364 research outputs found

    Challenges in Offshore Outsourcing Relationship Management – A Peruvian Perspective

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    In this paper, we examine challenges related with offshore outsourcing to Peru and their effect on relationship quality and outsourcing success. In three case studies, we interviewed clients and providers about their experiences with software development outsourcing from Anglo-American countries (U.S., Canada, Scotland) to Peru. We identified particular challenges which have at least a minor negative impact on relationship quality and outsourcing success, however, are manageable – the related management actions were extracted from the cases, as well. We argue that Peru becomes an interesting player in the global offshoring market and which particularities practitioners should be aware of when considering outsourcing to Peru

    Cultural Bias in Information Systems Research and Practice: Are You Coming From the Same Place I Am?

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    This article summarises an ICIS panel discussion held on December 2005 in Las Vegas on the influence of national (or ethnic) culture on IS research and practice. Based on the views of the panel members and the question and answer time with the wider audience, it was generally agreed that culture has a tremendously significant influence on IS research and practice. This influence is expressed in a bias in how research is conducted and published and how practice is conducted. The bias is usually in favour of the dominant cultural perspective. The effects of these biases, both positive and negative, are discussed and possible solutions discussed

    Revealing the networks behind corruption and money laundering schemes: an analysis of the Toledo-Odebrecht case using social network analysis and network ethnography

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    This working paper is based on an empirical investigation of corruption and illicit exchange related to the so-called "Lava Jato" or "Odebrecht" scandal. Focusing on former Peruvian President Alejandro Toledo and his laundering of bribes obtained from the construction giant Odebrecht, the analysis aims to test the usefulness of applying a network lens to better understand the mechanisms underlying grand corruption cases. It also aims to further illuminate the nexus between corruption and money laundering and the role of hidden and offshore financial infrastructures in facilitating the illicit schemes. The research used a combination of social network analysis and network ethnography techniques to explore the following questions: How do money laundering activities and offshore financial infrastructures sustain corruption? Who are the key actors involved, how do they interact and what is their division of labour? How do actors and clusters govern the social-financial web of relations? Answering these questions with empirical evidence related to a specific case makes it possible to better understand how the connection between corruption and money laundering using offshore financial infrastructure works. It also supports the emerging understanding of corruption as a collective, transnational and financially advanced phenomenon

    Bases for the digital transformation of the productive sector: an exploratory study of key competencies in Peru

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    The main objective of this research is to determine the basis of the key competencies necessary to achieve the digital transformation of public and private organizations in Peru. With this objective in mind, the conceptual framework involves the definition of a digital transformation in organizations and their impact on those organizations. Secondly, the article presented the results of the exploratory fieldwork conducted through in-depth interviews with ten executives from different productive sectors and analyzed them through content analysis. From this exploratory study, it concludes that all the experts interviewed agree on: i) the urgency of initiating a digital transformation process in small, medium, and large companies; ii) the need for training in digital transformation for company employees in all functional lines, giving priority to the commercial area; and iii) investment in the implementation process starting with cybersecurity and big data due to the impact on the operational and commercial results of the companies.El objetivo principal de esta investigaci?n es determinar las bases de las competencias clave necesarias para lograr la transformaci?n digital de las organizaciones p?blicas y privadas en el Per?. Con este objetivo en mente, el marco conceptual implica la definici?n de la transformaci?n digital en las organizaciones y su impacto en las mismas. En segundo lugar, el art?culo presenta los resultados del trabajo de campo exploratorio realizado a trav?s de entrevistas en profundidad a diez ejecutivos de diferentes sectores productivos y los analiza a trav?s del an?lisis de contenido. De este estudio exploratorio se concluye que todos los expertos entrevistados coinciden en: i) la urgencia de iniciar un proceso de transformaci?n digital en las peque?as, medianas y grandes empresas; ii) la necesidad de formaci?n en transformaci?n digital para los empleados de las empresas en todas las l?neas funcionales, priorizando el ?rea comercial; y iii) la inversi?n en el proceso de implantaci?n a partir de la ciberseguridad y el big data por el impacto en los resultados operativos y comerciales de las empresas

    Consulting report – Servicios Industriales de la Marina (SIMA-Perú SA)

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    El objetivo del presente informe de consultoría consiste en la identificación de problemas dentro de SIMA-Perú S.A. y la evaluación de posibles soluciones, esta es una empresa estatal que tiene operaciones en la industria naval y metalmecánica. Cuenta con tres centros de operaciones en el Callao, Chimbote e Iquitos, este estudio se desarrolla para la sede de Callao. Se realizó un análisis exhaustivo de los factores externos e internos que afectan a la empresa, esto permitió la identificación de los problemas que la organización enfrenta actualmente. El problema que se desarrolla en este proyecto es con respecto a la insuficiente capacidad de SIMA-Perú S.A. para recibir más y más grandes embarcaciones como los buques Panamax o Post-Panamax. Las tendencias de la industria muestran que el tamaño de los buques de carga está aumentando para mejorar la eficiencia de operaciones de transporte. Las siguientes alternativas de solución fueron propuestas y evaluadas: (a) actualizar equipo antiguo y adoptar tecnología avanzada, (b) construir un nuevo dique seco, e (c) invertir en investigación de mercado. Luego de un análisis de las opciones de solución, la seleccionada es la construcción de un nuevo dique seco porque impacta directamente las causas raíz del problema, y tiene un impacto positivo y sostenible para el Perú. Para implementar esta solución, es necesario recibir fondos del gobierno, para este fin, es importante analizar el impacto de este proyecto para el país. Este estudio se centra en aspecto cualitativos, es necesario realizar una posterior investigación cuantitativa. Antes de iniciar la construcción, SIMA-Perú SA tiene que cuantificar el impacto social potencial del proyecto y obtener información de mercado para preparar un estudio de viabilidad profundo y objetivo. La solución destaca las sinergias entre los objetivos del Gobierno y la empresa. Con esto alcanzará sus objetivos de mejorar la situación económica y social de la nación, así como incrementar la actividad empresarial de la compañíaThe objective of the present consulting report involves the identification of problems within SIMA-Perú SA and the assessment of potential solutions, this company is state-owned and has operations related to the ship and metalworking industries. There are three operation centers located in Callao, Chimbote, and Iquitos. This study is developed for the Callao branch. A thorough analysis of the external and internal factors that affect the company was performed, this allowed the identification of the issues that the organization is currently facing. The problem that is developed in this project is regarding the insufficient capacity of SIMA-Perú SA to receive more and larger vessels like the Panamax or Post-Panamax ships. The current industry trends show that the dimensions of the cargo ships are increasing in order to have a higher efficiency in the transportation operations. The following solution alternatives were proposed and evaluated: (a) update old equipment and adopt advanced technology, (b) build a new dry dock, and (c) invest in market research. After an assessment of the alternative solutions, the selected one was to build a new dry dock because it directly tackles the root causes of the problem and has a positive and sustainable impact for Peru. For implementing this solution, it is necessary to receive funding from the government, for this purpose, it is important to analyze the impact of this project for the country. This study is focused in the qualitative aspects of the project, further quantitative research is required. Prior to the construction of the dry dock, SIMA-Perú SA must quantify the potential social impact of the project and obtain market data in order to prepare a deep and objective feasibility study. The proposed solution highlights the synergies between the Government and the organization objectives. It will help it reach its objectives for improving the economic and social status of the nation as well as increase the business activity for the companyTesi

    Consulting report – Agencia B12

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    Agencia B12 is a Spanish company with operations in Mexico, Peru and Spain. Agencia B12 develops its operations mainly in digital marketing and call service center. This type of services offered by the firm are operated in the telecommunications companies (such as Movistar, Claro, Bitel and Entel Peru), Agencia B12 works with the main companies in the telecommunication sector, however, Agencia B12 are currently working with some companies which are from other induastrias such as Direct tv and Banco Pichincha. The current purpose of Agencia B12 is to diversify its portfolio of services in order to acquire new sources of revenues. The new projects that Agencia B12 wishes to develop are due to its client portfolio being strongly linked to the telecommunications industry, in response to this situation Agencia B12 wishes to launch Digital collection in order to expand its customer portfolio, venturing into the collection market, working with new clients, in this case the financial entities. Although, the project will initially be launched as a prototype in Peru, the desire of Agencia B12 is to expand this service to other branches.Agencia B12 es una subsidiaria de un grupo español con operaciones en México, Perú y España. Agencia B12 desarrolla sus operaciones principalmente en marketing digital y servicio de llamadas. Este tipo de servicios ofrecidos por la firma son operados en las compañías de telecomunicaciones (como Movistar, Claro, Bitel and Entel Perú), Agencia B12 trabaja en colaboración con las principales compañías en sector de telecomunicaciones, sin embargo, actualmente se encuentra trabajando con algunas compañías que son de otras industrias como Direct tv y el Banco Pichincha. El actual propósito de Agencia B12 es diversificar su portafolio de servicios con la finalidad de poder adquirir nuevas fuentes de ingreso. Los nuevos proyectos que Agencia B12 desea desarrollar son debido a que su portafolio de clientes está fuertemente ligado a la industria de telecomunicaciones, en respuesta a esta situación Agencia B12 desea lanzar Digital collection con el objetivo de expandir su portafolio de clientes, aventurándose en el mercado cobranza, trabajando con nuevos clientes, en este caso las entidades financieras. Si bien, el proyecto inicialmente será lanzado como prototipo en Perú, el deseo de Agencia B12 es expandir este servicio hacia otras sucursales.Tesi

    Consulting report - SIMA PERU

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    El presente informe es un proyecto de consultoría elaborado para SIMA (Servicios Industriales de la Marina S.A.). El objetivo del estudio es analizar a la empresa, centrándose en SIMA Callao y generar un informe sobre los problemas y plantear posibles soluciones. El principal problema de SIMA Callao es la baja rentabilidad. Ya que son una empresa estatal, llevan a cabo la mayor parte de su trabajo para el gobierno, los cuales no generan ganancias. Por esta razón, SIMA podría generar una mayor rentabilidad tomando contratos con clientes privados, especialmente en el sector de reparación que ofrece mayores márgenes de contribución. Otros problemas secundarios incluyen, inestabilidad de la mano de obra (oficiales navales con contratos de corta duración), falta de capacidad de gestión, fuerza laboral inflexible, inadecuada política salarial y de promoción, falta de una política de pago de proveedores, infraestructura insuficiente y obsoleta, entre otros más. SIMA debería utilizar la nueva capacidad para atender al sector privado y cambiar el foco de sus operaciones a la unidad de reparaciones navales para mejorar la rentabilidad de la empresa. Asimismo, son necesarios ajustes en las políticas de recursos humanos, adquisiciones y finanzas. Con estos cambios, se espera elevar el margen neto de SIMA entre 5% y 6%. Se espera cierta oposición por parte de la dirección del SIMA. Por ello, es importante resaltar los beneficios sociales que se generarán con los cambios propuestos: la creación de múltiples puestos de trabajoThe current report is a consulting project elaborated for SIMA (Servicios Industriales de la Marina S.A.). The aim of the study is to analyze the company, focusing on SIMA Callao and generate a report on current problems and an assessment of possible solutions. The main problem SIMA Callao struggles with is low profitability. As they are a stateowned company, they carry out most of their work for the government, securing only sufficient funds to cover costs. For this reason, SIMA would become more profitable if it they take up more contracts with private clients, most particularly in the ship repair sector which offers higher contribution margins. Other secondary problems include, instability of the workforce (naval officers with short contracts), lack of managerial skills, inflexible labor force, inadequate wage and promotion policy, lack of a supplier's payment policy, insufficient and obsolete infrastructure, among others. SIMA Callao should use their increased capacity to serve private clients and shift their focus to ship repair in order to improve the company profitability. In addition, adjustments in the HR, procurement and finance need to be made to achieve both stability and efficiency in the company. With these changes set in place, it is expected to raise SIMA's annual profit to 5-6%. Opposition from SIMA’s direction is expected. However, it is important to understand the social benefits that will be generated with an improved profitability: new jobs would be created and a multiplier effect would be generated when growth reaches other related industriesTesi

    Consulting report – Transgas Shipping Lines

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    Transgas Shipping Lines S.A. is a Peruvian shipping company specializing in the Maritime transport of Liquefied Petroleum Gas, Crude Oil and by-products, and Chemical products. In 1991, the company began to transport LPG between Peruvian ports. Seven years later, they began to conquer international markets, reaching important places on the West Coast of South America, the Caribbean region and some countries of the Asian continent. This is an example that as time goes on, the market becomes more competitive and new challenges arise, where companies have to respond with new strategies. In this sense, Transgas seeks to improve its performance not only in the core areas, but also within the support departments such as a logistics and operations department. After the analysis of the company’s current situation, the main problem has been defined as the ineffective control, management and measurement of the logistics and operations department. The qualitative and quantitative analysis of this problem concludes that the company is affected in different activities within the organization. At the same time, the company presents economic losses and decrease in the income statement due to low efficiency and the ignorance of the current performance. The solution presented in this report has a set of steps to follow which has as a final product the elaboration of a dashboard, where the Key performance indicators of the department in the study will be shown. The implementation of this project consists of 4 phases which start with the change of culture, followed by the redefinition of the processes, the systematization of information and finally the creation of the dashboard. This implementation will allow the company to measure its performance, control its processes and thus improve its operations, with the aim of providing a high-quality service to their clients. The total investment for this project of 38 weeks was calculated to be S/. 28,000 solesTransgas Shipping Lines S.A. es una empresa naviera peruana, especializada en el transporte Marítimo de Gas Licuado de Petróleo, Petróleo Crudo y derivados, y Productos Químicos. En el año 1991 se inició transportando GLP entre puertos peruanos y siete años después se lanzaron a la conquista de los mercados internacionales, logrando importantes plazas en la Costa Oeste de América del Sur, la región del caribe y algunos países del continente asiático. Ello es claro ejemplo que a medida que el tiempo pasa, el mercado se vuelve más competitivo y con nuevos retos, donde las empresas tienen que responder con nuevas estrategias. En este sentido la empresa Transgas busca mejorar su rendimiento no solo en las áreas Core, sino también dentro de los departamentos de soporte como es caso de departamento logístico y de operaciones. Luego de realizar el análisis de la situación actual de la empresa se definió como problema principal el inefectivo control, gestión y medición del departamento de logística y operaciones. El análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo de este problema concluye que la compañía se ve afectada en diferentes actividades de la organización y que presenta pérdidas económicas y disminución de ingresos por cuestiones de eficiencia y desconocimiento del rendimiento actual. La solución que se plantea en este reporte tiene un conjunto de pasos a seguir que tiene como producto final la elaboración de un tablero de control, donde se plasmará los indicadores claves del área en cuestión. La implementación de este proyecto consta de 4 fases el cual inicia con un cambio de cultura, seguido por la redefinición de los procesos, la sistematización de la información y finalmente la creación del tablero de control. Dicha implementación permitirá a la compañía medir su rendimiento, controlar sus procesos y así poder mejorar sus operaciones, ello con el objetivo de brindar un servicio de alta calidad. La inversión total para este proyecto de 38 semanas se calculó en S /. 28.000 solesTesi

    Consulting report – Agencia B12 – launching of comparatodo in Perú

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    Agencia B12 is a Spanish company specialized in digital marketing with offices in Spain, Mexico, Colombia and Peru. The firm has innovation at its core, and constantly develops tailor-made digital and traditional marketing strategies for its clients based on four values: innovation, passion, integrity and trust. Agencia B12 works primarily with clients in the telecommunications industry, and most of its revenue come from large players in their respective regions (such as Movistar, Claro and Entel in Peru). Given its highly concentrated client portfolio, Agencia B12 constantly seeks new business ventures to diversify their sources of revenue. As part of the firm’s diversification efforts, Comparatodo, a Price Comparison Website (PCW), was developed internally to benefit from such a growing and attractive industry (PCW). Comparatodo is currently operating in Spain, and Agencia B12 is planning to expand the website’s presence in other Latin American countries, starting in Peru. This report conducts an extensive research about Peru’s most promising industries and products for Comparatodo based on market size, pricing, and complexity of sales. Additionally, an analysis of direct and indirect competitors in Peru was conducted. As a result, the proposed solution is to first position Comparatodo as a PCW player in the telecommunications and financial services industry in Peru. The implementation plan is to be executed in 17 weeks and it involves different business units and personnel in the organization responsible for launching and maintaining Comparatodo. The key enablers supporting Comparatodo’s expansion in Peru are: already developed platform in Spain, internal IT department, experienced staff, extensive knowledge of digital marketing, few competitors, and opportunities in multiple industries.Agencia B12 es una compañía española especializada en marketing digital con oficinas en España, México, Colombia y Perú. La empresa tiene como enfoque principal la innovación y desarrolla constantemente estrategias de marketing digital y tradicional a la medida para sus clientes en base a cuatro valores: innovación, pasión, integridad y confianza. Agencia B12 trabaja principalmente con clientes de la industria de telecomunicaciones y la mayoría de sus ingresos provienen de los jugadores más grandes en las regiones donde opera (como Movistar, Claro y Entel en Perú). Dada su cartera de clientes altamente concentrada, Agencia B12 se encuentra en la búsqueda de nuevos negocios para diversificar sus fuentes de ingresos. Como parte de los esfuerzos de diversificación de la empresa se ha desarrollado de manera interna Comparatodo, un sitio web de comparación de precios, con el fin de beneficiarse de esta industria tan atractiva y en crecimiento. Comparatodo opera actualmente en España y la empresa planea expandir su presencia en otros países de Latinoamérica, iniciando en Perú. Este reporte realiza una extensa investigación de las industrias y productos con mayor promesa en el Perú para Comparatodo en función a su tamaño del mercado, precios y complejidad de ventas. Además, se realizó un análisis de competidores directos e indirectos en el mercado peruano. Como resultado, la solución propuesta es posicionar a Comparatodo como un sitio web de comparación de precios en la industria de servicios financieros y telecomunicaciones en Perú. El plan de implementación consta de 17 semanas e involucra a diferentes unidades de negocio y personal de la empresa responsable del lanzamiento y mantenimiento de Comparatodo. Los habilitadores claves que respaldan la expansión de Comparatodo en Perú son: contar con la plataforma ya desarrollada en España, departamento de TI interno, personal experimentado, amplio conocimiento de marketing digital, poca competencia y oportunidades en diversas industrias.Tesi

    Multinational firms and the extractive sectors in the 21st century: can they drive development?

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    Historically, extractive sector MNEs have been seen as an obstacle to sustainable development, because they operated in enclaves with limited local engagement. Import-substitution policies aimed to increase the local benefits of these resources, restricting FDI. Since liberalisation, extractive MNEs have re-engaged with developing countries through looser governance structures with greater potential for linkages. Despite the potential, few host countries have seen meaningful MNE-led development because of weak domestic firms and poor location advantages. New MNEs from emerging economies have not shown a greater propensity to local linkages. Only countries that have continued to invest in location advantages have seen substantial benefits
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