36 research outputs found

    Learning to Backdoor Federated Learning

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    In a federated learning (FL) system, malicious participants can easily embed backdoors into the aggregated model while maintaining the model's performance on the main task. To this end, various defenses, including training stage aggregation-based defenses and post-training mitigation defenses, have been proposed recently. While these defenses obtain reasonable performance against existing backdoor attacks, which are mainly heuristics based, we show that they are insufficient in the face of more advanced attacks. In particular, we propose a general reinforcement learning-based backdoor attack framework where the attacker first trains a (non-myopic) attack policy using a simulator built upon its local data and common knowledge on the FL system, which is then applied during actual FL training. Our attack framework is both adaptive and flexible and achieves strong attack performance and durability even under state-of-the-art defenses

    A First Order Meta Stackelberg Method for Robust Federated Learning (Technical Report)

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    Recent research efforts indicate that federated learning (FL) systems are vulnerable to a variety of security breaches. While numerous defense strategies have been suggested, they are mainly designed to counter specific attack patterns and lack adaptability, rendering them less effective when facing uncertain or adaptive threats. This work models adversarial FL as a Bayesian Stackelberg Markov game (BSMG) between the defender and the attacker to address the lack of adaptability to uncertain adaptive attacks. We further devise an effective meta-learning technique to solve for the Stackelberg equilibrium, leading to a resilient and adaptable defense. The experiment results suggest that our meta-Stackelberg learning approach excels in combating intense model poisoning and backdoor attacks of indeterminate types

    XMAM:X-raying Models with A Matrix to Reveal Backdoor Attacks for Federated Learning

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    Federated Learning (FL) has received increasing attention due to its privacy protection capability. However, the base algorithm FedAvg is vulnerable when it suffers from so-called backdoor attacks. Former researchers proposed several robust aggregation methods. Unfortunately, many of these aggregation methods are unable to defend against backdoor attacks. What's more, the attackers recently have proposed some hiding methods that further improve backdoor attacks' stealthiness, making all the existing robust aggregation methods fail. To tackle the threat of backdoor attacks, we propose a new aggregation method, X-raying Models with A Matrix (XMAM), to reveal the malicious local model updates submitted by the backdoor attackers. Since we observe that the output of the Softmax layer exhibits distinguishable patterns between malicious and benign updates, we focus on the Softmax layer's output in which the backdoor attackers are difficult to hide their malicious behavior. Specifically, like X-ray examinations, we investigate the local model updates by using a matrix as an input to get their Softmax layer's outputs. Then, we preclude updates whose outputs are abnormal by clustering. Without any training dataset in the server, the extensive evaluations show that our XMAM can effectively distinguish malicious local model updates from benign ones. For instance, when other methods fail to defend against the backdoor attacks at no more than 20% malicious clients, our method can tolerate 45% malicious clients in the black-box mode and about 30% in Projected Gradient Descent (PGD) mode. Besides, under adaptive attacks, the results demonstrate that XMAM can still complete the global model training task even when there are 40% malicious clients. Finally, we analyze our method's screening complexity, and the results show that XMAM is about 10-10000 times faster than the existing methods.Comment: 23 page

    PASS: Parameters Audit-based Secure and Fair Federated Learning Scheme against Free Rider

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    Federated Learning (FL) as a secure distributed learning frame gains interest in Internet of Things (IoT) due to its capability of protecting private data of participants. However, traditional FL systems are vulnerable to attacks such as Free-Rider (FR) attack, which causes not only unfairness but also privacy leakage and inferior performance to FL systems. The existing defense mechanisms against FR attacks only concern the scenarios where the adversaries declare less than 50% of the total amount of clients. Moreover, they lose effectiveness in resisting selfish FR (SFR) attacks. In this paper, we propose a Parameter Audit-based Secure and fair federated learning Scheme (PASS) against FR attacks. The PASS has the following key features: (a) works well in the scenario where adversaries are more than 50% of the total amount of clients; (b) is effective in countering anonymous FR attacks and SFR attacks; (c) prevents from privacy leakage without accuracy loss. Extensive experimental results verify the data protecting capability in mean square error against privacy leakage and reveal the effectiveness of PASS in terms of a higher defense success rate and lower false positive rate against anonymous SFR attacks. Note in addition, PASS produces no effect on FL accuracy when there is no FR adversary.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, 3 table

    Towards Scalable, Private and Practical Deep Learning

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    Deep Learning (DL) models have drastically improved the performance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tasks such as image recognition, word prediction, translation, among many others, on which traditional Machine Learning (ML) models fall short. However, DL models are costly to design, train, and deploy due to their computing and memory demands. Designing DL models usually requires extensive expertise and significant manual tuning efforts. Even with the latest accelerators such as Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) and Tensor Processing Unit (TPU), training DL models can take prohibitively long time, therefore training large DL models in a distributed manner is a norm. Massive amount of data is made available thanks to the prevalence of mobile and internet-of-things (IoT) devices. However, regulations such as HIPAA and GDPR limit the access and transmission of personal data to protect security and privacy. Therefore, enabling DL model training in a decentralized but private fashion is urgent and critical. Deploying trained DL models in a real world environment usually requires meeting Quality of Service (QoS) standards, which makes adaptability of DL models an important yet challenging matter.  In this dissertation, we aim to address the above challenges to make a step towards scalable, private, and practical deep learning. To simplify DL model design, we propose Efficient Progressive Neural-Architecture Search (EPNAS) and FedCust to automatically design model architectures and tune hyperparameters, respectively. To provide efficient and robust distributed training while preserving privacy, we design LEASGD, TiFL, and HDFL. We further conduct a study on the security aspect of distributed learning by focusing on how data heterogeneity affects backdoor attacks and how to mitigate such threats. Finally, we use super resolution (SR) as an example application to explore model adaptability for cross platform deployment and dynamic runtime environment. Specifically, we propose DySR and AdaSR frameworks which enable SR models to meet QoS by dynamically adapting to available resources instantly and seamlessly without excessive memory overheads

    Dataset Distillation: A Comprehensive Review

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    Recent success of deep learning is largely attributed to the sheer amount of data used for training deep neural networks.Despite the unprecedented success, the massive data, unfortunately, significantly increases the burden on storage and transmission and further gives rise to a cumbersome model training process. Besides, relying on the raw data for training \emph{per se} yields concerns about privacy and copyright. To alleviate these shortcomings, dataset distillation~(DD), also known as dataset condensation (DC), was introduced and has recently attracted much research attention in the community. Given an original dataset, DD aims to derive a much smaller dataset containing synthetic samples, based on which the trained models yield performance comparable with those trained on the original dataset. In this paper, we give a comprehensive review and summary of recent advances in DD and its application. We first introduce the task formally and propose an overall algorithmic framework followed by all existing DD methods. Next, we provide a systematic taxonomy of current methodologies in this area, and discuss their theoretical interconnections. We also present current challenges in DD through extensive experiments and envision possible directions for future works.Comment: 23 pages, 168 references, 8 figures, under revie

    Fairness and Robustness in Machine Learning

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    Els models d'aprenentatge automàtic aprenen d'aquestes dades per modelar entorns i problemes concrets, i predir esdeveniments futurs, però si les dades presenten biaixos, donaran lloc a prediccions i conclusions esbiaixades. Per tant, és fonamental assegurar-se que llurs prediccions són justes i no es basen en la discriminació contra grups o comunitats específics. L'aprenentatge federat, una forma d'aprenentatge automàtic distribuït, cal equipar-se amb tècniques per afrontar aquest gran repte interdisciplinari. L'aprenentatge federat proporciona millors garanties de privadesa als clients participants que no pas l'aprenentatge centralitzat. Tot i així, l'aprenentatge federat és vulnerable a atacs en els quals clients maliciosos presenten actualitzacions incorrectes per tal d'evitar que el model convergeixi o, més subtilment, per introduir biaixos arbitraris en les prediccions o decisions dels models (enverinament o poisoning). Un desavantatge d'aquestes tècniques de enverinament és que podrien conduir a la discriminació de grups minoritaris, les dades dels quals són significativament i legítimament diferents de les de la majoria dels clients.En aquest treball, ens esforcem per trobar un equilibri entre combatre els atacs d'enverinament i acomodar la diversitat, tot per a ajudar a aprendre models d'aprenentatge federats més justos i menys discriminatoris. D'aquesta manera, evitem l'exclusió de clients de minories legítimes i alhora garantim la detecció d'atacs d'enverinament. D'altra banda, per tal de desenvolupar models justos i verificar-ne la imparcialitat en l'àrea d'aprenentatge automàtic, proposem un mètode basat en exemples contrafactuals que detecta qualsevol biaix en el model de ML, independentment del tipus de dades utilitzat en el model.Los modelos de aprendizaje automático aprenden de datos para modelar entornos y problemas concretos y predecir eventos futuros, pero si los datos están sesgados, darán lugar a predicciones sesgadas. Por lo tanto, es fundamental asegurarse de que sus predicciones sean justas y no se basen en la discriminación contra grupos o comunidades específicos. El aprendizaje federado, una forma de aprendizaje automático distribuido, debe estar equipado con técnicas para abordar este gran desafío interdisciplinario. Aunque el aprendizaje federado ofrece mayores garantías de privacidad a los clientes participantes que el aprendizaje centralizado, este es vulnerable a algunos ataques en los que clientes maliciosos envían malas actualizaciones para evitar que el modelo converja o, más sutilmente, para introducir sesgos artificiales en sus predicciones o decisiones (envenenamiento o poisoning). Una desventaja de las técnicas contra el envenenamiento es que pueden llevar a discriminar a grupos minoritarios cuyos datos son significativamente y legítimamente diferentes de los de la mayoría de los clientes. En este trabajo, nos dedicamos a lograr un equilibrio entre la lucha contra el envenenamiento y dar espacio a la diversidad para contribuir a un aprendizaje más justo y menos discriminatorio de modelos de aprendizaje federado. De este modo, evitamos la exclusión de diversos clientes y garantizamos la detección de los ataques de envenenamiento. Por otro lado, para desarrollar modelos justos y verificar la equidad de estos modelos en el área de ML, proponemos un método, basado en ejemplos contrafactuales, que detecta cualquier sesgo en el modelo de aprendizaje automático, independientemente del tipo de datos utilizado en el modelo.Machine learning models learn from data to model concrete environments and problems and predict future events but, if the data are biased, they may reach biased conclusions. Therefore, it is critical to make sure their predictions are fair and not based on discrimination against specific groups or communities. Federated learning, a type of distributed machine learning, needs to be equipped with techniques to tackle this grand and interdisciplinary challenge. Even if FL provides stronger privacy guarantees to the participating clients than centralized learning, it is vulnerable to some attacks whereby malicious clients submit bad updates in order to prevent the model from converging or, more subtly, to introduce artificial biases in the models' predictions or decisions (poisoning). A downside of anti-poisoning techniques is that they might lead to discriminating against minority groups whose data are significantly and legitimately different from those of the majority of clients. In this work, we strive to strike a balance between fighting poisoning and accommodating diversity to help learn fairer and less discriminatory federated learning models. In this way, we forestall the exclusion of diverse clients while still ensuring the detection of poisoning attacks. On the other hand, in order to develop fair models and verify the fairness of these models in the area of machine learning, we propose a method, based on counterfactual examples, that detects any bias in the ML model, regardless of the data type used in the model

    Privacy-preserving machine learning system at the edge

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    Data privacy in machine learning has become an urgent problem to be solved, along with machine learning's rapid development and the large attack surface being explored. Pre-trained deep neural networks are increasingly deployed in smartphones and other edge devices for a variety of applications, leading to potential disclosures of private information. In collaborative learning, participants keep private data locally and communicate deep neural networks updated on their local data, but still, the private information encoded in the networks' gradients can be explored by adversaries. This dissertation aims to perform dedicated investigations on privacy leakage from neural networks and to propose privacy-preserving machine learning systems for edge devices. Firstly, the systematization of knowledge is conducted to identify the key challenges and existing/adaptable solutions. Then a framework is proposed to measure the amount of sensitive information memorized in each layer's weights of a neural network based on the generalization error. Results show that, when considered individually, the last layers encode a larger amount of information from the training data compared to the first layers. To protect such sensitive information in weights, DarkneTZ is proposed as a framework that uses an edge device's Trusted Execution Environment (TEE) in conjunction with model partitioning to limit the attack surface against neural networks. The performance of DarkneTZ is evaluated, including CPU execution time, memory usage, and accurate power consumption, using two small and six large image classification models. Due to the limited memory of the edge device's TEE, model layers are partitioned into more sensitive layers (to be executed inside the device TEE), and a set of layers to be executed in the untrusted part of the operating system. Results show that even if a single layer is hidden, one can provide reliable model privacy and defend against state of art membership inference attacks, with only a 3% performance overhead. This thesis further strengthens investigations from neural network weights (in on-device machine learning deployment) to gradients (in collaborative learning). An information-theoretical framework is proposed, by adapting usable information theory and considering the attack outcome as a probability measure, to quantify private information leakage from network gradients. The private original information and latent information are localized in a layer-wise manner. After that, this work performs sensitivity analysis over the gradients \wrt~private information to further explore the underlying cause of information leakage. Numerical evaluations are conducted on six benchmark datasets and four well-known networks and further measure the impact of training hyper-parameters and defense mechanisms. Last but not least, to limit the privacy leakages in gradients, I propose and implement a Privacy-preserving Federated Learning (PPFL) framework for mobile systems. TEEs are utilized on clients for local training, and on servers for secure aggregation, so that model/gradient updates are hidden from adversaries. This work leverages greedy layer-wise training to train each model's layer inside the trusted area until its convergence. The performance evaluation of the implementation shows that PPFL significantly improves privacy by defending against data reconstruction, property inference, and membership inference attacks while incurring small communication overhead and client-side system overheads. This thesis offers a better understanding of the sources of private information in machine learning and provides frameworks to fully guarantee privacy and achieve comparable ML model utility and system overhead with regular machine learning framework.Open Acces