63 research outputs found

    Dissent and the Rule of Law

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    Both the right to dissent and the “rule of law” are celebrated and frequently invoked values. Yet widespread popular dissent, such as that seen in the recent Black Lives Matter protests sparked by the police killing of George Floyd and others and a strong backlash against protestors by some political leaders, has deeply challenged the compatibility of those values. This tension raises deep theoretical questions about the essential concept of the rule of law, questions that have not yet been addressed by legal theorists. Consensus is greatest with respect to some of the formal characteristics of the rule of law, and formal definitions of the rule of law focus on formal properties of governance by law, primarily properties associated with the legality principle. Yet many reject the formal definition as overly neutered, contending instead that if it is to mean anything, the concept of the rule of law must not merely restate formal principles of legality, but instead must also include some substantive content, such as a minimum respect for private property or basic human rights. While both sides of this debate make important points, I contend in this Essay that there is a critical middle ground between the two positions. While the concept of the rule of law may not necessarily incorporate the entire spectrum of civil and political rights, the very logic of the rule of law demands respect for and adherence to a core set of substantive values beyond the merely formalistic properties of legality identified by legal philosophers like Joseph Raz. At the same time, the concept of the rule of law is not, as the formalists correctly argue, infinitely pliable. It cannot be made to stand for all things thought desirable by critics and interlocutors in political debate. But the parameters of the rule of law concept need not be arbitrarily drawn. Rather, they are inherent in the concept itself. What we discover when we examine what lies at the intersection of the formalist and substantivist approaches is a core set of overlapping rule of law project. This key substantive component is toleration of and respect for the practice of dissent

    The metabolism of starch in the model legume Lotus japonicus

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    Understanding cluster dynamics in evolutionary economic geography : essays on the structure of networks and clusters life style

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    L’objectif principal de cette thèse est d’étudier l’évolution des clusters. La littérature concernant les clusters s’est longuement intéressée aux raisons de leur existence ainsi qu’à la manière dont ils favorisent l’innovation, la productivité et la croissance. Nous étudions comment ces effets durent dans le temps, poursuivant l’objectif d’identifier les déterminants de la performance dynamique des clusters. Il s’agit, ainsi, d’expliquer pourquoi certains clusters déclinent tandis que d’autres continuent à fonctionner grâce à un renouveau constant. Cette thèse adopte une approche des clusters par les réseaux. Nous défendons l’idée que les structures de réseau hétérogènes des clusters démontrent des capacités différentes à s’associer ou à se dissocier des cycles industriels/technologiques au bon moment. Ainsi, nous identifions les propriétés de structure du réseau qui favorisent la performance dynamique des clusters ou la résilience des clusters. Nous appuyons nos développements théoriques sur des regards empiriques dans deux contextes bien différents. D’une part, nous étudions les structures des clusters de l’industrie de la téléphonie mobile en Europe. D’autre part, nous analysons la structure des relations entre les producteurs de fromage d’Aculco (Mexique). Le résultat principal de ce travail montre que la hiérarchie et la disassortativité des réseaux, ainsi que les interactions entre des réseaux de natures différentes (multiplexité), influencent la capacité des clusters à éviter les lock-in négatifs, conduisant à leur déclin, et favorisent le lock-out pour la survie du cluster, c’est-à-dire la prolongation de leur vie.The main objective of this thesis is to study clusters’ evolution. The literature on clusters has widely studied why clusters exist and how they favor innovation, productivity and growth. Our concern is to study how these effects hold over time. Therefore, we aim at identifying the determinants of dynamic performance of clusters to explain why some clusters decline while others keep working by continuous renewal. To do so, this thesis approaches clusters from a network perspective. We contend that clusters with heterogeneous network structures exhibit different capacities to associate and dissociate cluster’s evolution and industrial/technological cycle at the right moment. Thus, we identify the properties of network structures that favor dynamic performance of clusters or cluster resilience. We support our theoretical developments with empirical insights in two different contexts. On the one hand, we study the structure of clusters in the European mobile phone industry. On the other hand, we analyze the structure of relations between cheese producers in Aculco (Mexico). The main result of this work is that network hierarchy, network disassortativity and the interplay between different networks (multiplexity) influence the capacity of clusters to avoid negative lock-in leading to cluster failure, and favor lock-out to enhance cluster continuation, i.e. extending the life of the cluster

    Recent advances in petri nets and concurrency

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    CEUR Workshop Proceeding

    Public Law and Economics

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    This comprehensive textbook applies economic analysis to public law. The economic analysis of law has revolutionized legal scholarship and teaching in the last half-century, but it has focused mostly on private law, business law, and criminal law. This book extends the analysis to fundamental topics in public law, such as the separation of government powers, regulation by agencies, constitutional rights, and elections. Every public law involves six fundamental processes of government: bargaining, voting, entrenching, delegating, adjudicating, and enforcing. The book devotes two chapters to each process, beginning with the economic theory and then applying the theory to a wide range of puzzles and problems in law. Each chapter concentrates on cases and legal doctrine, showing the relevance of economics to the work of lawyers and judges. Featuring lucid, accessible writing and engaging examples, the book addresses enduring topics in public law as well as modern controversies, including gerrymandering, voter identification laws, and qualified immunity for police

    Acta Cybernetica : Volume 19. Number 4.

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