5 research outputs found

    Enhancing knowledge acquisition systems with user generated and crowdsourced resources

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    This thesis is on leveraging knowledge acquisition systems with collaborative data and crowdsourcing work from internet. We propose two strategies and apply them for building effective entity linking and question answering (QA) systems. The first strategy is on integrating an information extraction system with online collaborative knowledge bases, such as Wikipedia and Freebase. We construct a Cross-Lingual Entity Linking (CLEL) system to connect Chinese entities, such as people and locations, with corresponding English pages in Wikipedia. The main focus is to break the language barrier between Chinese entities and the English KB, and to resolve the synonymy and polysemy of Chinese entities. To address those problems, we create a cross-lingual taxonomy and a Chinese knowledge base (KB). We investigate two methods of connecting the query representation with the KB representation. Based on our CLEL system participating in TAC KBP 2011 evaluation, we finally propose a simple and effective generative model, which achieved much better performance. The second strategy is on creating annotation for QA systems with the help of crowd- sourcing. Crowdsourcing is to distribute a task via internet and recruit a lot of people to complete it simultaneously. Various annotated data are required to train the data-driven statistical machine learning algorithms for underlying components in our QA system. This thesis demonstrates how to convert the annotation task into crowdsourcing micro-tasks, investigate different statistical methods for enhancing the quality of crowdsourced anno- tation, and ïŹnally use enhanced annotation to train learning to rank models for passage ranking algorithms for QA.Gegenstand dieser Arbeit ist das Nutzbarmachen sowohl von Systemen zur Wissener- fassung als auch von kollaborativ erstellten Daten und Arbeit aus dem Internet. Es werden zwei Strategien vorgeschlagen, welche fĂŒr die Erstellung effektiver Entity Linking (Disambiguierung von EntitĂ€tennamen) und Frage-Antwort Systeme eingesetzt werden. Die erste Strategie ist, ein Informationsextraktions-System mit kollaborativ erstellten Online- Datenbanken zu integrieren. Wir entwickeln ein Cross-Linguales Entity Linking-System (CLEL), um chinesische EntitĂ€ten, wie etwa Personen und Orte, mit den entsprechenden Wikipediaseiten zu verknĂŒpfen. Das Hauptaugenmerk ist es, die Sprachbarriere zwischen chinesischen EntitĂ€ten und englischer Datenbank zu durchbrechen, und Synonymie und Polysemie der chinesis- chen EntitĂ€ten aufzulösen. Um diese Probleme anzugehen, erstellen wir eine cross linguale Taxonomie und eine chinesische Datenbank. Wir untersuchen zwei Methoden, die ReprĂ€sentation der Anfrage und die ReprĂ€sentation der Datenbank zu verbinden. Schließlich stellen wir ein einfaches und effektives generatives Modell vor, das auf unserem System fĂŒr die Teilnahme an der TAC KBP 2011 Evaluation basiert und eine erheblich bessere Performanz erreichte. Die zweite Strategie ist, Annotationen fĂŒr Frage-Antwort-Systeme mit Hilfe von "Crowd- sourcing" zu erstellen. "Crowdsourcing" bedeutet, eine Aufgabe via Internet an eine große Menge an angeworbene Menschen zu verteilen, die diese simultan erledigen. Verschiedene annotierte Daten sind notwendig, um die datengetriebenen statistischen Lernalgorithmen zu trainieren, die unserem Frage-Antwort System zugrunde liegen. Wir zeigen, wie die Annotationsaufgabe in Mikro-Aufgaben fĂŒr das Crowdsourcing umgewan- delt werden kann, wir untersuchen verschiedene statistische Methoden, um die QualitĂ€t der Annotation aus dem Crowdsourcing zu erweitern, und schließlich nutzen wir die erwei- erte Annotation, um Modelle zum Lernen von Ranglisten von Textabschnitten zu trainieren

    Linking named entities to Wikipedia

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    Natural language is fraught with problems of ambiguity, including name reference. A name in text can refer to multiple entities just as an entity can be known by different names. This thesis examines how a mention in text can be linked to an external knowledge base (KB), in our case, Wikipedia. The named entity linking (NEL) task requires systems to identify the KB entry, or Wikipedia article, that a mention refers to; or, if the KB does not contain the correct entry, return NIL. Entity linking systems can be complex and we present a framework for analysing their different components, which we use to analyse three seminal systems which are evaluated on a common dataset and we show the importance of precise search for linking. The Text Analysis Conference (TAC) is a major venue for NEL research. We report on our submissions to the entity linking shared task in 2010, 2011 and 2012. The information required to disambiguate entities is often found in the text, close to the mention. We explore apposition, a common way for authors to provide information about entities. We model syntactic and semantic restrictions with a joint model that achieves state-of-the-art apposition extraction performance. We generalise from apposition to examine local descriptions specified close to the mention. We add local description to our state-of-the-art linker by using patterns to extract the descriptions and matching against this restricted context. Not only does this make for a more precise match, we are also able to model failure to match. Local descriptions help disambiguate entities, further improving our state-of-the-art linker. The work in this thesis seeks to link textual entity mentions to knowledge bases. Linking is important for any task where external world knowledge is used and resolving ambiguity is fundamental to advancing research into these problems

    Temporal Information Extraction and Knowledge Base Population

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    Temporal Information Extraction (TIE) from text plays an important role in many Natural Language Processing and Database applications. Many features of the world are time-dependent, and rich temporal knowledge is required for a more complete and precise understanding of the world. In this thesis we address aspects of two core tasks in TIE. First, we provide a new corpus of labeled temporal relations between events and temporal expressions, dense enough to facilitate a change in research directions from relation classification to identification, and present a system designed to address corresponding new challenges. Second, we implement a novel approach for the discovery and aggregation of temporal information about entity-centric fluent relations

    Robust Entity Linking in Heterogeneous Domains

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    Entity Linking is the task of mapping terms in arbitrary documents to entities in a knowledge base by identifying the correct semantic meaning. It is applied in the extraction of structured data in RDF (Resource Description Framework) from textual documents, but equally so in facilitating artificial intelligence applications, such as Semantic Search, Reasoning and Question and Answering. Most existing Entity Linking systems were optimized for specific domains (e.g., general domain, biomedical domain), knowledge base types (e.g., DBpedia, Wikipedia), or document structures (e.g., tables) and types (e.g., news articles, tweets). This led to very specialized systems that lack robustness and are only applicable for very specific tasks. In this regard, this work focuses on the research and development of a robust Entity Linking system in terms of domains, knowledge base types, and document structures and types. To create a robust Entity Linking system, we first analyze the following three crucial components of an Entity Linking algorithm in terms of robustness criteria: (i) the underlying knowledge base, (ii) the entity relatedness measure, and (iii) the textual context matching technique. Based on the analyzed components, our scientific contributions are three-fold. First, we show that a federated approach leveraging knowledge from various knowledge base types can significantly improve robustness in Entity Linking systems. Second, we propose a new state-of-the-art, robust entity relatedness measure for topical coherence computation based on semantic entity embeddings. Third, we present the neural-network-based approach Doc2Vec as a textual context matching technique for robust Entity Linking. Based on our previous findings and outcomes, our main contribution in this work is DoSeR (Disambiguation of Semantic Resources). DoSeR is a robust, knowledge-base-agnostic Entity Linking framework that extracts relevant entity information from multiple knowledge bases in a fully automatic way. The integrated algorithm represents a collective, graph-based approach that utilizes semantic entity and document embeddings for entity relatedness and textual context matching computation. Our evaluation shows, that DoSeR achieves state-of-the-art results over a wide range of different document structures (e.g., tables), document types (e.g., news documents) and domains (e.g., general domain, biomedical domain). In this context, DoSeR outperforms all other (publicly available) Entity Linking algorithms on most data sets

    Joint Discourse-aware Concept Disambiguation and Clustering

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    This thesis addresses the tasks of concept disambiguation and clustering. Concept disambiguation is the task of linking common nouns and proper names in a text – henceforth called mentions – to their corresponding concepts in a predefined inventory. Concept clustering is the task of clustering mentions, so that all mentions in one cluster denote the same concept. In this thesis, we investigate concept disambiguation and clustering from a discourse perspective and propose a discourse-aware approach for joint concept disambiguation and clustering in the framework of Markov logic. The contributions of this thesis are fourfold: Joint Concept Disambiguation and Clustering. In previous approaches, concept disambiguation and concept clustering have been considered as two separate tasks (SchĂŒtze, 1998; Ji & Grishman, 2011). We analyze the relationship between concept disambiguation and concept clustering and argue that these two tasks can mutually support each other. We propose the – to our knowledge – first joint approach for concept disambiguation and clustering. Discourse-Aware Concept Disambiguation. One of the determining factors for concept disambiguation and clustering is the context definition. Most previous approaches use the same context definition for all mentions (Milne & Witten, 2008b; Kulkarni et al., 2009; Ratinov et al., 2011, inter alia). We approach the question which context is relevant to disambiguate a mention from a discourse perspective and state that different mentions require different notions of contexts. We state that the context that is relevant to disambiguate a mention depends on its embedding into discourse. However, how a mention is embedded into discourse depends on its denoted concept. Hence, the identification of the denoted concept and the relevant concept mutually depend on each other. We propose a binwise approach with three different context definitions and model the selection of the context definition and the disambiguation jointly. Modeling Interdependencies with Markov Logic. To model the interdependencies between concept disambiguation and concept clustering as well as the interdependencies between the context definition and the disambiguation, we use Markov logic (Domingos & Lowd, 2009). Markov logic combines first order logic with probabilities and allows us to concisely formalize these interdependencies. We investigate how we can balance between linguistic appropriateness and time efficiency and propose a hybrid approach that combines joint inference with aggregation techniques. Concept Disambiguation and Clustering beyond English: Multi- and Cross-linguality. Given the vast amount of texts written in different languages, the capability to extend an approach to cope with other languages than English is essential. We thus analyze how our approach copes with other languages than English and show that our approach largely scales across languages, even without retraining. Our approach is evaluated on multiple data sets originating from different sources (e.g. news, web) and across multiple languages. As an inventory, we use Wikipedia. We compare our approach to other approaches and show that it achieves state-of-the-art results. Furthermore, we show that joint concept disambiguating and clustering as well as joint context selection and disambiguation leads to significant improvements ceteris paribus