1,592 research outputs found

    Semantic Model Alignment for Business Process Integration

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    Business process models describe an enterprise’s way of conducting business and in this form the basis for shaping the organization and engineering the appropriate supporting or even enabling IT. Thereby, a major task in working with models is their analysis and comparison for the purpose of aligning them. As models can differ semantically not only concerning the modeling languages used, but even more so in the way in which the natural language for labeling the model elements has been applied, the correct identification of the intended meaning of a legacy model is a non-trivial task that thus far has only been solved by humans. In particular at the time of reorganizations, the set-up of B2B-collaborations or mergers and acquisitions the semantic analysis of models of different origin that need to be consolidated is a manual effort that is not only tedious and error-prone but also time consuming and costly and often even repetitive. For facilitating automation of this task by means of IT, in this thesis the new method of Semantic Model Alignment is presented. Its application enables to extract and formalize the semantics of models for relating them based on the modeling language used and determining similarities based on the natural language used in model element labels. The resulting alignment supports model-based semantic business process integration. The research conducted is based on a design-science oriented approach and the method developed has been created together with all its enabling artifacts. These results have been published as the research progressed and are presented here in this thesis based on a selection of peer reviewed publications comprehensively describing the various aspects

    Local matching learning of large scale biomedical ontologies

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    Les larges ontologies biomédicales décrivent généralement le même domaine d'intérêt, mais en utilisant des modèles de modélisation et des vocabulaires différents. Aligner ces ontologies qui sont complexes et hétérogènes est une tâche fastidieuse. Les systèmes de matching doivent fournir des résultats de haute qualité en tenant compte de la grande taille de ces ressources. Les systèmes de matching d'ontologies doivent résoudre deux problèmes: (i) intégrer la grande taille d'ontologies, (ii) automatiser le processus d'alignement. Le matching d'ontologies est une tâche difficile en raison de la large taille des ontologies. Les systèmes de matching d'ontologies combinent différents types de matcher pour résoudre ces problèmes. Les principaux problèmes de l'alignement de larges ontologies biomédicales sont: l'hétérogénéité conceptuelle, l'espace de recherche élevé et la qualité réduite des alignements résultants. Les systèmes d'alignement d'ontologies combinent différents matchers afin de réduire l'hétérogénéité. Cette combinaison devrait définir le choix des matchers à combiner et le poids. Différents matchers traitent différents types d'hétérogénéité. Par conséquent, le paramétrage d'un matcher devrait être automatisé par les systèmes d'alignement d'ontologies afin d'obtenir une bonne qualité de correspondance. Nous avons proposé une approche appele "local matching learning" pour faire face à la fois à la grande taille des ontologies et au problème de l'automatisation. Nous divisons un gros problème d'alignement en un ensemble de problèmes d'alignement locaux plus petits. Chaque problème d'alignement local est indépendamment aligné par une approche d'apprentissage automatique. Nous réduisons l'énorme espace de recherche en un ensemble de taches de recherche de corresondances locales plus petites. Nous pouvons aligner efficacement chaque tache de recherche de corresondances locale pour obtenir une meilleure qualité de correspondance. Notre approche de partitionnement se base sur une nouvelle stratégie à découpes multiples générant des partitions non volumineuses et non isolées. Par conséquence, nous pouvons surmonter le problème de l'hétérogénéité conceptuelle. Le nouvel algorithme de partitionnement est basé sur le clustering hiérarchique par agglomération (CHA). Cette approche génère un ensemble de tâches de correspondance locale avec un taux de couverture suffisant avec aucune partition isolée. Chaque tâche d'alignement local est automatiquement alignée en se basant sur les techniques d'apprentissage automatique. Un classificateur local aligne une seule tâche d'alignement local. Les classificateurs locaux sont basés sur des features élémentaires et structurelles. L'attribut class de chaque set de donne d'apprentissage " training set" est automatiquement étiqueté à l'aide d'une base de connaissances externe. Nous avons appliqué une technique de sélection de features pour chaque classificateur local afin de sélectionner les matchers appropriés pour chaque tâche d'alignement local. Cette approche réduit la complexité d'alignement et augmente la précision globale par rapport aux méthodes d'apprentissage traditionnelles. Nous avons prouvé que l'approche de partitionnement est meilleure que les approches actuelles en terme de précision, de taux de couverture et d'absence de partitions isolées. Nous avons évalué l'approche d'apprentissage d'alignement local à l'aide de diverses expériences basées sur des jeux de données d'OAEI 2018. Nous avons déduit qu'il est avantageux de diviser une grande tâche d'alignement d'ontologies en un ensemble de tâches d'alignement locaux. L'espace de recherche est réduit, ce qui réduit le nombre de faux négatifs et de faux positifs. L'application de techniques de sélection de caractéristiques à chaque classificateur local augmente la valeur de rappel pour chaque tâche d'alignement local.Although a considerable body of research work has addressed the problem of ontology matching, few studies have tackled the large ontologies used in the biomedical domain. We introduce a fully automated local matching learning approach that breaks down a large ontology matching task into a set of independent local sub-matching tasks. This approach integrates a novel partitioning algorithm as well as a set of matching learning techniques. The partitioning method is based on hierarchical clustering and does not generate isolated partitions. The matching learning approach employs different techniques: (i) local matching tasks are independently and automatically aligned using their local classifiers, which are based on local training sets built from element level and structure level features, (ii) resampling techniques are used to balance each local training set, and (iii) feature selection techniques are used to automatically select the appropriate tuning parameters for each local matching context. Our local matching learning approach generates a set of combined alignments from each local matching task, and experiments show that a multiple local classifier approach outperforms conventional, state-of-the-art approaches: these use a single classifier for the whole ontology matching task. In addition, focusing on context-aware local training sets based on local feature selection and resampling techniques significantly enhances the obtained results

    Ontology Alignment using Biologically-inspired Optimisation Algorithms

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    It is investigated how biologically-inspired optimisation methods can be used to compute alignments between ontologies. Independent of particular similarity metrics, the developed techniques demonstrate anytime behaviour and high scalability. Due to the inherent parallelisability of these population-based algorithms it is possible to exploit dynamically scalable cloud infrastructures - a step towards the provisioning of Alignment-as-a-Service solutions for future semantic applications

    Matching Biomedical Knowledge Graphs with Neural Embeddings

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    Tese de mestrado, Ciência de Dados, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2020Os grafos de conhecimento são estruturas que se tornaram fundamentais para a organização dos dados biomédicos que têm sido produzidos a um ritmo exponencial nos últimos anos. A abrangente adoção desta forma de estruturar e descrever dados levou ao desenvolvimento de abordagens de prospeção de dados que tirassem partido desta informação com o intuito de auxiliar o progresso do conhecimento científico. Porém, devido à impossibilidade de isolamento de domínios de conhecimento e à idiossincrasia humana, grafos de conhecimento construídos por diferentes indivíduos contêm muitas vezes conceitos equivalentes descritos de forma diferente, dificultando uma análise integrada de dados de diferentes grafos de conhecimento. Vários sistemas de alinhamento de grafos de conhecimento têm focado a resolução deste desafio. Contudo, o desempenho destes sistemas no alinhamento de grafos de conhecimento biomédicos estagnou nos últimos quatro anos com algoritmos e recursos externos bastante trabalhados para aprimorar os resultados. Nesta dissertação, apresentamos duas novas abordagens de alinhamento de grafos de conhecimento empregando Neural Embeddings: uma utilizando semelhança simples entre embeddings à base de palavras e de entidades de grafos; outra treinando um modelo mais complexo que refinasse a informação proveniente de embeddings baseados em palavras. A metodologia proposta visa integrar estas abordagens no processo regular de alinhamento, utilizando como infraestrutura o sistema AgreementMakerLight. Estas novas componentes permitem extender os algoritmos de alinhamento do sistema, descobrindo novos mapeamentos, e criar uma abordagem de alinhamento mais generalizável e menos dependente de ontologias biomédicas externas. Esta nova metodologia foi avaliada em três casos de teste de alinhamento de ontologias biomédicas, provenientes da Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative. Os resultados demonstraram que apesar de ambas as abordagens não excederem o estado da arte, estas obtiveram um desempenho benéfico nas tarefas de alinhamento, superando a performance de todos os sistemas que não usam ontologias externas e inclusive alguns que tiram proveito das mesmas, o que demonstra o valor das técnicas de Neural Embeddings na tarefa de alinhamento de grafos do conhecimento biomédicos.Knowledge graphs are data structures which became essential to organize biomedical data produced at an exponential rate in the last few years. The broad adoption of this method of structuring and describing data resulted in the increased interest to develop data mining approaches which took advantage of these information structures in order to improve scientific knowledge. However, due to human idiosyncrasy and also the impossibility to isolate knowledge domains in separate pieces, knowledge graphs constructed by different individuals often contain equivalent concepts described differently. This obstructs the path to an integrated analysis of data described by multiple knowledge graphs. Multiple knowledge graph matching systems have been developed to address this challenge. Nevertheless, the performance of these systems has stagnated in the last four years, despite the fact that they were provided with highly tailored algorithms and external resources to tackle this task. In this dissertation, we present two novel knowledge graph matching approaches employing neural embeddings: one using plain embedding similarity based on word and graph models; the other one using a more complex word-based model which requires training data to refine embeddings. The proposed methodology aims to integrate these approaches in the regular matching process, using the AgreementMakerLight system as a foundation. These new components enable the extension of the system’s current matching algorithms, discovering new mappings, and developing a more generalizable and less dependent on external biomedical ontologies matching procedure. This new methodology was evaluated on three biomedical ontology matching test cases provided by the Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative. The results showed that despite both embedding approaches don’t exceed state of the art results, they still produce better results than any other matching systems which do not make use of external ontologies and also surpass some that do benefit from them. This shows that Neural Embeddings are a valuable technique to tackle the challenge of biomedical knowledge graph matching

    Description of alignment implementation and benchmarking results

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    stuckenschmidt2005aThis deliverable presents the evaluation campaign carried out in 2005 and the improvement participants to these campaign and others have to their systems. We draw lessons from this work and proposes improvements for future campaigns

    Connecting GOMMA with STROMA: an approach for semantic ontology mapping in the biomedical domain

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    This thesis establishes a connection between GOMMA and STROMA – both are tools of ontology processing. Consequently, a new workflow of denoting a set of correspondences with five semantic relation types has been implemented. Such a rich denotation is scarcely discussed within the literature. The evaluation of the denotation shows that trivial correspondences are easy to recognize (tF > 90). The challenge is the denotation of non-trivial types ( 30 < ntF < 70). A prerequisite of the implemented workflow is the extraction of semantic relations between concepts. These relations represent additional background knowledge for the enrichment tool STROMA and are integrated to the repository SemRep which is accessed by this tool. Thus, STROMA is able to calculate a semantic type more precisely. UMLS was chosen as a biomedical knowledge source because it subsumes many different ontologies of this domain and thus, it represents a rich resource. Nevertheless, only a small set of relations met the requirements which are imposed to SemRep relations. Further studies may analyze whether there is an appropriate way to integrate the missing relations as well. The connection of GOMMA with STROMA allows the semantic enrichment of a biomedical mapping. As a consequence, this thesis enlightens two subjects of research. First, STROMA had been tested with general ontologies, which models common sense knowledge. Within this thesis, STROMA was applied to domain ontologies. Studies have shown that overall, STROMA was able to treat such ontologies as well. However, some strategies for the enrichment process are based on assumption which are misleading in the biomedical domain. Consequently, further strategies are suggested in this thesis which might improve the type denotation. These strategies may lead to an optimization of STROMA for biomedical data sets. A more thorough analysis will review their scope, also beyond the biomedical domain. Second, the established connection may lead to deeper investigations about advantages of semantic enrichment in the biomedical domain as an enriched mapping is returned. Despite heterogeneity of source and target ontology, such a mapping results in an improved interoperability at a finer level of granularity. The utilization of semantically rich correspondences in the biomedical domain is a worthwhile focus for future research

    Building an effective and efficient background knowledge resource to enhance ontology matching

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    International audienceOntology matching is critical for data integration and interoperability. Original ontology matching approaches relied solely on the content of the ontologies to align. However, these approaches are less effective when equivalent concepts have dissimilar labels and are structured with different modeling views. To overcome this semantic heterogeneity, the community has turned to the use of external background knowledge resources. Several methods have been proposed to select ontologies, other than the ones to align, as background knowledge to enhance a given ontology-matching task. However, these methods return a set of complete ontologies, while, in most cases, only fragments of the returned ontologies are effective for discovering new mappings. In this article, we propose an approach to select and build a background knowledge resource with just the right concepts chosen from a set of ontologies, which improves efficiency without loss of effectiveness. The use of background knowledge in ontology matching is a double-edged sword: while it may increase recall (i.e., retrieve more correct mappings), it may lower precision (i.e., produce more incorrect mappings). Therefore, we propose two methods to select the most relevant mappings from the candidate ones: (1)~a selection based on a set of rules and (2)~a selection based on supervised machine learning. Our experiments, conducted on two Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative (OAEI) datasets, confirm the effectiveness and efficiency of our approach. Moreover, the F-measure values obtained with our approach are very competitive to those of the state-of-the-art matchers exploiting background knowledge resources

    Medical Informatics

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    Information technology has been revolutionizing the everyday life of the common man, while medical science has been making rapid strides in understanding disease mechanisms, developing diagnostic techniques and effecting successful treatment regimen, even for those cases which would have been classified as a poor prognosis a decade earlier. The confluence of information technology and biomedicine has brought into its ambit additional dimensions of computerized databases for patient conditions, revolutionizing the way health care and patient information is recorded, processed, interpreted and utilized for improving the quality of life. This book consists of seven chapters dealing with the three primary issues of medical information acquisition from a patient's and health care professional's perspective, translational approaches from a researcher's point of view, and finally the application potential as required by the clinicians/physician. The book covers modern issues in Information Technology, Bioinformatics Methods and Clinical Applications. The chapters describe the basic process of acquisition of information in a health system, recent technological developments in biomedicine and the realistic evaluation of medical informatics
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