10 research outputs found

    The evolution of privacy regulation : convergence and divergence in the transatlantic space

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    Thèse en cotutelle : Université Laval, Québec, Canada et University of Warwick, Coventry, Royaume-uni.Cette thèse porte sur l'évolution des réglementations relatives à la protection de la vie privée dans l'espace transatlantique de 1995 à 2016. Elle examine plus spécifiquement comment les règles régissant l'utilisation des données personnelles par des entreprises privées aux États-Unis et dans l'Union européenne ont été constituées au fil des interactions entre des acteurs publics et privés au sein de ces deux juridictions. Jusqu'à maintenant, les études s'intéressant à l'évolution de cadres réglementaires nationaux avaient tendance à les présenter comme des unités d'analyse indépendantes. Bien que pouvant s'influencer, notamment par le biais de négociations interétatiques, leur processus décisionnel était vu comme fondamentalement distinct. Le point de départ de cette thèse est différent. Ma recherche met de l'avant que le nombre croissant d'interactions entre des acteurs répartis dans différentes juridictions créent un environnement réglementaire complexe qui affecte les processus de création et d'adoption de règles à travers deux principaux mécanismes: l'exploitation et l'exploration. Le premier maintient que les acteurs publics et privés adoptant des règles en matière de protection des données privées auront tendance à exploiter celles d'acteurs avec qui ils ont précédemment interagis; le deuxième soutient que lorsque ces règles apparaissent comme insuffisantes ces acteurs innovent en se basant sur ces mêmes interactions. La constitution des règles en matière de protection des données privées est ainsi toujours comprise en terme relationnel ou systémique, plutôt que comme un processus individuel. Sur la base d'un mélange d'analyse de contenu et de réseau, je démontre plus précisément que les acteurs privés en Europe et aux États-Unis sont devenus des vecteurs de convergence réglementaire en exploitant les règles de leurs partenaires. Je souligne de plus que ces mêmes acteurs privés ont participé à la création de nouvelles règles en matière de protection des données privées en s'inspirant de leurs précédentes interactions. J'explique cependant qu'en créant de la fragmentation, la multiplication de réglementations a limité l'intérêt d'acteurs privés à innover et créer nouvelles règles. En plus de contribuer à la littérature sur la vie privée et d'introduire une nouvelle base de données sur les règles de protection des données adoptées au cours des 20 dernières années dans la zone transatlantique, cette thèse met en évidence comment l'interdépendance économique bouleverse les processus réglementaires nationaux et remet en question de nombreuses frontières prises pour acquises en économie politique internationale.This thesis explores the evolution of privacy regulations in the transatlantic space since the adoption of the European Data Directive in 1995 up until the adoption of the General Data Protection Regulation in 2016. In doing so, it more specifically investigates how the rules governing the use of personal data by private companies in the United States and the European Union were formed through the interactions between public and private actors in both jurisdictions. Looking at the process of rule formation, previous works have traditionally viewed national regulatory systems as discrete units of analysis that could affect one another and yet always remained fundamentally distinct. The starting point of this thesis is different. It considers that each jurisdiction's regulatory process is continuously shaped by decisions taken in the other and that through their interactions they actually form a complex governance system that evolves based on two joint processes: exploitation and exploration. The former emphasizes that privacy regulators will generally tend to exploit the data protection rules of those with whom they previously had direct interactions. Meanwhile, the latter highlights that when preexisting rules prove to be insufficient, privacy regulators will explore new ones based on the very same interactions and relation to the broader system. The formation of data protection rules is thus always understood in relational or systemic terms, rather than an individual process. Based on a mix of content and network analysis, I further demonstrate that by exploiting preexisting rules private actors offered a new institutional avenue for public rules to cross national frontiers and promote greater regulatory convergence. At the same time, the multiplication of privacy regulations and data protection rules adopted by private actors created second-order information asymmetries, which in turn limited their interest in exploring new ideas and experimenting with new data protection rules. In addition to contributing to the literature on privacy and introducing a novel database on data protection rules adopted over the last 20 years in the transatlantic area, this thesis highlights how growing economic interdependence upends national regulatory processes and brings into question many of the assumed boundaries in the study of international political economy

    Equity Matters 2016: Digital and Online Learning for Students with Disabilities

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    The Center on Online Learning for Students with Disabilities (COLSD) has released the 2016 version of its annual publication Equity Matters: Digital and Online Learning for Students with Disabilities. This year’s publication focuses on promising practices for addressing the needs of students with disabilities in full-time virtual, blended, and supplemental online settings. The publication summarizes state and territorial policies related to students with disabilities, research on students with disabilities in online settings, the shifting roles of parents and teachers in K-12 virtual education, and state educational agency responsibilities

    The evolution of privacy regulation: convergence and divergence in the transatlantic space

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    This thesis explores the evolution of privacy regulations in the transatlantic space since the adoption of the European Data Directive in 1995 up until the adoption of the General Data Protection Regulation in 2016. In doing so, it more specifically investigates how the rules governing the use of personal data by private companies in the United States and the European Union were formed through the interactions between public and private actors in both jurisdictions. Looking at the process of rule formation, previous works have traditionally viewed national regulatory systems as discrete units of analysis that could affect one another and yet always remained fundamentally distinct. The starting point of this thesis is different. It considers that each jurisdiction’s regulatory process is continuously shaped by decisions taken in the other and that through their interactions they actually form a complex governance system that evolves based on two joint processes: exploitation and exploration. The former emphasizes that privacy regulators will generally tend to exploit the data protection rules of those with whom they previously had direct interactions. Meanwhile, the latter highlights that when preexisting rules prove to be insufficient, privacy regulators will explore new ones based on the very same interactions and relation to the broader system. The formation of data protection rules is thus always understood in relational or systemic terms, rather than an individual process. Based on a mix of content and network analysis, I further demonstrate that by exploiting preexisting rules private actors offered a new institutional avenue for public rules to cross national frontiers and promote greater regulatory convergence. At the same time, the multiplication of privacy regulations and data protection rules adopted by private actors created second-order information asymmetries, which in turn limited their interest in exploring new ideas and experimenting with new data protection rules. In addition to contributing to the literature on privacy and introducing a novel database on data protection rules adopted over the last 20 years in the transatlantic area, this thesis highlights how growing economic interdependence upends national regulatory processes and brings into question many of the assumed boundaries in the study of international political economy

    Internet of Things (IoT) for Automated and Smart Applications

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    Internet of Things (IoT) is a recent technology paradigm that creates a global network of machines and devices that are capable of communicating with each other. Security cameras, sensors, vehicles, buildings, and software are examples of devices that can exchange data between each other. IoT is recognized as one of the most important areas of future technologies and is gaining vast recognition in a wide range of applications and fields related to smart homes and cities, military, education, hospitals, homeland security systems, transportation and autonomous connected cars, agriculture, intelligent shopping systems, and other modern technologies. This book explores the most important IoT automated and smart applications to help the reader understand the principle of using IoT in such applications

    University catalog, 2016-2017

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    The catalog is a comprehensive reference for your academic studies. It includes a list of all degree programs offered at MU, including bachelors, masters, specialists, doctorates, minors, certificates, and emphasis areas. It details the university wide requirements, the curricular requirements for each program, and in some cases provides a sample plan of study. The catalog includes a complete listing and description of approved courses. It also provides information on academic policies, contact information for supporting offices, and a complete listing of faculty members. -- Page 3

    AICPA technical practice aids as of June 1, 2014

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    AICPA technical practice aids as of June 1, 2013

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    University catalog, 2017-18

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