361 research outputs found

    The relationship between real estate investment trusts and building-centric telecommunications providers

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Architecture, 2000.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 55-57).This exploratory paper will examine the business relationships that have developed between REITs and building-centric telecommunications providers (BCTPs), including what types of business relationships are being formed between them, why they are being formed and what is important about these relationships. It shall be demonstrated that though there are a number of driving forces behind the proliferation of the REIT/BCTP relationship, including direct economic benefits to REITs and the influence of Wall Street, it is the indirect economic benefits that ultimately drives this relationship.by Mark Goldstein.S.M

    Creation of value with open source software in the telecommunications field

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    Tese de doutoramento. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 200

    Crummer SunTrust Portfolio Recommendations: Crummer Investment Management

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    The following report will walk you through this analysis beginning with an economic outlook, which in turn influences our portfolio design. The designated sector analysts then assess the portfolio holdings of each sector and determine whether the positions align with our forecast. This assessment includes a broad sector outlook, as well as a fundamental outlook for each individual holding. The decision to buy, hold, or sell is based on the sector analysts’ valuation. Finally, the report concludes with an overall portfolio assessment given the proposed changes supported by mean variance efficiency and a value at risk diagnosis

    The e-health opportunity for the telecommunication industry and Portugal Telecom: a case study

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    JEL classification system: M10 - General Business Administration; I100 - Health: GeneralElectronic-Health (e-health) is a recent answer to some pressing challenges on health. Aging of western societies and treatments’ rising costs raised doubts about health systems’ sustainability. Individuals, companies and public administration alike are looking for technology to find aid in addressing these challenges. Several industries are tacking those issues offering innovative solutions among which Telecommunication’s. Nonetheless, this industry is facing challenges from over-the-top players menacing its business model. Portugal Telecom shares these challenges and is looking to diversify to guarantee future growth, namely, by developing in e-health solutions. This case study follows two important threads in strategy literature: diversification and the resource-based view, applied Portugal Telecom and the e-health opportunity. As a case study, it aims providing readers a tool to better understand and employ strategic management concepts and frameworks in an applied business context. E-health as an opportunity for growth to Telecommunication companies and Portugal Telecom is described from three points of view: i) an actual market need ii) that may be addressed by Telecommunication companies and iii) should be addressed by those companies as they need to grow. It is shown how increasing concern with health issues by individuals, general public, companies and public administration is driving technology to find innovative answers to those same issues (i). Then, it is explained how Telcos may and in fact are addressing those issues, namely, by developing e-health solutions for their customers (ii). Finally, it is argued why Telcos should address this opportunity due their eroding revenues and margins (iii).‘Electronic-health’ (e-saúde) é uma resposta recente a alguns desafios na saúde. O envelhecimento das sociedades ocidentais e custos crescentes dos tratamentos levantaram dúvidas acerca da sustentabilidade do sistema de saúde. Indivíduos, empresas e administração pública procuram tecnologia capaz de ajudá-los a enfrentar esses desafios. Várias indústrias endereçam esses problemas oferecendo soluções inovadoras, incluindo a indústria das telecomunicações. Porém, esta indústria enfrenta desafios de concorrentes ‘over-the-top’ que ameaçam o seu modelo de negócio. A Portugal Telecom partilha estes desafios e procura diversificar o negócio para garantir crescimento futuro, desenvolvendo soluções de e-Saúde. Este estudo de caso segue duas linhas da literatura de gestão: diversificação e a visão baseada-em-recursos, aplicada à Portugal Telecom e à oportunidade da e-saúde. Como estudo de caso, procura oferecer aos leitores uma ferramenta para melhor compreender e empregar conceitos / enquadramentos teóricos de gestão estratégica num contexto de negócio. A e-saúde como oportunidade de crescimento para empresas de Telecomunicações e a Portugal Telecom é descrita sob três perspetivas: i) uma necessidade real do mercado ii) que pode ser endereçada por empresas de Telecomunicações e iii) deve ser endereçada por essas empresas que precisam de crescer. Mostra-se como a preocupação crescente com problemas de saúde pelos indivíduos, público geral, empresas e administração pública tem levado a respostas tecnológicas inovadoras para esses problemas (i). Posteriormente, explica-se como as Telcos podem e estão a endereçar esses problemas, nomeadamente, via soluções de e-saúde (ii). Finalmente, argumenta-se porque devem as Telcos endereçar esta oportunidade devido à erosão de receitas e margens (iii)

    Interactions and Policy-Making: Civil Society Perspectives on the Multistakeholder Internet Governance Process in India

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    This paper examines India’s experience in developing national Internet policy by focusing on interactions among stakeholders in the Internet governance process. The paper begins by tracing the history of telecom policies in India along with the development of its IT sector as well as its civil society. It identifies the tensions, opportunities and threats that India has experienced in its Internet policy-making. It then reviews India’s legislative and policy history from the IT Act of 2000 onward, noting the intentions and limitations of India’s framework of Internet governance. A notable aspect of the paper involves a series of interviews with civil society stakeholders involved in India’s Internet governance debates. These interviews are used to identify patterns of interaction among different stakeholders, and to understand the underlying power dynamics in India’s policy-making process

    Globalization of pharmaceutical R&D. Pharmaceutical R&D governance forms in People's Republic of China

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    Yrityksen selviytyminen ja menestyminen ovat riippuvaisia sen kyvystä innovoida, luoda tietoa ja hyödyntää tietämystä ja keksintöjä (Dunk ja Kilgore 2001). Yrityksen menestyminen erityisesti korkean teknologian alalla on siten suoraan riippuvainen sen T&T:stä, johon tehdyt investoinnit tuovat merkittäviä taloudellisia etuja yritykselle uusien tuotteiden, palveluiden ja prosessien muodossa (McEvily ja Chakravarthy 1999). Teknologinen etumatka ja sen tuotteistaminen innovatiivisiksi tarjoamiksi mahdollistaa monopolististen etujen saavuttamisen yrityksen kansainvälisessä kilpailussa (Lall 1977). Tämä kaltainen kilpailuetu voidaan saavuttaa yrityksen kyvyllä yhdistää maantieteellisesti hajautettu T&T:nsä tehokkaaksi verkostoksi (Porter 1986). Boehen (2008) mukaan T&T:n globalisoitumista voidaan johtaa eri hallintömuodoilla: T&T:n kansainvälistymisellä, T&T:n ulkomaille sijoittamisella ja T&T ulkomaille ulkoistamisella. T&T:n globalisoituminen on osa 2000-luvun taloudellista muutosta, ja sille on esitetty useita vaikuttavia tekijöitä, kuten kustannuserot, työvoimaresurssit, erityisosaamiskeskukset, paikallinen teknologia osaaminen ja kohdemarkkinoiden potentiaali (bardhan 2006; Norwood, ym. 2006; von Zedtwitz ja Gassmann 2002). Tutkimuksen on osoitettu eroavan tuotekehityksestä ja eri tekijöiden on osoitettu vaikuttavan niihin (von Zedtwitz ja Gassmann 2002; Leifer ja Triscari 1987). Samoin T&T on osoitettu olevan jatkumo perustavanlaatuisesta soveltavaan ja lääkekehityksen muodostavan vastaavan T&T jatkumon (Lall 1980; Iansiti 1993), jonka yksittäiset osat vaikuttavat sen hallintomuotoon. Tutkimus esittää eri tekijöitä voivan hyödyntää hallintomuodosta riippuen. Tätä tutkimusta varten tutkija haastatteli lääketeollisuuden johtajia Kiinassa vahvistaakseen tai hylätäkseen eri tekijöitä ja niiden suhdetta lääketeollisen T&T:n hallintomuotoihin. Markkinoiden todettiin olevan ensisijainen tekijä mutta myös kustannuserojen, insentiivien, työvoimaresurssien ja erityisosaamiskeskusten merkitys T&T:n globalisoitumiseen vaikuttavina tekijöinä vahvistettiin yhdessä perusvaatimusten ja riskitekijöiden kanssa. Tutkimuksessa vahvistetaan myös lääketeollisen T&T-jatkumon vaikutus ja esitetään viitekehys hallintomuodoille.Firm's survival and success, which are dependent on its ability to innovate, to create knowledge and to capitalize on inventions and know-how, is in essence directly linked to its R&D process (Dunk and Kilgore 2001). Especially in technology driven industries, such as the pharmaceuticals, there are significant positive returns to R&D investments through introduction of new or improved products and services (McEvily and Chakravarthy 1999). Technological lead and its transformation to innovative products as fruits of corporate R&D can be seen as monopolistic advantage that helps enterprises to compete in today’s market (Lall 1977). This competitive advantage can be derived from corporation's ability to integrate its activities across geographic locations (Porter 1986). According to Boehe (2008) globalization of R&D can executed with different governance forms: R&D internationalization, R&D offshoring or R&D offshore outsourcing. Globalization of R&D is intervened with the changes in global economy of the 21st century. Some studies argue for its influencing factors to be access to vast skilled labor pools and centers of excellence (Bardhan 2006). Other studies indicate the R&D cost differentials between countries to be the major expected benefit (Norwood et al. 2006). Von Zedtwitz and Gassmann (2002) presented benefits as divided to accessing markets and customers or to accessing local science and technology. This study proposes that based on governance form distinct factor derived benefits can be capitalized. To corroborate or refute factors and their relations on R&D globalization governance forms, an empirical study based on expert interviews of pharmaceutical directors was conducted in the People's Republic of China. The market was found to be the major influencing factor. Local requirements and adaptation were corroborated as factors connected with markets. Furthermore, influencing factors, such as labour, centers of excellence, cost, financial incentives were corroborated together with conditional and risk factors. Furthermore this research argues that the globalization of pharmaceutical R&D is dependent on the financial, scientific and operational requirements of the drug discovery stage. And thus establishes the influence of drug discovery's stages continuum on pharmaceutical R&D globalization. Finally, a R&D globalization governance form decision framework is proposed based on the frameworks presented in literature and author's corroborated empirical findings.siirretty Doriast