268 research outputs found

    Learning Ordinal Preferences on Multiattribute Domains: the Case of CP-nets

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    International audienceA recurrent issue in decision making is to extract a preference structure by observing the user's behavior in different situations. In this paper, we investigate the problem of learning ordinal preference orderings over discrete multi-attribute, or combinatorial, domains. Specifically, we focus on the learnability issue of conditional preference networks, or CP- nets, that have recently emerged as a popular graphical language for representing ordinal preferences in a concise and intuitive manner. This paper provides results in both passive and active learning. In the passive setting, the learner aims at finding a CP-net compatible with a supplied set of examples, while in the active setting the learner searches for the cheapest interaction policy with the user for acquiring the target CP-net

    Learning Conditional Preference Networks from Optimal Choices

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    Conditional preference networks (CP-nets) model user preferences over objects described in terms of values assigned to discrete features, where the preference for one feature may depend on the values of other features. Most existing algorithms for learning CP-nets from the user\u27s choices assume that the user chooses between pairs of objects. However, many real-world applications involve the the user choosing from all combinatorial possibilities or a very large subset. We introduce a CP-net learning algorithm for the latter type of choice, and study its properties formally and empirically

    Learning Probabilistic CP-nets from Observations of Optimal Items

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    International audienceModelling preferences has been an active research topic in Artificial Intelligence for more than fifteen years. Existing formalisms are rich and flexible enough to describe the behaviour of complex decision rules. However, for being interesting in practice, these formalisms must also permit fast elicitation of a user's preferences, involving a reasonable amount of interaction only. Therefore, it is interesting to learn not a single model, but a probabilistic model that can compactly represent the preferences of a group of users - this model can then be finely tuned to fit one particular user. Even in contexts where a user is not anonymous, her preferences are usually ill-known, because they can depend on the value of non controllable state variable. In such contexts, we would like to be able to answer questions like "What is the probability that o is preferred to o' by some (unknown) agent?", or "Which item is most likely to be the preferred one, given some constraints?". We study in this paper how Probabilistic Conditional Preference networks can be learnt, both in off-line and on-line settings. We suppose that we have a list of items which, it is assumed, are or have been optimal for some user or in some context. Such a list can be, for instance, a list of items that have been sold. We prove that such information is sufficient to learn a partial order over the set of possible items, when these have a combinatorial structure

    CP-nets: From Theory to Practice

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    Conditional preference networks (CP-nets) exploit the power of ceteris paribus rules to represent preferences over combinatorial decision domains compactly. CP-nets have much appeal. However, their study has not yet advanced sufficiently for their widespread use in real-world applications. Known algorithms for deciding dominance---whether one outcome is better than another with respect to a CP-net---require exponential time. Data for CP-nets are difficult to obtain: human subjects data over combinatorial domains are not readily available, and earlier work on random generation is also problematic. Also, much of the research on CP-nets makes strong, often unrealistic assumptions, such as that decision variables must be binary or that only strict preferences are permitted. In this thesis, I address such limitations to make CP-nets more useful. I show how: to generate CP-nets uniformly randomly; to limit search depth in dominance testing given expectations about sets of CP-nets; and to use local search for learning restricted classes of CP-nets from choice data

    On learning and visualizing lexicographic preference trees

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    Preferences are very important in research fields such as decision making, recommendersystemsandmarketing. The focus of this thesis is on preferences over combinatorial domains, which are domains of objects configured with categorical attributes. For example, the domain of cars includes car objects that are constructed withvaluesforattributes, such as ‘make’, ‘year’, ‘model’, ‘color’, ‘body type’ and ‘transmission’.Different values can instantiate an attribute. For instance, values for attribute ‘make’canbeHonda, Toyota, Tesla or BMW, and attribute ‘transmission’ can haveautomaticormanual. To this end,thisthesis studiesproblemsonpreference visualization and learning for lexicographic preference trees, graphical preference models that often are compact over complex domains of objects built of categorical attributes. Visualizing preferences is essential to provide users with insights into the process of decision making, while learning preferences from data is practically important, as it is ineffective to elicit preference models directly from users. The results obtained from this thesis are two parts: 1) for preference visualization, aweb- basedsystem is created that visualizes various types of lexicographic preference tree models learned by a greedy learning algorithm; 2) for preference learning, a genetic algorithm is designed and implemented, called GA, that learns a restricted type of lexicographic preference tree, called unconditional importance and unconditional preference tree, or UIUP trees for short. Experiments show that GA achieves higher accuracy compared to the greedy algorithm at the cost of more computational time. Moreover, a Dynamic Programming Algorithm (DPA) was devised and implemented that computes an optimal UIUP tree model in the sense that it satisfies as many examples as possible in the dataset. This novel exact algorithm (DPA), was used to evaluate the quality of models computed by GA, and it was found to reduce the factorial time complexity of the brute force algorithm to exponential. The major contribution to the field of machine learning and data mining in this thesis would be the novel learning algorithm (DPA) which is an exact algorithm. DPA learns and finds the best UIUP tree model in the huge search space which classifies accurately the most number of examples in the training dataset; such model is referred to as the optimal model in this thesis. Finally, using datasets produced from randomly generated UIUP trees, this thesis presents experimental results on the performances (e.g., accuracy and computational time) of GA compared to the existent greedy algorithm and DPA

    Graphical preference representation under a possibilistic framework

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    La modĂ©lisation structurĂ©e de prĂ©fĂ©rences, fondĂ©e sur les notions d'indĂ©pendance prĂ©fĂ©rentielle, a un potentiel Ă©norme pour fournir des approches efficaces pour la reprĂ©sentation et le raisonnement sur les prĂ©fĂ©rences des dĂ©cideurs dans les applications de la vie rĂ©elle. Cette thĂšse soulĂšve la question de la reprĂ©sentation des prĂ©fĂ©rences par une structure graphique. Nous proposons une nouvelle lecture de rĂ©seaux possibilistes, que nous appelons p-pref nets, oĂč les degrĂ©s de possibilitĂ© reprĂ©sentent des degrĂ©s de satisfaction. L'approche utilise des poids de possibilitĂ© non instanciĂ©s (appelĂ©s poids symboliques), pour dĂ©finir les tables de prĂ©fĂ©rences conditionnelles. Ces tables donnent naissance Ă  des vecteurs de poids symboliques qui codent les prĂ©fĂ©rences qui sont satisfaites et celles qui sont violĂ©es dans un contexte donnĂ©. Nous nous concentrons ensuite sur les aspects thĂ©oriques de la manipulation de ces vecteurs. En effet, la comparaison de ces vecteurs peut s'appuyer sur diffĂ©rentes mĂ©thodes: celles induites par la rĂšgle de chaĂźnage basĂ©e sur le produit ou celle basĂ©e sur le minimum que sous-tend le rĂ©seau possibiliste, les raffinements du minimum le discrimin, ou leximin, ainsi que l'ordre Pareto, et le Pareto symĂ©trique qui le raffine. Nous prouvons que la comparaison par produit correspond exactement au celle du Pareto symĂ©trique et nous nous concentrons sur les avantages de ce dernier par rapport aux autres mĂ©thodes. En outre, nous montrons que l'ordre du produit est consistant avec celui obtenu en comparant des ensembles de prĂ©fĂ©rences satisfaites des tables. L'image est complĂ©tĂ©e par la proposition des algorithmes d'optimisation et de dominance pour les p-pref nets. Dans ce travail, nous discutons divers outils graphiques pour la reprĂ©sentation des prĂ©fĂ©rences. Nous nous focalisons en particulier sur les CP-nets car ils partagent la mĂȘme structure graphique que les p-pref nets et sont basĂ©s sur la mĂȘme nature de prĂ©fĂ©rences. Nous prouvons que les ordres induits par les CP-nets ne peuvent pas contredire ceux des p-pref nets et nous avons fixĂ© les contraintes nĂ©cessaires pour raffiner les ordres des p-pref nets afin de capturer les contraintes Ceteris Paribus des CP-nets. Cela indique que les CP-nets reprĂ©sentent potentiellement une sous-classe des p-pref nets avec des contraintes. Ensuite, nous fournissons une comparaison approfondie entre les diffĂ©rents modĂšles graphiques qualitatifs et quantitatifs, et les p-pref nets. Nous en dĂ©duisons que ces derniers peuvent ĂȘtre placĂ©s Ă  mi- chemin entre les modĂšles qualitatifs et les modĂšles quantitatifs puisqu'ils ne nĂ©cessitent pas une instanciation complĂšte des poids symboliques alors que des informations supplĂ©mentaires sur l'importance des poids peuvent ĂȘtre prises en compte. La derniĂšre partie de ce travail est consacrĂ©e Ă  l'extension du modĂšle proposĂ© pour reprĂ©senter les prĂ©fĂ©rences de plusieurs agents. Dans un premier temps, nous proposons l'utilisation de rĂ©seaux possibilistes oĂč les prĂ©fĂ©rences sont de type tout ou rien et nous dĂ©finissons le conditionnement dans le cas de distributions boolĂ©ennes. Nous montrons par ailleurs que ces rĂ©seaux multi-agents ont une contrepartie logique utile pour vĂ©rifier la cohĂ©rence des agents. Nous expliquons les Ă©tapes principales pour transformer ces rĂ©seaux en format logique. Enfin, nous dĂ©crivons une extension pour reprĂ©senter des prĂ©fĂ©rences nuancĂ©es et fournissons des algorithmes pour les requĂȘtes d'optimisation et de dominance.Structured modeling of preference statements, grounded in the notions of preferential independence, has tremendous potential to provide efficient approaches for modeling and reasoning about decision maker preferences in real-life applications. This thesis raises the question of representing preferences through a graphical structure. We propose a new reading of possibilistic networks, that we call p-pref nets, where possibility weights represent satisfaction degrees. The approach uses non-instantiated possibility weights, which we call symbolic weights, to define conditional preference tables. These conditional preference tables give birth to vectors of symbolic weights that reflect the preferences that are satisfied and those that are violated in a considered situation. We then focus on the theoretical aspects of handling of these vectors. Indeed, the comparison of such vectors may rely on different orderings: the ones induced by the product-based, or the minimum based chain rule underlying the possibilistic network, the discrimin, or leximin refinements of the minimum- based ordering, as well as Pareto ordering, and the symmetric Pareto ordering that refines it. We prove that the product-based comparison corresponds exactly to symmetric Pareto and we focus on its assets compared to the other ordering methods. Besides, we show that productbased ordering is consistent with the ordering obtained by comparing sets of satisfied preference tables. The picture is then completed by the proposition of algorithms for handling optimization and dominance queries. In this work we discuss various graphical tools for preference representation. We shed light particularly on CP-nets since they share the same graphical structure as p-pref nets and are based on the same preference statements. We prove that the CP-net orderings cannot contradict those of the p-pref nets and we found suitable additional constraints to refine p-pref net orderings in order to capture Ceteris Paribus constraints of CP-nets. This indicates that CP-nets potentially represent a subclass of p-pref nets with constraints. Finally, we provide an thorough comparison between the different qualitative and quantitative graphical models and p-pref nets. We deduce that the latter can be positioned halfway between qualitative and quantitative models since they do not need a full instantiation of the symbolic weights while additional information about the relative strengths of these weights can be taken into account. The last part of this work is dedicated to extent the proposed model to represent multiple agents preferences. As a first step, we propose the use of possibilistic networks for representing all or nothing multiple agents preferences and define conditioning in the case of Boolean possibilities. These multiple agents networks have a logical counterpart helpful for checking agents consistency. We explain the main steps for transforming multiple agents networks into logical format. Finally, we outline an extension with priority levels of these networks and provide algorithms for handling optimization and dominance queries

    Stability and explanatory power of inequality aversion : an investigation of the house money effect

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    In this paper, we analyse if individual inequality aversion measured with simple experimental games depends on whether the monetary endowment in these games is either a windfall gain (“house money”) or a reward for a certain effort-related performance. Moreover, we analyse whether the way of preference elicitation affects the explanatory power of inequality aversion in social dilemma situations. Our results indicate that individual inequality aversion is not generally robust to the way endowments emerge. Furthermore, the use of money earned by real efforts instead of house money does not improve the generally low predictive power of the inequality aversion model. Hypotheses based on the inequality aversion model lose their predictive power when preferences are elicited with earned money
