383 research outputs found

    Design of Electronic Learning Courses for IT Students Considering the Dominant Learning Style

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    Methods of using e-learning courses to support learning activities of students at higher educational institutions is the subject of a large number of scientific and educational studies. In particular, much attention is paid to the structure, content and format of educational resources of e-learning courses. However, the problem of dependency of their efficiency on the learning styles of students still needs to be further researched. This paper deals with the learning styles characteristic for IT students on the basis of determining their leading modality; designs the structure of e-learning courses for IT students considering the dominating learning styles and provides the results of pedagogical experiment by measuring the performance and satisfaction in learning activity

    SCUdent Books: A University-Focused Bookselling Platform

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    As the beginning of each university semester or quarter commences, so does the rush to acquire books for classes. The search for school books is a busy and important task for many students. However, an entire slew of problems and frustrations emerge with this academic race to gather books. To begin, students have to deal with the traditional frustrations of expensive textbooks sold at the university bookstore which is especially troublesome for those on a tight budget. Additionally, required textbooks for classes may not be available at the bookstore or require restocking which can take an unknown amount of time. Because of this, students turn to cheaper, faster, and more efficient alternatives for acquiring school books including online retailers such as Amazon or Barnes and Noble. While the Internet makes book shopping appear easier, there exist issues that come with it. Students have to put in more effort ordering online, pay for extra shipping, and wait for their books to arrive. Also, online shopping for books is incredibly decentralized with no convenient platform to cater to students\u27 needs. Students must first spend time finding out which books are required for each class and then spend even more time comparing prices from multiple online retailers. In addition, once a student completes a class he or she may no longer need the book. As a result, the student has no convenient method of disposing the book and must now sell it, throw it away, or keep it. Overall, the process of acquiring books in university is disorganized, stressful, and inconvenient for students

    Methods of Disambiguating and De-anonymizing Authorship in Large Scale Operational Data

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    Operational data from software development, social networks and other domains are often contaminated with incorrect or missing values. Examples include misspelled or changed names, multiple emails belonging to the same person and user profiles that vary in different systems. Such digital traces are extensively used in research and practice to study collaborating communities of various kinds. To achieve a realistic representation of the networks that represent these communities, accurate identities are essential. In this work, we aim to identify, model, and correct identity errors in data from open-source software repositories, which include more than 23M developer IDs and nearly 1B Git commits (developer activity records). Our investigation into the nature and prevalence of identity errors in software activity data reveals that they are different and occur at much higher rates than other domains. Existing techniques relying on string comparisons can only disambiguate Synonyms, but not Homonyms, which are common in software activity traces. Therefore, we introduce measures of behavioral fingerprinting to improve the accuracy of Synonym resolution, and to disambiguate Homonyms. Fingerprints are constructed from the traces of developers’ activities, such as, the style of writing in commit messages, the patterns in files modified and projects participated in by developers, and the patterns related to the timing of the developers’ activity. Furthermore, to address the lack of training data necessary for the supervised learning approaches that are used in disambiguation, we design a specific active learning procedure that minimizes the manual effort necessary to create training data in the domain of developer identity matching. We extensively evaluate the proposed approach, using over 16,000 OpenStack developers in 1200 projects, against commercial and most recent research approaches, and further on recent research on a much larger sample of over 2,000,000 IDs. Results demonstrate that our method is significantly better than both the recent research and commercial methods. We also conduct experiments to demonstrate that such erroneous data have significant impact on developer networks. We hope that the proposed approach will expedite research progress in the domain of software engineering, especially in applications for which graphs of social networks are critical

    Käyttäjätason ohjelmistokontittaminen pilviradioliityntäverkossa

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    The amount of devices connected through mobile networks has been growing rapidly. This growth will create a demand for network capacity that cannot be met with traditional methods. This problem could be solved by implementing a cloud radio access network (RAN), a new concept, to adapt cloud computing technologies, such as software containers, from the software industry to RANs. This adaptation will also create a need to modify working practices in order to better comply with these new cloud computing technologies. While cloud RAN has recently received much research attention, the actual software implementations have not been widely discussed in the literature. Therefore, this thesis evaluates the feasibility of using software containers in the user-plane applications of cloud RAN in terms of networking and inter-container communications (ICC). This is accomplished by identifying potential approaches for ICC and for container networking as well as measuring the performance of these approaches. Two approaches are proposed for ICC and container networking. The approaches were evaluated in terms of throughput and latency. These approaches were found to be suitable for use in cloud RAN user-plane applications. However, since the measurements were performed in a simplified environment, implementing the approaches into a cloud RAN component will require further work.Mobiiliverkkoihin liitettävien laitteiden määrä kasvaa nopeasti. Tämä kasvu tulee luomaan verkon kapasiteetille kysynnän, johon ei kyetä vastaamaan perinteisin menetelmin. Tämä ongelma voitaineen ratkaista implementoimalla pilviradioliityntäverkko (Cloud RAN), uusi konsepti, joka sovittaa ohjelmistoalalla vakiintuneita pilvilaskentateknologioita käytettäväksi radioliityntäverkoissa (radio access network, RAN). Tämä sovitusprosessi luo tarpeen mukauttaa myös työskentelytavat yhteensopiviksi uusien pilvilaskentateknologioiden kanssa. Vaikka pilviradioliityntäverkkoa on tutkittu aktiivisesti viime aikoina, käytännön ohjelmistototeutukset eivät juuri ole olleet esillä kirjallisuudessa. Tämä diplomityö arvioi ohjelmistokonttien (software containers) soveltuvuutta käytettäväksi pilviradioliityntäverkon käyttäjätason (user-plane) applikaatioissa verkottamisen (networking) ja ohjelmistokonttien välisen kommunikoinnin (inter-container communications, ICC) suhteen. Tämä arviointi suoritetaan identifioimalla mahdollisia toteutuksia ohjelmistokonttien väliselle kommunikaatiolle ja ohjelmistokonttien verkottamiselle sekä mittaamalla näiden toteutuksien suorituskyky. Tässä diplomityössä ehdotetaan tutkittavaksi kaksi toteutusta ohjelmistokonttien väliselle kommunikaatiolle ja ohjelmistokonttien verkottamiselle. Nämä toteutukset arvioitiin välityskyvyn (throughput) ja latenssin suhteen. Näiden toteutuksien todettiin olevan soveliaita käytettäväksi pilviradioliityntäverkon käyttäjätason applikaatioissa. Kuitenkin, koska mittaukset toteutettiin yksinkertaistetussa ympäristössä, vaatii toteutuksien implementointi pilviradioliityntäverkon komponenttiin lisätyötä

    Writing the Live Coding Book

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    This paper is a speculation on the relationship between coding and writing, and the ways in which technical innovations and capabilities enable us to rethink each in terms of the other. As a case study, we draw on recent experiences of preparing a book on live coding, which integrates a wide range of personal, historical, technical and critical perspectives. This book project has been both experimental and reflective, in a manner that allows us to draw on critical understanding of both code and writing, and point to the potential for new practices in the future

    Kehityskäytäntöjen parantaminen mikrotiimissä - Ketterän kehitystavan ja versionhallinnan käyttöönotto ohjelmistoprojektissa

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    Diplomityössä tutkitaan ohjelmistokehitysprojektia mikrotiimissä konsultin näkökulmasta. Tutkimus on toteutettu tapaustutkimuksena SQM-Toimi -ohjelmiston uuden version kehitysprojektista. Kehitettävää ohjelmistoa ja organisaatiota sen ympärillä tutkitaan alkutilan ja projektin aikana tehtyjen toimien tarkastelun kautta. Projektin alussa havaittiin haasteita teknisen toteutuksen kanssa erityisesti ohjelmistotuotannon periaatteiden sekä nykyaikaisten kehitystyökalujen käytön osalta. Lisäksi osaamisen kehittämisen tarvetta havaittiin kehityskäytännöissä ja kehitysprosessissa. Diplomityö tutkii nykyaikaisten kehityskäytäntöjen ja työkalujen tuontia projektiin kaksijakoisesti. Työkalujen valintaa, käyttöönottoa ja koulutusta tutkitaan yhtenä puolena kehitystä. Tehtyjä valintoja ja toimintaa tarkastellaan verraten ohjelmistotuotannon ja tiedonhallinnan kirjallisuuteen. Osaltaan työkaluvalinnat voidaan todeta hyväksi kirjallisuuteen verraten, mutta osa niistä on tehty kevyin perustein. Vaikutusten tarkastelu pitkällä aikavälillä empiirisesti on rajattu pois rajallisen aikaikkunan asettamien rajoitteiden takia. Ajallinen rajaus vaikuttaa myös kehitettyjen käytäntöjen pysyvyyteen, ylläpitoon ja jatkuvaan oppimiseen negatiivisesti ja estää niiden empiirisen evaluoinnin. Toinen puoli tutkimuksen käsittelyosaa lähestyy projektia tiedon ja osaamisen hallinnan näkökulmasta. Kehityskäytäntöjen tuomista projektiin tarkastellaan tiedonhallinnan prosessin kautta, josta tietotarpeiden määritys ja tiedon analyysi on nostettu tarkempaan tarkasteluun. Konsultin tekemää koulutusta ja ohjausta tarkastellaan verraten osaamisen kehittämisen kirjallisuuteen. Kehityskäytäntöihin ja työn struktuuriin tehtiin projektissa merkittäviä muutoksia. Tämä avaa tutkimukselle myös muutosjohtamisen näkökulman. Osaamisen kehittämisellä on organisaation oppimisen kautta vahva kytkös muutosjohtamisen aiheisiin, ja näitä käsitellään osaamisen hallinnan ohessa. Lisäksi projektin ja organisaation muutosjohtamista tarkastellaan alan kirjallisuuteen verraten keskustelun muodossa. Tuloksena tutkimuksessa käsiteltävässä projektissa on sekä ohjelmistotuotannon että tietojohtamisen alan kirjallisuudessa havaittuja piirteitä. Konsultin rooli ohjautui projektissa odotettua vähemmän tekniseen konsultointiin ja enemmän johtavaan rooliin. Havainto tukee konsulttien laajempialaista kouluttamista eri aihealueista pelkän teknologiaosaamisen sijaan. Tuloksena huomataan myös tiedonhallinnan prosessin tärkeys tietojohtamisen kirjallisuuden tukemana. Suuremman resurssin varaaminen tiedonhallinnan prosessiin projektin alkuvaiheessa auttaa kohdistamaan resursseja projektin kuluessa ja mahdollistaa kehityskohteiden arvottamisen ja rajauksen

    Viability assessment of WPS 2.0 services as communication standard for expensive web-based machine learning analysis. A case of study : Indoor Location

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    Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Geospatial TechnologiesCommunication between client and server is a key factor in the modern age. Nowadays, telecommunications are at the base of every system and Software that is available. The way Software communicates can determine the efficacy of it. In the GIS world, a server is often used for offloading expensive tasks such as geospatial operations or statistical analysis. This technique improves the performance of the Software systems and makes them able to scale based on the demand on real time. For making the communication between client and server more efficient, interoperable and standard, the OGC released the standard WPS. WPS defines abstract operations that are able to describe a client server communication for remote process executions. This thesis focuses on the asynchronous execution feature introduced in the version 2.0 of WPS. The main goal is to study how asynchronous process execution can benefit a client both in performance and availability. The result are promising and it is demonstrated that WPS is a solid standard for describing web services operations. Based on the obtained results, future studies can extend the standard in order to make it more general and suitable for more situations

    Joseph the MoUSE : Mouse Ultrasonic Sound Explorer

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    Joseph the MoUSE — Mouse Ultrasonic Sound Explorer (MoUSE) software aims to address the issue of manual analysis of recordings from experiments on rodents by introducing automatic techniques for ultrasonic vocalization (USV) detection. It combines deep learning (DL) methods with classical pattern recognition and computer graphics algorithms. During development, we used a dataset that consisted of recordings from real-world experiments in the open field. Recordings like these pose obstacles to automatic USV detection, one of which is the noise produced by mice in the experimental area or in nearby cages. Therefore, additionally, we conducted research and implemented de-noising methods along with detection algorithms. The project includes Python packages with algorithms for sound noise removal and USV detection, and provides a user-friendly graphical interface

    Effects of Visualization on Algorithm Comprehension

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    Computer science students are expected to learn and apply a variety of core algorithms which are an essential part of the field. Any one of these algorithms by itself is not necessarily extremely complex, but remembering the large variety of algorithms and the differences between them is challenging. To address this challenge, we present a novel algorithm visualization tool designed to enhance students understanding of Dijkstra’s algorithm by allowing them to discover the rules of the algorithm for themselves. It is hoped that a deeper understanding of the algorithm will help students correctly select, adapt and apply the appropriate algorithm when presented with a problem to solve, and that what is learned here will be applicable to the design of other visualization tools designed to teach different algorithms. Our visualization tool is currently in the prototype stage, and this thesis will discuss the pedagogical approach that informs its design, as well as the results of some initial usability testing. Finally, to clarify the direction for further development of the tool, four different variations of the prototype were implemented, and the instructional effectiveness of each was assessed by having a small sample participants use the different versions of the prototype and then take a quiz to assess their comprehension of the algorithm