48 research outputs found

    The Brain at War: Stress-Related Losses and Recovery-Related

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    Stress ist Teil unseres Lebens und unsere Stressreaktion oft adaptiv. Unter extremen Bedingungen oder chronischem Stress kann diese Stressantwort jedoch maladaptiv werden und das Gehirn, Verhalten und Kognition negativ beeinflussen. Die Erfahrung von militĂ€rischen Kampfeinsatz ist eine spezifische Form von anhaltendem Stress, die aufgrund einer zunehmenden Anzahl und zunehmender IntensitĂ€t militĂ€rischer Konflikte auf der ganzen Welt an Bedeutung gewinnt. In der vorliegenden Dissertation untersuche ich stressbedingte Verluste und erholungsbedingte Gewinne der grauen Hirnsubstanz, hauptsĂ€chlich in militĂ€rischen Populationen. Diese Dissertation trĂ€gt auf vier Wegen zum Wissen ĂŒber die Beziehung zwischen Stress und Gehirn bei: Sie untersucht (a) den Zusammenhang zwischen Stressbelastung und Gehirn in subklinischen Populationen, (b) mögliche funktionelle Mechanismen fĂŒr die Entwicklung und Aufrechterhaltung von Posttraumatischer Belastungsstörung (PTBS) bedingt durch militĂ€rischen Einsatz, (c) VerĂ€nderungen im Volumen der grauen Substanz nach therapeutischen Interventionen fĂŒr einsatzbedingte PTBS, und (d) die neuronalen Korrelate der SymptomĂŒbertreibung in PTBS. Die Dissertation ist publikationsorientiert und besteht aus sechs Artikeln. Zum Zeitpunkt der Einreichung sind Artikel I, Artikel II, Artikel III und Artikel IV veröffentlicht. Artikel V und Artikel VI wurden eingereicht und werden derzeit ĂŒberprĂŒft.Stress is an unavoidable part of life and the stress response is often highly adaptive. However, under conditions of extreme or chronic stress, the stress response can become maladaptive and can negatively impact the brain, behavior, and cognition. Combat exposure is a specific instantiation of prolonged stress, and one that is growing in relevance due to an increasing number and escalating intensity of military conflicts across the globe. In this dissertation, I investigate stress-related losses and recovery-related gains in gray matter volume, mainly in combat-exposed military populations. The present dissertation contributes to knowledge about the relationship between stress and the brain in four ways: (a) it investigates the relationship between stress exposure and the brain in subclinical populations, (b) it investigates potential functional mechanisms for the development and maintenance of combat-related posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), (c) it investigates alterations in grey matter volume following therapeutic interventions for combat-related PTSD, and (d) it investigates the neural correlates of symptom exaggeration in PTSD. The dissertation is publication-orientated and consists of six papers. At the time of submission, Paper I, Paper II, Paper III and Paper IV have been published. Paper V and Paper VI have been submitted and are currently under review

    State and trait characteristics of early course major depressive disorder

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    Contains fulltext : 109595.pdf (Publisher’s version ) (Open Access)Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, 21 december 2012Promotores : Buitelaar, J.K., Fernandez, G.S.E. Co-promotor : Tendolkar, I

    Amygdala-VolumenverĂ€nderung bei Depression? Entwicklung und Anwendung eines Segmentierprotokolls fĂŒr hochauflösende MRT

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    Die unipolare Depression ist eine weltweit fĂŒhrende Ursache von ArbeitsunfĂ€higkeit und Verlust an LebensqualitĂ€t. Es besteht daher ein großes Interesse an der Erforschung ihrer Pathogenese. In verschiedenen Hirnregionen wurden neuroanatomische Depressionsnetzwerke identifiziert in denen die Amygdala, ein Kerngebiet des limbischen Systems, einen der Knotenpunkte darstellt. Mittels morphometrischer Messungen im MRT wurden bei depressiven Menschen VolumenverĂ€nderungen der Amygdala festgestellt, bisherige Ergebnisse waren jedoch nicht einheitlich. GrĂŒnde fĂŒr diese Divergenz sind möglicherweise nicht nur Unterschiede in den Segmentierprotokollen, sondern auch bisher unbekannte EinflussgrĂ¶ĂŸen des Amygdalavolumens. Nach Evaluation bisheriger Segmentierprotokolle und ihrer neuroradiologischen Grenzlinien wurde in dieser Arbeit ein neues Protokoll zur Anwendung bei hoch auflösenden 3-Tesla-MR-Tomogrammen entwickelt. Durch die hohe QualitĂ€t der MRT und die im neuen Protokoll angewendete schrittweise Segmentierung aller drei Raumebenen konnte ein hoch reliables und valides Messinstrument des Amygdalavolumens entwickelt werden. Eine Anwendung dieses Protokolls auf MRT von depressiven Menschen und Gesunden zeigte eine signifikante bilaterale Volumenminderung der Amygdala bei Erkrankten. Es bestand ein Zusammenhang zwischen der Erkrankungsdauer und dem Ausmaß der Volumenminderung der rechten Amygdala. Die MRT-Morphometrie gibt methodenbedingt (QualitĂ€tsverlust unter anderem durch Digitalisierung im MRT und durch Messungenauigkeit bei der Segmentierung) nur ein indirektes Abbild der tatsĂ€chlichen Neuroanatomie wieder. Trotz fehlender Genauigkeit absoluter Messungen ist es aber möglich, relative ZusammenhĂ€nge aufzuweisen. Durch eine zukĂŒnftige weitere Verbesserung der MR-Technik und fĂŒr die BildqualitĂ€t optimierte Segmentierprotokolle wird die Messungenauigkeit sinken; die Verzerrung zwischen der Amygdala in vivo und ihrem segmentierten Abbild wird weiter minimiert werden. Perspektivisch ist eine Vereinheitlichung der Protokolle und Messinstrumente wĂŒnschenswert. So könnten die Ergebnisse verschiedener Studien miteinander verglichen und damit pathologische Muster leichter identifiziert werden

    Commonalities and differences between schizophrenia and bipolar disorder

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    Cognitive and Brain Imaging Changes in Parkinsonism

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    The present thesis comprises three main parts: one theoretical and two experimental. The first part, composed of two chapters, will introduce the clinical and neuropathological features underlying parkinsonian disorders, namely in Parkinson’s disease (PD) as well as in atypical parkinsonisms — multiple system atrophy (MSA) and progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) (Chapter 1). In this regard, PD and MSA are defined as synucleinopathies due to the presence of synuclein aggregates; while PSP that is characterized by tau protein accumulations, is part of tauopathies. Further, Chapter 2 will provide an overview of the cognitive dysfunctions characterizing these disorders, as well as evidence on the biological mechanisms and structural changes underlying cognitive alterations. The second and third parts are composed by studies I conducted during my doctoral research. Namely, in Chapter 3, I report results of my studies on cognitive screening instruments most sensitive in detecting cognitive alterations in atypical parkinsonisms compared to PD. In the following study, I characterized the progression of cognitive decline in these disorders (Chapter 4). Finally, I investigated with magnetic resonance imaging the structural changes underlying cognitive alterations in PD (Chapter 5), and MSA (Chapter 6). I conclude this thesis by discussing the clinical consequences of these cognitive and imaging findings (Chapter 7). PART I - Theoretical background Chapter 1: Parkinsonian disorders Parkinsonian disorders are characterized by different underlying pathologies. In PD and MSA there are synuclein aggregates respectively in dopamine neurons or in glial cells, while PSP patients present pathological aggregation of the tau-protein, resulting in neurofibrillary tangles formation (Daniel, de Bruin, & Lees, 1995; Dickson, 1999). Clinical manifestations depend by the characteristics of protein aggregation and by the extent of disease spread to cortical and subcortical regions (Halliday, Holton, Revesz, & Dickson, 2011). Thus, the present chapter will overview the underlying pathology of PD, MSA and PSP; and it will describe the different clinical features; and lastly review the most recent diagnostic criteria (e.g., Gelb, Oliver, & Gilman, 1999; Gilman et al., 2008; Höglinger et al., 2017). Chapter 2: Cognitive features and their underlying mechanisms in parkinsonian disorders Non-motor symptoms represent a crucial part of the parkinsonian disorders spectrum; and cognitive dysfunctions, including dementia, are probably the most relevant, since they affect functional independence of patients, increase caregiver burden as well as wield a considerable socioeconomic impact (Keranen et al., 2003; McCrone et al., 2011; Vossius, Larsen, Janvin, & Aarsland, 2011). The first part of this chapter will provide an overview on cognitive dysfunctions in PD, MSA, and PSP. Moreover, the clinical criteria for the diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment and dementia in PD will be reported (Dubois et al., 2007; Emre et al., 2007; Litvan et al., 2012), while so far there are no available criteria to assess cognitive syndromes in PSP and MSA. Lastly, the second and third parts of this chapter will review the evidence on biological mechanisms and structural changes underlying cognitive alterations in these disorders. PART II - Studies on cognitive manifestations in parkinsonian disorders Chapter 3: Montreal Cognitive Assessment and Mini-Mental State Examination performance in progressive supranuclear palsy, multiple system atrophy and Parkinson’s disease There is general agreement that cognitive dysfunctions are common in PD as well as in other parkinsonian disorders (Aarsland et al., 2017; Brown et al., 2010; Gerstenecker, 2017). Brief screening cognitive scales can be adopted in routine care, to support the clinician in the diagnostic process (Marras, Troster, Kulisevsky, & Stebbins, 2014). The Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) is the most widely used (Folstein, Folstein, & McHugh, 1975) although MMSE is relatively insensitive in detecting cognitive deficits in parkinsonian disorders mainly because it does not investigate the fronto-executive domain (Hoops et al., 2009). Conversely, the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA), another brief cognitive screening tool widely used with PD patients (Nasreddine et al., 2005), showed high sensitivity and specificity in the assessment of cognitive dysfunctions in PD (Gill, Freshman, Blender, & Ravina, 2008; Hoops et al., 2009; Zadikoff et al., 2008), as well as also in several neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease, dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) and Huntington’s disease (Biundo et al., 2016b; Hoops et al., 2009; Nasreddine et al., 2005; Videnovic et al., 2010). However, MoCA has been poorly investigated in atypical parkinsonisms — especially in PSP and MSA (Kawahara et al., 2015). Thus, this study’s main aim was to determine if MoCA is more sensitive than the commonly used MMSE in detecting cognitive abnormalities in patients with probable PSP and MSA, compared to PD. In this multicenter study across three European institutions, MMSE and MoCA were administered to 130 patients: 35 MSA, 30 PSP and 65 age, and education and sex matched-PD. We assessed between-group differences for MMSE, MoCA, and their subitems and calculated receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves. Our results show that the mean MMSE is higher than the mean MoCA score in each patient group: MSA (27.7 ± 2.4 vs. 22.9 ± 3.0, p<0.0001), PSP (26.0 ± 2.9 vs. 18.2 ± 3.9, p<0.0001), and PD (27.3 ± 2.0 vs. 22.3 ± 3.5, p<0.0001). Furthermore, MoCA total score as well as its letter fluency subitem differentiates PSP from MSA and PD with high specificity and moderate sensitivity. Namely, a cut-off score of seven words or less per minute would support a diagnosis of PSP (PSP vs. PD: 86% specificity, 70% sensitivity; PSP vs. MSA: 71% specificity, 70% sensitivity). On the contrary, MMSE presented a ceiling effect for most subitems, except for the ‘bisecting pentagons’, with PSP performing worse than MSA and PD patients. These findings suggest that PSP and MSA, similar to PD patients, may present normal performance on MMSE, but reduced performance on MoCA. To conclude, MoCA is more sensitive than MMSE in detecting cognitive dysfunctions in atypical parkinsonisms, and together with its verbal fluency subitem can be a valuable test to support PSP diagnosis. Chapter 4: Prospective assessment of cognitive dysfunctions in parkinsonian disorders Clinical and research evidence suggests cognitive impairments in parkinsonian disorders are progressive. However, there are only a few longitudinal studies in the literature that investigated cognitive progression in PSP and MSA compared to PD (Dubois & Pillon, 2005; Rittman et al., 2013; Soliveri, 2000). In addition, previous studies are based on brief cognitive screening scales or on neuropsychological assessments that do not extensively investigate the full spectrum of cognitive abilities across the five cognitive domains (i.e., attention/working-memory, executive, memory, visuospatial and language). Furthermore, even though clinical criteria for mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and dementia in PD have been formulated (Dubois et al., 2007; Litvan et al., 2012), it remains to be investigated whether similar criteria might be applied also for atypical parkinsonisms (Marras et al., 2014). Based on these observations, the aims of the present study were to: i) assess the severity of cognitive dysfunctions in PSP and MSA patients using PD-criteria for cognitive statuses (i.e., MCI or dementia); ii) investigate the sensitivity of two widely used cognitive screening instruments, the MMSE and MoCA, in differentiating MSA, PSP and PD global cognitive profile; iii) characterize the progression of cognitive decline on the five cognitive domains and behavioral features; and to compare the 15-month follow-up profile across the parkinsonian diseases. Our sample included 18 patients with PSP, 12 MSA; and 30 PD patients, matched for age, education and sex. They were evaluated at baseline and at a mean of 15-month follow-up. Demographic and clinical variables were collected. From the cognitive standpoint, I selected a comprehensive neuropsychological battery specifically designed to target cognitive deficits in PD, according to Level II criteria (Dubois et al., 2007; Litvan et al., 2012; Marras et al., 2014). Thus, I applied these criteria also to MSA and PSP since there are no published criteria for atypical parkinsonisms. Statistical non-parametric analyses were used. I found PSP patients had more severe cognitive decline compared to PD and MSA. Namely, after 15-month follow-up, we noted a marked decline in the executive and language domains in the PSP group. Baseline and follow-up evaluations agreed, showing that PSP had a worse performance than PD and MSA patients: especially, in the Stroop test, verbal fluencies (semantic and phonemic) and MoCA. Assessing the severity of cognitive deficits, I found different percentages of cognitive status (i.e., normal cognition vs. MCI vs. dementia) among the three groups. In particular, the percentage of patients with dementia was higher in PSP compared to MSA (33% vs. no patients with dementia) even if disease duration was similar. Among MSA and PSP patients with multidomain MCI at baseline only PSP converted to dementia at follow-up. Then, although the disease duration was longer for PD patients compared with PSP, the proportion of patients who converted to dementia was lower in the PD group compared to PSP (7% vs. 16%), despite both groups having had similar baseline severity of MCI. Overall, these results suggest more rapid and severe cognitive decline in PSP while MSA patients generally have milder deficits. MoCA showed higher sensitivity than MMSE in detecting cognitive changes, especially in PSP. But MoCA was less sensitive than MMSE in detecting cognitive decline at 15-month in PD, suggesting that MMSE is better if one wants to track cognitive changes in PD. Neuropsychiatric features are more common in PSP than PD patients, especially apathy with accompanying low levels of anxiety and depression. Lastly, analysis of subitems revealed that PSP patients had a ‘clinically significant’ worsening after 15-month in the attentive/executive subitems (Trial Making Test part B and Clock drawing). But it has been observed that some patients also improved in specific subtasks at the follow-up. This improvement could be related to their higher medication dose (although the dopaminergic treatment was not significantly different between the baseline and follow-up). However, noteworthy alterations in performance have been seen for subitems sensitive to motor conditions (such as drawing figures and linking circles with a pen), which could affect cognitive outcome, leading to higher performance at follow-up. These limits of MoCA and MMSE scale have already been reported in PD patients (Biundo et al., 2016b; Hu et al., 2014), and maybe are more pronounced in atypical parkinsonisms. Taken together, these findings show that PSP patients were markedly impaired in comparison to the other parkinsonian disorders (MSA and PD) and six years after first symptoms, 33 percent of patients have dementia. This severe progression is possibly associated with the distribution of tau pathology that involves also cortical structures. On the contrary, the pattern of cognitive impairment in MSA is less severe, possibly due to the predominance of subcortical pathology with cortical involvement occurring only secondary to these abnormalities. Thus, these findings recommend using cognitive assessment to help differential diagnosis in atypical parkinsonisms, and to monitor disease progression. PART III - Neuroimaging studies of synucleinopathies Chapter 5: Amyloid depositions affect cognitive and motor manifestations in Parkinson’s disease Cognitive deficits, particularly executive problems, can be observed early in PD (Aarsland, Bronnick, Larsen, Tysnes, & Alves, 2009). Dysfunction of the frontostriatal dopaminergic system may influence the presence of executive and attention problems (Bruck, Aalto, Nurmi, Bergman, & Rinne, 2005), but so far, evidence from dopamine transporter (DAT) imaging are inconsistent (Delgado-Alvarado, Gago, Navalpotro-Gomez, Jimenez-Urbieta, & Rodriguez-Oroz, 2016). In this regard, the neuropathology underlying cognitive impairment in PD is heterogeneous (Irwin, Lee, & Trojanowski, 2013; Kehagia, Barker, & Robbins, 2010) and amyloid deposit involvement with synuclein pathology remains poorly defined, particularly in the disease’s early stages. Thus, this study’s aims were to investigate the interplay between amyloid depositions in frontostriatal pathways, striatal dopaminergic deficit and brain atrophy rates; and their contribution to cognitive defects (i.e., fronto-executive functions) in early-PD. A multicenter cohort of 33 PD patients from the Parkinson's Progression Markers Initiative underwent [18F]florbetaben positron emission tomography (PET) amyloid, [123I]FP-CIT (see Abbreviations List) single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), clinical and selective cognitive evaluations. Our results showed that high amyloid levels were associated with reduced dopaminergic deficits in the dorsal striatum (as compared to low amyloid levels), increased brain atrophy in frontal and occipital regions and a tendency to show more frequent cognitive impairment in global cognition (as assessed by MoCA) and fronto-executive tests. Of note, amyloid depositions in frontostriatal regions were inversely correlated with cognitive performance. Overall, our findings suggest that early-PD patients with amyloid burden have higher brain atrophy rates and may experience more cognitive dysfunctions (i.e., executive) and motor impairment as compared to amyloid negative subjects. In this regard, our results seem to be aligned with a recent neuropathological hypothesis that considers synaptic axonal damage and dysfunction as the PD key feature (Tagliaferro & Burke, 2016). Indeed, dopaminergic system neurons are particularly vulnerable to synuclein pathology due to their axonal characteristics — long, thin and unmyelinated. This is also confirmed by imaging studies with DAT-binding PET (Caminiti et al., 2017), suggesting that synuclein aggregations in PD can affect synaptic function, and thus signal transmission from the disease’s very early stages. Our findings suggested a possible interaction between synuclein and the coincident amyloid pathology, wherein amyloid burden may facilitate the spread of synuclein (i.e., Lewy bodies) (Toledo et al., 2016), and we speculate that this interaction can further contribute to axonal vulnerability. Thus, consistently with this hypothesis, we conclude that possibly amyloid depositions act synergistically with synuclein pathology and affect PD clinical manifestations. Chapter 6: Brain structural profile of multiple system atrophy patients with cognitive impairment In contrast to other synucleinopathies (e.g., PD and DLB), presence of dementia is considered a non-supporting feature for MSA diagnosis (Gilman et al., 2008), however there is growing evidence that MSA patients can experience cognitive impairment ranging from executive dysfunctions to multiple-domain cognitive deficits, and in a few cases, also dementia (Gerstenecker, 2017). MMSE is a commonly used global cognitive scale and recently a large multicenter study has suggested using a cutoff score below 27 to increase the MMSE sensitivity in identifying cognitive dysfunctions in MSA (Auzou et al., 2015). Underlying mechanisms of cognitive impairment in MSA are still not understood, and in this regard evidence from MRI studies suggested a discrete cortical and subcortical contribution to explain cognitive deficits (Kim et al., 2015; Lee et al., 2016a), even though these findings were based on a relatively small number of patients at various disease stages as well as being single-center. Thus, the aim of our multicenter study was to better characterize the anatomical changes associated with cognitive impairment in MSA and to further investigate the cortical and subcortical structural differences in comparison to a sample of healthy subjects. We examined retrospectively 72 probable MSA patients and based on the MMSE threshold below 27, we defined 50 MSA as cognitively normal (MSA-NC) and 22 with cognitive impairment (MSA-CI). We directly compared the MSA subgroup, and further compared them to 36 healthy subjects using gray- and white-matter voxel-based morphometry and fully automated subcortical segmentation. Compared to healthy subjects, MSA patients showed widespread cortical (i.e., bilateral frontal, occipito-temporal, and parietal areas), subcortical, and white matter alterations. However, the direct comparison MSA-CI showed only focal volume reduction in the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex compared with MSA-NC. These findings suggest only a marginal contribution of cortical pathology to cognitive deficits in MSA. Hence, we suggest that cognitive alterations are driven by focal frontostriatal degeneration that is in line with the concept of ‘subcortical cognitive impairment’

    Etude en imagerie par résonance magnétique des substrats neuro-anatomiques de la dépression sub-syndromique chez l'adolescent

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    Neuroimaging findings have been reported in emotional regions in both adults and adolescents with depression but it still remains unknown whether such brain alterations can be detected before depression onset or reflect disease progression. Although subthreshold-depression in adolescence is a condition at risk for Major Depressive Disorder, not all youths with subthreshold depression will develop full-syndrome depression. Thus, studying brain correlates of subthreshold-depression in adolescence may inform on the pathophysiology of depression. We used clinical and, T1 weighted and diffusion magnetic resonance imaging data from the IMAGEN study, an European and population-based cohort of 2131 adolescents recruited from secondary schools at age 14 and followed-up at age 16. Regional gray and white matter morphometry and white matter microstructure were compared between adolescents with subthreshold-depression and healthy control adolescents. Macro and micro structural brain changes were found in adolescents with subthreshold-depression in regions involved in Major Depressive Disorder. The relation between subthreshold-depression at baseline and clinical depression at follow-up was mediated by lower medial-prefrontal gray matter volume in girls and by lower fractional anisotropy in tracts projecting from the corpus callosum to the anterior cingulate cortex in both sexes. The findings suggest that subthreshold-depression in early adolescence is associated with structural volumetric and connectivity changes in emotion-regulation circuits, and that some of these changes might denote high risk for later clinical depression.Des anomalies macro et micro-structurales des rĂ©seaux cĂ©rĂ©braux impliquĂ©s dans la rĂ©gulation Ă©motionnelle ont Ă©tĂ© observĂ©es chez des adolescents et des adultes prĂ©sentant un trouble dĂ©pressif majeur. Cependant, on ignore si ces anomalies se dĂ©veloppent au fur et Ă  mesure de la maladie dĂ©pressive ou si elles sont prĂ©sentes avant. La dĂ©pression sub-syndromique de l’adolescent Ă©tant associĂ©e Ă  un risque Ă©levĂ©, mais non systĂ©matique, de dĂ©velopper ultĂ©rieurement un trouble dĂ©pressif majeur, l'Ă©tude des corrĂ©lats neuro-anatomiques qui lui sont associĂ©es pourrait apporter des informations sur la physiopathologie de la dĂ©pression. Nous avons utilisĂ© les donnĂ©es cliniques et d’Imagerie par RĂ©sonance MagnĂ©tique pondĂ©rĂ©e en T1 et en diffusion de l’étude europĂ©enne IMAGEN portant sur 2131 adolescents recrutĂ©s en population gĂ©nĂ©rale Ă  14 ans, puis rĂ©Ă©valuĂ©s Ă  16 ans, afin de comparer les donnĂ©es d’adolescents prĂ©sentant une dĂ©pression sub-syndromique Ă  celles d’adolescents non dĂ©primĂ©s. Nous avons mis en Ă©vidence des changements structuraux chez des adolescents prĂ©sentant une dĂ©pression sub-syndromique dans des rĂ©gions impliquĂ©es dans la dĂ©pression. La relation entre dĂ©pression sub-syndromique Ă  14 ans et dĂ©pression clinique Ă  16 ans Ă©tait en partie expliquĂ©e par un plus petit volume de cortex prĂ©frontal mĂ©dian chez les filles et par de plus faibles valeurs de fraction d’anisotropie dans les faisceaux connectant le corps calleux au cortex cingulaire antĂ©rieur chez les deux sexes. A l’adolescence, des changements cĂ©rĂ©braux dans des rĂ©gions impliquĂ©es dans la rĂ©gulation Ă©motionnelle semblent ĂȘtre associĂ©s Ă  un risque accru de transition vers des formes syndromiques de dĂ©pression