3,187 research outputs found

    Discovering mapping between artifact-centric business process models and execution logs

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    Klassikaliselt on kirjeldatud töövoogusi protsessidele orienteeritud kujul, kus keskendutakse tervele töövoole ja tegevustele selles. Hiljuti on esile kerkinud uudne, artefakti keskne modelleerimine, kus on oluliseks just äriobjektid ning nende vahelised seosed. Artefakti põhised meetodid nõuavad ka muudatusi protsessianalüüsi tehnikates. Üks võimalik protsesside analüüsi meetod on käivituslogide vastavuse kontrollimine protsessi mudeliga, mille abil saab tuvastada kas süsteem käitub nii nagu planeeritud. Mudeli ja logide vastavuse kontrollimiseks on vaja teada, millised sündmused logides vastavad millistele tegevustele mudelis. Töö eemärgiks on automaatselt tuvastada seosed artefakti põhiste protsessimudelites olevate tegevuste ja töövoosüsteemi logides olevate sündmuste vahel. Selline seose tuvastamine pole triviaalne, kuna võib esineda, et sündmuste nimed logides ja tegevuste nimed mudelis ei ole vastavuses. Näiteks ei jälgita samasid standardeid nimetamisel. Samuti on vaja seoste automaatne tuletamine, kui on teada, et logide ja mudeli vahel on mittesobivused ning kõiki sündmuseid ja tegevusi ei saagi vastavusse viia. Automaatne tuvastamine aitab lihtsustada kasutaja tööd. Lahenduseks pakutud meetod kasutab sisendina Procleti põhist mudelit ja käivituslogi süsteemist. Et leida seos mudeli ja logide vahel, viiakse mõlemad graafi kujule. Seosed leitakse iga artefakti kohta eraldi ning ei kasutata infot nende omavahelise suhtluse kohta. Iga artefakti kohta eraldatakse nende Petri võrk ning koostatakse käitumisrelatsioonid, mis väljendavad kuidas on tegevused antud artefaktis omavahel seotud. Sellest koostatakse graaf, mille tippudeks saavad tegevused ning kaarteks tippude vahel käitumisseosed nende vahel. Analoogselt koostatakse graaf iga logis esinenud olemi kohta. Kasutaja poolt sisestatud olemite ja artefaktide tüüpide vahelise seoste abil leitakse iga vastava olemi ja artefakti isendi tegevuste ja sündmuste vahelised seosed. Seoste leidmine taandub kahe graafi vaheliste tippude kujutuse leidmisele. Seoste leidmiseks esmalt arvutatakse sarnasused tegevuste nimede vahel ning selle põhjal leitakse kujutus, mis minimiseeriks teisenduskaugust graafide vahel antud kujutuse põhjal. Kujutuse leimiseks kasutatakse ahnet algoritmi. Praktilise eksperimendina testiti meetodit erinevate mudelite ja logide kombinatsioonidel. Tulemused näitavad, et meetod on võimeline seoseid leidma, kuid tulemuste kvaliteet sõltub palju tegevuste ja sündmuste nimede sarnasusest ja vähem struktuurilisest sarnasustest

    Metamodel-based model conformance and multiview consistency checking

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    Model-driven development, using languages such as UML and BON, often makes use of multiple diagrams (e.g., class and sequence diagrams) when modeling systems. These diagrams, presenting different views of a system of interest, may be inconsistent. A metamodel provides a unifying framework in which to ensure and check consistency, while at the same time providing the means to distinguish between valid and invalid models, that is, conformance. Two formal specifications of the metamodel for an object-oriented modeling language are presented, and it is shown how to use these specifications for model conformance and multiview consistency checking. Comparisons are made in terms of completeness and the level of automation each provide for checking multiview consistency and model conformance. The lessons learned from applying formal techniques to the problems of metamodeling, model conformance, and multiview consistency checking are summarized

    Log-based Evaluation of Label Splits for Process Models

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    Process mining techniques aim to extract insights in processes from event logs. One of the challenges in process mining is identifying interesting and meaningful event labels that contribute to a better understanding of the process. Our application area is mining data from smart homes for elderly, where the ultimate goal is to signal deviations from usual behavior and provide timely recommendations in order to extend the period of independent living. Extracting individual process models showing user behavior is an important instrument in achieving this goal. However, the interpretation of sensor data at an appropriate abstraction level is not straightforward. For example, a motion sensor in a bedroom can be triggered by tossing and turning in bed or by getting up. We try to derive the actual activity depending on the context (time, previous events, etc.). In this paper we introduce the notion of label refinements, which links more abstract event descriptions with their more refined counterparts. We present a statistical evaluation method to determine the usefulness of a label refinement for a given event log from a process perspective. Based on data from smart homes, we show how our statistical evaluation method for label refinements can be used in practice. Our method was able to select two label refinements out of a set of candidate label refinements that both had a positive effect on model precision.Comment: Paper accepted at the 20th International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, to appear in Procedia Computer Scienc

    A Suspension-Trace Semantics for CSP

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    CSP is well established as a process algebra for refinement. Most refinement relations for CSP do not differentiate between inputs and outputs, and so are unsuitable for testing. This paper provides CSP with a denotational semantics based on suspension traces; it gives the traditional CSP operators a novel view, catering for the differences between inputs and outputs. We identify healthiness conditions for the suspension-Traces model and include a treatment of termination not contemplated in the context of input-output labelled transition systems. Using our suspension-Traces semantics, we provide for CSP a characterisation of the conformance relation ioco, which is widely used in testing. Finally, we propose a strategy to mechanise the verification of conformance according to ioco and suspension-Trace refinement using CSP tools. This work provides the basis for a theory of testing for CSP with inputs and outputs, and opens up the possibility of studying algebraic laws and compositional reasoning techniques based on ioco. Ultimately, it contributes to making CSP models useful for both design and testing of systems.We thank Bill Roscoe for useful discussions. The work was carried out with the support of EPSRC hiJaC project, the CNPq (Brazil), INES, and the grants FACEPE 573964/2008-4, APQ-1037-1.03/08, CNPq 573964/2008-4, 476821/2011-8 and 249710/2013-7

    LS3: Latent Semantic Analysis-based Similarity Search for Process Models

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    Large process model collections in use today contain hundreds or even thousands of conceptual process models. Search functionalities can help in handling such large collections for purposes such as duplicate detection or reuse of models. One popular stream of search functionalities is similarity-based search which utilizes similarity measures for finding similar models in a large collection. Most of these approaches base on an underlying alignment between the activities of the compared process models. Yet, such an alignment seems to be quite difficult to achieve according to the results of the Process Model Matching contests conducted in recent years. Therefore, the Latent Semantic Analysis-based Similarity Search (LS3) technique presented in this article does not rely on such an alignment, but uses a Latent Semantic Analysis-based similarity measure for retrieving similar models. An evaluation with 138 real-life process models shows a strong performance in terms of Precision, Recall, F-Measure, R-Precision and Precision-at-k, thereby outperforming five other techniques for similarity-based search. Additionally, the run time of the LS3 query calculation is significantly faster than any of the other approaches