14 research outputs found

    Research on security and privacy in vehicular ad hoc networks

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    Los sistemas de redes ad hoc vehiculares (VANET) tienen como objetivo proporcionar una plataforma para diversas aplicaciones que pueden mejorar la seguridad vial, la eficiencia del tráfico, la asistencia a la conducción, la regulación del transporte, etc. o que pueden proveer de una mejor información y entretenimiento a los usuarios de los vehículos. Actualmente se está llevando a cabo un gran esfuerzo industrial y de investigación para desarrollar un mercado que se estima alcance en un futuro varios miles de millones de euros. Mientras que los enormes beneficios que se esperan de las comunicaciones vehiculares y el gran número de vehículos son los puntos fuertes de las VANET, su principal debilidad es la vulnerabilidad a los ataques contra la seguridad y la privacidad.En esta tesis proponemos cuatro protocolos para conseguir comunicaciones seguras entre vehículos. En nuestra primera propuesta empleamos a todas las unidades en carretera (RSU) para mantener y gestionar un grupo en tiempo real dentro de su rango de comunicación. Los vehículos que entren al grupo de forma anónima pueden emitir mensajes vehículo a vehículo (V2V) que inmediatamente pueden ser verificados por los vehículos del mismo grupo (y grupos de vecinos). Sin embargo, en la primera fase del despliegue de este sistema las RSU pueden no estar bien distribuídas. Consecuentemente, se propone un conjunto de mecanismos para hacer frente a la seguridad, privacidad y los requisitos de gestión de una VANET a gran escala sin la suposición de que las RSU estén densamente distribuidas. La tercera propuesta se centra principalmente en la compresión de las evidencias criptográficas que nos permitirán demostrar, por ejemplo, quien era el culpable en caso de accidente. Por último, investigamos los requisitos de seguridad de los sistemas basados en localización (LBS) sobre VANETs y proponemos un nuevo esquema para la preservación de la privacidad de la localización en estos sistemas sobre dichas redes.Vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) systems aim at providing a platform for various applications that can improve traffic safety and efficiency, driver assistance, transportation regulation, infotainment, etc. There is substantial research and industrial effort to develop this market. It is estimated that the market for vehicular communications will reach several billion euros. While the tremendous benefits expected from vehicular communications and the huge number of vehicles are strong points of VANETs, their weakness is vulnerability to attacks against security and privacy.In this thesis, we propose four protocols for secure vehicle communications. In our first proposal, we employ each road-side unit (RSU) to maintain and manage an on-the-fly group within its communication range. Vehicles entering the group can anonymously broadcast vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) messages, which can be instantly verified by the vehicles in the same group (and neighbor groups). However, at the early stage of VANET deployment, the RSUs may not be well distributed. We then propose a set of mechanisms to address the security, privacy, and management requirements of a large-scale VANET without the assumption of densely distributed RSUs. The third proposal is mainly focused on compressing cryptographic witnesses in VANETs. Finally, we investigate the security requirements of LBS in VANETs and propose a new privacy-preserving LBS scheme for those networks

    Types of lightweight cryptographies in current developments for resource constrained machine type communication devices: challenges and opportunities

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    Machine-type communication devices have become a vital part of the autonomous industrial internet of things and industry 4.0. These autonomous resource-constrained devices share sensitive data, and are primarily acquired for automation and to operate consistently in remote environments under severe conditions. The requirements to secure the sensitive data shared between these devices consist of a resilient encryption technique with affordable operational costs. Consequently, devices, data, and networks are made secure by adopting a lightweight cryptosystem that should achieve robust security with sufficient computational and communication costs and counter modern security threats. This paper offers in-depth studies on different types and techniques of hardware and software-based lightweight cryptographies for machine-type communication devices in machine-to-machine communication networks

    Strings And Colorings Of Topological Coding Towards Asymmetric Topology Cryptography

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    We, for anti-quantum computing, will discuss various number-based strings, such as number-based super-strings, parameterized strings, set-based strings, graph-based strings, integer-partitioned and integer-decomposed strings, Hanzi-based strings, as well as algebraic operations based on number-based strings. Moreover, we introduce number-based string-colorings, magic-constraint colorings, and vector-colorings and set-colorings related with strings. For the technique of encrypting the entire network at once, we propose graphic lattices related with number-based strings, Hanzi-graphic lattices, string groups, all-tree-graphic lattices. We study some topics of asymmetric topology cryptography, such as topological signatures, Key-pair graphs, Key-pair strings, one-encryption one-time and self-certification algorithms. Part of topological techniques and algorithms introduced here are closely related with NP-complete problems or NP-hard problems.Comment: Asymmetric topology encryption is a new topic of topological coding towards the certificateless public key cryptograph

    Efficient software implementation of elliptic curves and bilinear pairings

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    Orientador: Júlio César Lopez HernándezTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: O advento da criptografia assimétrica ou de chave pública possibilitou a aplicação de criptografia em novos cenários, como assinaturas digitais e comércio eletrônico, tornando-a componente vital para o fornecimento de confidencialidade e autenticação em meios de comunicação. Dentre os métodos mais eficientes de criptografia assimétrica, a criptografia de curvas elípticas destaca-se pelos baixos requisitos de armazenamento para chaves e custo computacional para execução. A descoberta relativamente recente da criptografia baseada em emparelhamentos bilineares sobre curvas elípticas permitiu ainda sua flexibilização e a construção de sistemas criptográficos com propriedades inovadoras, como sistemas baseados em identidades e suas variantes. Porém, o custo computacional de criptossistemas baseados em emparelhamentos ainda permanece significativamente maior do que os assimétricos tradicionais, representando um obstáculo para sua adoção, especialmente em dispositivos com recursos limitados. As contribuições deste trabalho objetivam aprimorar o desempenho de criptossistemas baseados em curvas elípticas e emparelhamentos bilineares e consistem em: (i) implementação eficiente de corpos binários em arquiteturas embutidas de 8 bits (microcontroladores presentes em sensores sem fio); (ii) formulação eficiente de aritmética em corpos binários para conjuntos vetoriais de arquiteturas de 64 bits e famílias mais recentes de processadores desktop dotadas de suporte nativo à multiplicação em corpos binários; (iii) técnicas para implementação serial e paralela de curvas elípticas binárias e emparelhamentos bilineares simétricos e assimétricos definidos sobre corpos primos ou binários. Estas contribuições permitiram obter significativos ganhos de desempenho e, conseqüentemente, uma série de recordes de velocidade para o cálculo de diversos algoritmos criptográficos relevantes em arquiteturas modernas que vão de sistemas embarcados de 8 bits a processadores com 8 coresAbstract: The development of asymmetric or public key cryptography made possible new applications of cryptography such as digital signatures and electronic commerce. Cryptography is now a vital component for providing confidentiality and authentication in communication infra-structures. Elliptic Curve Cryptography is among the most efficient public-key methods because of its low storage and computational requirements. The relatively recent advent of Pairing-Based Cryptography allowed the further construction of flexible and innovative cryptographic solutions like Identity-Based Cryptography and variants. However, the computational cost of pairing-based cryptosystems remains significantly higher than traditional public key cryptosystems and thus an important obstacle for adoption, specially in resource-constrained devices. The main contributions of this work aim to improve the performance of curve-based cryptosystems, consisting of: (i) efficient implementation of binary fields in 8-bit microcontrollers embedded in sensor network nodes; (ii) efficient formulation of binary field arithmetic in terms of vector instructions present in 64-bit architectures, and on the recently-introduced native support for binary field multiplication in the latest Intel microarchitecture families; (iii) techniques for serial and parallel implementation of binary elliptic curves and symmetric and asymmetric pairings defined over prime and binary fields. These contributions produced important performance improvements and, consequently, several speed records for computing relevant cryptographic algorithms in modern computer architectures ranging from embedded 8-bit microcontrollers to 8-core processorsDoutoradoCiência da ComputaçãoDoutor em Ciência da Computaçã

    GPU-based Parallel Computing Models and Implementations for Two-party Privacy-preserving Protocols

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    In (two-party) privacy-preserving-based applications, two users use encrypted inputs to compute a function without giving out plaintext of their input values. Privacy-preserving computing algorithms have to utilize a large amount of computing resources to handle the encryption-decryption operations. In this dissertation, we study optimal utilization of computing resources on the graphic processor unit (GPU) architecture for privacy-preserving protocols based on secure function evaluation (SFE) and the Elliptic Curve Cryptographic (ECC) and related algorithms. A number of privacy-preserving protocols are implemented, including private set intersection (PSI), secret handshaking (SH), secure Edit distance (ED) and Smith-Waterman (SW) problems. PSI is chosen to represent ECC point multiplication related computations, SH for bilinear pairing, and the last two for SFE-based dynamic programming (DP) problems. They represent different types of computations, so that in-depth understanding of the benefits and limitations of the GPU architecture for privacy preserving protocols is gained. For SFE-based ED and SW problems, a wavefront parallel computing model on the CPU-GPU architecture under the semi-honest security model is proposed. Low level parallelization techniques for GPU-based gate (de-)garbler, synchronized parallel memory access, pipelining, and general GPU resource mapping policies are developed. This dissertation shows that the GPU architecture can be fully utilized to speed up SFE-based ED and SW algorithms, which are constructed with billions of garbled gates, on a contemporary GPU card GTX-680, with very little waste of processing cycles or memory space. For PSI and SH protocols and underlying ECC algorithms, the analysis in this research shows that the conventional Montgomery-based number system is more friendly to the GPU architecture than the Residue Number System (RNS) is. Analysis on experiment results further shows that the lazy reduction in higher extension fields can have performance benefits only when the GPU architecture has enough fast memory. The resulting Elliptic curve Arithmetic GPU Library (EAGL) can run 3350.9 R-ate (bilinear) pairing/sec, and 47000 point multiplication/sec at the 128-bit security level, on one GTX-680 card. The primary performance bottleneck is found to be lacking of advanced memory management functions in the contemporary GPU architecture for bilinear pairing operations. Substantial performance gain can be expected when the on-chip memory size and/or more advanced memory prefetching mechanisms are supported in future generations of GPUs

    Post-Quantum Era Privacy Protection for Intelligent Infrastructures

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    As we move into a new decade, the global world of Intelligent Infrastructure (II) services integrated into the Internet of Things (IoT) are at the forefront of technological advancements. With billions of connected devices spanning continents through interconnected networks, security and privacy protection techniques for the emerging II services become a paramount concern. In this paper, an up-to-date privacy method mapping and relevant use cases are surveyed for II services. Particularly, we emphasize on post-quantum cryptography techniques that may (or must when quantum computers become a reality) be used in the future through concrete products, pilots, and projects. The topics presented in this paper are of utmost importance as (1) several recent regulations such as Europe's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) have given privacy a significant place in digital society, and (2) the increase of IoT/II applications and digital services with growing data collection capabilities are introducing new threats and risks on citizens' privacy. This in-depth survey begins with an overview of security and privacy threats in IoT/IIs. Next, we summarize some selected Privacy-Enhancing Technologies (PETs) suitable for privacy-concerned II services, and then map recent PET schemes based on post-quantum cryptographic primitives which are capable of withstanding quantum computing attacks. This paper also overviews how PETs can be deployed in practical use cases in the scope of IoT/IIs, and maps some current projects, pilots, and products that deal with PETs. A practical case study on the Internet of Vehicles (IoV) is presented to demonstrate how PETs can be applied in reality. Finally, we discuss the main challenges with respect to current PETs and highlight some future directions for developing their post-quantum counterparts

    Data Service Outsourcing and Privacy Protection in Mobile Internet

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    Mobile Internet data have the characteristics of large scale, variety of patterns, and complex association. On the one hand, it needs efficient data processing model to provide support for data services, and on the other hand, it needs certain computing resources to provide data security services. Due to the limited resources of mobile terminals, it is impossible to complete large-scale data computation and storage. However, outsourcing to third parties may cause some risks in user privacy protection. This monography focuses on key technologies of data service outsourcing and privacy protection, including the existing methods of data analysis and processing, the fine-grained data access control through effective user privacy protection mechanism, and the data sharing in the mobile Internet

    A study about implementation of elliptic curve pairing based cryptosystems in 8-bit smart cards

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    Orientador: Marco Aurelio Amaral HenriquesDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: Emparelhamentos bilineares sobre curvas elípticas são funções matemáticas que viabilizam o desenvolvimento de uma série de novos protocolos criptográficos, entre eles, os criptossistemas baseados em identidades. Esses criptossistemas representam uma nova forma de se implementar criptografia de chaves públicas na qual são atenuadas ou completamente retiradas as restrições relativas ao tipo, tamanho e formato das chaves públicas. Este trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre a implementação de criptossistemas baseados em emparelhamentos bilineares sobre curvas elípticas em cartões inteligentes de oito bits. O trabalho mostra ainda o desenvolvimento de equações específicas baseadas no método conhecido como Montgomery's Ladder para multiplicação escalar de curvas elípticas supersingulares em corpos binários. Estas novas equações tornam o algoritmo mais rápido sem perder suas características de segurança originais. O trabalho apresenta também a técnica de delegação segura de emparelhamentos, na qual um dispositivo computacionalmente restrito, como um cartão inteligente, delega o cálculo do emparelhamento para um dispositivo com maior poder computacional. É proposta uma modificação nesta técnica que diminui o número de operações executadas pelo cartão inteligenteAbstract: Bilinear pairings over elliptic curves are mathematical functions that enable the development of a set of new cryptographic protocols, including the so called identity based cryptosystems. These cryptosystems represent a new way to implement public- key cryptography in such a way that the restrictions related to public keys type, size and format are reduced or completely removed. This work presents a study about implementation of pairing based cryptosystems in 8-bit smart cards. It also presents new equations to be used in Montgomery's Ladder algorithm for scalar multiplication of supersingular ellipitic curves over binary fields. These equations make the algorithm faster without compromising its security characteristics. Finally, it discusses the secure delegation of pairing computation, that enables a computationally limited device, like a smart card, to delegate the computation of pairings to a more powerful device. It is proposed a modification in this technique to decrease the number of operations executed by the smart cardMestradoEngenharia de ComputaçãoMestre em Engenharia Elétric

    A Low-Energy Security Solution for IoT-Based Smart Farms

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    This work proposes a novel configuration of the Transport Layer Security protocol (TLS), suitable for low energy Internet of Things (IoT), applications. The motivation behind the redesign of TLS is energy consumption minimisation and sustainable farming, as exemplified by an application domain of aquaponic smart farms. The work therefore considers decentralisation of a formerly centralised security model, with a focus on reducing energy consumption for battery powered devices. The research presents a four-part investigation into the security solution, composed of a risk assessment, energy analysis of authentication and data exchange functions, and finally the design and verification of a novel consensus authorisation mechanism. The first investigation considered traditional risk-driven threat assessment, but to include energy reduction, working towards device longevity within a content-oriented framework. Since the aquaponics environments include limited but specific data exchanges, a content-oriented approach produced valuable insights into security and privacy requirements that would later be tested by implementing a variety of mechanisms available on the ESP32. The second and third investigations featured the energy analysis of authentication and data exchange functions respectively, where the results of the risk assessment were implemented to compare the re-configurations of TLS mechanisms and domain content. Results concluded that selective confidentiality and persistent secure sessions between paired devices enabled considerable improvements for energy consumptions, and were a good reflection of the possibilities suggested by the risk assessment. The fourth and final investigation proposed a granular authorisation design to increase the safety of access control that would otherwise be binary in TLS. The motivation was for damage mitigation from inside attacks or network faults. The approach involved an automated, hierarchy-based, decentralised network topology to reduce data duplication whilst still providing robustness beyond the vulnerability of central governance. Formal verification using model-checking indicated a safe design model, using four automated back-ends. The research concludes that lower energy IoT solutions for the smart farm application domain are possible

    Crytographic applications of bilinear maps

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    Bilinear maps have become an important new item in the cryptographer’s toolkit. They first came to prominence when they were used by Menezes, Okamoto and Vanstone to help solve the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem on elliptic curves of small embedding degree. In 1984, Shamir developed the first identity based signature scheme, and posed the construction of an identity based encryption scheme as an open problem [118]. Subsequently identity based identification and identity based key agreement schemes were proposed. However, identity based encryption remained an open problem. In 2000, Sakai, Ohgishi and Kasahara used bilinear maps to implement an efficient identity based non-interactive key agreement and identity based digital signature [111]. In 2001, some 17 years after it was suggested, Boneh and Franklin proposed the first efficient identity based encryption scheme, constructed using bilinear maps [31]. In this thesis we review some of the numerous cryptographic protocols that have been constructed using bilinear maps. We first give a review of public key cryptography. We then review the mathematics behind the two known bilinear maps, the Weil and Tate pairings, including several improvements suggested m [67, 14]. We develop a Java library to implement pairing based cryptography. In Ch 4 we look at some of the cryptographically hard problems that arise from bilinear maps. In Ch 5 we review identity based signature schemes and present the fastest known scheme. In Ch 6 we review some encryption schemes, make some observations that help improve the performance of many identity based cryptosystems, and propose the fastest scheme for public key encryption with keyword search. In Ch 7 we review identity based key agreements and propose the fastest scheme secure in a modified Bellare-Rogaway model [19]. In Ch 8 we review identity based signcryption schemes and present the fastest known scheme