6 research outputs found

    Software-Defined Radio Technologies forGNSS Receivers: A Tutorial Approach to a SimpleDesign and Implementation

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    The field of satellite navigation has witnessed the advent of a number of new systems and technologies: after the landmark design and development of the Global Positioning System (GPS), a number of new independent Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSSs) were or are being developed all over the world: Russia's GLONASS, Europe's GALILEO, and China's BEIDOU-2, to mention a few. In this ever-changing context, the availability of reliable and flexible receivers is becoming a priority for a host of applications, including research, commercial, civil, and military. Flexible means here both easily upgradeable for future needs and/or on-the-fly reprogrammable to adapt to different signal formats. An effective approach to meet these design goals is the software-defined radio (SDR) paradigm. In the last few years, the availability of new processors with high computational power enabled the development of (fully) software receivers whose performance is comparable to or better than that of conventional hardware devices, while providing all the advantages of a flexible and fully configurable architecture. The aim of this tutorial paper is surveying the issue of the general architecture and design rules of a GNSS software receiver, through a comprehensive discussion of some techniques and algorithms, typically applied in simple PC-based receiver implementations

    Radio Frequency Interference Impact Assessment on Global Navigation Satellite Systems

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    The Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen of the EC Joint Research Centre (IPSC-JRC) has been mandated to perform a study on the Radio Frequency (RF) threat against telecommunications and ICT control systems. This study is divided into two parts. The rst part concerns the assessment of high energy radio frequency (HERF) threats, where the focus is on the generation of electromagnetic pulses (EMP), the development of corresponding devices and the possible impact on ICT and power distribution systems. The second part of the study concerns radio frequency interference (RFI) with regard to global navigation satellite systems (GNSS). This document contributes to the second part and contains a detailed literature study disclosing the weaknesses of GNSS systems. Whereas the HERF analysis only concerns intentional interference issues, this study on GNSS also takes into account unintentional interference, enlarging the spectrum of plausible interference scenarios.JRC.DG.G.6-Security technology assessmen

    Infrared ranging in multipath environments for indoor localization of mobile targets

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    Esta tesis aborda el problema de la medida de diferencias de distancia mediante se帽ales 贸pticas afectadas por multicamino, aplicada a la localizaci贸n de agentes m贸viles en espacios interiores. Los avances en rob贸tica, entornos inteligentes y veh铆culos aut贸nomos han creado un campo de aplicaci贸n espec铆fico para la localizaci贸n en interiores, cuyos requerimientos de precisi贸n (en el rango de los cm) son muy superiores a los demandados por las aplicaciones de localizaci贸n orientadas a personas, en cuyo contexto se han desarrollado la mayor parte de las alternativas tecnol贸gicas. La investigaci贸n con m茅todos de geometr铆a proyectiva basados en c谩maras y de multilateraci贸n basados en medida de distancia con se帽ales de radiofrecuencia de banda ancha, de ultrasonido y 贸pticas han demostrado un rendimiento potencial adecuado para cubrir estos requerimientos. Sin embargo, todas estas alternativas, a煤n en fase de investigaci贸n, presentan dificultades que limitan su aplicaci贸n pr谩ctica. En el caso de los sistemas 贸pticos, escasamente estudiados en este contexto, los trabajos previos se han basado en medidas de diferencia de fase de llegada de se帽ales infrarrojas moduladas sinusoidalmente en intensidad. Una infraestructura centralizada computa medidas diferenciales, entre receptores fijos, de la se帽al emitida desde el m贸vil a posicionar, y calcula la posici贸n del m贸vil mediante trilateraci贸n hiperb贸lica a partir de 茅stas. Estas investigaciones demostraron que se pueden alcanzar precisiones de pocos cent铆metros; sin embargo, las interferencias por multicamino debidas a la reflexi贸n de la se帽al 贸ptica en superficies del entorno pueden degradar esta precisi贸n hasta las decenas de cent铆metros dependiendo de las caracter铆sticas del espacio. As铆 pues, el efecto del multicamino es actualmente la principal fuente de error en esta tecnolog铆a, y por tanto, la principal barrera a superar para su implementaci贸n en situaciones reales. En esta tesis se propone y analiza un sistema de medida con se帽ales 贸pticas que permite obtener estimaciones de diferencias de distancia precisas reduciendo el efecto cr铆tico del multicamino. El sistema propuesto introduce una modulaci贸n con secuencias de ruido pseudoaleatorio sobre la modulaci贸n sinusoidal t铆picamente usada para medida de fase por onda continua, y aprovecha las propiedades de ensanchamiento en frecuencia de estas secuencias para reducir el efecto del multicamino. El sistema, que realiza una doble estimaci贸n de tiempo y fase de llegada, est谩 compuesto por una etapa de sincronizaci贸n que posibilita la demodulaci贸n parcialmente coherente de la se帽al recibida, seguida de un medidor diferencial de fase sobre las componentes desensanchadas tras la demodulaci贸n. Las condiciones de multicamino 贸ptico t铆picas en espacios interiores, con una componente de camino directo claramente dominante, permiten que el proceso de demodulaci贸n recupere m谩s potencia del camino directo que del resto de contribuciones, reduciendo el efecto del multicamino en la estimaci贸n final. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que la aplicaci贸n del m茅todo propuesto permitir铆a realizar posicionamiento a partir de se帽ales 贸pticas con el rendimiento adecuando para aplicaciones de rob贸tica y guiado de veh铆culos en espacios interiores; adem谩s, el progresivo aumento de la potencia y el ancho de banda de los dispositivos optoelectr贸nicos disponibles permite esperar un incremento considerable de las prestaciones de la propuesta en los pr贸ximos a帽os

    Geodetic Sciences

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    Space geodetic techniques, e.g., global navigation satellite systems (GNSS), Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI), satellite gravimetry and altimetry, and GNSS Reflectometry & Radio Occultation, are capable of measuring small changes of the Earth锟絪 shape, rotation, and gravity field, as well as mass changes in the Earth system with an unprecedented accuracy. This book is devoted to presenting recent results and development in space geodetic techniques and sciences, including GNSS, VLBI, gravimetry, geoid, geodetic atmosphere, geodetic geophysics and geodetic mass transport associated with the ocean, hydrology, cryosphere and solid-Earth. This book provides a good reference for geodetic techniques, engineers, scientists as well as user community

    Centimeter-Level Positioning Using an Efficient New Baseband Mixing and Despreading Method for Software GNSS Receivers

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    This paper presents an efficient new method for performing the baseband mixing and despreading operations in a software-based GNSS receiver, and demonstrates that the method is capable of providing measurements for centimeter-level positioning accuracy. The method uses a single frequency carrier replica for the baseband mixing process, enabling all satellites to perform mixing simultaneously and yielding considerable computational savings. To compensate for signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) losses caused by using a single frequency carrier replica, the integration interval after despreading is divided into subintervals, and the output from each subinterval then compensated for the known frequency error. Using this approach, receiver processing times are shown to be reduced by approximately 21% relative to the next fastest method when tracking seven satellites. The paper shows the mathematical derivation of the new algorithm, discusses practical considerations, and demonstrates its performance using simulations and real data. Results show that the new method is able to generate pseudorange and carrier phase measurements with the same accuracy as traditional methods. Stand-alone positioning accuracy is at the meter level, while differential processing can produce fixed ambiguity carrier phase positions accurate to the centimeter level