9 research outputs found

    PolyUCOMP in TAC 2011 entity linking and slot filling

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    The Text Analysis Conference (TAC) is organized by the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).2011-2012 > Academic research: refereed > Refereed conference paperVersion of RecordPublishe

    Knowledge-driven slot constraints for goal-oriented dialogue systems

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    In goal-oriented dialogue systems, users provide information through slot values to achieve specific goals. Practically, some combinations of slot values can be invalid according to external knowledge. For example, a combination of "cheese pizza" (a menu item) and "oreo cookies" (a topping) from an input utterance "Can I order a cheese pizza with oreo cookies on top?" exemplifies such invalid combinations according to the menu of a restaurant business. Traditional dialogue systems allow execution of validation rules as a post-processing step after slots have been filled which can lead to error accumulation. In this paper, we formalize knowledge-driven slot constraints and present a new task of constraint violation detection accompanied with benchmarking data. Then, we propose methods to integrate the external knowledge into the system and model constraint violation detection as an end-to-end classification task and compare it to the traditional rule-based pipeline approach. Experiments on two domains of the MultiDoGO dataset reveal challenges of constraint violation detection and sets the stage for future work and improvements

    Linking named entities to Wikipedia

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    Natural language is fraught with problems of ambiguity, including name reference. A name in text can refer to multiple entities just as an entity can be known by different names. This thesis examines how a mention in text can be linked to an external knowledge base (KB), in our case, Wikipedia. The named entity linking (NEL) task requires systems to identify the KB entry, or Wikipedia article, that a mention refers to; or, if the KB does not contain the correct entry, return NIL. Entity linking systems can be complex and we present a framework for analysing their different components, which we use to analyse three seminal systems which are evaluated on a common dataset and we show the importance of precise search for linking. The Text Analysis Conference (TAC) is a major venue for NEL research. We report on our submissions to the entity linking shared task in 2010, 2011 and 2012. The information required to disambiguate entities is often found in the text, close to the mention. We explore apposition, a common way for authors to provide information about entities. We model syntactic and semantic restrictions with a joint model that achieves state-of-the-art apposition extraction performance. We generalise from apposition to examine local descriptions specified close to the mention. We add local description to our state-of-the-art linker by using patterns to extract the descriptions and matching against this restricted context. Not only does this make for a more precise match, we are also able to model failure to match. Local descriptions help disambiguate entities, further improving our state-of-the-art linker. The work in this thesis seeks to link textual entity mentions to knowledge bases. Linking is important for any task where external world knowledge is used and resolving ambiguity is fundamental to advancing research into these problems

    Using Context Awareness to Improve Domain-Specific Named Entity Disambiguation

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    In this project we designed and implemented a system based on the Learning To Rank framework to perform Named Entity Disambiguation (NED) of ancient author names and work titles being parts of canonical bibliographic citations. The data is made of abstracts extracted from modern publications in the context of Classical Studies. We had to deal with domain specific challenges like the small set of available anno- tated data, the high level of ambiguity of the citations and a specific knowledge base which does not include the common properties of the knowledge bases usually used in state-of-the-art NED systems like Wikipedia. Finally our system improved the already implemented baseline system and reached a F1 score of 77.62% (+7.1%) and 71.88% accuracy (+10.2%). We also demonstrated how we can further improve the disambiguation by exploiting the co-occurrence probability of entities extracted from the corpus. With this method we improved our system by 6.8% in terms of accuracy on a sub-set of 59 documents

    Slot Filling

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    Slot filling (SF) is the task of automatically extracting facts about particular entities from unstructured text, and populating a knowledge base (KB) with these facts. These structured KBs enable applications such as structured web queries and question answering. SF is typically framed as a query-oriented setting of the related task of relation extraction. Throughout this thesis, we reflect on how SF is a task with many distinct problems. We demonstrate that recall is a major limiter on SF system performance. We contribute an analysis of typical SF recall loss, and find a substantial amount of loss occurs early in the SF pipeline. We confirm that accurate NER and coreference resolution are required for high-recall SF. We measure upper bounds using a naïve graph-based semi-supervised bootstrapping technique, and find that only 39% of results are reachable using a typical feature space. We expect that this graph-based technique will be directly useful for extraction, and this leads us to frame SF as a label propagation task. We focus on a detailed graph representation of the task which reflects the behaviour and assumptions we want to model based on our analysis, including modifying the label propagation process to model multiple types of label interaction. Analysing the graph, we find that a large number of errors occur in very close proximity to training data, and identify that this is of major concern for propagation. While there are some conflicts caused by a lack of sufficient disambiguating context—we explore adding additional contextual features to address this—many of these conflicts are caused by subtle annotation problems. We find that lack of a standard for how explicit expressions of relations must be in text makes consistent annotation difficult. Using a strict definition of explicitness results in 20% of correct annotations being removed from a standard dataset. We contribute several annotation-driven analyses of this problem, exploring the definition of slots and the effect of the lack of a concrete definition of explicitness: annotation schema do not detail how explicit expressions of relations need to be, and there is large scope for disagreement between annotators. Additionally, applications may require relatively strict or relaxed evidence for extractions, but this is not considered in annotation tasks. We demonstrate that annotators frequently disagree on instances, dependent on differences in annotator world knowledge and thresholds on making probabilistic inference. SF is fundamental to enabling many knowledge-based applications, and this work motivates modelling and evaluating SF to better target these tasks

    Temporal Information Extraction and Knowledge Base Population

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    Temporal Information Extraction (TIE) from text plays an important role in many Natural Language Processing and Database applications. Many features of the world are time-dependent, and rich temporal knowledge is required for a more complete and precise understanding of the world. In this thesis we address aspects of two core tasks in TIE. First, we provide a new corpus of labeled temporal relations between events and temporal expressions, dense enough to facilitate a change in research directions from relation classification to identification, and present a system designed to address corresponding new challenges. Second, we implement a novel approach for the discovery and aggregation of temporal information about entity-centric fluent relations

    Robust Entity Linking in Heterogeneous Domains

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    Entity Linking is the task of mapping terms in arbitrary documents to entities in a knowledge base by identifying the correct semantic meaning. It is applied in the extraction of structured data in RDF (Resource Description Framework) from textual documents, but equally so in facilitating artificial intelligence applications, such as Semantic Search, Reasoning and Question and Answering. Most existing Entity Linking systems were optimized for specific domains (e.g., general domain, biomedical domain), knowledge base types (e.g., DBpedia, Wikipedia), or document structures (e.g., tables) and types (e.g., news articles, tweets). This led to very specialized systems that lack robustness and are only applicable for very specific tasks. In this regard, this work focuses on the research and development of a robust Entity Linking system in terms of domains, knowledge base types, and document structures and types. To create a robust Entity Linking system, we first analyze the following three crucial components of an Entity Linking algorithm in terms of robustness criteria: (i) the underlying knowledge base, (ii) the entity relatedness measure, and (iii) the textual context matching technique. Based on the analyzed components, our scientific contributions are three-fold. First, we show that a federated approach leveraging knowledge from various knowledge base types can significantly improve robustness in Entity Linking systems. Second, we propose a new state-of-the-art, robust entity relatedness measure for topical coherence computation based on semantic entity embeddings. Third, we present the neural-network-based approach Doc2Vec as a textual context matching technique for robust Entity Linking. Based on our previous findings and outcomes, our main contribution in this work is DoSeR (Disambiguation of Semantic Resources). DoSeR is a robust, knowledge-base-agnostic Entity Linking framework that extracts relevant entity information from multiple knowledge bases in a fully automatic way. The integrated algorithm represents a collective, graph-based approach that utilizes semantic entity and document embeddings for entity relatedness and textual context matching computation. Our evaluation shows, that DoSeR achieves state-of-the-art results over a wide range of different document structures (e.g., tables), document types (e.g., news documents) and domains (e.g., general domain, biomedical domain). In this context, DoSeR outperforms all other (publicly available) Entity Linking algorithms on most data sets