785 research outputs found

    Secure and Trustable Electronic Medical Records Sharing using Blockchain

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    Electronic medical records (EMRs) are critical, highly sensitive private information in healthcare, and need to be frequently shared among peers. Blockchain provides a shared, immutable and transparent history of all the transactions to build applications with trust, accountability and transparency. This provides a unique opportunity to develop a secure and trustable EMR data management and sharing system using blockchain. In this paper, we present our perspectives on blockchain based healthcare data management, in particular, for EMR data sharing between healthcare providers and for research studies. We propose a framework on managing and sharing EMR data for cancer patient care. In collaboration with Stony Brook University Hospital, we implemented our framework in a prototype that ensures privacy, security, availability, and fine-grained access control over EMR data. The proposed work can significantly reduce the turnaround time for EMR sharing, improve decision making for medical care, and reduce the overall costComment: AMIA 2017 Annual Symposium Proceeding

    Blockchain in maritime cybersecurity

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    Blockchain technologies can be used for many different purposes from handling large amounts of data to creating better solutions for privacy protection, user authentication and a tamper proof ledger which lead to growing interest among industries. Smart contracts, fog nodes and different consensus methods create a scalable environment to secure multi-party connections with equal trust of participanting nodes’ identity. Different blockchains have multiple options for methodologies to use in different environments. This thesis has focused on Ethereum based open-source solutions that fit the remote pilotage environment the best. Autonomous vehicular networks and remote operatable devices have been a popular research topic in the last few years. Remote pilotage in maritime environment is persumed to reach its full potential with fully autonomous vessels in ten years which makes the topic interesting for all researchers. However cybersecurity in these environments is especially important because incidents can lead to financial loss, reputational damage, loss of customer and industry trust and environmental damage. These complex environments also have multiple attack vectors because of the systems wireless nature. Denial-of-service (DoS), man-in-the-middle (MITM), message or executable code injection, authentication tampering and GPS spoofing are one of the most usual attacks against large IoT systems. This is why blockchain can be used for creating a tamper proof environment with no single point-of-failure. After extensive research about best performing blockchain technologies Ethereum seemed the most preferable for decentralised maritime environment. In comparison to most of 2021 blockchain technologies that have focused on financial industries and cryptocurrencies, Ethereum has focused on decentralizing applications within many different industries. This thesis provides three Ethereum based blockchain protocol solutions and one operating system for these protocols. All have different features that add to the base blockchain technology but after extensive comparison two of these protocols perform better in means of concurrency and privacy. Hyperledger Fabric and Quorum provide many ways of tackling privacy, concurrency and parallel execution issues with consistent high throughput levels. However Hyperledger Fabric has far better throughput and concurrency management. This makes the solution of Firefly operating system with Hyperledger Fabric blockchain protocol the most preferable solution in complex remote pilotage fairway environment

    Blockchain Application - Case Study on Hyperledger Fabric

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    Usalduse keskkonna saamiseks kasutatakse kolmandaid osapooli ja nende tarkvara platvorme. Plokiahela tehnoloogia ja nutikaid lepingud on üks võimalus, kuidas välistada kolmas osapool. Üks viimased turule tulnud vabatarkvara platvorme on Hyperledger Fabric - modulaarne süsteem, mis kasutab üldkasutavaid programmeerimskeeli nutikate lepingute keelena. See avardab platvormi kasutamist ettevõtte tarkvara loomisel. Võrdleme platvormi tavapäraste lahendustega ning uurime väljakutseid, mida pakub uus plokiahela põhine süsteem ja selle jaoks loodud nutika leping nimega chaincode. Selle töö käigus realiseeriti parkimiseks mõeldud rakendus, mille nutikas leping on kirjutatud Go programmeerimiskeeles.Töö käigus realiseerisime prototüübi, leidsime lahendused tehnilistele probleemidele, realiseerisime kasutusjuhud.To enable software platform to be used without a third trusted party, one of the possibilities is to use blockchain and smart contracts. One of the latest platform is open-source Hyperledger Fabric, a modular system that uses conventional programming languages for smart contracts. This opens up vast possibilities for using it product centric enterprise systems. In this paper we compare the platform to a conventional solution and study the challenges provided by the smart contract called chaincode. We implement a parking spot application for multisided market using smart contract and Go programming language. In the end we have a working prototype with solutions to technical problems, covering predetermined use cases