweitert werden. Auf den benötigten Signalisierungsaufwand wird kurz eingegangen und eine Methode zur SchĂ€tzung der Summenrate eines Systems ohne Koordination besprochen. Teil4 entwickelt Optimierungen fĂŒr Turbo Entzerrer. Diese Nutzen Signalkorrelation als Quelle von Redundanz. Trotzdem kann eine Kombination mit MIMO precoding sinnvoll sein, da bei Annahme realistischer Fehler in der Kanalkenntnis am Sender keine optimale InterferenzunterdrĂŒckung möglich ist. Mit Hilfe von EXIT Charts wird eine neuartige Methode zur adaptiven Nutzung von a-priori-Information zwischen Iterationen entwickelt, die die Konvergenz verbessert. Dabei wird gezeigt, wie man semi-blinde KanalschĂ€tzung im EXIT chart berĂŒcksichtigen kann. In Computersimulationen werden alle Verfahren basierend auf 4G-Systemparametern ĂŒberprĂŒft.After an introduction, part 2 of this thesis deals with downlink multi-user scheduling for wireless MIMO systems with one transmitting station performing channel adaptive precoding:Different user subsets can be served in each time or frequency resource by separating them in space with different antenna weight vectors. Users with correlated channel matrices should not be served jointly since correlation impairs the spatial separability.The resulting sum rate for each user subset depends on the precoding weights, which in turn depend on the user subset. This thesis manages to decouple this problem by proposing a scheduling metric based on the rate with ZF precoding such as BD, written with the help of orthogonal projection matrices. It allows estimating rates without computing any antenna weights by using a repeated projection approximation.This rate estimate allows considering user rate requirements and fairness criteria and can work with either instantaneous or long term averaged channel knowledge.Search algorithms are presented to efficiently solve user grouping or selection problems jointly for the entire system bandwidth while being able to track the solution in time and frequency for complexity reduction. Part 3 shows how multiple transmitting stations can benefit from cooperative scheduling or joint signal processing. An orthogonal projection based estimate of the inter-site interference power, again without computing any antenna weights, and a virtual user concept extends the scheduling approach to cooperative base stations and finally included SDMA half-duplex relays in the scheduling.Signalling overhead is discussed and a method to estimate the sum rate without coordination. Part 4 presents optimizations for Turbo Equalizers. There, correlation between user signals can be exploited as a source of redundancy. Nevertheless a combination with transmit precoding which aims at reducing correlation can be beneficial when the channel knowledge at the transmitter contains a realistic error, leading to increased correlation. A novel method for adaptive re-use of a-priori information between is developed to increase convergence by tracking the iterations online with EXIT charts.A method is proposed to model semi-blind channel estimation updates in an EXIT chart. Computer simulations with 4G system parameters illustrate the methods using realistic channel models.Im Buchhandel erhĂ€ltlich: Advances in Multi-User Scheduling and Turbo Equalization for Wireless MIMO Systems / Fuchs-Lautensack,Martin Ilmenau: ISLE, 2009,116 S. ISBN 978-3-938843-43-