4 research outputs found


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    Nowadays the methodology for designing systems on a chip is based on highly parameterized IP components which provide a wide range of adjustment of costs in resources, fixed point arithmetic data formats and system performance for a specific target application. The article presents a systematic approach for synthesizing FPGA architectures of integer reversible paraunitary filter banks in quaternion algebra (Int-Q-PUBB) for L2L (lossless-to-lossy) image transformed encoding. It is shown that the basic elementary transformation of the filter bank is the operation of quaternion multiplication (Q-MUL), the block-lifting factorization of which and the distributed arithmetic on the adder are the basis of the parametrizable Q-MUL IP-component.В настоящее время методологии проектирования систем на кристалле основываются на высокопараметризированных IP-компонентах (IP – intellectual property), которые для конкретного целевого приложения обеспечивают широкий диапазон регулировки затрат ресурсов, форматов данных арифметики с фиксированной запятой и производительности системы. В статье представлен систематический подход к синтезу FPGA-архитектур целочисленных обратимых параунитарных банков фильтров в алгебре кватернионов (Int-Q-ПУБФ) для трансформационного кодирования изображений по схеме L2L (lossless-to-lossy). Показывается, что базовым элементарным преобразованием банка фильтров является операция умножения кватернионов (Q-MUL). Блочная лестничная факторизация данной операции и распределенная арифметика на сумматорах положены в основу параметризируемого Q-MUL IP-компонента

    CORDIC-lifting factorization of paraunitary filter banks based on the quaternionic multipliers for lossless image coding

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    Quaternions have offered a new paradigm to the signal processing community: to operate directly in a multidimensional domain. We have recently introduced the quaternionic approach to the design and implementation of paraunitary filter banks: four- and eight-channel linear-phase paraunitary filter banks, including those with pairwise-mirror-image symmetric frequency responses. The hypercomplex number theory is utilized to derive novel lattice structures in which quaternion multipliers replace Givens (planar) rotations. Unlike the conventional algorithms, the proposed computational schemes maintain losslessness regardless of their coefficient quantization. Moreover, the one regularity conditions can be expressed directly in terms of the quaternion lattice coefficients and thus easily satisfied even in finite-precision arithmetic. In this paper, a novel approach to realizing CORDIC-lifting factorization of paraunitary filter banks is presented, which is based on the embedding of the CORDIC algorithm inside the lifting scheme. Lifting allows for making multiplications invertible. The 2D CORDIC engine using sparse iterations and asynchronous pipeline processor architecture based on the embedded CORDIC engine as stage of processor is reported. Also it is necessary to notice, that the quaternion multiplier lifting scheme based on the 2D CORDIC algorithm is the structural decision for the lossless digital signal processing. This approach applies to very practical filter banks, which are essential for image processing, and addresses interesting theoretical questions


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    The article contains a number of solutions for the key element of paraunitary filter banks based on quaternionic algebra (Q-PUBF) – the multiplier of quaternions with usage of CORDIC (Coordinate Rotation Digital Computer) techniques for the fixed angle of rotation where, unlike known solutions, 4D rotation control parameters are represented by nonlinear function of shifts number of input operands of the microrotation operation. Suggested approach of the multiplier designing on a quaternion-constant allows reaching the maximum performance of the multiplier scheme with low use of resources, for example, of FPGA.Предлагается ряд решений ключевого элемента параунитарного банка фильтров на основе алгебры кватернионов – умножителя кватернионов с использованием CORDIC (Coordinate Rotation Digital Computer)-техники для фиксированного угла вращения, в которых в отличие от известных решений параметры управления 4D-вращением представляются нелинейной функцией числа сдвигов входных операндов операции микровращения. Предложенный подход проектирования умножителя на кватернион-константу позволяет достигать максимальной производительности схемы умножителя при скромном использовании ресурсов, например FPGA