286 research outputs found

    Discrete Optimum Design of Cable-Stayed Bridges : Master's Thesis

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    Ovješeni mostovi su vrlo zahtjevne konstrukcije kod kojih se rasponski sklop ponaša kao kontinuirana greda elastično pridržana pomoću zakrivljenih kabela. Predstavljaju estetski privlačno i učinkovito strukturno rješenje za srednje do velike raspone i naširoko se upotrebljavaju širom svijeta. Ponašanje ovih konstrukcija određeno je krutošću nosivih elemenata (pilona, rasponskog sklopa i vješaljki) i prijenosu sile u vješaljkama. Projektiranje ovješenih mostova je iterativni proces u kojem projektant mora zadovoljiti sve kriterije povezane sa sigurnošću, upotrebom i cijenom mijenjajući određene strukturne parametre. U slučaju ovješenih mostova projekt mosta uključuje rješavanje velikog broja različitih problema kao što su odabir konstrukcijskog sustava, nelinearnost, proces izgradnje, ponašanje konstrukcije pod dinamičkim opterećenjem, itd. Projekt takve konstrukcije generira veliku količinu informacija za vrijeme analize i projektiranja. Optimizacijski algoritam može uključivati kao projektirane varijable mehanička, geometrijska i sekcijska svojstva. Tako one mogu biti upotrijebljene u procesu projektiranja za određivanje poprečnog presjeka strukturnih elemenata i/ili određivanje sile prednapinjanja u kabelima za dobivanje optimalne duljine i visine stupova i raspona. Većina metoda za dobivanje optimalnog rješenja pretpostavlja da su projektirane varijable kontinuiranog tipa. Općenito, projektanti su ograničeni na odabir veličine elemenata iz diskretnog skupa dostupnih veličina i problem u ovom radu je riješen na takav način. Stroga diskretna optimizacija je NP-hard problem (eksponencijalno vrijeme vs polinomsko vrijeme za kontinuiranu optimizaciju) značajno teža nego za kontinuirani problem. U ovom radu prikazana je strukturna analiza i diskretna optimizacija ovješenih mostova. Kao optimizacijska metoda upotrijebljena je segmentalna optimizacijska metoda za dobivanje optimalnih dimenzija poprečnog presjeka ploče i pilona te konačne sile u vješaljkama.Cable-stayed bridges are highly redundant structures in which the deck behaves like a continuous beam elastically supported by the inclined stays. They represent an aesthetically appealing and efficient structural solution for medium-to-long spans and are widely used all over the world. Their behaviour is governed by the stiffness of the load-bearing elements (pylons, deck and cable stays) and the cable force distribution. The structural design of cable-stayed bridges is iterative process in which designers have to satisfy all criteria's relating to safety, use, economy, by changing certain structural parameters. In case of cable-stayed bridges the design of bridge includes solving a lot of different problems such as the choice of structural system, nonlinearity, construction process, dynamic behaviour, etc. Project of such structures generated massive amount of information during analysis and design process. The optimization algorithm can include as design variables mechanical, geometrical and sectional properties. Thus, they can be widely used in design process from dimensioning of cross-sections of structure elements though determine of prestressing force of cable to obtain optimal length and height of towers and spans. Most of the methods for the optimum design of engineering structures make the assumption that member size variables are continuous. Generally, designers are restricted to choosing member sizes from a discrete set of commonly available sizes and this problem is solved here. The rigorous discrete optimum design is a NP-hard problem (exponential time vs polynomial time for continuous optimization) significantly more difficult than the continuous problem. In this work it is presented structural analysis and discrete optimization of concrete cable-stayed bridge. As optimization method is used segmental optimization method to obtain optimal dimensions of deck and tower cross-section and adjustment cable forces

    Discrete Optimum Design of Cable-Stayed Bridges : Master's Thesis

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    Ovješeni mostovi su vrlo zahtjevne konstrukcije kod kojih se rasponski sklop ponaša kao kontinuirana greda elastično pridržana pomoću zakrivljenih kabela. Predstavljaju estetski privlačno i učinkovito strukturno rješenje za srednje do velike raspone i naširoko se upotrebljavaju širom svijeta. Ponašanje ovih konstrukcija određeno je krutošću nosivih elemenata (pilona, rasponskog sklopa i vješaljki) i prijenosu sile u vješaljkama. Projektiranje ovješenih mostova je iterativni proces u kojem projektant mora zadovoljiti sve kriterije povezane sa sigurnošću, upotrebom i cijenom mijenjajući određene strukturne parametre. U slučaju ovješenih mostova projekt mosta uključuje rješavanje velikog broja različitih problema kao što su odabir konstrukcijskog sustava, nelinearnost, proces izgradnje, ponašanje konstrukcije pod dinamičkim opterećenjem, itd. Projekt takve konstrukcije generira veliku količinu informacija za vrijeme analize i projektiranja. Optimizacijski algoritam može uključivati kao projektirane varijable mehanička, geometrijska i sekcijska svojstva. Tako one mogu biti upotrijebljene u procesu projektiranja za određivanje poprečnog presjeka strukturnih elemenata i/ili određivanje sile prednapinjanja u kabelima za dobivanje optimalne duljine i visine stupova i raspona. Većina metoda za dobivanje optimalnog rješenja pretpostavlja da su projektirane varijable kontinuiranog tipa. Općenito, projektanti su ograničeni na odabir veličine elemenata iz diskretnog skupa dostupnih veličina i problem u ovom radu je riješen na takav način. Stroga diskretna optimizacija je NP-hard problem (eksponencijalno vrijeme vs polinomsko vrijeme za kontinuiranu optimizaciju) značajno teža nego za kontinuirani problem. U ovom radu prikazana je strukturna analiza i diskretna optimizacija ovješenih mostova. Kao optimizacijska metoda upotrijebljena je segmentalna optimizacijska metoda za dobivanje optimalnih dimenzija poprečnog presjeka ploče i pilona te konačne sile u vješaljkama.Cable-stayed bridges are highly redundant structures in which the deck behaves like a continuous beam elastically supported by the inclined stays. They represent an aesthetically appealing and efficient structural solution for medium-to-long spans and are widely used all over the world. Their behaviour is governed by the stiffness of the load-bearing elements (pylons, deck and cable stays) and the cable force distribution. The structural design of cable-stayed bridges is iterative process in which designers have to satisfy all criteria's relating to safety, use, economy, by changing certain structural parameters. In case of cable-stayed bridges the design of bridge includes solving a lot of different problems such as the choice of structural system, nonlinearity, construction process, dynamic behaviour, etc. Project of such structures generated massive amount of information during analysis and design process. The optimization algorithm can include as design variables mechanical, geometrical and sectional properties. Thus, they can be widely used in design process from dimensioning of cross-sections of structure elements though determine of prestressing force of cable to obtain optimal length and height of towers and spans. Most of the methods for the optimum design of engineering structures make the assumption that member size variables are continuous. Generally, designers are restricted to choosing member sizes from a discrete set of commonly available sizes and this problem is solved here. The rigorous discrete optimum design is a NP-hard problem (exponential time vs polynomial time for continuous optimization) significantly more difficult than the continuous problem. In this work it is presented structural analysis and discrete optimization of concrete cable-stayed bridge. As optimization method is used segmental optimization method to obtain optimal dimensions of deck and tower cross-section and adjustment cable forces

    Discrete Optimum Design of Cable-Stayed Bridges : Master's Thesis

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    Ovješeni mostovi su vrlo zahtjevne konstrukcije kod kojih se rasponski sklop ponaša kao kontinuirana greda elastično pridržana pomoću zakrivljenih kabela. Predstavljaju estetski privlačno i učinkovito strukturno rješenje za srednje do velike raspone i naširoko se upotrebljavaju širom svijeta. Ponašanje ovih konstrukcija određeno je krutošću nosivih elemenata (pilona, rasponskog sklopa i vješaljki) i prijenosu sile u vješaljkama. Projektiranje ovješenih mostova je iterativni proces u kojem projektant mora zadovoljiti sve kriterije povezane sa sigurnošću, upotrebom i cijenom mijenjajući određene strukturne parametre. U slučaju ovješenih mostova projekt mosta uključuje rješavanje velikog broja različitih problema kao što su odabir konstrukcijskog sustava, nelinearnost, proces izgradnje, ponašanje konstrukcije pod dinamičkim opterećenjem, itd. Projekt takve konstrukcije generira veliku količinu informacija za vrijeme analize i projektiranja. Optimizacijski algoritam može uključivati kao projektirane varijable mehanička, geometrijska i sekcijska svojstva. Tako one mogu biti upotrijebljene u procesu projektiranja za određivanje poprečnog presjeka strukturnih elemenata i/ili određivanje sile prednapinjanja u kabelima za dobivanje optimalne duljine i visine stupova i raspona. Većina metoda za dobivanje optimalnog rješenja pretpostavlja da su projektirane varijable kontinuiranog tipa. Općenito, projektanti su ograničeni na odabir veličine elemenata iz diskretnog skupa dostupnih veličina i problem u ovom radu je riješen na takav način. Stroga diskretna optimizacija je NP-hard problem (eksponencijalno vrijeme vs polinomsko vrijeme za kontinuiranu optimizaciju) značajno teža nego za kontinuirani problem. U ovom radu prikazana je strukturna analiza i diskretna optimizacija ovješenih mostova. Kao optimizacijska metoda upotrijebljena je segmentalna optimizacijska metoda za dobivanje optimalnih dimenzija poprečnog presjeka ploče i pilona te konačne sile u vješaljkama.Cable-stayed bridges are highly redundant structures in which the deck behaves like a continuous beam elastically supported by the inclined stays. They represent an aesthetically appealing and efficient structural solution for medium-to-long spans and are widely used all over the world. Their behaviour is governed by the stiffness of the load-bearing elements (pylons, deck and cable stays) and the cable force distribution. The structural design of cable-stayed bridges is iterative process in which designers have to satisfy all criteria's relating to safety, use, economy, by changing certain structural parameters. In case of cable-stayed bridges the design of bridge includes solving a lot of different problems such as the choice of structural system, nonlinearity, construction process, dynamic behaviour, etc. Project of such structures generated massive amount of information during analysis and design process. The optimization algorithm can include as design variables mechanical, geometrical and sectional properties. Thus, they can be widely used in design process from dimensioning of cross-sections of structure elements though determine of prestressing force of cable to obtain optimal length and height of towers and spans. Most of the methods for the optimum design of engineering structures make the assumption that member size variables are continuous. Generally, designers are restricted to choosing member sizes from a discrete set of commonly available sizes and this problem is solved here. The rigorous discrete optimum design is a NP-hard problem (exponential time vs polynomial time for continuous optimization) significantly more difficult than the continuous problem. In this work it is presented structural analysis and discrete optimization of concrete cable-stayed bridge. As optimization method is used segmental optimization method to obtain optimal dimensions of deck and tower cross-section and adjustment cable forces

    5 European & African Conference on Wind Engineering

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    The 5th European-African Conference of Wind Engineering is hosted in Florence, Tuscany, the city and the region where, in the early 15th century, pioneers moved the first steps, laying down the foundation stones of Mechanics and Applied Sciences (including fluid mechanics). These origins are well reflected by the astonishing visionary and revolutionary studies of Leonardo Da Vinci, whose kaleidoscopic genius intended the human being to become able to fly even 500 years ago… This is why the Organising Committee has decided to pay tribute to such a Genius by choosing Leonardo's "flying sphere" as the brand of 5th EACWE

    Optimization of steel-concrete composite I-girder bridges

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Civil, Florianópolis, 2017.Pontes são estruturas importantes para travessia de rios e vales. Elas começaram a ser construídas em 62 a.C. em Roma, usando a técnica de arcos de pedra. Com o passar do tempo, as técnicas e os materiais empregados em pontes foram evoluindo, de arco em pedra para madeira treliçada, chegando até a tecnologia de pontes pênseis e estaiadas. As pontes mistas de aço e concreto surgiram em 1930, com a laje de concreto armado e asvigas em seção I ou caixão.As pontes mistas de seção I são muito econômicas para estruturas retas com vãos pequenos (20 a 50m). Essa estrutura tem sua importância comprovada pela quantidade de trabalhos na área. - Madrazo-Aguirre, Ruiz-Teran & Wadee (2015), Liu et al. (2014), Zhou et al. (2016), Liu et al. (2009), Ellobody (2014), Oehlers (1990), Gocál & Dur?ová (2012), Pinho & Bellei (2007), Fernandes (2008), Klinsky (1999), Leitão et al. (2011), Vitório (2015) e Fabeane (2015). Porém, nenhum desses estudos focam na otimização completa da estrutura.Na área de otimização de pontes, há também um grande número de trabalhos na literatura. Alguns autores optaram por otimizar os cabos de pontes estaiadas - Lute, Upadhyay & Singh (2009), Cai & Aref (2015), Martins, Simões & Negrão (2015), Baldomir et al. (2010) e Hassan (2013). Outros estudaram a otimização de pontes de grandes vãos - Kusano et al. (2014) -, pontes de treliça metálica - Cheng (2010) e Cheng, Qian & Sun (2013) -, pontes de concreto protendido - Martí et al. (2013) e Kaveh, Maniat & Naeini (2016) - e pontes de pilares altos - Martínez et al. (2011). Na otimização de pontes mistas, pode-se citar o trabalho de Gocál & Dur?ová (2012), que realizou um estudo paramétrico para otimizar a disposição transversal das vigas. Logo, é importante reiterar que não foi encontrado nenhum trabalho de otimização da estrutura completa de pontes mistas. Além disso, a importância do tema é também contabilizada na separação entre a eficiência do projeto e a experiência do projetista. Baseado na otimização de outras estruturas, espera-se obter uma redução de até 10% do custo da ponte.Assim, o principal objetivo desta dissertação é otimizar o projeto de pontes mistas de aço e concreto. Para isso, é proposta uma metodologia de otimização dividida em dois estágios. Na primeira etapa, um modelo estrutural simplificado, usualmente adotado por projetistas, é utilizado para achar a região ótima, assim como para indicar um ponto inicial para a busca seguinte. No segundo estágio, um modelo de elementos finitos utilizando barras e cascas é incorporado para melhorar a otimização. Essa estratégia é empregada para combinar o benefício de cada estágio na resolução desse problema. Enquanto que o primeiro estágio tem um custo computacional baixo, podendo ser repetido inúmeras vezes, a segunda etapa é mais precisa estruturalmente. Logo, com a combinação dos dois modelos, o projeto pode ser otimizado de forma precisa com um tempo computacional razoável.Ainda, para resolver esse problema, é preciso definir o método de otimização. Por causa da complexidade do problema e da presença de variáveis discretas, optou-se por utilizar algoritmos heurísticos. Como não existe um algoritmo universal, foram testados estatisticamente cinco algoritmos heurísticos conhecidos: Backtracking Search Algorithm (BSA), Firefly Algorithm (FA), Genetic Algorithm (GA), Imperialist Competitive Algorithm (ICA) e Search Group Algorithm (SGA). Dentre eles, o SGA foi o que teve a melhor performance para resolver essa otimização.Com a escolha do SGA, a otimização em duas etapas foi realizada. Foi, então, otimizada uma ponte mista bi-apoiada com 40m de vão livre e 13m de largura. Na primeira etapa, atingiu-se um custo de U119.796,43enasegunda,U119.796,43 e na segunda, U117.884,93. Comparando esses resultados com uma ponte de mesmas características projetada manualmente por Pinho & Bellei (2007), alcançou-se uma redução de 9,17%.Os resultados alcançados mostram que a metodologia proposta é eficiente na redução de custo da ponte. Outros estudos devem ser efetuados, tais como o da influência da passagem dinâmica de veículos, para aumentar a confiança estrutural.Abstract : This work presents an efficient two-stage optimization approach to the design of steel-concrete composite I-girder bridges. In the first step, a simplified structural model, usually adopted by bridge designers, is employed aiming to locate the global optimum region and provide a starting point to the local search. Then, a finite element model (FEM) is used to refine and improve the optimization. Through this procedure, it is possible to combine the low computational cost required on the first stage with the accuracy provided on the second one. For illustration purposes, a numerical example of a composite bridge designed by Pinho & Bellei (2007) and studied by Leitão et al. (2011) is assessed. The objective function is based on the economic cost of the structure. Due to the non-convex nature of the problem and to the presence of discrete variables, the first stage optimization is conducted through five well-known meta-heuristic algorithms: Backtracking Search Algorithm (BSA), Firefly Algorithm (FA), Genetic Algorithm (GA), Imperialist Competitive Algorithm (ICA) and Search Group Algorithm (SGA). The SGA is chosen to pursue the second stage because a statistical analysis has demonstrated that it achieved the best performance. It is shown that the proposed scheme is able to reduce the structural cost in up to 7.43% already in the first stage and can reach up to 9.17% of saving costs in the end of the optimization procedure

    Análisis de sensibilidad y optimización aeroelástica de puentes colgantes en entornos de computación distribuida

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    [Resumen] Hasta el momento el diseño basado en análisis de sensibilidad o el diseño óptimo han sido técnicas poco utilizadas en el proyecto de puentes de gran vano. Sin embargo, se vienen ejecutando puentes, tanto colgantes como atirantados, con longitudes de vano cada vez mayores. Por ello es fundamental el aplicar técnicas de diseño no convencional con el fin de alcanzar la máxima eficacia, tanto en el proceso de diseño como en la ejecución de estas estructuras. Uno de los aspectos que más condicionan el diseño de puentes colgantes es su comportamiento frente a la acción del viento. En esta tesis se plantea la obtención analítica de los análisis de sensibilidad de la velocidad de flameo y la frecuencia reducida considerando masa variable respecto a las propiedades mecánicas del tablero de un puente. Además, se formula el diseño óptimo de puentes de gran vano con sección en cajón aerodinámico considerando restricciones de tipo aeroelástico y cinemático. Así mismo, se presentan ejemplos de aplicación al diseño de puentes reales como son el del Grand Belt y el del estrecho de Messina, en los que se han empleado técnicas de computación distribuida debido al grandísimo coste computacional del proceso de diseño.[Resumo] Ate agora o deseño baseado na análise de sensibilidade ou no deseño óptimo foron técnicas pouco empregadas no proxecto de pontes de gran van. Nembargantes, estanse a executar pontes, tanto colgantes como atirantadas, con lonxitudes de van maiores de cada vez. Polo tanto, é fundamental o aplicar técnicas de deseño non convencional coa finalidade de alcanzar a maior eficacia, tanto no proceso de deseño coma na execución destas estruturas. Un dos aspectos que máis condicionan o deseño de pontes colgantes é o seu comportamento fronte á acción do vento. Nesta tese prantéxase a obtención analítica das análises de sensibilidade da velocidade de flameo e máis da frecuencia reducida considerando masa variable respecto ás propiedades mecánicas do taboleiro dunha ponte. Asemade, formúlase o deseño óptimo de pontes de gran van con sección en caixón aerodinámico considerando restriccións de tipo aeroelástico e cinemático. Ademais preséntanse exemplos de aplicación ao deseño de pontes reais como son as do Gran Belt e o estreito de Messina, nos que se empregaron técnicas de computación distribuída debido ó grandísimo custe computacional do proceso de deseño.[Abstract] Until this moment, design based upon sensitivity analysis or optimum design have not been commonly used in the project of long span bridges. However, suspension and cable stayed bridges are being constructed with longer and longer spans. Therefore, it is essential to use non-conventional design techniques in order to reach maximum performance in the design process as well as in the execution of these structures. One of the most important issues in the design of suspension bridges is their behaviour under wind flow. In this thesis, analitical evaluation of sensitivity analyses of flutter speed and reduced frequency considering variable mass with regards to the mechanical parameters of the bridge deck are presented. In addition, formulation of the optimum design problem of long span bridges with aerodynamic cross sections is developed considering aeroelastic and also kinematic constraints. Application examples for the Grand Belt bridge and the Messina Strait bridge are presented, applying distributed computing techniques due to the enormous computational cost of the design process

    On the applicability of 2D URANS and SST k-ω turbulence model to the fluid-structure interaction of rectangular cylinders

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    In this work the practical applicability of a 2D URANS approach adopting a block structured mesh and Menter's SST k-ω turbulence model in fluid-structure interaction (FSI) problems is studied using as a test case a ratio B/H = 4 rectangular cylinder. The vortex-induced vibration (VIV) and torsional flutter phenomena are analyzed based on the computation of the out-of-phase and in-phase components of the forced frequency component of lift and moment coefficients when the section is forced to periodically oscillate both in heave and pitch degrees of freedom. Also the flutter derivatives are evaluated numerically from the same forced oscillation simulations. A good general agreement has been found with both experimental and numerical data reported in the literature. This highlights the benefits of this relatively simple and straightforward approach. These methods, once their feasibility has been checked, are ready to use in parametric design of bridge deck sections and, at a later stage, in the shape optimization of deck girders considering aeroelastic constraints