214,537 research outputs found

    The consequences of a mismatch between employee needs and job attributes in the information systems field : an empirical survey

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    Includes bibliography.The high turnover of IS staff in South Africa continues to be a source of concern to organisations relying on Information Technology. Such turnover is costly, and leads to delays in project completion; loss of valuable experience; and reductions in IS department productivity. One of the suggestions for reducing turnover that is frequently encountered in the literature is for organisations to implement a dual-career path for their IT staff. This advice is based on the assumption that IT personnel hold either a Managerial or Technical Career Orientation, and that the dual-career path will, therefore, meet the needs of all IT personnel. This study shows that such an assumption is invalid. As a group, IT professionals in South Africa are shown to have a wide diversity of career orientations. In addition, professionals with different career orientations are shown to be very different types of employee, having different needs and values, and exhibiting different levels of performance in the job. As expected, professionals also tend to occupy jobs that are most likely to fulfil their career orientations. Furthermore, IT professionals whose jobs are congruent with their orientations show significantly greater job and career satisfaction, higher organisational commitment, and less intention to leave their organisations, than their counterparts who experience a mismatch. In contrast, the matched group as a whole did not show superior perceived performance in the mismatched group, although certain orientations did exhibit such differences. It is critical that organisations take cognisance of the diversity of IT personnel in their employ, and adopt career planning and motivational strategies flexible enough to accommodate each orientation. This study has shown that the implementation of a dual-career path will satisfy a scant 10.2% of the individuals surveyed. Thus, greater focus by organisations on understanding the individual, and less on seeking to manage the IT profession as a group, will result in personnel experiencing greater satisfaction, as well as more commitment to, and less likelihood of leaving, their employing organisations. It is recommended that research is continued into the career orientations of IS personnel. Specifically, it would be valuable to improve and refine the instrument assembled in this study, the aim of producing a measure that researchers and, moreover, employers can utilise to assess how various jobs match the different career orientations known to exist. Also, it would be beneficial to examine further the performance levels of individuals in positions incompatible with their orientations, and to examine why different levels of performance between matched and mismatched individuals were exhibited by only certain of the orientations. Finally, research should be performed into the different career paths, positions and assignments most suited to the individual orientations, in order to enable organisations to achieve a better fit between the needs of the organisation, and the needs of the IT employee. It is recommended that research is continued into the career of IS personnel. Specifically, it would be valuable to improve and refine the instrument assembled in this study, with aim of producing a measure that researchers and, moreover, employers can utilise to assess how various jobs match the different career orientations known to it would be beneficial to examine further the performance levels of individuals positions incompatible with orientations, and to examine different levels of between matched and mismatched individuals were by only certain of the orientations. Finally, research should performed into the different career paths, positions and assignments most suited to the individual in order to enable organisations to achieve a between the needs of the and the needs of the employee

    Revolution or Evolution: The Transformation of Japanese Personnel Practices

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    [Excerpt] Ever since Japan reemerged as an economic power from the ruins of the World War II, it is striking how the pace and magnitude of economic and social changes facing the country continue to increase. The rapid growth of the late 1960s, the successive of oil shocks, the revaluation of the yen, the changes in global competitive position in many industries, the spread of information technology, the aging of the society, the enlargement of the middle class and consequent increase in discretionary consumption, all these factors have had a major impact on the organizational culture and climate in Japanese firms

    Work Alienation among IT Workers: A Cross-Cultural Gender Comparison

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    Information Technology (IT) has experienced a worrisome decline in female participation over two decades, much of which can be attributed to fewer women choosing IT careers. However, women IT professionals also demonstrate mid-career turnover for reasons such as work-life balance, work exhaustion, role ambiguity, role conflict, and growth needs. This study explores alienation among women IT professionals and examines factors that lead to work alienation and abandonment of IT careers. Such alienation appears to be less prevalent in Asian countries where women perceive IT careers to be more conducive to female participation. A comparison among women from American and Asian cultures is proposed


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    TĂ€mĂ€n opinnĂ€ytetyön aiheena oli laatia perehdytysopas ravintola La Bambaan uusien työntekijöiden ja perehdyttĂ€jien kĂ€yttöön. Tavoitteena oli tehdĂ€ kohdeyritykseemme toimiva perehdyttĂ€misopas, jonka tarkoitus on jatkossa toimia osana uuden työntekijĂ€n kehittymistĂ€. Tarkoituksena on tutkia mitĂ€ asioita perehdyttĂ€minen pitÀÀ sisĂ€llÀÀn, ja miten se tulisi toteuttaa yksilöidysti kaikille sopivaksi. Tavoitteena on myös tutkia perehdytystĂ€ osana uuden työntekijĂ€n kehittymistĂ€ uudesta tulokkaasta tulosta tekevĂ€ksi työntekijĂ€ksi. Henkilöstön kehittĂ€misellĂ€ tarkoitetaan tiedon, ammattitaidon ja työtaitojen yllĂ€pitoa ja kasvattamista, joilla turvataan henkilöstön selviytyminen nykyisistĂ€ ja tulevista työtehtĂ€vistĂ€. Henkilöstön kehittĂ€minen on kokonaisuus, johon osana kuuluvat henkilöstön valintaan liittyvĂ€t asiat ja henkilöstön perehdyttĂ€minen. PerehdyttĂ€minen on osa osaamisen kehittĂ€mistĂ€. Se voidaan nĂ€hdĂ€ investointina, jolla lisĂ€tÀÀn henkilöstön osaamista, parannetaan laatua, tuetaan työssĂ€ jaksamista ja vĂ€hennetÀÀn työtapaturmia ja poissaoloja. PerehdyttĂ€misprosessissa työntekijĂ€ perehdytetÀÀn muun muassa yrityksen organisaatioon ja toimintatapoihin, liikeideaan, henkilöstöstrategiaan ja organisaatioympĂ€ristöön. OpinnĂ€ytetyön empiriaosuudessa selvitettiin kohdeyrityksen työntekijöiden nĂ€kemyksiĂ€ yrityksen perehdyttĂ€misen nykytilasta sekĂ€ mahdollisia ideoita perehdyttĂ€misen kehittĂ€miseen ja heidĂ€n kehittymismahdollisuuksiaan yrityksessĂ€. Tulosten perusteella pohdittiin, kuinka perehdyttĂ€mistĂ€ voitaisiin parantaa kohdeyrityksessĂ€. Kyselyn tuloksia kĂ€ytettiin osittain apuna myös perehdyttĂ€misoppaan laadinnassa. Teoreettista tietoa ja kyselyn tuloksia verrattaessa kohdeyrityksen perehdyttĂ€misessĂ€ havaittiin puutteita. Jotkut työntekijĂ€t olivat tyytymĂ€ttömiĂ€ tĂ€mĂ€n hetkiseen perehdyttĂ€misprosessiin sekĂ€ perehdyttĂ€misen vastuujakoon. PyrkimĂ€llĂ€ luomaan kirjallisen perehdyttĂ€misoppaan suullisen perehdyttĂ€miskĂ€ytĂ€nnön rinnalle pyritÀÀn perehdyttĂ€mistĂ€ parantamaan kohdeyrityksessĂ€.The subject of this thesis was to create an orientation guide for the use of restaurant La Bamba’s new employees and superiors. The objective of this thesis was to create a functional orientation guide which is supposed to be used as a part of a new employee’s development. The meaning of this thesis is to research what the orientation process contains and how the process should be fulfilled for everyone individually. The objective of the thesis is also to study the orientation as a part of a new employee’s development from newcomer to a result-oriented worker. Human resource development means to maintain and increase knowledge, professional ability and workmanship. By these it is assured that the personnel manages the current and future, often more challenging work assignments. Human resource development is an entity which constitutes the issue of selecting personnel and their orientation. Orientation is a part of developing the know-how. Orientation may be seen as an investment which increases the knowledge of the human resource, improves the quality, supports managing in work and decreases the occupational accidents and absence. In the orientation process the employee is familiarized to company's organization, operation modes, business idea, personnel strategy and policy and the surroundings of the organization. In the empirical part this thesis' intent was to clarify case company's employees' views on the current state of company's orientation and some ideas for developing orientation and their possibilities to make progress in their career or work. On the basis of the results, ideas on improving the orientation were considered. The results were also partly used when the new orientation guide was created. When theoretical data and results of the survey were compared, some shortages in the case company's orientation were acknowledged. Some employees were dissatisfied on the current orientation process and responsibility sharing of the orientation. By creating a written orientation guide beside of the oral orientation convention, orientation could be improved in the case company

    Campus Update: September 1991 v. 3, no. 8

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    Monthly newsletter of the BU Medical Campu

    E-HRM: Innovation or irritation. An explorative empirical study in five large companies on web-based HRM

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    Technological optimistic voices assume that, from a technical perspective, the IT possibilities for HRM are endless: in principal all HR processes can be supported by IT. E-HRM is the relatively new term for this IT supported HRM, especially through the use of web technology. This paper aims at demystifying e-HRM by answering the following questions: what actually is e-HRM?, what are the goals of starting with e-HRM?, what types can be distinguished? and what are the outcomes of e-HRM? Based upon the literature, an e-HRM research model is developed and, guided by this model, five organizations have been studied that have already been on the "e-HR road" for a number of years. We conclude that the goals of e-HRM are mainly to improve HR's administrative efficiency/to achieve cost reduction. Next to this goals, international companies seem to use the introduction of e-HRM to standardize/harmonize HR policies and processes. Further, there is a 'gap' between e-HRM in a technical sense and e-HRM in a practical sense in the five companies involved in our study. Finally, e-HRM hardly helped to improve employee competences, but resulted in cost reduction and a reduction of the administrative burden

    Managing academic personnel flow at universities.

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    Universities experience increasing difficulty in staffing their academic positions. Attracting and retaining highly qualified employees in a general problem that has received much attention in recent HRM literature. But several authors have claimed that the academic career has lost much of its attractiveness. This paper presents seven levers that universities may use to enhance their recruitment and retention power on a difficult job market. Suggestions are based on experience from innovative organizations, both universities and business organizations. Special attention is given to the creation of multiple and flexible career paths within academia. We contend that a successful application of these suggestions will require major cultural and institutional change at universities.Retention; Market;

    Linking HRM and innovation: formulating the research agenda

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    The aim of this paper is to explore the extent to which innovation and HRM are interdependent; how effective human resource management can enhance innovation capabilities within the organisation and how innovation culture may drive a need to reshape HRM systems. Its key aim is to investigate the depth and breadth of extant research which analyses the relationships between systems of human resource management and capacity for innovation. With few exceptions, HRM and innovation have emerged as quite separate fields of research and our aim is to draw these closer together. This paper builds a number of research questions from the growing literature and relatively few research findings in this area, to form the basis of future research
