596 research outputs found

    Gamification in Education Context: The Intention, The Design, and The Result

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    Gamification has been widely adopted in many areas, including in the educational context. The students need to be motivated in following the learning process because everyone feels happy to learn if there is no coercion. By presenting something fun and enjoyable, students are expected to be more involved in the learning process, which will achieve better learning outcomes. Gamification is very reliable in bringing fun and pleasure to the learning process for the students. We analyze three items from the previous study; the intention and what the goals are expected, how to design, and the result of gamification in the education context. We found the intentions of gamification adoption in an educational context. They are to increase students' motivation to learn and present an alternative learning method that is more fun and enjoyable. And for the success of this gamification program, a game application can be developed using existing sophisticated technology and by presenting a reward system mechanism. The presence of points, badges, and leader boards cannot be separated from the gamification because it is a very inherent gamification feature to motivate students to play the game. Getting students to use the games intensively is not the only result we expect, but it also makes students learn better to produce good learning outcomes

    Cyberspace and Real-World Behavioral Relationships: Towards the Application of Internet Search Queries to Identify Individuals At-risk for Suicide

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    The Internet has become an integral and pervasive aspect of society. Not surprisingly, the growth of ecommerce has led to focused research on identifying relationships between user behavior in cyberspace and the real world - retailers are tracking items customers are viewing and purchasing in order to recommend additional products and to better direct advertising. As the relationship between online search patterns and real-world behavior becomes more understood, the practice is likely to expand to other applications. Indeed, Google Flu Trends has implemented an algorithm that accurately charts the relationship between the number of people searching for flu-related topics on the Internet, and the number of people who actually have flu symptoms in that region. Because the results are real-time, studies show Google Flu Trends estimates are typically two weeks ahead of the Center for Disease Control. The Air Force has devoted considerable resources to suicide awareness and prevention. Despite these efforts, suicide rates have remained largely unaffected. The Air Force Suicide Prevention Program assists family, friends, and co-workers of airmen in recognizing and discussing behavioral changes with at-risk individuals. Based on other successes in correlating behaviors in cyberspace and the real world, is it possible to leverage online activities to help identify individuals that exhibit suicidal or depression-related symptoms? This research explores the notion of using Internet search queries to classify individuals with common search patterns. Text mining was performed on user search histories for a one-month period from nine Air Force installations. The search histories were clustered based on search term probabilities, providing the ability to identify relationships between individuals searching for common terms. Analysis was then performed to identify relationships between individuals searching for key terms associated with suicide, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress

    Konzepte fĂĽr Datensicherheit und Datenschutz in mobilen Anwendungen

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    Smart Devices und insbesondere Smartphones nehmen eine immer wichtigere Rolle in unserem Leben ein. Aufgrund einer kontinuierlich anwachsenden Akkulaufzeit können diese Geräte nahezu ununterbrochen mitgeführt und genutzt werden. Zusätzlich sorgen stetig günstiger werdende Mobilfunktarife und ansteigende Datenraten dafür, dass den Nutzern mit diesen Geräten eine immerwährende Verbindung zum Internet zur Verfügung steht. Smart Devices sind dadurch nicht mehr reine Kommunikationsmittel sondern ebenfalls Informationsquellen. Darüber hinaus gibt es eine Vielzahl an Anwendungen von Drittanbietern für diese Geräte. Dank der darin verbauten Sensoren, können darauf beispielsweise ortsbasierte Anwendungen, Gesundheitsanwendungen oder Anwendungen für die Industrie 4.0 ausgeführt werden, um nur einige zu nennen. Solche Anwendungen stellen allerdings nicht nur ein großes Nutzen-, sondern zu gleich ein immenses Gefahrenpotential dar. Über die Sensoren können die unterschiedlichsten Kontextdaten erfasst und relativ präzise Rückschlüsse auf den Nutzer gezogen werden. Daher sollte bei diesen Geräten ein besonderes Augenmerk auf die Datensicherheit und insbesondere auf den Datenschutz gelegt werden. Betrachtet man allerdings die bestehenden Datensicherheits- und Datenschutzkomponenten in den aktuell vorherrschenden mobilen Plattformen, so fällt auf, dass keine der Plattformen die speziellen Anforderungen an ein mobiles Datensicherheits- und Datenschutzsystem zufriedenstellend erfüllt. Aus diesem Grund steht im Zentrum der vorliegende Arbeit die Konzeption und Umsetzung neuartiger Datensicherheits- und Datenschutzkonzepte für mobile Anwendungen. Hierfür werden die folgenden fünf Forschungsbeiträge erbracht: [FB1] Bestehende Datensicherheits- und Datenschutzkonzepte werden analysiert, um deren Schwachstellen zu identifizieren. [FB2] Ein kontextsensitives Berechtigungsmodell wird erstellt. [FB3] Das Berechtigungsmodell wird in einem flexiblen Datenschutzsystem konzeptionell eingebettet und anschließend implementiert. [FB4] Das Datenschutzsystem wird zu einem holistischen Sicherheitssystem erweitert. [FB5] Das daraus entstandene holistische Sicherheitssystem wird evaluiert. Um die Forschungsziele zu erreichen, wird mit dem Privacy Policy Model (PPM) ein gänzlich neues Modell zur Formulierung von feingranularen Berechtigungsregeln eingeführt, die es dem Nutzer ermöglichen, je nach Bedarf, einzelne Funktionseinheiten einer Anwendung zu deaktivieren, um dadurch die Zugriffsrechte der Anwendung einzuschränken. Zusätzlich kann der Nutzer auch die Genauigkeit der Daten, die der Anwendung zur Verfügung gestellt werden, reduzieren. Das PPM wird in der Privacy Policy Platform (PMP) implementiert. Die PMP ist ein Berechtigungssystem, das nicht nur für die Einhaltung der Datenschutzrichtlinien sorgt, sondern auch einige der Schutzziele der Datensicherheit erfüllt. Für die PMP werden mehrere Implementierungsstrategien diskutiert und deren Vor- und Nachteile gegeneinander abgewogen. Um neben den Datenschutz auch die Datensicherheit gewährleisten zu können, wird die PMP um den Secure Data Container (SDC) erweitert. Mit dem SDC können sensible Daten sicher gespeichert und zwischen Anwendungen ausgetauscht werden. Die Anwendbarkeit der PMP und des SDCs wird an Praxisbeispielen aus vier unterschiedlichen Domänen (ortsbasierte Anwendungen, Gesundheitsanwendungen, Anwendungen in der Industrie 4.0 und Anwendungen für das Internet der Dinge) demonstriert. Bei dieser Analyse zeigt sich, dass die Kombination aus PMP und SDC nicht nur sämtliche Schutzziele, die im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit relevant sind und sich am ISO-Standard ISO/IEC 27000:2009 orientieren, erfüllt, sondern darüber hinaus sehr performant ist. Durch die Verwendung der PMP und des SDCs kann der Akkuverbrauch von Anwendungen halbiert werden

    Born Every Minute : Reworking the Mythology of the American Medicine Show

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    This thesis investigates the historical American medicine show of 1880-1900 through the lens of contemporaneous social and cultural debates, primarily regarding class and race relations. The medicine show pitchmen, the central figure of the medicine show, is the progeny of the confidence man of the mid to late-nineteenth century, best personified through the autobiographies of Benjamin Franklin and P.T. Barnum and novels of Herman Melville and Mark Twain. The confidence man utilized a performative identity directed towards the assumed needs and desires of his audience, which gave him a purely pragmatic orientation. As the confidence man filtered through emerging forms of popular entertainment, he found his place in the traveling medicine show in the figure of the medicine man. In many ways, the medicine show functioned as a cultural arena in which the concerns of rural audiences about the ongoing professionalization of the classes, specifically within the medical profession, were investigated and manipulated

    Playin’ the city : artistic and scientific approaches to playful urban arts

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    An Theorien und Diskussionen über die Stadt mangelt es nicht, denn Städte dienen uns u.a. als Projektionsfläche zur Auseinandersetzung mit unserer Vergangenheit, der Gegenwart und unserer Zukunft. Diese Ausgabe 1 (2016) der Navigationen untersucht spielerische Formen dieser Auseinandersetzung in und mit der Stadt durch die sogenannten playful urban arts.The city has been discussed and theorized widely, and it continues to serve as a space in which our sense of the present, past, and future is constantly negotiated. This issue 1 (2016) of Navigationen examines new ways of engaging with cities through what are called the playful urban arts. Playful engagements with the urban environment frequently strive to create new ways of imagining and experiencing the city. In and through play, city spaces can become playgrounds that have the potential to transform people’s sense of themselves as human actors in an urban network of spatially bound and socio-economically grounded actions. Emerging from the playin’siegen urban games festival 2015, the essays and panel discussions assembled in this issue provide an interdisciplinary account of the contemporary playful urban arts. Wiht contributions by Miguel Sicart, Andreas Rauscher, Daniel Stein, Judith Ackermann and Martin Reiche, Michael Straeubig and Sebastian Quack, Marianne Halblaub Miranda and Martin Knöll, and Anne Lena Hartman


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    This PhD investigates the role of digital media in optimising visitor engagement with non-visible outdoor heritage. Motivated by concerns that digital media products developed for the heritage sector might not be reaching their potential to enrich the visit experience and concerned about a lack of clarity as to what constitutes visitor engagement; this thesis proposes guidance for the production of interpretive digital media and a framework for visitor engagement. Cultural heritage sites featured in this study are characteristically outdoor locations; frequently non-stewarded with very little tangible evidence of the historical or cultural relevance of the site. The unique potential of digital media products to address the specific challenges of engaging visitors with invisible heritage in these locations is discussed within this thesis. The practice of interpreting heritage is investigated to identify the processes, stages, experiences and behavioural states associated with a high level of engagement. Visitor engagement is defined in this study as being a transformational experience in which the visitor’s emotional and/or cognitive relationship with the heritage is altered. This is achieved when the visitor sufficiently experiences appropriate states of engagement across all stages of the visitor engagement framework. This study proposes guidance to advise and support heritage professionals and their associated designers in the design, development and implementation of interpretive digital media products. Within this guide sits the engagement framework which proposes a framework for engagement, defining the stages (process) and the states (experiences and behaviours) of visitor engagement with cultural heritage. In using this resource the cultural heritage practitioner can be confident of their capacity to run and deliver interpretive digital media projects regardless of their expertise in design or technology. This thesis proposes that well designed interpretive digital media can optimise the engagement of visitors in ways which cannot be achieved by any other single method of interpretation. This PhD contributes a design guide and an engagement framework to the existing field of knowledge regarding interpretive digital design

    Promoting wellness and reducing stigma through accessible sex education: A human centered design approach

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    This project explores ways to promote wellness and knowledge and reduce the stigma surrounding sexuality and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) by using a mobile platform to create accessible sexual education. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, young people ages 15 to 24 in the United States are disproportionately affected by STDs. Though they only comprise one-quarter of the sexually active population, teens and young adults account for one-half of all new STDs each year in the United States. Additionally, over half of adults aged 18 to 44 have never been tested for an STD other than HIV/AIDS. Gaps in STD-related knowledge, barriers to health care, and social stigma are major contributors to these discrepancies. This paper describes the research and design progression for the SexEd app, a mobile-optimized website that presents sexual health information in a way that is both comprehensive and accessible for teens and young adults. The research phase of this project presented new discoveries and problems, which generated new opportunities to create a meaningful and delightful solution for the user. Intentional design was used to craft an experience that is authentic and meaningful; each feature and aspect of the visual design within the app were shaped with the target user in mind, from the typography and the copy to the imagery and the illustration styling. Although this thesis project began as an exploration of sexual health knowledge among young people, it evolved into a digital experience that could be used to both combat STD-related stigma and expand sexual health knowledge. The goal of the SexEd app is to promote healthy sexual relationships and wellness while reducing STD-related stigma
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