2,821 research outputs found

    Improvement of hole drilling technology for ore drawing intensification

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    Purpose. The improvement of hole drilling for increasing the mineral recovery ratio by ore drawing improvement through blasting. Methods. The drilling parameters were examined for rock dumps. The means of experimental drilling are drilling rig SKB-4; drill rods with a diameter of 42 mm and a length of 1.2 m; polyethylene pipes PND 63×8 and PND 70×8 with a length of 1.2 m; steel couplings for polyethylene pipes connecting; cone bits and RKS cutters. The criterion of drilling efficiency was the mechanical drilling speed. The drilling speed at different depths was measured with an axial force of 800 – 2000 kg and rotational speeds of 120, 200 and 280 rpm. Experimental drilling was carried out using the charges of two modifications. 18 experimental boreholes with a length of 300 m were drilled. Findings. The article confirms possibility and practicability of simultaneous hole drilling and pipe casing without transmitting torque loads on the pipes and offers a design of a drill string with hoses inside drill rods and their further pulling up, and piping with simultaneous drilling. The scheme of interaction of blastholes and pipe casing when hole boring in broken ores is made. The nature of the relationship between the speed of penetration of vertical and horizontal holes with the change in the axial force and their length for different modifications of the drilling tool is studied. Originality. The new laws of change in the hole drilling penetration speed depending on the complex of technological parameters of drilling are obtained. The authors offer a model describing the possibility of hole drilling in the broken massif as well as an optimized design of the string necessary for that. Practical implications. The obtained regularities determine mechanical and energy drilling indexes and which are necessary at the stage of designing when deciding upon practicability of extraction of in-situ left ores while enhancing mining technologies of ore drawing.Мета. Вдосконалення технології буріння свердловин для підвищення повноти використання надр шляхом інтенсифікації випуску руд підриванням зарядів вибухових речовин (ВР). Методика. Параметри буріння досліджені на породному відвалі. Засоби експериментального буріння: буровий верстат СКБ-4; бурові штанги діаметром 42 мм довжиною 1.2 м; поліетиленові труби ПНД 63×8 та ПНД 70×8 довжиною 1.2 м; сталеві муфти для з’єднання поліетиленових труб; шарошечні долота та різці РКС. Критерієм ефективності буріння була механічна швидкість буріння. Швидкість буріння на різних глибинах вимірювали при осьовому зусиллі 800 – 2000 кг і швидкостях обертання 120, 200 і 280 об/хв. Експериментальне буріння здійснювалося із застосуванням снарядів двох модифікацій. Пробурено 18 експериментальних свердловин довжиною 300 м. Результати. Підтверджена можливість та доцільність буріння свердловин одночасно з установкою обсадних труб без передачі на останні навантажень від крутного моменту. Запропоновано конструкції бурового снаряду для установки обсадних труб із розміщенням шлангів всередині бурових штанг і подальшим їх вилученням та з установкою обсадних труб одночасно з бурінням. Складено схему взаємодії сил при бурінні у зруйнованому масиві свердловин з обсадкою. Досліджено характер взаємозв’язку швидкості проходки вертикальних і горизонтальних свердловин зі зміною осьового зусилля та їх довжини при різних модифікаціях бурового снаряду. Наукова новизна. Отримано нові закономірності зміни швидкості проходки свердловин залежно від комплексу технологічних параметрів буріння. Запропоновано модель опису можливості буріння свердловин по зруйнованому масиву й оптимізована конструкція снаряду для її реалізації. Практична значимість. Отримані закономірності визначають механічні та енергетичні показники буріння, які необхідні на стадії проектування при вирішенні питання щодо доцільності вилучення втрачених руд при вдосконаленні технології розробки родовищ із випуском втрачених руд.Цель. Совершенствование технологии бурения скважин для повышения полноты использования недр путем интенсификации выпуска руд взрыванием зарядов взрывчатых веществ (ВВ). Методика. Параметры бурения исследованы на породном отвале. Средства экспериментального бурения: буровой станок СКБ-4; буровые штанги диаметром 42 мм длиной 1.2 м; полиэтиленовые трубы ПНД 63×8 и ПНД 70×8 длиной 1.2 м; стальные муфты для соединения полиэтиленовых труб; шарошечные долота и резцы РКС. Критерием эффективности бурения являлась механическая скорость бурения. Скорость бурения на разных глубинах измеряли при осевом усилии 800 – 2000 кг и скоростях вращения 120, 200 и 280 об/мин. Экспериментальное бурение осуществлялось с применением снарядов двух модификаций. Пробурено 18 экспериментальных скважин длиной 300 м. Результаты. Подтверждена возможность и целесообразность бурения скважин одновременно с установкой обсадных труб без передачи на последние нагрузок от крутящего момента. Предложены конструкции бурового снаряда для установки обсадных труб с размещением шлангов внутри буровых штанг и последующим их извлечением и с установкой обсадных труб одновременно с бурением. Составлена схема взаимодействия сил при бурении в разрушенном массиве скважин с обсадкой. Исследован характер взаимосвязи скорости проходки вертикальных и горизонтальных скважин с изменением осевого усилия и их длины при разных модификациях бурового снаряда. Научная новизна. Получены новые закономерности изменения скорости проходки скважин в зависимости от комплекса технологических параметров бурения. Предложена модель описания возможности бурения скважин по разрушенному массиву и оптимизированная конструкция снаряда для ее реализации. Практическая значимость. Полученные закономерности определяют механические и энергетические показатели бурения, которые необходимы на стадии проектирования при решении вопроса о целесообразности извлечения потерянных руд при совершенствовании технологии разработки месторождений с выпуском потерянных руд.No founding to declare. Authors express gratitude for the help and consultations during work performing for Rector of Kryvyi Rih National University Professor Mykola Stupnik

    Green Low-Carbon Technology for Metalliferous Minerals

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    Metalliferous minerals play a central role in the global economy. They will continue to provide the raw materials we need for industrial processes. Significant challenges will likely emerge if the climate-driven green and low-carbon development transition of metalliferous mineral exploitation is not managed responsibly and sustainably. Green low-carbon technology is vital to promote the development of metalliferous mineral resources shifting from extensive and destructive mining to clean and energy-saving mining in future decades. Global mining scientists and engineers have conducted a lot of research in related fields, such as green mining, ecological mining, energy-saving mining, and mining solid waste recycling, and have achieved a great deal of innovative progress and achievements. This Special Issue intends to collect the latest developments in the green low-carbon mining field, written by well-known researchers who have contributed to the innovation of new technologies, process optimization methods, or energy-saving techniques in metalliferous minerals development

    Scientific-practical results of monitoring anthropogenic influence upon environment of mining territories

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    The objective of this paper is to improve the ecological monitoring system and to take effective technological measures by way of wastes neutralization. The scientific-practical results of monitoring the anthropogenic influence upon the environment of mining-industrial territories were discusse

    A review of laser scanning for geological and geotechnical applications in underground mining

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    Laser scanning can provide timely assessments of mine sites despite adverse challenges in the operational environment. Although there are several published articles on laser scanning, there is a need to review them in the context of underground mining applications. To this end, a holistic review of laser scanning is presented including progress in 3D scanning systems, data capture/processing techniques and primary applications in underground mines. Laser scanning technology has advanced significantly in terms of mobility and mapping, but there are constraints in coherent and consistent data collection at certain mines due to feature deficiency, dynamics, and environmental influences such as dust and water. Studies suggest that laser scanning has matured over the years for change detection, clearance measurements and structure mapping applications. However, there is scope for improvements in lithology identification, surface parameter measurements, logistic tracking and autonomous navigation. Laser scanning has the potential to provide real-time solutions but the lack of infrastructure in underground mines for data transfer, geodetic networking and processing capacity remain limiting factors. Nevertheless, laser scanners are becoming an integral part of mine automation thanks to their affordability, accuracy and mobility, which should support their widespread usage in years to come

    Эффективность взрывной отбойки руды в пологих маломощных залежах

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    Целью исследования является доказательство того, что альтернативные варианты добычи руды в тех же условиях могут конкурировать с базовым вариантом по показателям производительности и качества, будучи значительно более безопасными, исключая нахождение работающих в открытом выработанном пространств


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    Two of the main safety and health issues recognized during deep cut coal mining are methane and dust hazards. Advances in continuous miner technology have improved safety and productivity. However, these advances have created some environmental problems, notably more dust and methane being generated at the face during coal extraction. Results of studies performed in the last three decades concerning the face ventilation for deep cut mining showed very complicated airflow behavior. The specifics of flow patterns developed by the face ventilation systems presents significant challenge for analytical description even for equipment-free entry. Fortunately, there are methods, such as numerical simulations that could be used to provide an engineering solution to the problem. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) codes have been successfully applied during the last decade using the power of Supercomputers. Although significant progress has been made, a benchmark industry oriented CFD code dedicated to face ventilation is still not available. The goal of this project is to provide the mining industry a software for CFD analysis and design of face ventilation systems. A commercial CFD system SC/Tetra Thermofluid Analysis System with Unstructured Mesh Generator, copyright © Cradle Co, was selected for a development platform. A number of CFD models were developed for the needs of this study including methane release, dust generation, 3D models of commonly used continuous mining machines, scrubbers and water spray systems. The developed models and the used CFD code were successfully validated in the part for methane dilution, using available data from small scale and full scale experiments. The developed models for simulation of dust control systems need to be validated in the future. The developed code automates all necessary steps needed for simulation of face ventilation systems, starting with the construction of a 3D model, generation of the computational mesh, solving and monitoring the calculations, to post-processing and graphical representation of the obtained results. This code shall allow mining engineers to design better and safer face ventilation systems while providing the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) a tool to check and approve the industry’ proposed ventilation plans

    Wind Impact Assessment of a Sour Gas Release in an Offshore Platform

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    Complex installations that involve dangerous substances, such as oil and gas or nuclear plants, must mandatorily undergo a quantitative risk assessment (QRA) according to current regulations. This requires, among others, the simulation of hundreds of accidental scenarios, which are typically carried out using empirical tools due to their fast response. Nonetheless, since they are not able to guarantee sufficient accuracy, especially when complex geometries are involved, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) tools are increasingly used. In this work, a high-pressure accidental release of a sour gas (CH4-H2S) in an offshore platform under several wind conditions is considered. A methodology used to perform a wind sensitivity analysis via CFD, while avoiding high computational costs, is presented. The wind intensity impact on some risk-related figures of merit, such as the high lethality or irreversible injuries areas, is discussed in relation to the flammability and toxicity limits of the released mixture. The results show that even a very low amount of H2S in the released mixture can strongly affect the threat zones. A progressive decrease in the toxic and flammable volumes in the platform is observed as the wind velocity increases; nonetheless, a saturation effect appears in high wind speed scenarios

    Application of mixed and virtual reality in geoscience and engineering geology

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    Visual learning and efficient communication in mining and geotechnical practices is crucial, yet often challenging. With the advancement of Virtual Reality (VR) and Mixed Reality (MR) a new era of geovisualization has emerged. This thesis demonstrates the capabilities of a virtual continuum approach using varying scales of geoscience applications. An application that aids analyses of small-scale geological investigation was constructed using a 3D holographic drill core model. A virtual core logger was also developed to assist logging in the field and subsequent communication by visualizing the core in a complementary holographic environment. Enriched logging practices enhance interpretation with potential economic and safety benefits to mining and geotechnical infrastructure projects. A mine-scale model of the LKAB mine in Sweden was developed to improve communication on mining induced subsidence between geologists, engineers and the public. GPS, InSAR and micro-seismicity data were hosted in a single database, which was geovisualized through Virtual and Mixed Reality. The wide array of applications presented in this thesis illustrate the potential of Mixed and Virtual Reality and improvements gained on current conventional geological and geotechnical data collection, interpretation and communication at all scales from the micro- (e.g. thin section) to the macro- scale (e.g. mine)

    Influent generator : towards realistic modelling of wastewater flowrate and water quality using machine-learning methods

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    Depuis que l'assainissement des eaux usées est reconnu comme un des objectifs de développement durable des Nations Unies, le traitement et la gestion des eaux usées sont devenus plus importants que jamais. La modélisation et la digitalisation des stations de récupération des ressources de l'eau (StaRRE) jouent un rôle important depuis des décennies, cependant, le manque de données disponibles sur les affluents entrave le développement de la modélisation de StaRRE. Cette thèse vis e à faire progresser la modélisation des systèmes d'assainissement en général, et en particulier en ce qui concerne la génération dynamique des affluents. Dans cette étude, différents générateurs d'affluent (GA), qui peuvent fournir un profil d'affluent dynamique, ont été proposés, optimisés et discutés. Les GA développés ne se concentrent pas seulement sur le débit, les solides en suspension et la matière organique, mais également sur les substances nutritives telles que l'azote et le phosphore. En outre, cette étude vise à adapter les GA à différentes applications en fonction des différentes exigences de modélisation. Afin d'évaluer les performances des GA d'un point de vue général, une série de critères d'évaluation de la qualité du modèle est décrite. Premièrement, pour comprendre la dynamique des affluents, une procédure de caractérisation des affluents a été développée et testée pour une étude de cas à l'échelle pilote. Ensuite, pour générer différentes séries temporelles d'affluent, un premier GA a été développé. La méthodologie de modélisation est basée sur l'apprentissage automatique en raison de ses calculs rapides, de sa précision et de sa capacité à traiter les mégadonnées. De plus, diverses versions de ce GA ont été appliquées pour différents cas optimisées en fonction des disponibilités d'études et ont été des données (la fréquence et l'horizon temporel), des objectifs et des exigences de précision. Les résultats démontrent que : i) le modèle GA proposé peut être utilisé pour générer d'affluents dynamiques réalistes pour différents objectifs, et les séries temporelles résultantes incluent à la fois le débit et la concentration de polluants avec une bonne précision et distribution statistique; ii) les GA sont flexibles, ce qui permet de les améliorer selon différents objectifs d'optimisation; iii) les GA ont été développés en considérant l'équilibre entre les efforts de modélisation, la collecte de données requise et les performances du modèle. Basé sur les perspectives de modélisation des StaRRE, l'analyse des procédés et la modélisation prévisionnelle, les modèles de GA dynamiques peuvent fournir aux concepteurs et aux modélisateurs un profil d'affluent complet et réaliste, ce qui permet de surmonter les obstacles liés au manque de données d'affluent. Par conséquent, cette étude a démontré l'utilité des GA et a fait avancer la modélisation des StaRRE en focalisant sur l'application de méthodologies d'exploration de données et d'apprentissage automatique. Les GA peuvent donc être utilisés comme outil puissant pour la modélisation des StaRRE, avec des applications pour l'amélioration de la configuration de traitement, la conception de procédés, ainsi que la gestion et la prise de décision stratégique. Les GA peuvent ainsi contribuer au développement de jumeaux numériques pour les StaRRE, soit des système intelligent et automatisé de décision et de contrôle.Since wastewater sanitation is acknowledged as one of the sustainable development goals of the United Nations, wastewater treatment and management have been more important then ever. Water Resource Recovery Facility (WRRF) modelling and digitalization have been playing an important role since decades, however, the lack of available influent data still hampers WRRF model development. This dissertation aims at advancing the field of wastewater systems modelling in general, and in particular with respect to the dynamic influent generation. In this study, different WRRF influent generators (IG), that can provide a dynamic influent flow and pollutant concentration profile, have been proposed, optimized and discussed. The developed IGs are not only focusing on flowrate, suspended solids, and organic matter, but also on nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus. The study further aimed at adapting the IGs to different case studies, so that future users feel comfortable to apply different IG versions according to different modelling requirements. In order to evaluate the IG performance from a general perspective, a series of criteria for evaluating the model quality were evaluated. Firstly, to understand the influent dynamics, a procedure of influent characterization has been developed and experimented at pilot scale. Then, to generate different realizations of the influent time series, the first IG was developed and a data-driven modelling approach chosen, because of its fast calculations, its precision and its capacity of handling big data. Furthermore, different realizations of IGs were applied to different case studies and were optimized for different data availabilities (frequency and time horizon), objectives, and modelling precision requirements. The overall results indicate that: i) the proposed IG model can be used to generate realistic dynamic influent time series for different case studies, including both flowrate and pollutant concentrations with good precision and statistical distribution; ii) the proposed IG is flexible and can be improved for different optimization objectives; iii) the IG model has been developed by considering the balance between modelling efforts, data collection requirements and model performance. Based on future perspectives of WRRF process modelling, process analysis, and forecasting, the dynamic IG model can provide designers and modellers with a complete and realistic influent profile and this overcomes the often-occurring barrier of shortage of influent data for modelling. Therefore, this study demonstrated the IGs' usefulness for advanced WRRF modelling focusing on the application of data mining and machine learning methodologies. It is expected to be widely used as a powerful tool for WRRF modelling, improving treatment configurations and process designs, management and strategic decision-making, such as when transforming a conventional WRRF to a digital twin that can be used as an intelligent and automated system

    Mining Technologies Innovative Development

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    The present book covers the main challenges, important for future prospects of subsoils extraction as a public effective and profitable business, as well as technologically advanced industry. In the near future, the mining industry must overcome the problems of structural changes in raw materials demand and raise the productivity up to the level of high-tech industries to maintain the profits. This means the formation of a comprehensive and integral response to such challenges as the need for innovative modernization of mining equipment and an increase in its reliability, the widespread introduction of Industry 4.0 technologies in the activities of mining enterprises, the transition to "green mining" and the improvement of labor safety and avoidance of man-made accidents. The answer to these challenges is impossible without involving a wide range of scientific community in the publication of research results and exchange of views and ideas. To solve the problem, this book combines the works of researchers from the world's leading centers of mining science on the development of mining machines and mechanical systems, surface and underground geotechnology, mineral processing, digital systems in mining, mine ventilation and labor protection, and geo-ecology. A special place among them is given to post-mining technologies research