234 research outputs found

    Automatic Mapping of Atrial Fiber Orientations for Patient-Specific Modeling of Cardiac Electromechanics using Image-Registration

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    Knowledge of appropriate local fiber architecture is necessary to simulate patient-specific electromechanics in the human heart. However, it is not yet possible to reliably measure in-vivo fiber directions, especially in human atria. Thus, we present a method which defines the fiber architecture in arbitrarily shaped atria using image registration and reorientation methods based on atlas atria with fibers predefined from detailed histological observations. Thereby, it is possible to generate detailed fiber families in every new patient-specific geometry in an automated, time-efficient process. We demonstrate the good performance of the image registration and fiber definition on ten differently shaped human atria. Additionally, we show that characteristics of the electrophysiological activation pattern which appear in the atlas atria also appear in the patients' atria. We arrive at analogous conclusions for coupled electro-mechano-hemodynamical computations

    Nonparametric tests of structure for high angular resolution diffusion imaging in Q-space

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    High angular resolution diffusion imaging data is the observed characteristic function for the local diffusion of water molecules in tissue. This data is used to infer structural information in brain imaging. Nonparametric scalar measures are proposed to summarize such data, and to locally characterize spatial features of the diffusion probability density function (PDF), relying on the geometry of the characteristic function. Summary statistics are defined so that their distributions are, to first-order, both independent of nuisance parameters and also analytically tractable. The dominant direction of the diffusion at a spatial location (voxel) is determined, and a new set of axes are introduced in Fourier space. Variation quantified in these axes determines the local spatial properties of the diffusion density. Nonparametric hypothesis tests for determining whether the diffusion is unimodal, isotropic or multi-modal are proposed. More subtle characteristics of white-matter microstructure, such as the degree of anisotropy of the PDF and symmetry compared with a variety of asymmetric PDF alternatives, may be ascertained directly in the Fourier domain without parametric assumptions on the form of the diffusion PDF. We simulate a set of diffusion processes and characterize their local properties using the newly introduced summaries. We show how complex white-matter structures across multiple voxels exhibit clear ellipsoidal and asymmetric structure in simulation, and assess the performance of the statistics in clinically-acquired magnetic resonance imaging data.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/10-AOAS441 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Analysis of contrast-enhanced medical images.

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    Early detection of human organ diseases is of great importance for the accurate diagnosis and institution of appropriate therapies. This can potentially prevent progression to end-stage disease by detecting precursors that evaluate organ functionality. In addition, it also assists the clinicians for therapy evaluation, tracking diseases progression, and surgery operations. Advances in functional and contrast-enhanced (CE) medical images enabled accurate noninvasive evaluation of organ functionality due to their ability to provide superior anatomical and functional information about the tissue-of-interest. The main objective of this dissertation is to develop a computer-aided diagnostic (CAD) system for analyzing complex data from CE magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The developed CAD system has been tested in three case studies: (i) early detection of acute renal transplant rejection, (ii) evaluation of myocardial perfusion in patients with ischemic heart disease after heart attack; and (iii), early detection of prostate cancer. However, developing a noninvasive CAD system for the analysis of CE medical images is subject to multiple challenges, including, but are not limited to, image noise and inhomogeneity, nonlinear signal intensity changes of the images over the time course of data acquisition, appearances and shape changes (deformations) of the organ-of-interest during data acquisition, determination of the best features (indexes) that describe the perfusion of a contrast agent (CA) into the tissue. To address these challenges, this dissertation focuses on building new mathematical models and learning techniques that facilitate accurate analysis of CAs perfusion in living organs and include: (i) accurate mathematical models for the segmentation of the object-of-interest, which integrate object shape and appearance features in terms of pixel/voxel-wise image intensities and their spatial interactions; (ii) motion correction techniques that combine both global and local models, which exploit geometric features, rather than image intensities to avoid problems associated with nonlinear intensity variations of the CE images; (iii) fusion of multiple features using the genetic algorithm. The proposed techniques have been integrated into CAD systems that have been tested in, but not limited to, three clinical studies. First, a noninvasive CAD system is proposed for the early and accurate diagnosis of acute renal transplant rejection using dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI). Acute rejection–the immunological response of the human immune system to a foreign kidney–is the most sever cause of renal dysfunction among other diagnostic possibilities, including acute tubular necrosis and immune drug toxicity. In the U.S., approximately 17,736 renal transplants are performed annually, and given the limited number of donors, transplanted kidney salvage is an important medical concern. Thus far, biopsy remains the gold standard for the assessment of renal transplant dysfunction, but only as the last resort because of its invasive nature, high cost, and potential morbidity rates. The diagnostic results of the proposed CAD system, based on the analysis of 50 independent in-vivo cases were 96% with a 95% confidence interval. These results clearly demonstrate the promise of the proposed image-based diagnostic CAD system as a supplement to the current technologies, such as nuclear imaging and ultrasonography, to determine the type of kidney dysfunction. Second, a comprehensive CAD system is developed for the characterization of myocardial perfusion and clinical status in heart failure and novel myoregeneration therapy using cardiac first-pass MRI (FP-MRI). Heart failure is considered the most important cause of morbidity and mortality in cardiovascular disease, which affects approximately 6 million U.S. patients annually. Ischemic heart disease is considered the most common underlying cause of heart failure. Therefore, the detection of the heart failure in its earliest forms is essential to prevent its relentless progression to premature death. While current medical studies focus on detecting pathological tissue and assessing contractile function of the diseased heart, this dissertation address the key issue of the effects of the myoregeneration therapy on the associated blood nutrient supply. Quantitative and qualitative assessment in a cohort of 24 perfusion data sets demonstrated the ability of the proposed framework to reveal regional perfusion improvements with therapy, and transmural perfusion differences across the myocardial wall; thus, it can aid in follow-up on treatment for patients undergoing the myoregeneration therapy. Finally, an image-based CAD system for early detection of prostate cancer using DCE-MRI is introduced. Prostate cancer is the most frequently diagnosed malignancy among men and remains the second leading cause of cancer-related death in the USA with more than 238,000 new cases and a mortality rate of about 30,000 in 2013. Therefore, early diagnosis of prostate cancer can improve the effectiveness of treatment and increase the patient’s chance of survival. Currently, needle biopsy is the gold standard for the diagnosis of prostate cancer. However, it is an invasive procedure with high costs and potential morbidity rates. Additionally, it has a higher possibility of producing false positive diagnosis due to relatively small needle biopsy samples. Application of the proposed CAD yield promising results in a cohort of 30 patients that would, in the near future, represent a supplement of the current technologies to determine prostate cancer type. The developed techniques have been compared to the state-of-the-art methods and demonstrated higher accuracy as shown in this dissertation. The proposed models (higher-order spatial interaction models, shape models, motion correction models, and perfusion analysis models) can be used in many of today’s CAD applications for early detection of a variety of diseases and medical conditions, and are expected to notably amplify the accuracy of CAD decisions based on the automated analysis of CE images


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    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an imaging technique to visualize internal structures of the body. Diffusion MRI is an MRI modality that measures overall diffusion effect of molecules in vivo and non-invasively. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is an extended technique of diffusion MRI. The major application of DTI is to measure the location, orientation and anisotropy of fiber tracts in white matter. It enables non-invasive investigation of major neural pathways of human brain, namely tractography. As spatial resolution of MRI is limited, it is possible that there are multiple fiber bundles within the same voxel. However, diffusion tensor model is only capable of resolving a single direction. The goal of this dissertation is to investigate complex anatomical structures using high angular resolution diffusion imaging (HARDI) data without any assumption on the parameters. The dissertation starts with a study of the noise distribution of truncated MRI data. The noise is often not an issue in diffusion tensor model. However, in HARDI studies, with many more gradient directions being scanned, the number of repetitions of each gradient direction is often small to restrict total acquisition time, making signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) lower. Fitting complex diffusion models to data with reduced SNR is a major interest of this study. We focus on fitting diffusion models to data using maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) method, in which the noise distribution is used to maximize the likelihood. In addition to the parameters being estimated, we use likelihood values for model selection when multiple models are fit to the same data. The advantage of carrying out model selection after fitting the models is that both the quality of data and the quality of fitting results are taken into account. When it comes to tractography, we extend streamline method by using covariance of the estimated parameters to generate probabilistic tracts according to the uncertainty of local tract orientations

    Diffusion-weighted MRS and MRI : methods and neuro applications

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    Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance spectroscopy (DW-MRS) can play a key role in understanding neurobiological mechanisms of diseases that affect the human brain. The specific changes that occur within neurons can be reflected as changes in the diffusivity of tNAA, whereas the changes in glial cells can cause pronounced changes in the diffusivities of tCr and tCho. This information combined with that obtained from diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and other MRI tools can help elucidate various disease processes in the future. The main purposes of this thesis are (i) to investigate neuroanatomy in vivo with DW-MRS, (ii) to develop methodology to enable future clinical applications of the technique in human brain in vivo, and (iii) to characterize the microstructural deficit in neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematous (NPSLE) with DW-MRS and other microstructural tools such as DTI and magnetization transfer imaging. The studies presented in this thesis show the robustness and clinical relevance of microstructural information obtained via DW-MRS. The contributions of this thesis such as the optimized acquisition protocols for single volume DW-MRS, the robust DW-CSI and DW-MRS post-processing pipelines that comprise information from DTI, will all facilitate the applications of DW-MRS both for basic neuroscience research and clinical research studies.UBL - phd migration 201

    Improving the Tractography Pipeline: on Evaluation, Segmentation, and Visualization

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    Recent advances in tractography allow for connectomes to be constructed in vivo. These have applications for example in brain tumor surgery and understanding of brain development and diseases. The large size of the data produced by these methods lead to a variety problems, including how to evaluate tractography outputs, development of faster processing algorithms for tractography and clustering, and the development of advanced visualization methods for verification and exploration. This thesis presents several advances in these fields. First, an evaluation is presented for the robustness to noise of multiple commonly used tractography algorithms. It employs a Monte–Carlo simulation of measurement noise on a constructed ground truth dataset. As a result of this evaluation, evidence for obustness of global tractography is found, and algorithmic sources of uncertainty are identified. The second contribution is a fast clustering algorithm for tractography data based on k–means and vector fields for representing the flow of each cluster. It is demonstrated that this algorithm can handle large tractography datasets due to its linear time and memory complexity, and that it can effectively integrate interrupted fibers that would be rejected as outliers by other algorithms. Furthermore, a visualization for the exploration of structural connectomes is presented. It uses illustrative rendering techniques for efficient presentation of connecting fiber bundles in context in anatomical space. Visual hints are employed to improve the perception of spatial relations. Finally, a visualization method with application to exploration and verification of probabilistic tractography is presented, which improves on the previously presented Fiber Stippling technique. It is demonstrated that the method is able to show multiple overlapping tracts in context, and correctly present crossing fiber configurations

    Developing advanced mathematical models for detecting abnormalities in 2D/3D medical structures.

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    Detecting abnormalities in two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) medical structures is among the most interesting and challenging research areas in the medical imaging field. Obtaining the desired accurate automated quantification of abnormalities in medical structures is still very challenging. This is due to a large and constantly growing number of different objects of interest and associated abnormalities, large variations of their appearances and shapes in images, different medical imaging modalities, and associated changes of signal homogeneity and noise for each object. The main objective of this dissertation is to address these problems and to provide proper mathematical models and techniques that are capable of analyzing low and high resolution medical data and providing an accurate, automated analysis of the abnormalities in medical structures in terms of their area/volume, shape, and associated abnormal functionality. This dissertation presents different preliminary mathematical models and techniques that are applied in three case studies: (i) detecting abnormal tissue in the left ventricle (LV) wall of the heart from delayed contrast-enhanced cardiac magnetic resonance images (MRI), (ii) detecting local cardiac diseases based on estimating the functional strain metric from cardiac cine MRI, and (iii) identifying the abnormalities in the corpus callosum (CC) brain structure—the largest fiber bundle that connects the two hemispheres in the brain—for subjects that suffer from developmental brain disorders. For detecting the abnormal tissue in the heart, a graph-cut mathematical optimization model with a cost function that accounts for the object’s visual appearance and shape is used to segment the the inner cavity. The model is further integrated with a geometric model (i.e., a fast marching level set model) to segment the outer border of the myocardial wall (the LV). Then the abnormal tissue in the myocardium wall (also called dead tissue, pathological tissue, or infarct area) is identified based on a joint Markov-Gibbs random field (MGRF) model of the image and its region (segmentation) map that accounts for the pixel intensities and the spatial interactions between the pixels. Experiments with real in-vivo data and comparative results with ground truth (identified by a radiologist) and other approaches showed that the proposed framework can accurately detect the pathological tissue and can provide useful metrics for radiologists and clinicians. To estimate the strain from cardiac cine MRI, a novel method based on tracking the LV wall geometry is proposed. To achieve this goal, a partial differential equation (PDE) method is applied to track the LV wall points by solving the Laplace equation between the LV contours of each two successive image frames over the cardiac cycle. The main advantage of the proposed tracking method over traditional texture-based methods is its ability to track the movement and rotation of the LV wall based on tracking the geometric features of the inner, mid-, and outer walls of the LV. This overcomes noise sources that come from scanner and heart motion. To identify the abnormalities in the CC from brain MRI, the CCs are aligned using a rigid registration model and are segmented using a shape-appearance model. Then, they are mapped to a simple unified space for analysis. This work introduces a novel cylindrical mapping model, which is conformal (i.e., one to one transformation and bijective), that enables accurate 3D shape analysis of the CC in the cylindrical domain. The framework can detect abnormalities in all divisions of the CC (i.e., splenium, rostrum, genu and body). In addition, it offers a whole 3D analysis of the CC abnormalities instead of only area-based analysis as done by previous groups. The initial classification results based on the centerline length and CC thickness suggest that the proposed CC shape analysis is a promising supplement to the current techniques for diagnosing dyslexia. The proposed techniques in this dissertation have been successfully tested on complex synthetic and MR images and can be used to advantage in many of today’s clinical applications of computer-assisted medical diagnostics and intervention

    Imaging Pain And Brain Plasticity: A Longitudinal Structural Imaging Study

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    Chronic musculoskeletal pain is a leading cause of disability worldwide yet the mechanisms of chronification and neural responses to effective treatment remain elusive. Non-invasive imaging techniques are useful for investigating brain alterations associated with health and disease. Thus the overall goal of this dissertation was to investigate the white (WM) and grey matter (GM) structural differences in patients with musculoskeletal pain before and after psychotherapeutic intervention: cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). To aid in the interpretation of clinical findings, we used a novel porcine model of low back pain-like pathophysiology and developed a post-mortem, in situ, neuroimaging approach to facilitate translational investigation. The first objective of this dissertation (Chapter 2) was to identify structural brain alterations in chronic pain patients compared to healthy controls. To achieve this, we examined GM volume and diffusivity as well as WM metrics of complexity, density, and connectivity. Consistent with the literature, we observed robust differences in GM volume across a number of brain regions in chronic pain patients, however, findings of increased GM volume in several regions are in contrast to previous reports. We also identified WM changes, with pain patients exhibiting reduced WM density in tracts that project to descending pain modulatory regions as well as increased connectivity to default mode network structures, and bidirectional alterations in complexity. These findings may reflect network level dysfunction in patients with chronic pain. The second aim (Chapter 3) was to investigate reversibility or neuroplasticity of structural alterations in the chronic pain brain following CBT compared to an active control group. Longitudinal evaluation was carried out at baseline, following 11-week intervention, and a four-month follow-up. Similarly, we conducted structural brain assessments including GM morphometry and WM complexity and connectivity. We did not observe GM volumetric or WM connectivity changes, but we did discover differences in WM complexity after therapy and at follow-up visits. To facilitate mechanistic investigation of pain related brain changes, we used a novel porcine model of low back pain-like pathophysiology (Chapter 6). This model replicates hallmarks of chronic pain, such as soft tissue injury and movement alteration. We also developed a novel protocol to perform translational post-mortem, in situ, neuroimaging in our porcine model to reproduce WM and GM findings observed in humans, followed by a unique perfusion and immersion fixation protocol to enable histological assessment (Chapter 4). In conclusion, our clinical data suggest robust structural brain alterations in patients with chronic pain as compared to healthy individuals and in response to therapeutic intervention. However, the mechanism of these brain changes remains unknown. Therefore, we propose to use a porcine model of musculoskeletal pain with a novel neuroimaging protocol to promote mechanistic investigation and expand our interpretation of clinical findings

    Combined brain language connectivity and intraoperative neurophysiologic techniques in awake craniotomy for eloquent-area brain tumor resection

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    Speech processing can be disturbed by primary brain tumors (PBT). Improvement of presurgical planning techniques decrease neurological morbidity associated to tumor resection during awake craniotomy. The aims of this work were: 1. To perform Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging based tractography (DKI-tract) in the detection of brain tracts involved in language; 2. To investigate which factors contribute to functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) maps in predicting eloquent language regional reorganization; 3. To determine the technical aspects of accelerometric (ACC) recording of speech during surgery. DKI-tracts were streamlined using a 1.5T magnetic resonance scanner. Number of tracts and fiber pathways were compared between DKI and standard Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) in healthy subjects (HS) and PBT patients. fMRI data were acquired using task-specific and resting-state paradigms during language and motor tasks. After testing intraoperative fMRI’s influence on direct cortical stimulation (DCS) number of stimuli, graph-theory measures were extracted and analyzed. Regarding speech recording, ACC signals were recorded after evaluating neck positions and filter bandwidths. To test this method, language disturbances were recorded in patients with dysphonia and after applying DCS in the inferior frontal gyrus. In contrast, HS reaction time was recorded during speech execution. DKI-tract showed increased number of arcuate fascicle tracts in PBT patients. Lower spurious tracts were identified with DKI-tract. Intraoperative fMRI and DCS showed similar stimuli in comparison with DCS alone. Increased local centrality accompanied language ipsilateral and contralateral reorganization. ACC recordings showed minor artifact contamination when placed at the suprasternal notch using a 20-200 Hz filter bandwidth. Patients with dysphonia showed decreased amplitude and frequency in comparison with HS. ACC detected an additional 11% disturbances after DCS, and a shortening of latency within the presence of a loud stimuli during speech execution. This work improved current knowledge on presurgical planning techniques based on brain structural and functional neuroimaging connectivity, and speech recordingA função linguística do ser humano pode ser afetada pela presença de tumores cerebrais (TC) A melhoria de técnicas de planeamento pré-cirurgico diminui a morbilidade neurológica iatrogénica associada ao seu tratamento cirúrgico. O objetivo deste trabalho é: 1. Testar a fiabilidade da tractografia estimada por difusor de kurtose (tract-DKI), dos feixes cerebrais envolvidos na linguagem 2. Identificar os fatores que contribuem para o mapeamento linguagem por ressonância magnética funcional (RMf) na predição da neuroplasticidade. 3. Identificar aspetos técnicos do registo da linguagem por accelerometria (ACC). A DKI-tract foi estimada após realização de RM cerebral com 1.5T. O número e percurso das fibras foi avaliado. A RMf foi adquirida durante realização de tarefas linguísticas, motoras, e em repouso. Foi testada influência dos mapas de ativação calculados por RMf, no número de estímulos realizados durante a estimulação direta cortical (EDC) intraoperatória. Medidas de conectividade foram extraídas de regiões cerebrais. A posição e filtragem de sinal ACC foram estudadas após vocalização de palavras. O sinal ACC obtido em voluntários foi comparado com doentes disfónicos, após estimulação do giro inferior frontal, e após a adição de um estímulo sonoro perturbador durante vocalização. A tract-DKI estimou um elevado número de fascículos do feixe arcuato com menos falsos negativos. Os mapas linguísticos de RMf intraoperatória, não influenciou a EDC. Medidas de centralidade aumentaram após neuroplasticidade ipsilateral e contralateral. A posição supraesternal e a filtragem de sinal ACC entre 20-200Hz demonstrou menor ruido de contaminação. Este método identificou diminuição de frequência e amplitude em doentes com disfonia, 11% de erros linguísticos adicionais após estimulação e diminuição do tempo de latência quando presente o sinal sonoro perturbador. Este trabalho promoveu a utilização de novas técnicas no planeamento pré-cirúrgico do doente com tumor cerebral e alterações da linguagem através do estudo de conectividade estrutural, funcional e registo da linguagem
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