173 research outputs found

    Investigation into the bio-physical constraints on farmer turn-out-date decisions using remote sensing and meteorological data.

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    ThesisDoctoral thesisAccepted versionGrass is the most common landcover in Ireland and covers a bigger percentage (52%) of the country than any other in Europe. Grass as fodder is Ireland’s most important crop and is the foundation of its most important indigenous industry, agriculture. Yet knowledge of its distribution, performance and yield is scant. How grass is nationally, on a farm by farm, year by year basis managed is not known. In this thesis the gaps in knowledge about grassland performance across Ireland are presented along with arguments on why these knowledge gaps should be closed. As an example the need for high spatial resolution animal stocking rate data in European temperate grassland systems is shown. The effect of high stocking density on grass management is most apparent early in the growing season, and a 250m scale characterization of early spring vegetation growth from 2003-2012, based on MODIS NDVI time series products, is constructed. The average rate of growth is determined as a simple linear model for each pixel, using only the highest quality data for the period. These decadal spring growth model coefficients, start of season cover and growth rate, are regressed against log of stocking rate (r2 19 = 0.75, p<0.001). This model stocking rate is used to create a map of grassland use intensity in Ireland, which, when tested against an independent set of stocking data, is shown to be successful with an RMSE of 0.13 Livestock Unit/ha for a range of stocking densities from 0.1 to 3.3 Livestock Unit/ha. This model provides the first validated high resolution approach to mapping stocking rates in intensively managed European grassland systems. There is a demonstrated a need for a system to estimate current growing conditions. Using the spring growth model constructed for estimating stocking density a new style of grass growth progress anomaly map in the time-domain was developed. Using the developed satellite dataset 1 and 12 years of ground climate station data in Ireland, NDVI was modelled against time as a proxy for grass growth This model is the reference for estimating current seasonal progress of grass growth against a ten year average. The model is developed to estimate Seasonal Progress Anomalies in the Time domain (SPAT), giving a result in terms of “days behind” and “days ahead” of the norm. SPAT estimates for 2012 and 2013 are compared to ground based estimates from 30 climate stations and have a correlation coefficient of 0.897 and RMSE of 15days. The method can successfully map current grass growth trends compared to the average and present this information to the farmer in simple everyday language. This is understood by the author to be the first validated growth anomaly service, and the first for intensive European grasslands. The decisions on when to turn out cattle (the turn out date (TOD)) from winter housing to spring grazing is an important one on Irish dairy farms which has significant impacts on operating costs on the farm. To examine the relationship of TOD to conditions, the National Farm Survey (NFS) of Ireland database was geocoded and the data on turn out dates from 199 farms across Ireland over five years was used. A fixed effects linear panel data model was employed to explore the association between TOD and conditions, as it allows for unobserved variation between farmers to be ignored in favour of modelling the variance year on year. The environmental variables used in the analysis account for 38% of the variance in the turn out dates on farms nationwide. National seasonal conditions dominate over local variation, and for every week earlier grass grows in spring, farmers gain 3.7 days in grazing season but ignore 3.3 days of growth that could have been used. Every 100mm extra rain in spring means TOD is a day later and every dry day leads to turn out being half a day earlier. A well-drained soil makes TOD 2.5 days earlier compared to a poorly drained soil and TOD gets a day later for every 16km north form the south coast. This work demonstrates that precision agriculture 1 driven by optical and radar satellite data is closer to being a reality in Europe driven by enormous amounts of free imagery from NASA and the ESA Sentinel programs coupled with open source meteorological data and models and new developments in data analytics

    Modeling Biomass Production in Seasonal Wetlands Using MODIS NDVI Land Surface Phenology

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    Plant primary production is a key driver of several ecosystem functions in seasonal marshes, such as water purification and secondary production by wildlife and domestic animals. Knowledge of the spatio-temporal dynamics of biomass production is therefore essential for the management of resources—particularly in seasonal wetlands with variable flooding regimes. We propose a method to estimate standing aboveground plant biomass using NDVI Land Surface Phenology (LSP) derived from MODIS, which we calibrate and validate in the Doñana National Park’s marsh vegetation. Out of the different estimators tested, the Land Surface Phenology maximum NDVI (LSP-Maximum-NDVI) correlated best with ground-truth data of biomass production at five locations from 2001–2015 used to calibrate the models (R2 = 0.65). Estimators based on a single MODIS NDVI image performed worse (R2 ≤ 0.41). The LSP-Maximum-NDVI estimator was robust to environmental variation in precipitation and hydroperiod, and to spatial variation in the productivity and composition of the plant community. The determination of plant biomass using remote-sensing techniques, adequately supported by ground-truth data, may represent a key tool for the long-term monitoring and management of seasonal marsh ecosystems.We acknowledge support by the CSIC Open Access Publication Initiative through its Unit of Information Resources for Research (URICI).David Aragonés, Isabel Afán, Ricardo Díaz-Delgado and Diego García Díaz (EBD-LAST) provided support for remote-sensing and LSP analyses. Alfredo Chico, José Luis del Valle and Rocío Fernández Zamudio (ESPN, ICTS-RBD) provided logistic support and taxonomic expertise during the field work (validation dataset). Ernesto García and Cristina Pérez assisted with biomass harvesting and processing (calibration dataset). Gerrit Heil provided support in the project design. This study received funding from Ministerio de Medio Ambiente-Parque Nacional de Doñana, Consejeria de Medio Ambiente, Junta de Andalucia (1999–2000): RNM118 Junta de Andalucia (2003); the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program under grant agreement No. 641762 to ECOPOTENTIAL project; and the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Plan Estatal de I+D+i 2013–2016, under grant agreement CGL2016-81086-R to GRAZE project

    National farm scale estimates of grass yield from satellite remote sensing

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    Globally, grasslands are an important source of food for livestock and provide additional ecosystem services such as greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation through carbon sequestration, habitats for biodiversity, and recreational amenities. Grass is the cheapest source of fodder providing Irish farmers with an economic benefit against international competitors. Hence, to maintain profitability, farmers have to maximize the proportion of grazed grass in cow’s diet or save it as silage. The overall objective of the current research project was to build a machine-learning model to estimate grass growth nationally using earth observation imagery from the Sentinel 2 satellite constellation and ancillary meteorological data, which are known to influence grass growth. Firstly, the impact of meteorological data and Growing Degree Days (GDD) was assessed for Teagasc Moorepark experimental farm (Fermoy, Co Cork, Ireland). GDD was modified to include Soil Moisture Deficit (SMD), which included the impact of summer drought conditions in 2018. Results demonstrated the importance of GDD for grass growth estimation using ordinary linear regression (OLS). The potential evapotranspiration (PE) 0.65 (r=0.65) and evaporation (r=0.65) were equally significant variables in 2017, while in 2018 the solar radiation had the highest correlation (r=0.43), followed by potential evapotranspiration and evaporation with r of 0.42. The standard and modified GDD were equally significant variables with r of 0.65 in 2017, but both had a reduced correlation in 2018 with modified GDD (0.38, p<0.01) performing slightly better than the standard GDD (0.26, p<0.01) calculation. These models only explained 53% (RMSE of 18.90 kg DM ha-1day-1) and 36% (RMSE of 27.02 kg DM ha-1day-1) of variability in grass growth for 2017 and 2018, respectively. Considering the importance of meteorological data, an empirical grass model called the Brereton model, previously used for Irish grass growing conditions were tested. Since this model lacks a spatial element, we compared the Brereton model with the previously used machine-learning model ANFIS and Random Forest (RF) with the combination of satellite data and meteorological data for eight Teagasc farms. Overall, the machine-learning algorithms (R2= 0.32 to 0.73 and RMSE=14.65 to 24.76 kg DM ha-1day-1 for the test data) performed better than the Brereton model (range of R2=0.03 to 0.33 and RMSE=41.68 to 82.29 kg DM ha-1day-1). The RF model (with all the variables except rainfall) had the highest accuracy for predicting grass growth rate, with (R2= 0.55, RMSE = 14.65 kg DM ha-1day-1, MSE= 214.79 kg DM ha-1day-1 versus ANFIS with R2 = 0.47, RMSE = 15.95 kg DM ha-1day-1, MSE= 254.40 kg DM ha-1day-1). When developing a national model, meteorological data were missing (except precipitation). A different approach was followed, whereby the grass growing season was subdivided (January-June Agmodel 1 and July–December Agmodel 2). Phenologically, the peak grass growth in Ireland typically occurs in May, with a slow decline in subsequent months. Spring is the most important season for grassland management, where growing conditions can impact the grass supply for the whole year. The national models were developed using Sentinel 2 band metrics, spectral indices (NDVI and NDRE), and rainfall for 179 farms. Data from 2017-2019 was divided into training and testing data (70:30 split), with 2020 data used for independent validation of the final trained model. Test accuracy was higher for Agmodel 1 (R2 = 0.74, RMSE= 15.52 kg DM ha-1day-1) versus Agmodel 2 (R2 = 0.58, RMSE= 13.74 kg DM ha-1day-1). This trained model was used on validation data from 2020, and the results were similar with better performance for Agmodel1 (R2 =0.70) versus Agmodel2 (R2=0.36). The improved spatial resolution of Sentinel 2 and the availability of red-edge bands showed improved results compared with previous work based on coarse resolution satellite imagery

    Balanço de energia com base no modelo S-SEBI sobre gramíneas em Barrax, Espanha e no bioma Pampa do sul do Brasil

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    No Brasil, existem seis biomas, sendo eles Amazônia, Mata Atlântica, Cerrado, Caatinga, Pantanal e Pampa. Cada bioma possui características únicas e importantes para a manutenção dos seus processos ecossistêmicos. Neste sentido, no bioma Pampa há uma dinâmica socioambiental que influencia a vegetação, o manejo agrícola e o modo de vida da população local. Este bioma é único no mundo porque traz na vegetação rasteira sua fonte de biomassa e energia como em nenhum outro ecossistema, seus campos nativos são os responsáveis pela conservação e preservação dos recursos hídricos, da fauna silvestre e da biodiversidade. A supressão da vegetação nativa deste bioma para a monocultura de grãos compromete a manutenção da biodiversidade e gera impactos nos recursos naturais, alterando as suas condições ambientais, a disponibilidade de água e a temperatura de superfície. Além disso, as mudanças climáticas têm modificado os componentes do Balanço de Energia (BE). Em relação ao balanço energético este bioma tem, no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, a mesma importância climática que as florestas em regiões tropicais, já que cobre 63% do Estado e possui influência nas dinâmicas atmosféricas. Sendo assim, o objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar as particularidades ambientais do BE e do cálculo de evapotranspiração (ET) no bioma Pampa. A ET é a responsável pelas interações da biosfera- atmosfera-hidrosfera. Estas interações se dão por utilizar energia eletromagnética para a formação de vapor d’água a partir da transpiração vegetal e da evaporação da água. O uso do Sensoriamento Remoto tem sido eficaz nas estimativas de fluxo de calor sensível e fluxo de calor latente por diferentes métodos, porém a aplicação de forma operacional, a heterogeneidade da superfície e a influência da temperatura de superfície (Ts) são desafios deste trabalho. O modelo S-SEBI para recuperação de dados de ET foi avaliado no bioma Pampa e em Barrax, um sítio de validação localizado no mediterrâneo espanhol. O modelo demonstrou ser eficaz em vegetação campestre, além de ser menos dependente da Ts em relação a outros modelos reportados na literatura. Os resultados deste trabalho visam contribuir para a geração de melhor qualidade de dados de ET em futuras análises de mudanças de uso do solo, mudanças climáticas e gestão dos recursos hídricos para todo o bioma Pampa.In Brazil, there are six biomes, namely the Amazon, Atlantic Forest, Cerrado, Caatinga, Pantanal, and Pampa. Each biome has unique and important characteristics for the maintenance of the ecosystemic processes of each environment. In this sense, in the Pampa biome there is a socio-environmental dynamic that influences the vegetation, agricultural management, and the way of life of the local population. This biome is unique in the world because it brings in its undergrowth vegetation its source of biomass and energy like no other ecosystem; its native grasslands are responsible for the conservation and preservation of water resources, wildlife, and biodiversity. The suppression of the native vegetation of this biome for the monoculture of grains compromises the maintenance of biodiversity and generates impacts on natural resources, altering the environmental conditions of the ecosystem, water availability, and surface temperature. In addition, climate change has modified the components of the Energy Balance (EB). In relation to the energy balance, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, this biome has the same climatic importance as the forests in tropical regions, since it covers 63% of the state and influences the atmospheric dynamics. Therefore, the objective of this work is to evaluate the environmental particularities of BE and the calculation of evapotranspiration (ET) in the Pampa biome. ET is responsible for biosphere-atmosphere-hydrosphere interactions. These interactions occur by using electromagnetic energy for the formation of water vapor from plant transpiration and water evaporation. The use of Remote Sensing has been effective in estimating sensible heat flux and latent heat flux by different methods, but the application in an operational way, the heterogeneity of the surface and the influence of the surface temperature (Ts) are challenges of this work. The S-SEBI model for ET data retrieval was evaluated in the Pampa biome and in Barrax, a validation site located in the Spanish Mediterranean. The model proved to be effective in grassland vegetation, and is less dependent on Ts compared to other models reported in the literature. The results of this work aim to contribute to the generation of better quality ET data in future analyses of land use change, climate change, and water resource management for the entire Pampa biome

    Temporal comparison of multiple sensors for monitoring paddock management in an integrated crop-livestock system.

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    The objective of this study was to assess and compare the temporal profile of the Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) time series from different sensors for paddock monitoring in intensively managed pasture fields.Editores: Douglas Francisco Marcolino Gherardi, Ieda Del´Arco Sanches, Luiz Eduardo Oliveira e Cruz de Aragão


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    Climate variability and management practices in isolation or in combination influence the properties of ecosystems and the flows of energy and materials through them. The goal of this dissertation is to better understand the ecosystem responses to climatic variability and management practices using different approaches such as remote sensing, eddy covariance techniques and modelling. Remote sensing indices were tested and evaluated for developing better drought monitoring. Specifically, water related vegetation index (LSWI) was employed to assess the ecosystem responses to the drought events occurred in Oklahoma from 2000-2013. Field measurements data in combination with the EC system were used to understand how the sink-source potential of the ecosystem changes when grassland ecosystem is converted to winter wheat. DeNitrification- DeComposition (DNDC) model was used to analyze greenhouse gas emissions from pasture land amended with fertilizers compared to the native pastures in the scenario of climatic variability. We used 14 years of MODIS, Mesonet soil moisture and rainfall data at Marena and El Reno tallgrass prairie sites to study the impact of drought events on grassland phenology and growth through analyzing sensitivity differences of vegetation indices to drought. A new approach of drought assessment, counting number of days with LSWI < 0 and LSWI-based drought severity classification, is proposed in this study. The number of days with LSWI < 0 was found higher during the summer droughts of 2006 and 2012 and negative LSWI represented the higher intensity drought categories (D2, D3 and D4) defined by USDM, which demonstrated that it could be used to describe the hydrological condition of the ecosystem as an effective additional vegetation based indicator for drought assessment. This study also investigates the potential of the LSWI-based algorithm, for agricultural drought monitoring under varying soil and land cover conditions of 113 Mesonet stations of Oklahoma. We compared LSWI and the number of days with negative LSWI (DNLSWI) to summer time precipitation, precipitation anomalies, and the U.S. Drought Monitor. Additionally, the assessment of the algorithm with USDM was performed separately for different land cover type and climate divisions. Therefore, results from this study will help in improving the capability of remote sensing vegetation drought monitoring by establishing LSWI as a complimentary tool to existing NDVI based drought products as well as help to identify the sensitivity of LSWI to the diversity of the ecosystems of Oklahoma. We quantified and compared the carbon and water fluxes from winter wheat and tallgrass prairie ecosystems and discussed the possibility of change in carbon and water budgets of the southern plains under the land use change scenario (conversion of grassland into winter wheat). Both ecosystems were sinks of carbon during their respective growing seasons. At the annual scale, the wheat ecosystem was a net source of carbon (128 ± 46 g C m-2 yr-1) when fluxes from summer fallow period were considered. Results suggest that the differences in magnitudes and patterns of CO2 and H2O fluxes between winter wheat and tallgrass prairie ecosystems can exert an influence on the carbon and water budgets of the whole region under land use change scenario. Another hypothesis tested in our study was that the application of fertilizers in the managed pasture would increase the primary productivity of the ecosystem for few years but this increase in carbon sink would be counteracted by the increasing rate of greenhouse gas emissions in the long run. Here we used DNDC, a process-based model that simulates the emissions and consumption of gases within the ecosystem based on the interactions of local climate, local soils and on-site management practices. The fertilization of pasture increased the productivity that increased the roughages demands resulted by increased stocking density of cattle. Similarly, higher flux of N2O from the managed pasture was resulted as the effect of fertilizer addition which amplified in magnitude in wet years than dry and normal years. The advantage from increased soil organic carbon due to the fertilizer application, measured in terms of global warming potential (GWP) was outweighed by the GWP calculated from the increased magnitude of N2O fluxes thereby giving the positive net global warming potential (NGWP). Therefore, pasture management policies should consider maintaining emissions level as minimum as possible while optimizing the productivity

    Multi-Scale Phenology of Temperate Grasslands: Improving Monitoring and Management With Near-Surface Phenocams

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    Grasslands of the Australian Southern Tablelands represent a patchwork of native and exotic systems, occupying a continuum of C3-dominated to C4-dominated grasslands where composition depends on disturbance factors (e.g., grazing) and climate. Managing these complex landscapes is both challenging and critical for maintaining the security of Australia's pasture industries, and for protecting the biodiversity of native remnants. Differentiating C3 from C4 vegetation has been a prominent theme in remote sensing research due to distinct C3/C4 seasonal productivity patterns (phenology) and high uncertainty about how C3/C4 vegetation will respond to a changing climate. Phenology is used in northern hemisphere ecosystems for a range of purposes but has not been widely adopted in Australia, where dynamic climate often results in non-repetitive seasonal vegetation patterns. We employed time-lapse cameras (phenocams) to study the phenology of twelve grassland areas dominated by cool season (C3) and warm season (C4), native or exotic grasses near Canberra, Australia. Our aims were to assess phenological characteristics of the functional types and to determine the drivers of phenological variability. We compared the fine-scale phenocam seasonal profiles with field sampling and MODIS/Landsat satellite products to assess paddock-to-landscape functioning. We found C3/C4 species dominance to be the primary driver of phenological differences among grassland types, with C3 grasslands demonstrating peak greenness in spring, and senescing rapidly in response to high summer temperatures. In contrast, C4 grasslands showed peak activity in Austral summer and autumn (January-March). Some sites displayed primary and secondary peaks dependent on rainfall and species composition. We found that the proportion of dead vegetation is an important biophysical driver of grassland phenology, as were grazing pressures and species-dependent responses to rainfall and temperature. The satellite and field datasets were in general agreement with the phenocam results. However, the higher temporal fidelity of the cameras captured changes in vegetation not observed in the coarser satellite or field results. Our phenocam data shows consistent periods of increasing and decreasing greenness over as little as 5 days. Applications for management of grasslands in temperate Australia include the identification of remnant native grasslands, tracking biosecurity issues, and assessing productivity responses to climate variability

    Monitoring Changes On The Sheyenne National Grassland Using Multitemporal Landsat Data

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    Tallgrass prairies are one of the rarest ecosystems on the planet as up to 99% of their historical extent has been converted to agriculture. Once a prairie is converted there is often a loss of ecosystem services such as soil retention, carbon storage, water quality and a loss of biodiversity. It can take centuries to restore a native prairie after conversion has taken place. The Sheyenne National Grassland is managed by the U.S. Forest Service and contains the largest publicly owned tract of tallgrass prairie remaining in North America making it a highly valuable for conservation. Ordinary least squares regression was implemented to evaluate statistically significant trends at a per pixel basis in selected Vegetation Indices (VI) between the years of 1984 and 2011 on the Sheyenne National Grassland. VIs included NDVI, NDII RGR and SWIR32. Additionally, a Composite Index which sought to combine information from the original four indexes was created to evaluate the usefulness of combining indexes. A random forest regression model was also used to evaluate which independent variables were the most useful in predicting VI values through time. Between 1984 and 2011 the NDVI and NDII have increased while the RGR and SWIR32 have decreased. This indicates that greenness and wetness have increased through time while stress and non-photosynthetic vegetation have decreased. It is likely that the increase in NDVI is driven by a complex relationship between the influence of climate change and cattle grazing on the relative abundance of C3 and C4 plants. It is hypothesized that continuously stocked cattle grazing has reduced the vigor and competitive ability of native C4 grasses which competitively releases C3 grasses that are more tolerant of grazing and are primarily invasive. In addition to the competitive release of cattle grazing, C3 establishment is promoted through increased spring precipitation which has increased over the last century

    Time series analysis of phenometrics and long-term vegetation trends for the Flint Hills ecoregion using moderate resolution satellite imagery

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    Master of ArtsDepartment of GeographyJ. M. Shawn HutchinsonGrasslands of the Flint Hills are often burned as a land management practice. Remote sensing can be used to help better manage prairie landscapes by providing useful information about the long-term trends in grassland vegetation greenness and helping to quantify regional differences in vegetation development. Using MODIS 16-day NDVI composite imagery between the years 2001-10 for the entire Flint Hills ecoregion, BFAST was used to determine trend, seasonal, and noise components of the image time series. To explain the trend, 4 factors were considered including hydrologic soil group, burn frequency, and precipitation deviation from the 30 year normal. In addition, the time series data was processed using TIMESAT to extract eight different phenometrics: Growing season length, start of season, end of season, middle of season, maximum value, small integral, left derivative, and right derivative. Phenometrics were produced for each year of the study and an ANOVA was performed on the means of all eight phenometrics to assess if significant differences existed across the study area. A K-means cluster analysis was also performed by aggregating pixel-level phenometrics at the county level to identify administrative divisions exhibiting similar vegetation development. For the study period, the area of negatively and positively trending grassland were similar (41-43%). Logistic regression showed that the log odds of a pixel experiencing a negative trend were higher in sites with clay soils and higher burning frequencies and lower for pixels having higher than normal precipitation and loam soils. Significant differences existed for all phenometrics when considering the ecoregion as a whole. On a phenometric-by-phenometric basis, unexpected groupings of counties often showed statistically similar values. Similarly, when considering all phenometrics at the same time, counties clustered in surprising patterns. Results suggest that long-term trends in grassland conditions warrant further attention and may rival other sources of grassland change (e.g., conversion, transition to savannah) in importance. Analyses of phenometrics indicates that factors other than natural gradients in temperature and precipitation play a significant role in the annual cycle of grassland vegetation development. Unanticipated, and sometimes geographically disparate, groups of counties were shown to be similar in the context of specific phenology metrics and this may prove useful in future implementations of smoke management plans within the Flint Hills