438 research outputs found

    Customizing BPMN Diagrams Using Timelines

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    BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) is widely used standard modeling technique for representing Business Processes by using diagrams, but lacks in some aspects. Representing execution-dependent and time-dependent decisions in BPMN Diagrams may be a daunting challenge [Carlo Combi et al., 2017]. In many cases such constraints are omitted in order to preserve the simplicity and the readability of the process model. However, for purposes such as compliance checking, process mining, and verification, formalizing such constraints could be very useful. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for annotating BPMN Diagrams with Temporal Synchronization Rules borrowed from the timeline-based planning field. We discuss the expressivity of the proposed approach and show that it is able to capture a lot of complex temporally-related constraints without affecting the structure of BPMN diagrams. Finally, we provide a mapping from annotated BPMN diagrams to timeline-based planning problems that allows one to take advantage of the last twenty years of theoretical and practical developments in the field

    Enhancing the modelling perspective of process performance management.

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    La Gestión del Rendimiento de los Procesos, que comprende las etapas de planificación, supervisión y control del rendimiento de los procesos de negocio, se considera una parte esencial de la gestión de los procesos de negocio y proporciona detalles de cómo se pueden diseñar y rediseñar los procesos de negocio para mejorar su rendimiento. El rendimiento de los procesos de negocio suele medirse por medio de indicadores de rendimiento de procesos (PPI, por sus siglas en inglés), que se evalúan y monitorizan con el fin de determinar si los objetivos estratégicos y operativos están siendo alcanzados. Al igual que los procesos de negocio, y en realidad junto con ellos, estos PPIs deben ser definidos y modelados, por lo que en esta tesis, nos centramos en su Perspectiva de Modelado. Esta perspectiva nos permite describir en detalle todos los PPIs asociados a un proceso de negocio, especificando el conjunto de atributos que los definen y la información que se necesita obtener del proceso de negocio para su cálculo. La mayoría de las propuestas relacionadas con la medición del rendimiento de los procesos de negocio se han centrado en la medición del rendimiento de los procesos de negocio estructurados, repetitivos y altamente definidos. Los cambios y los nuevos requisitos de las empresas han dado lugar a nuevas necesidades en la gestión de los procesos de negocio, que requieren más flexibilidad, por ejemplo, para gestionar colecciones de alternativas de procesos de negocio y procesos altamente dinámicos e intensivos en conocimientos. Sin embargo, las técnicas actuales de gestión del rendimiento de los procesos no han evolucionado al mismo ritmo que los procesos de negocio. Esas propuestas no pueden ser utilizadas “tal cual” en escenarios con procesos de negocio que requieren más flexibilidad porque esos procesos tienen una naturaleza diferente. Por ejemplo, esas propuestas no son capaces de definir PPIs en colecciones de procesos de negocio o de definir PPIs teniendo en cuenta elementos del proceso que no suelen estar presentes en procesos tradicionales, tales como decisiones, interacciones o colaboraciones entre participantes; generando así una brecha entre los procesos de negocio y la medición de su rendimiento. Para hacer frente a este reto, esta tesis pretende ampliar los límites actuales de la medición del rendimiento de los procesos. Para ello, nos basamos en técnicas ya existentes y bien fundamentadas, principalmente aplicables a procesos de negocio estructurados cuyo comportamiento se conoce en su mayor parte a priori, y los ampliamos para hacer frente a los nuevos requisitos identificados. Específicamente, proponemos un conjunto de artefactos que se centran en la definición y la perspectiva de modelado de las medidas e indicadores de rendimiento. Primero, proponemos la extensión del metamodelo PPINOT, un metamodelo previamente utilizado para la definición y modelado de indicadores de rendimiento de procesos, en cuatro direcciones: la reutilización total o parcial de definiciones de PPIs; el modelado de PPIs teniendo en cuenta la variabilidad de los procesos y de los propios PPIs; la definición de PPIs sobre procesos intensivos del conocimiento y la relación de la definición de PPIs con un conjunto particular de elementos de los proceso, como las decisiones. Las extensiones del metamodelo son diseñadas para trabajar con propuestas relevantes en cada una de las áreas abordadas, como KIPO (Knowledge-Intensive Process Ontology), una ontología que proporciona constructores para la definición de procesos intensivos en conocimiento; DMN (Decision Model and Notation), un estándar para la definición y modelado de decisiones; Provop y C-iEPC, dos lenguajes de modelado de procesos de negocio asociados a la variabilidad. Para facilitar la representación de las definiciones y modelos de PPIs, también se propone la extensión de las dos notaciones del PPINOT: Visual PPINOT, una notación gráfica y la notación basada en plantillas que utiliza patrones lingüísticos para las definiciones de PPI. Además de estas extensiones, también proponemos dos contribuciones más: una metodología basada en la integración de PPINOT y KIPO, y en los conceptos de indicadores lead y lag con el objetivo de guiar a los participantes en la implementación de PPIs de acuerdo a las metas de negocio, y directrices en forma de un conjunto de pasos que pueden utilizarse para identificar las decisiones que afectan el rendimiento del proceso. Finalmente, también hemos dado los primeros pasos para implementar las extensiones del metamodelo en las herramientas de modelado de PPINOT. Específicamente hemos modificado el editor gráfico para facilitar el modelo de PPIs por medio de la reutilización de definiciones. Hemos validado las propuestas presentadas a través de diferentes escenarios y casos de estudio: analizando los procesos y las medidas de rendimiento del modelo de referencia SCOR (Supply Chain Operations Reference), utilizando medidas e indicadores proporcionados por el Servicio Andaluz de Salud (España) y a través de un caso de estudio en una empresa de outsourcing de tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en Brasil. Nuestra propuesta de “Mejorar la Perspectiva de Modelado de la Gestión del Rendimiento de Procesos” nos permite: reutilizar definiciones totales o parciales de PPIs en diferentes PPIs o procesos de negocio; definir PPIs en una colección de procesos de negocio (familia de procesos) teniendo en cuenta la variabilidad de los procesos y de los propios PPIs; definir PPIs sobre procesos intensivos en conocimiento; utilizar una metodología para guiar a los participantes en la implementación de PPIs de acuerdo con los objetivos de negocio; analizar el impacto sobre los PPI, de las decisiones relacionadas con los procesos de negocio; definir indicadores de rendimiento de las decisiones (DPIs) para medir el rendimiento de las decisiones relacionadas con los procesos de negocio; y utilizar la información sobre el rendimiento del proceso en la definición de decisiones

    A Methodological Framework for the Integrated Design of Decision-Intensive Care Pathways\u2014an Application to the Management of COPD Patients

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    Healthcare processes are by nature complex, mostly due to their multi-disciplinary character that requires continuous coordination between care providers. They encompass both organizational and clinical tasks, the latter ones driven by med- ical knowledge, which is inherently incomplete and distributed among people having different expertise and roles. Care pathways refer to planning and coordination of care processes related to specific groups of patients in a given setting. The goal in defining and following care pathways is to improve the quality of care in terms of patient satisfaction, costs reduction, and medical outcome. Thus, care pathways are a promising methodological tool for standardizing care and decision-making. Business process management techniques can successfully be used for representing organiza- tional aspects of care pathways in a standard, readable, and accessible way, while supporting process development, analysis, and re-engineering. In this paper, we intro- duce a methodological framework that fosters the integrated design, implementation, and enactment of care processes and related decisions, while considering proper rep- resentation and management of organizational and clinical information. We focus here and discuss in detail the design phase, which encompasses the simulation of care pathways. We show how business process model and notation (BPMN) and decision model and notation (DMN) can be combined for supporting intertwined aspects of decision-intensive care pathways. As a proof-of-concept, the proposed methodology has been applied to design care pathways related to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in the region of Veneto, in Italy

    Tackling Dierent Business Process Perspectives

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    Business Process Management (BPM) has emerged as a discipline to design, control, analyze, and optimize business operations. Conceptual models lie at the core of BPM. In particular, business process models have been taken up by organizations as a means to describe the main activities that are performed to achieve a specific business goal. Process models generally cover different perspectives that underlie separate yet interrelated representations for analyzing and presenting process information. Being primarily driven by process improvement objectives, traditional business process modeling languages focus on capturing the control flow perspective of business processes, that is, the temporal and logical coordination of activities. Such approaches are usually characterized as \u201cactivity-centric\u201d. Nowadays, activity-centric process modeling languages, such as the Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) standard, are still the most used in practice and benefit from industrial tool support. Nevertheless, evidence shows that such process modeling languages still lack of support for modeling non-control-flow perspectives, such as the temporal, informational, and decision perspectives, among others. This thesis centres on the BPMN standard and addresses the modeling the temporal, informational, and decision perspectives of process models, with particular attention to processes enacted in healthcare domains. Despite being partially interrelated, the main contributions of this thesis may be partitioned according to the modeling perspective they concern. The temporal perspective deals with the specification, management, and formal verification of temporal constraints. In this thesis, we address the specification and run-time management of temporal constraints in BPMN, by taking advantage of process modularity and of event handling mechanisms included in the standard. Then, we propose three different mappings from BPMN to formal models, to validate the behavior of the proposed process models and to check whether they are dynamically controllable. The informational perspective represents the information entities consumed, produced or manipulated by a process. This thesis focuses on the conceptual connection between processes and data, borrowing concepts from the database domain to enable the representation of which part of a database schema is accessed by a certain process activity. This novel conceptual view is then employed to detect potential data inconsistencies arising when the same data are accessed erroneously by different process activities. The decision perspective encompasses the modeling of the decision-making related to a process, considering where decisions are made in the process and how decision outcomes affect process execution. In this thesis, we investigate the use of the Decision Model and Notation (DMN) standard in conjunction with BPMN starting from a pattern-based approach to ease the derivation of DMN decision models from the data represented in BPMN processes. Besides, we propose a methodology that focuses on the integrated use of BPMN and DMN for modeling decision-intensive care pathways in a real-world application domain

    VISUAL PPINOT: A Graphical Notation for Process Performance Indicators

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    Process performance indicators (PPIs) allow the quantitative evaluation of business processes, providing essential information for decision making. It is common practice today that business processes and PPIs are usually modelled separately using graphical notations for the former and natural language for the latter. This approach makes PPI definitions simple to read and write, but it hinders maintenance consistency between business processes and PPIs. It also requires their manual translation into lower-level implementation languages for their operationalisation, which is a time-consuming, error-prone task because of the ambiguities inherent to natural language definitions. In this article, VISUAL PPINOT, a graphical notation for defining PPIs together with business process models, is presented. Its underlying formal metamodel allows the automated processing of PPIs. Furthermore, it improves current state-of-the-art proposals in terms of expressiveness and in terms of providing an explicit visualisation of the link between PPIs and business processes, which avoids inconsistencies and promotes their co-evolution. The reference implementation, developed as a complete tool suite, has allowed its validation in a multiple- case study, in which five dimensions of VISUAL PPINOT were studied: expressiveness, precision, automation, understandability, and traceability.Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología TIN2015-70560-RJunta de Andalucía P12-TIC-186

    A Smart Products Lifecycle Management (sPLM) Framework - Modeling for Conceptualization, Interoperability, and Modularity

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    Autonomy and intelligence have been built into many of today’s mechatronic products, taking advantage of low-cost sensors and advanced data analytics technologies. Design of product intelligence (enabled by analytics capabilities) is no longer a trivial or additional option for the product development. The objective of this research is aimed at addressing the challenges raised by the new data-driven design paradigm for smart products development, in which the product itself and the smartness require to be carefully co-constructed. A smart product can be seen as specific compositions and configurations of its physical components to form the body, its analytics models to implement the intelligence, evolving along its lifecycle stages. Based on this view, the contribution of this research is to expand the “Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)” concept traditionally for physical products to data-based products. As a result, a Smart Products Lifecycle Management (sPLM) framework is conceptualized based on a high-dimensional Smart Product Hypercube (sPH) representation and decomposition. First, the sPLM addresses the interoperability issues by developing a Smart Component data model to uniformly represent and compose physical component models created by engineers and analytics models created by data scientists. Second, the sPLM implements an NPD3 process model that incorporates formal data analytics process into the new product development (NPD) process model, in order to support the transdisciplinary information flows and team interactions between engineers and data scientists. Third, the sPLM addresses the issues related to product definition, modular design, product configuration, and lifecycle management of analytics models, by adapting the theoretical frameworks and methods for traditional product design and development. An sPLM proof-of-concept platform had been implemented for validation of the concepts and methodologies developed throughout the research work. The sPLM platform provides a shared data repository to manage the product-, process-, and configuration-related knowledge for smart products development. It also provides a collaborative environment to facilitate transdisciplinary collaboration between product engineers and data scientists

    VISUAL PPINOT: A Graphical Notation for Process Performance Indicators

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    Process performance indicators (PPIs) allow the quantitative evaluation of business processes, providing essential information for decision making. It is common practice today that business processes and PPIs are usually modelled separately using graphical notations for the former and natural language for the latter. This approach makes PPI definitions simple to read and write, but it hinders maintenance consistency between business processes and PPIs. It also requires their manual translation into lower-level implementation languages for their operationalisation, which is a time-consuming, error-prone task because of the ambiguities inherent to natural language definitions. In this article, Visual ppinot, a graphical notation for defining PPIs together with business process models, is presented. Its underlying formal metamodel allows the automated processing of PPIs. Furthermore, it improves current state-of-the-art proposals in terms of expressiveness and in terms of providing an explicit visualisation of the link between PPIs and business processes, which avoids inconsistencies and promotes their co-evolution. The reference implementation, developed as a complete tool suite, has allowed its validation in a multiple-case study, in which five dimensions of Visual ppinot were studied: expressiveness, precision, automation, understandability, and traceability

    Developing and validating process-aware GUIs in an industrial setting

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    With classic cars being worth hundreds of thousands to even millions of euros, it is a deal of great importance that any restoration processes that these vehicles go through are following national and international regulations. Certification of the authenticity of restored cars plays a major role in this context. There is also a need to keep their owners informed about the process remotely, especially since these cars are often sent overseas to be repaired. This research is about assessing how monitoring the progress of classic cars’ restora- tion processes can be helpful for involved stakeholders: plant shop managers, certifica- tion bodies, and classic car owners. For that purpose, we developed a process monitoring platform that combines data gathered from plant shop sensors with input provided by a plant shop manager using a process-aware graphical user interface (GUI). The under- lying process is compliant with the best practices expressed in FIVA’s Charter of Turin and any evidence generated can be attached to its tasks to facilitate certification. After the process ends, an automatically generated PDF file that contains a summary of the process and the evidence attached to it can be downloaded. Last, but not least, a plat- form was developed where video-conference sessions with remotely controlled cameras can be performed to allow car owners to witness and record important milestones in the restoration/preservation process. This work allows for workshops using the developed system to show their quality and that the best practices identified by FIVA are followed. For this reason, it has gathered a lot of interest from several parties invested in the industry, including several national classic car workshops. If our system becomes widespread, it could not only distinguish the best workshops but also differentiate the country’s industry from others worldwide. It can also become a fundamental tool for the analysis performed by classic car certification companies in their tasks.Com carros clássicos a serem avaliados em centenas de milhares, ou em alguns casos mi- lhões, de euros, é muito importante que os seus processos de restauro estejam de acordo com as normas nacionais e internacionais. A certificação da autenticidade de carros res- taurados desempenha um papel importante neste contexto. Também é necessário manter os seus proprietários informados sobre o processo remotamente, especialmente visto que estes carros são frequentemente enviados para o estrangeiro para serem reparados. Esta pesquisa trata de avaliar como o monitoramento do progresso dos processos de restauração de carros clássicos pode ser útil para as partes envolvidas: gerentes de oficinas, órgãos de certificação e proprietários de carros clássicos. Para isso, desenvolvemos uma plataforma de monitoramento de processos que combina dados recolhidos por sensores com dados fornecidos pelos gerentes da oficina através duma GUI consciente dos pro- cessos. O processo subjacente está em conformidade com as práticas expressas na Carta de Turim da FIVA e as evidencias generadas podem ser anexadas às suas tarefas, para facilitar a certificação. No fim do processo, um ficheiro PDF gerado automaticamente que contém um resumo do processo e as suas evidências pode ser transferido. Por último, mas não menos importante, uma plataforma foi desenvolvida onde sessões de videoconferên- cia com câmaras remotamente controladas podem ser realizadas para permitir que os proprietários dos carros testemunhem e registem marcos importantes durante o processo de restauro/preservação. Este trabalho permite às oficinas que utilizem o nosso sistema mostrarem a sua qua- lidade e que as boas práticas identificadas pela FIVA são seguidas. Por este motivo, tem suscitado grande interesse pelas diversas partes envolvidas, incluindo diversas oficinas de automóveis clássicos nacionais. Se o nosso sistema ganhar popularidade, poderá não apenas distinguir as melhores oficinas, mas também diferenciar a indústria nacional das restantes mundialmente. Também pode se tornar uma ferramenta fundamental para a análise realizada pelas empresas de certificação de carros clássicos nas suas tarefas

    Intrinsic network activity reflects the ongoing experience of chronic pain

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    Analyses of intrinsic network activity have been instrumental in revealing cortical processes that are altered in chronic pain patients. In a novel approach, we aimed to elucidate how intrinsic functional networks evolve in regard to the fluctuating intensity of the experience of chronic pain. In a longitudinal study with 156 fMRI sessions, 20 chronic back pain patients and 20 chronic migraine patients were asked to continuously rate the intensity of their endogenous pain. We investigated the relationship between the fluctuation of intrinsic network activity with the time course of subjective pain ratings. For chronic back pain, we found increased cortical network activity for the salience network and a local pontine network, as well as decreased network activity in the anterior and posterior default mode network for higher pain intensities. Higher pain intensities in chronic migraine were accompanied with lower activity in a prefrontal cortical network. By taking the perspective of the individual, we focused on the variability of the subjective perception of pain, which include phases of relatively low pain and phases of relatively high pain. The present design of the assessment of ongoing endogenous pain can be a powerful and promising tool to assess the signature of a patient's endogenous pain encoding