7 research outputs found

    IPv6 Security Issues: A Systematic Review Following PRISMA Guidelines

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    Since Internet Protocol version 6 is a new technology, insecure network configurations are inevitable. The researchers contributed a lot to spreading knowledge about IPv6 vulnerabilities and how to address them over the past two decades. In this study, a systematic literature review is conducted to analyze research progress in IPv6 security field following the Preferred Reporting Items for the Systematics Review and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) method. A total of 427 studies have been reviewed from two databases, IEEE and Scopus. To fulfil the review goal, several key data elements were extracted from each study and two kinds of analysis were administered: descriptive analysis and literature classification. The results show positive signs of the research contributions in the field, and generally, they could be considered as a reference to explore the research of in the past two decades in IPv6 security field and to draw the future directions. For example, the percentage of publishing increased from 147 per decade from 2000-2010 to 330 per decade from 2011 to 2020 which means that the percentage increase was 124%. The number of citations is another key finding that reflects the great global interest in research devoted to IPv6 security issues, as it was 409 citations in the decade from 2000-2010, then increased to 1643 citations during the decade from 2011 to 2020, that is, the percentage increase was 302%

    Pervasive computing reference architecture from a software engineering perspective (PervCompRA-SE)

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    Pervasive computing (PervComp) is one of the most challenging research topics nowadays. Its complexity exceeds the outdated main frame and client-server computation models. Its systems are highly volatile, mobile, and resource-limited ones that stream a lot of data from different sensors. In spite of these challenges, it entails, by default, a lengthy list of desired quality features like context sensitivity, adaptable behavior, concurrency, service omnipresence, and invisibility. Fortunately, the device manufacturers improved the enabling technology, such as sensors, network bandwidth, and batteries to pave the road for pervasive systems with high capabilities. On the other hand, this domain area has gained an enormous amount of attention from researchers ever since it was first introduced in the early 90s of the last century. Yet, they are still classified as visionary systems that are expected to be woven into people’s daily lives. At present, PervComp systems still have no unified architecture, have limited scope of context-sensitivity and adaptability, and many essential quality features are insufficiently addressed in PervComp architectures. The reference architecture (RA) that we called (PervCompRA-SE) in this research, provides solutions for these problems by providing a comprehensive and innovative pair of business and technical architectural reference models. Both models were based on deep analytical activities and were evaluated using different qualitative and quantitative methods. In this thesis we surveyed a wide range of research projects in PervComp in various subdomain areas to specify our methodological approach and identify the quality features in the PervComp domain that are most commonly found in these areas. It presented a novice approach that utilizes theories from sociology, psychology, and process engineering. The thesis analyzed the business and architectural problems in two separate chapters covering the business reference architecture (BRA) and the technical reference architecture (TRA). The solutions for these problems were introduced also in the BRA and TRA chapters. We devised an associated comprehensive ontology with semantic meanings and measurement scales. Both the BRA and TRA were validated throughout the course of research work and evaluated as whole using traceability, benchmark, survey, and simulation methods. The thesis introduces a new reference architecture in the PervComp domain which was developed using a novel requirements engineering method. It also introduces a novel statistical method for tradeoff analysis and conflict resolution between the requirements. The adaptation of the activity theory, human perception theory and process re-engineering methods to develop the BRA and the TRA proved to be very successful. Our approach to reuse the ontological dictionary to monitor the system performance was also innovative. Finally, the thesis evaluation methods represent a role model for researchers on how to use both qualitative and quantitative methods to evaluate a reference architecture. Our results show that the requirements engineering process along with the trade-off analysis were very important to deliver the PervCompRA-SE. We discovered that the invisibility feature, which was one of the envisioned quality features for the PervComp, is demolished and that the qualitative evaluation methods were just as important as the quantitative evaluation methods in order to recognize the overall quality of the RA by machines as well as by human beings

    Avoin alustakehitys IEEE 802.15.4 -standardin mukaisessa langattomassa automaatiossa

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    This doctoral dissertation focuses on open source platform development in wireless automation under IEEE 802.15.4 standard. Research method is empirical. A platform based approach, which targets to the design of a generic open source sensor platform, was selected as a design method. The design targets were further focused by interviewing the experts from the academia and industry. Generic and modular sensor platform, the UWASA Node, was developed as an outcome of this process. Based on the implementation results, a wireless sensor and actuator network based on the UWASA Node was a feasible solution for many types of wireless automation applications. It was also possible to interface it with the other parts of the system. The targeted level of sensor platform genericity was achieved. However, it was also observed that the achieved level of genericity increased the software complexity. The development of commercial sensor platforms, which support IEEE 802.15.4 sensor networking, has narrowed down the role of open source sensor platforms, but they are not disappearing. Commercial software is usually closed and connected to a specified platform, which makes it unsuitable for research and development work. Even though there exits many commercial WSN solutions and the market expectations in this area are high, there is still a lot of work to do before the visions about Internet of Things (IoT) are fulfilled, especially in the context of distributed and locally centralized operations in the network. In terms of control engineering, one of the main research issues is to figure out how the well-known control techniques may be applied in wireless automation where WSN is part of the automation system. Open source platforms offer an important tool in this research and development work.Tämä väitöskirja käsittelee avointa alustakehitystä IEEE 802.15.4 -standardin mukaisessa langattomassa automaatiossa. Tutkimusmenetelmä on empiirinen. Työssä sovelletaan alustaperustaista suunnittelutapaa, joka tähtää yleiskäyttöisen avoimen anturialustan kehittämiseen. Suunnittelun tavoitteita tarkennettiin haastattelemalla alan asiantuntijoita teollisuudesta ja yliopistomaailmasta. Tuloksena suunniteltiin ja toteutettiin anturialusta, the UWASA Node. Implementointituloksista voidaan vetää johtopäätös, että anturialustan tavoiteltu yleiskäyttöisyystaso saavutettiin. Toisaalta saavutettu yleiskäyttöisyystaso lisäsi alustan ohjelmistoarkkitehtuurin monimutkaisuutta. Kaupallisten IEEE 802.15.4 -standardia tukevien anturialustojen tulo markkinoille vähentää avointen anturialustojen käyttöä, mutta ne eivät ole katoamassa. Kaupalliset ohjelmistot ovat tyypillisesti suljettuja ja sidoksissa tiettyyn alustaan, mikä tekee niistä sopimattomia tutkimus- ja tuotekehityskäyttöön. Vaikka nykyään on saatavilla useita kaupallisia langattomia anturi- ja toimilaiteverkkoja, vaaditaan vielä paljon työtä ennen kun kaikki esineiden Internetiin (Internet of Things) liittyvät visiot voidaan toteuttaa. Tämä koskee erityisesti langattomassa anturi- ja toimilaiteverkossa hajautetusti tai paikallisesti toteutettavia toimintoja. Säätötekniikan näkökulmasta keskeinen kysymys on, miten tunnettuja säätömenetelmiä tulee soveltaa langattomassa automaatiossa, jossa langaton anturi- ja toimilaiteverkko on osa automaatiojärjestelmää. Avoimet anturialustat ovat tärkeä työkalu sen selvittämisessä.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Service Replication in Wireless Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit dem Management von Diensten im mobilen ad-hoc Netzwerken (MANETs). MANETs sind drahtlose Netzverbände mobiler Einheiten die sich dezentral ohne eine übergeordnete Organisation selbst verwalten. Die Netztopologie eines MANET verändert sich dabei dynamisch mit der Bewegung der autonomen Teilnehmer. Sensor Netzwerke, Personal Area Networks und Satelliten Netzwerke sind typische Beispiele für derartige MANETs. Mit der wachsenden Bedeutung der drahtlosen Vernetzung mobiler Geräte haben sich MANETs in den vergangenen Jahren zu einem wichtigen Forschungsgebiet entwickelt. Im Katastrophenmanagement, bei zivilen Rettungsfällen oder in militärischen Szenarien kann ihre infrastrukturlose Selbstorganisation MANETs zum einzig möglichen Kommunikationsmittel machen. Die mobilen Knoten eines MANETs kooperieren um essenzielle Netzwerkdienste wie das Routing und den Datentransport gemeinschaftlich zu gewährleisten. Ressourcen wie die Bandbreite zwischen Knoten, die Rechenleistung der mobilen Geräte und ihre Batterieleistung sind dabei typischerweise stark begrenzt und zudem wechselnd. Das Teilen der verfügbaren Ressourcen ist daher eine Notwendigkeit für das effiziente Funktionieren eines MANETs. Dienstorientierte Architekturen (SOAs) stellen ein geeignetes Paradigma dar, um geteilte Ressourcen zu verwalten. Wenn verfügbare Ressourcen als Dienst aufgefasst werden, lässt sich ihre Nutzung als Dienstabfrage bearbeiten. In diesem Zusammenhang ermöglichen SOAs Abstraktion, Kapselung, lose Koppelung, Auffindbarkeit von Ressourcen und dir für MANETs essenzielle Autonomie. Die Anwendung von SOAs auf MANETs findet daher zunehmend Beachtung in der Forschung

    CPK-based fast authentication method in Mobile IPv6 networks

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