104 research outputs found

    Interpolative mapping of mean precipitation in the Baltic countries by using landscape characteristics

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    Maps of the long-term mean precipitation involving local landscape variables were generated for the Baltic countries, and the effectiveness of seven modelling methods was compared. The precipitation data were recorded in 245 meteorological stations in 1966–2005, and 51 location-related explanatory variables were used. The similarity-based reasoning in the Constud software system outperformed other methods according to the validation fit, except for spring. The multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS) was another effective method on average. The inclusion of landscape variables, compared to reverse distance-weighted interpolation, highlights the effect of uplands, larger water bodies and forested areas. The long-term mean amount of precipitation, calculated as the station average, probably underestimates the real value for Estonia and overestimates it for Lithuania due to the uneven distribution of observation stations

    The study of awareness of smoking as socially negative factor among Poltava citizens

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    В даний час тема куріння займає провідне місце в дослідженнях та дискусіях. Беручи до уваги, що Україна є лідером серед європейських країн по смертності від неінфекційних захворювань (серцево-судинні, онкологічні, респіраторні захворювання, діабет) - аж 86% усіх смертей. Тютюн є одним з провідних факторів ризику неінфекційних захворювань. Основний акцент у профілактичній роботі слід робити віковій групі 10-20 років. Важливо використовувати різноманітний формат роботи з аудиторією, включаючи роботу психологів, у санітарно-просвітницькій роботі. Також під час тематичних заходів зосереджувати увагу та підвищувати обізнаність людей про можливі інші наслідки тютюнопаління: хронічний бронхіт, ХОЗЛ та ін. Тема курения в настоящее время занимает ведущее место в исследованиях и дискуссиях. Принимая во внимание, что Украина является лидером среди европейских стран по смертности от неинфекционных заболеваний (сердечно-сосудистых, онкологических, респираторных заболеваний, диабета) - до 86% всех случаев смерти. Табак является одним из ведущих факторов риска неинфекционных заболеваний. Основной упор в профилактической работе должен быть сделан на возрастную группу 10-20 лет. Важно использовать различный формат работы с аудиторией, в том числе работу психологов, в санитарно-просветительской работе. Также во время тематических мероприятий необходимо сосредоточить внимание и повысить осведомленность людей о возможных других последствиях курения табака: хронический бронхит, ХОБЛ и другие. The topic of smoking is currently the leading place in research and discussion. Taking into account that Ukraine is the leader among the European countries in mortality from non-infectious diseases (cardiovascular, oncological, respiratory diseases, diabetes) - as much as 86% of all deaths. Tobacco is one of the leading risk factors for non-infectious diseases. The main emphasis in preventive work is to be done on the age group of 10-20 years. It is important to use the various format of work with the audience, including the work of psychologists, in the sanitary-educational work. Also, during thematic events to focus attention and increase awareness of people about the possible other consequences of tobacco smoking: chronic bronchitis, COPD, and others

    The Global Burden of Disease Study 2010: Interpretation and Implications for the Neglected Tropical Diseases

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    This article analyzes the "Global Burden of Disease Study 2010" and examines the study's implications for neglected tropical diseases

    Pharmacological Evaluation of Whole Plant Extract from Croton Bonplandianum Baill

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    From the study entitled “Pharmacological Evaluation of Whole Plant Extract from Croton bonplandianium” baill, the following conclusion could be drawn. • The present study has thus duly supported the traditional use of ethanolic extract of Croton bonplandianum have scientifically proved the antiulcer activity and anthelmintic activity. • Apart from the suggested actions listed in discussion part absence of acute toxicity may also offer a new hope for safe treatment in future. • Preliminary phytochemical study ethanolic extract of Croton bonplandianum was found to contain Carbohydrates, Protein, Steroids, Flavonoids, Alkaloids, Glycosides and Amino acids are present. • Presence of Alakaloids, Flavonoids and Glycosides in the ethanolic extract of Croton bonplandianum was concluded by HPTLC analysis. Through present in small quantities, it was found to produce considerable effects. • The results of present study indicate that the ethanolic extract ofc was non- toxic up to dose level of 2000mg/kg body weight in albino rats as per acute oral toxicity studies. 1/10th of the LD50 Dose is 200mg/kg is used for pharmacological screening. • Evaluation of antiulcer activity of ethanolic extract of Croton bonplandianum showed significant antiulcer activity property by the obtained significant results against Aspirin induced ulcer. From the results observed in the Aspirin induced ulcer, it may be concluded that the test compound at the dose of 200mg/kg body weight display a significant antiulcer activity compared to standard drug. • The ethanolic extract of Croton bonplandianum was subjected to the anthelmintic activity against Pheritima posthuma, showed a significant inhibitory effect at higher dose 100mg/10ml of Normal Saline. In future, further investigation might provide an insight to identify the functional groups in the ethanolic extract of Croton bonplandianum active responsible for the antiulcer activity and anthelmintic effect and to elucidate the exact mechanism of action, which is responsible for the observed significant activity with low toxicity and better therapeutic index

    Prevalence and clinical relevance of helminth co-infections among tuberculosis patients in urban Tanzania

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    Helminth infections can negatively affect the immunologic host control, which may increase the risk of progression from latent Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection to tuberculosis (TB) disease and alter the clinical presentation of TB. We assessed the prevalence and determined the clinical relevance of helminth co-infection among TB patients and household contact controls in urban Tanzania.; Between November 2013 and October 2015, we enrolled adult (≥18 years) sputum smear-positive TB patients and household contact controls without TB during an ongoing TB cohort study in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. We used Baermann, FLOTAC, Kato-Katz, point-of-care circulating cathodic antigen, and urine filtration to diagnose helminth infections. Multivariable logistic regression models with and without random effects for households were used to assess for associations between helminth infection and TB.; A total of 597 TB patients and 375 household contact controls were included. The median age was 33 years and 60.2% (585/972) were men. The prevalence of any helminth infection among TB patients was 31.8% (190/597) and 25.9% (97/375) among controls. Strongyloides stercoralis was the predominant helminth species (16.6%, 161), followed by hookworm (9.0%, 87) and Schistosoma mansoni (5.7%, 55). An infection with any helminth was not associated with TB (adjusted odds ratio (aOR) 1.26, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.88-1.80, p = 0.22), but S. mansoni infection was (aOR 2.15, 95% CI: 1.03-4.45, p = 0.040). Moreover, S. mansoni infection was associated with lower sputum bacterial load (aOR 2.63, 95% CI: 1.38-5.26, p = 0.004) and tended to have fewer lung cavitations (aOR 0.41, 95% CI: 0.12-1.16, p = 0.088).; S. mansoni infection was an independent risk factor for active TB and altered the clinical presentation in TB patients. These findings suggest a role for schistosomiasis in modulating the pathogenesis of human TB. Treatment of helminths should be considered in clinical management of TB and TB control programs

    Pharmacological Evaluation of Ethanolic Extract of Withania Coagulans Dunal (Flower Buds)

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    OBJECTIVE OF THE WORK:The plants are the key source of medicine in Ayurveda for treatment and prevention of diseases and maintenance of healthy life. The plants are used in medicine since antiquity. Much of the medicinal plants are documented in the Ancient Ayurvedic classics and these plants are still used successfully to treat different ailments. One of these plants which is used to treat various disease is Withania coagulans Dunal. The shrub is important for the property of coagulating milk, possessed by its berries; they are used for this purpose in North-West India and adjoining country. Withania coagulans are the most reputed medicinal plants of Ayurveda and has well-descript pharmacological activities such as physiological and metabolic restoration, anti-arthritic, anti-aging, cognitive function, improvement in geriatric states and recovery from neurodegenerative disorders.75, 132 Based on the literature review, it was planned to carry out the biological screening as outlined below To validate acute oral toxicity To study the behavioral coordination in rats To study the antiobesity activity in progesterone induced obese rats To study the antihyperlipidemic activity in fructose induced hyperlipidemic rats To study the analgesic activity To evaluate the antimicrobial activity and anthelmintic activity. CONCLUSION: From the study entitled "Pharmacological Evaluation of Withania coagulans Dunal (Flower buds), the following conclusion could be drawn The present study has thus duly supported the traditional use of Ethanolic Extract of Withania coagulans Dunal have scientifically proved the behavioral coordination, antiobesity, antihyperlipidemic, analgesic, anthelmintic, and antimicrobial activity. Apart from the suggested actions listed in discussion part absence of acute toxicity may also offer a new hope for safe treatment in future. Preliminary phytochemical study ethanolic extract of Withania coagulans Dunal was found to contain Carbohydrates, Protein, Steroids, Flavanoids, Alkaloids, Glycosides and Amino Acids are present. Presence of Alkaloids, Flavanoids and Glycosides in the ethanolic extract of Withania coagulans Dunal was concluded by IR & HPTLC analysis. Though present in small quantities, it was found to produce considerable effects The results of the present study indicate that the ethanolic extract of Withania coagulans was non-toxic up to dose level of 2000mg/kg body weight in albino rats as per acute oral toxicity studies. 1/10th of the LD50 Dose is 200mg/kg is used for Pharmacological screening Evaluation of anti-obesity activity of ethanolic extract of Withania coagulans showed significant anti obesity property by the obtained significant results against Progesterone induced obesity. From the results observed in the Progesterone induced obesity, it may be concluded that the test compound at the dose of 200mg/kg body weight displays a significant anti- obesity activity compared to standard drug Orlistat. The ethanolic extract of Withania coagulans at a dose of 200mg/kg exhibited significant hypolipidemic activity in Fructose induced hyperlipidemic rats. This is showed by the reduction of serum lipid parameters such as triglycerides, total cholesterol, LDL, VLDL, SGOT and SGPT with an increase in HDL concentration in the group treated with 200mg/kg of Ethanolic Extract of Withania coagulans. It is found that there is a significant reduction in the Serum glucose. The ethanolic extract of Withania coagulans was subjected to the Tail Flick Analgesic test, showed a significant inhibitory effect. The ethanolic extract of Withania coagulans was subjected to the Anthelmintic activity against Pheritima posthuma, showed a significant inhibitory effect at higher doses 75mg/10ml of Normal Saline & 100mg/10ml of Normal Saline. The ethanolic extract of Withania coagulans was subjected to the antimicrobial test, showed a significant inhibitory effect on both gram positive, gram negative bacteria and also fungi. In future, further investigation might provide an insight to identify the functional groups in the ethanolic extract of Withania coagulans active responsible for the behavioral coordination, antiobesity, antihyperlipidemic, analgesic, anthelmintic, and antimicrobial effect and to elucidate the exact mechanism of action, which is responsible for the observed significant activity with low toxicity and better therapeutic inde

    Recovering parasites from mummies and coprolites: An epidemiological approach

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    In the field of archaeological parasitology, researchers have long documented the distribution of parasites in archaeological time and space through the analysis of coprolites and human remains. This area of research defined the origin and migration of parasites through presence/absence studies. By the end of the 20th century, the field of pathoecology had emerged as researchers developed an interest in the ancient ecology of parasite transmission. Supporting studies were conducted to establish the relationships between parasites and humans, including cultural, subsistence, and ecological reconstructions. Parasite prevalence data were collected to infer the impact of parasitism on human health. In the last few decades, a paleoepidemiological approach has emerged with a focus on applying statistical techniques for quantification. The application of egg per gram (EPG) quantification methods provide data about parasites’ prevalence in ancient populations and also identify the pathological potential that parasitism presented in different time periods and geographic places. Herein, we compare the methods used in several laboratories for reporting parasite prevalence and EPG quantification. We present newer quantification methods to explore patterns of parasite overdispersion among ancient people. These new methods will be able to produce more realistic measures of parasite infections among people of the past. These measures allow researchers to compare epidemiological patterns in both ancient and modern populations