1,571 research outputs found

    A Small World of Bad Guys: Investigating the Behavior of Hacker Groups in Cyber-Attacks

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    This paper explores the behaviour of malicious hacker groups operating in cyberspace and how they organize themselves in structured networks. To better understand these groups, the paper uses Social Network Analysis (SNA) to analyse the interactions and relationships among several malicious hacker groups. The study uses a tested dataset as its primary source, providing an empirical analysis of the cooperative behaviours exhibited by these groups. The study found that malicious hacker groups tend to form close-knit networks where they consult, coordinate with, and assist each other in carrying out their attacks. The study also identified a "small world" phenomenon within the population of malicious actors, which suggests that these groups establish interconnected relationships to facilitate their malicious operations. The small world phenomenon indicates that the actor-groups are densely connected, but they also have a small number of connections to other groups, allowing for efficient communication and coordination of their activities

    Англійська мова для навчання і работи. Навчальний посібник з англійської мови за професійним спрямуванням для студентів і фахівців галузі знань 0503 Розробка корисних копалин Т 1

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    A coursebook includes all the activities of students’ work at ESP course aimed at development of language behaviour necessary for effective communication of students in their study and specialism areas. The tasks and activities given in the coursebook are typicalfor students’ academic and professional domains and situations. The content is organized in modules that covers generic job-related language skills of engineers. The authentic texts taken from real life contain interesting up-to-date information about mining, peculiarities of study abroad, customs and traditions of English-speaking countries. Pack of self-study resources given in Part II contains Glossary of mining terms, tasks and activities aimed at developing a range of vocabulary necessary for mining, different functions and functional exponents to be used in academic and professional environment as well as tasks developing self-awareness, self-assessment and self-organisation skills. Testing points for different grammar structuresare given in Part III. Indices at the end of each part easify the use of the coursebook. The coursebook contains illustrations, various samples of visualizing technical information. The coursebook is designed for ESP students of non-linguistic universities. It can be used as teaching/learning materials for ESP Courses for Mining Engineers as well as for self-study of subject and specialist teachers, practicing mining engineers and researchers in Engineering.У посібнику представлені всі види діяльності студентів з вивчення англійської мови, спрямовані на розвиток мовної поведінки, необхідної для ефективного спілкування в академічному та професійному середовищах. Навчальний посібник містить завдання і вправи, типові для різноманітних академічних та професійних сфер і ситуацій. Структура організації змісту– модульна і охоплює загальні мовленнєві вміння інженерів. Зразки текстів– автентичні, взяті з реального життя, містять цікаву та актуальну інформацію про видобувничу промисловість, особливості навчання за кордоном, традиції та звичаї країн, мова яких вивчається. Ресурси для самостійної роботи(Том ІІ) містять глосарій термінів, завдання та вправи для розвитку словарного запасу та розширення діапазону функціональних зразків, необхідних для виконання певних функцій, та завдання, які спрямовані на розвиток навичок самооцінювання і організації свого навчання. Граматичні явища і вправи для їх засвоєння наводяться в томі ІІІ. Наприкінці кожної частини наведено алфавітно-предметні покажчики. Багато ілюстрацій та різних візуальних засобів подання інформації. Навчальний посібник призначений для студентів технічних університетів гірничого профілю. Може використовуватися для самостійного вивчення англійської мови викладачами, фахівцями і науковцями різних інженерних галузей

    The Very Definition of Folly: Saving the Earth from Environmentalists

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    Global heating is the greatest challenge of our time. While we know what is causing the global heating problem, and we know how to fix it, certain environmentalists pose a severe threat to the great hope of renewable energy that must be part of the solution to global heating. All across the United States those claiming to speak for the environment are filing legal actions against developers of solar and wind projects. They are using environmental laws, zoning laws, and anything else they can latch onto to fight renewable energy projects. This is the very definition of folly. We environmental lawyers have perfected the art of slowing down, burdening, and questioning to death developers. It was a great strategy for fighting the bad guys. But it is now presenting one of the biggest threats to the good guys, and to our environment. We now need to learn how to say “yes.

    Spartan Daily, April 26, 2004

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    Volume 122, Issue 54https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/9988/thumbnail.jp

    SIIMCO: A forensic investigation tool for identifying the influential members of a criminal organization

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    Members of a criminal organization, who hold central positions in the organization, are usually targeted by criminal investigators for removal or surveillance. This is because they play key and influential roles by acting as commanders, who issue instructions or serve as gatekeepers. Removing these central members (i.e., influential members) is most likely to disrupt the organization and put it out of business. Most often, criminal investigators are even more interested in knowing the portion of these influential members, who are the immediate leaders of lower level criminals. These lower level criminals are the ones who usually carry out the criminal works; therefore, they are easier to identify. The ultimate goal of investigators is to identify the immediate leaders of these lower level criminals in order to disrupt future crimes. We propose, in this paper, a forensic analysis system called SIIMCO that can identify the influential members of a criminal organization. Given a list of lower level criminals in a criminal organization, SIIMCO can also identify the immediate leaders of these criminals. SIIMCO first constructs a network representing a criminal organization from either mobile communication data that belongs to the organization or crime incident reports. It adopts the concept space approach to automatically construct a network from crime incident reports. In such a network, a vertex represents an individual criminal, and a link represents the relationship between two criminals. SIIMCO employs formulas that quantify the degree of influence/importance of each vertex in the network relative to all other vertices. We present these formulas through a series of refinements. All the formulas incorporate novelweighting schemes for the edges of networks. We evaluated the quality of SIIMCO by comparing it experimentally with two other systems. Results showed marked improvement

    The Grizzly, February 1, 1985

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    Ursinus Dodges Enrollment Drought • USGA Candidate Petitions Due • Letter: Spanish Prof Encounters Alumnus • New Fogerty Album a Hit • The Beat Goes Public • pro Theatre • Swimmin\u27 Women Boost Record to 3-2 • Grapplers Win 6, Lose 1 • Injured Matman Won\u27t Quit • Mers and Vers Compete During Break • Men\u27s B-ball Defeat Moravian • Lady Bears Trying to Pull Out of Slump • Chinese Star Talks to Bootershttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/1131/thumbnail.jp