43 research outputs found

    Clinical validation of a software for quantitative follow-up of abdominal aortic aneurysm maximal diameter and growth by CT angiography

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    Purpose To compare the reproducibility and accuracy of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) maximal diameter (D-max) measurements using segmentation software, with manual measurement on double-oblique MPR as a reference standard. Materials and methods The local Ethics Committee approved this study and waived informed consent. Forty patients (33 men, 7 women; mean age, 72 years, range, 49–86 years) had previously undergone two CT angiography (CTA) studies within 16 ± 8 months for follow-up of AAA ≥35 mm without previous treatment. The 80 studies were segmented twice using the software to calculate reproducibility of automatic D-max calculation on 3D models. Three radiologists reviewed the 80 studies and manually measured D-max on double-oblique MPR projections. Intra-observer and inter-observer reproducibility were calculated by intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). Systematic errors were evaluated by linear regression and Bland–Altman analyses. Differences in D-max growth were analyzed with a paired Student's t-test. Results The ICC for intra-observer reproducibility of D-max measurement was 0.992 (≥0.987) for the software and 0.985 (≥0.974) and 0.969 (≥0.948) for two radiologists. Inter-observer reproducibility was 0.979 (0.954–0.984) for the three radiologists. Mean absolute difference between semi-automated and manual D-max measurements was estimated at 1.1 ± 0.9 mm and never exceeded 5 mm. Conclusion Semi-automated software measurement of AAA D-max is reproducible, accurate, and requires minimal operator intervention

    Biomechanical Evaluation of Different Balloon Positions for Proximal Optimization Technique in Left Main Bifurcation Stenting

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    Background: Proximal optimization technique (POT) is a key step during left main (LM) bifurcation stenting. However, after crossover stenting, the ideal position of POT balloon is unclear. We sought to evaluate the biomechanical impact of different POT balloon positions during LM cross-over stenting procedure. Methods: We reconstructed the patient-specific LM bifurcation anatomy, using coronary computed tomography angiography data of 5 consecutive patients (3 males, mean age 66.3 ± 21.6 years) with complex LM bifurcation disease, defined as Medina 1,1,1, evaluated between 1st January 2018 to 1st June 2018 at our center. Finite element analyses were carried out to virtually perform the stenting procedure. POT was virtually performed in a mid (marker just at the carina cut plane), proximal (distal marker 1 mm before the carina) and distal (distal marker 1 mm after the carina) position in each investigated case. Final left circumflex obstruction (SBO%), strut malapposition, elliptical ratio and stent malapposition were evaluated. Results: The use of both proximal and distal POT resulted in a smaller LM diameter compared to the mid POT. SBO was significantly higher in both proximal and distal configurations compared to mid POT: 38.3 ± 5.1 and 29.3 ± 3.1 versus 18.3 ± 3.6%, respectively. Similarly stent malapposition was higher in both proximal and distal configurations compared to mid POT: 1.3 ± 0.4 and 0.82 ± 1.8 versus 0.78 ± 1.2, respectively. Conclusions: Mid POT offers the best results in terms of LCx opening maintaining slightly smaller but still acceptable LM and LAD diameters compared to alternative POT configuration

    Morphologic evaluation of ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm by 3D modeling

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    This thesis was created in Word and converted to PDF using Mac OS X 10.7.5 Quartz PDFContext.Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is defined as a dilatation of the abdominal aorta exceeding the normal diameter by more than 50%. The standard and widely used approach to assess AAA size is by measuring the maximal diameter (Dmax). Currently, the main predictors of rupture risk are the Dmax, sex, and the expansion rate of the aneurysm. Yet, Dmax has some limitations. AAAs of vastly different shapes may have the same maximal diameter. Dmax lacks sensitivity for rupture risk, especially among smaller AAAs. Thus, there is a need to evaluate the susceptibility of a given AAA to rupture on a patient-specific basis. We present the design concept and workflow of the AAA segmentation software developed at our institution. We describe the previous validation steps in which we evaluated the reproducibility of manual Dmax, compared software Dmax against manual Dmax, validated reproducibility of software Dmax and volume in cross-sectional and longitudinal studies for detection of AAA growth, and evaluated the reproducibility of software measurements in unenhanced computed tomographic angiography (CTA) and in the presence of stent-graft. In order to define new geometric features associated with rupture, we performed a case-control study in which we compared 63 cases with ruptured or symptomatic AAA and 94 controls with asymptomatic AAA. Univariate logistic regression analysis revealed 14 geometric indices associated with AAA rupture. In the multivariate logistic regression analysis, adjusting for Dmax and sex, the AAA with a higher bulge location and higher mean averaged surface area were associated with AAA rupture. Our preliminary results suggest that incorporating geometrical indices obtained by segmentation of CT shows a trend toward improvement of the classification accuracy of AAA with high rupture risk at CT over a traditional model based on Dmax and sex alone. Larger longitudinal studies are needed to verify the validity of the proposed model. Addition of flow and biomechanical simulations should be investigated to improve rupture risk prediction based on AAA modeling.Un anévrysme de l'aorte abdominale (AAA) est défini par une dilatation de plus de 50% par rapport au diamètre normal. La méthode standard et largement répandue pour mesurer la dimension d'un AAA consiste à mesurer le diamètre maximal (Dmax). Présentement, les principaux prédicteurs de risque de rupture sont le Dmax, le sexe et le taux d'expansion d'un anévrysme. Toutefois, le Dmax a certaines limitations. Des AAAs de formes très différentes peuvent avoir le même diamètre maximal. Le Dmax manque de sensibilité pour détecter le risque de rupture, en particulier pour les petits anévrysmes. Par conséquent, il y a un besoin d'évaluer de manière spécifique et individuelle la susceptibilité de rupture d'un AAA. Nous présentons le concept et le flux de travail d'un logiciel de segmentation des AAAs développé à notre institution. Nous décrivons les étapes antérieures de validation: évaluation de la reproductibilité du Dmax manuel, comparaison de Dmax par logiciel avec Dmax manuel, validation de la reproductibilité du Dmax et volume par logiciel dans des études transversale et longitudinale pour la détection de croissance et évaluation de la reproductibilité de mesures sur angiographie par tomodensitométrie et en présence d'endoprothèse. En vue d’identifier de nouveaux paramètres géométrique associés avec le risque de rupture, nous avons réalisé une étude cas-témoin comparant 63 cas avec AAA rompu ou symptomatique et 94 contrôles avec AAA asymptomatique. Une analyse de régression logistique univariée a identifié 14 indices géométriques associés avec une rupture de AAA. Dans l'analyse de régression logistique multivariée, en ajustant pour le Dmax et le sexe, les AAA avec un bombement plus haut situé et une surface moyenne plus élevée étaient associés à une rupture. Nos résultats préliminaires suggèrent que l'inclusion d'indices géométriques obtenus par segmentation de tomodensitométrie tend à améliorer la classification de AAA avec un risque de rupture par rapport à un modèle traditionnel seulement basé sur le Dmax et le sexe. De plus larges études longitudinales sont requises pour vérifier la validité du modèle proposé. Des simulations de flux et biomécaniques devraient être envisagées pour améliorer la prédiction du risque de rupture basée sur la modélisation d'anévrysmes

    Quantitative imaging in cardiovascular CT angiography

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    In de afgelopen decennia is computertomografie (CT) een prominente niet-invasieve modaliteit om hart- en vaatziekten te evalueren geworden. Dit proefschrift heeft als doel de rol van CT in de therapeutische behandeling van coronaire hartziekte (CAD) en klepaandoeningen te onderzoeken.De relatie tussen kransslagadergeometrie (statisch en dynamisch) en aanwezigheid en omvang van CAD met CT werd onderzocht. De resultaten suggereren dat de statische geometrie van de kransslagader significant gerelateerd is aan de aanwezigheid van plaque en stenose. Er was echter geen verband tussen dynamische verandering van de coronaire arterie-geometrie en de ernst van CAD. Een algoritme om de invloed van intraluminair contrastmiddel op niet-verkalkte atherosclerotische plaque Hounsfield-Unit-waarden te corrigeren werd gepresenteerd en gevalideerd met behulp van fantomen.Diagnose en operatieplanning kunnen cruciale gevolgen hebben voor de klinische uitkomst van chirurgische ingrepen. In dit proefschrift wordt beschreven dat halfautomatische softwareprogramma’s het kwantificeren van het aortaklepgebied betere reproduceerbare resultaten toonden in vergelijking met handmatige metingen, en vergelijkbare resultaten met de huidige gouden standaard, de echocardiografie. Een systematische review over het dynamische gedrag van de aorta-annulus toont aan dat de vorm van de aorta-annulus tijdens de hartcyclus verandert, wat impliceert dat er bij het bepalen van een prothese rekening moet worden gehouden met meerdere fasen. Een andere review beschrijft het gebruik van 3D-printen in de chirurgische planning samen met andere toepassingen voor de behandeling van hartklepaandoeningen.CT is de belangrijkste beeldvormingsmodaliteit in deze onderzoeken, die gericht waren op de therapeutische behandeling van hart- en vaatziekten, van vroege risicobepaling tot diagnose en chirurgische planning.In the recent decades computed tomography (CT) has emerged as a dominant non-invasive modality to evaluate cardiovascular diseases. This thesis aimed to explore the role of CT in the therapeutic management of coronary artery disease (CAD) and valvular diseases.The relationship between both static and dynamic coronary artery geometry and presence and extent of CAD using CT was investigated. The results suggest that the static coronary artery geometry is significantly related to presence of plaque and significant stenosis. However, there were no such relationship between dynamic change of coronary artery geometry and severity of CAD. As part of this thesis an algorithm to correct the influence of lumen contrast enhancement on non-calcified atherosclerotic plaque Hounsfield-Unit values was presented. The algorithm was validated using phantoms. The diagnosis and surgical planning may have crucial impact on clinical outcome. Semi-automatic software for aortic valve area quantification presented in this thesis was proven to be more repeatable and similar to gold standard echocardiography in comparison to manual measurements. The systematic review regarding the dynamic behavior of aortic annulus revealed that aortic annulus geometry changes throughout the cardiac cycle which implies that multiple phases should be taken into account for prosthesis sizing. Another review in this thesis discusses the use of 3D printing in the surgical planning along with other applications for the treatment of valvular diseases.CT is the main imaging modality in these studies which were focused on the therapeutic management of cardiovascular diseases from early risk determination to diagnosis and surgical planning

    Rapid development of applications for the interactive visual analysis of multimodal medical data

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    Multimodale medizinische Volumendaten gewinnen zunehmend an Verbreitung. Wir diskutieren verschiedene interaktive Applikationen welche den Nutzer bei der Analyse dieser Daten unterstützen. Alle Applikationen basieren auf Erweiterungen des Voreen Frameworks, welche ebenfalls in dieser Dissertation diskutiert werden. With multimodal volumetric medical data sets becoming more common due to the increasing availability of scanning hardware, software for the visualization and analysis of such data sets needs to become more efficient as well in order to prevent overloading the user with data. This dissertation presents several interactive techniques for the visual analysis of medical volume data. All applications are based on extensions to the Voreen volume rendering framework, which we will discuss first. Since visual analysis applications are interactive by definition, we propose a general-purpose navigation technique for volume data. Next, we discuss our concepts for the interactive planning of brain tumor resections. Finally, we present two systems designed to work with images of vasculature. First, we discuss an interactive vessel segmentation system enabling an efficient, visually supported workflow. Second, we propose an application for the visual analysis of PET tracer uptake along vessels

    State-of-the-art CT and MR imaging and assessment of atherosclerotic carotid artery disease: standardization of scanning protocols and measurements - a consensus document by the European Society of Cardiovascular Radiology (ESCR)

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    The European Society of Cardiovascular Radiology (ESCR) is the European specialist society of cardiac and vascular imaging. This society's highest priority is the continuous improvement, development, and standardization of education, training, and best medical practice, based on experience and evidence. The present intra-society consensus is based on the existing scientific evidence and on the individual experience of the members of the ESCR writing group on carotid diseases, the members of the ESCR guidelines committee, and the members of the executive committee of the ESCR. The recommendations published herein reflect the evidence-based society opinion of ESCR. We have produced a twin-papers consensus, indicated through the documents as respectively "Part I" and "Part II." The first document (Part I) begins with a discussion of features, role, indications, and evidence for CT and MR imaging-based diagnosis of carotid artery disease for risk stratification and prediction of stroke (Section I). It then provides an extensive overview and insight into imaging-derived biomarkers and their potential use in risk stratification (Section II). Finally, detailed recommendations about optimized imaging technique and imaging strategies are summarized (Section III). The second part of this consensus paper (Part II) is focused on structured reporting of carotid imaging studies with CT/MR

    State-of-the-art CT and MR imaging and assessment of atherosclerotic carotid artery disease: standardization of scanning protocols and measurements-a consensus document by the European Society of Cardiovascular Radiology (ESCR).

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    The European Society of Cardiovascular Radiology (ESCR) is the European specialist society of cardiac and vascular imaging. This society's highest priority is the continuous improvement, development, and standardization of education, training, and best medical practice, based on experience and evidence. The present intra-society consensus is based on the existing scientific evidence and on the individual experience of the members of the ESCR writing group on carotid diseases, the members of the ESCR guidelines committee, and the members of the executive committee of the ESCR. The recommendations published herein reflect the evidence-based society opinion of ESCR. We have produced a twin-papers consensus, indicated through the documents as respectively "Part I" and "Part II." The first document (Part I) begins with a discussion of features, role, indications, and evidence for CT and MR imaging-based diagnosis of carotid artery disease for risk stratification and prediction of stroke (Section I). It then provides an extensive overview and insight into imaging-derived biomarkers and their potential use in risk stratification (Section II). Finally, detailed recommendations about optimized imaging technique and imaging strategies are summarized (Section III). The second part of this consensus paper (Part II) is focused on structured reporting of carotid imaging studies with CT/MR. KEY POINTS: • CT and MR imaging-based evaluation of carotid artery disease provides essential information for risk stratification and prediction of stroke. • Imaging-derived biomarkers and their potential use in risk stratification are evolving; their correct interpretation and use in clinical practice must be well-understood. • A correct imaging strategy and scan protocol will produce the best possible results for disease evaluation

    Atherosclerotic plaque and shear stress in carotid arteries

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    직접 볼륨 렌더링의 전이 함수 설계에 관한 연구

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    학위논문 (박사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 전기·컴퓨터공학부, 2017. 2. 신영길.Although direct volume rendering (DVR) has become a commodity, the design of transfer functions still a challenge. Transfer functions which map data values to optical properties (i.e., colors and opacities) highlight features of interests as well as hide unimportant regions, dramatically impacting on the quality of the visualization. Therefore, for the effective rendering of interesting features, the design of transfer functions is very important and challenging task. Furthermore, manipulation of these transfer functions is tedious and time-consuming task. In this paper, we propose a 3D spatial field for accurately identifying and visually distinguishing interesting features as well as a mechanism for data exploration using multi-dimensional transfer function. First, we introduce a 3D spatial field for the effective visualization of constricted tubular structures, called as a stenosis map which stores the degree of constriction at each voxel. Constrictions within tubular structures are quantified by using newly proposed measures (i.e., line similarity measure and constriction measure) based on the localized structure analysis, and classified with a proposed transfer function mapping the degree of constriction to color and opacity. We show the application results of our method to the visualization of coronary artery stenoses. We present performance evaluations using twenty-eight clinical datasets, demonstrating high accuracy and efficacy of our proposed method. Second, we propose a new multi-dimensional transfer function which incorporates texture features calculated from statistically homogeneous regions. This approach employs parallel coordinates to provide an intuitive interface for exploring a new multi-dimensional transfer function space. Three specific ways to use a new transfer function based on parallel coordinates enables the effective exploration of large and complex datasets. We present a mechanism for data exploration with a new transfer function space, demonstrating the practical efficacy of our proposed method. Through a study on transfer function design for DVR, we propose two useful approaches. First method to saliently visualize the constrictions within tubular structures and interactively adjust the visual appearance of the constrictions delivers a substantial aid in radiologic practice. Furthermore, second method to classify objects with our intuitive interface utilizing parallel coordinates proves to be a powerful tool for complex data exploration.Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Background 1 1.1.1 Volume rendering 1 1.1.2 Computer-aided diagnosis 3 1.1.3 Parallel coordinates 5 1.2 Problem statement 8 1.3 Main contribution 12 1.4 Organization of dissertation 16 Chapter 2 Related Work 17 2.1 Transfer function 17 2.1.1 Transfer functions based on spatial characteristics 17 2.1.2 Opacity modulation techniques 20 2.1.3 Multi-dimensional transfer functions 22 2.1.4 Manipulation mechanism for transfer functions 25 2.2 Coronary artery stenosis 28 2.3 Parallel coordinates 32 Chapter 3 Volume Visualization of Constricted Tubular Structures 36 3.1 Overview 36 3.2 Localized structure analysis 37 3.3 Stenosis map 39 3.3.1 Overview 39 3.3.2 Detection of tubular structures 40 3.3.3 Stenosis map computation 49 3.4 Stenosis-based classification 52 3.4.1 Overview 52 3.4.2 Constriction-encoded volume rendering 52 3.4.3 Opacity modulation based on constriction 54 3.5 GPU implementation 57 3.6 Experimental results 59 3.6.1 Clinical data preparation 59 3.6.2 Qualitative evaluation 60 3.6.3 Quantitative evaluation 63 3.6.4 Comparison with previous methods 66 3.6.5 Parameter study 69 Chapter 4 Interactive Multi-Dimensional Transfer Function Using Adaptive Block Based Feature Analysis 73 4.1 Overview 73 4.2 Extraction of statistical features 74 4.3 Extraction of texture features 78 4.4 Multi-dimensional transfer function design using parallel coordinates 81 4.5 Experimental results 86 Chapter 5 Conclusion 90 Bibliography 92 초 록 107Docto

    Atherosclerotic plaque and shear stress in carotid arteries

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