160 research outputs found

    Study Of Esd Effects On Rf Power Amplifiers

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    Today, ESD is a major consideration in the design and manufacture of ICs. ESD problems are increasing in the electronics industry because of the increasing trend toward higher speed and smaller device sizes. There is growing interest in knowing the effects of ESD protection circuit on the performance of semiconductor integrated circuits (ICs) because of the impact it has on core RF circuit performance. This study investigated the impact of ESD protection circuit on RF Power amplifiers. Even though ESD protection for digital circuits has been known for a while, RF-ESD is a challenge. From a thorough literature search on prior art ESD protection circuits, Silicon controlled rectifier was found to be most effective and reliable ESD protection for power amplifier circuit. A SCR based ESD protection was used to protect the power amplifier and a model was developed to gain better understanding of ESD protected power amplifiers. Simulated results were compared and contrasted against theoretically derived equations. A 5.2GHz fully ESD protected Class AB power amplifier was designed and simulated using TSMC 0.18 um technology. Further, the ESD protection circuit was added to a cascoded Class-E power amplifier operating at 5.2 GHz. ADS simulation results were used to analyze the PA’s RF performance degradation. Various optimization techniques were used to improve the RF circuit performance


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    Design of the next generation (4G) systems is one of the most active and important area of research and development in wireless communications. The 2G and 3G technologies will still co-exist with the 4G for a certain period of time. Other applications such as wireless LAN (Local Area Network) and RFID are also widely used. As a result, there emerges a trend towards integrating multiple wireless functionalities into a single mobile device. Low noise amplifier (LNA), the most critical component of the receiver front-end, determines the sensitivity and noise figure of the receiver and is indispensable for the complete system. To satisfy the need for higher performance and diversity of wireless communication systems, three LNAs with different structures and techniques are proposed in the thesis based on the 4G applications. The first LNA is designed and optimized specifically for LTE applications, which could be easily added to the existing system to support different standards. In this cascode LNA, the nonlinearity coming from the common source (CS) and common gate (CG) stages are analyzed in detail, and a novel linear structure is proposed to enhance the linearity in a relatively wide bandwidth. The LNA has a bandwidth of 900MHz with the linearity of greater than 7.5dBm at the central frequency of 1.2GHz. Testing results show that the proposed structure effectively increases and maintains linearity of the LNA in a wide bandwidth. However, a broadband LNA that covers multiple frequency ranges appears more attractive due to system simplicity and low cost. The second design, a wideband LNA, is proposed to cover multiple wireless standards, such as LTE, RFID, GSM, and CDMA. A novel input-matching network is proposed to relax the tradeoff among noise figure and bandwidth. A high gain (>10dB) in a wide frequency range (1-3GHz) and a minimum NF of 2.5dB are achieved. The LNA consumes only 7mW on a 1.2V supply. The first and second LNAs are designed mainly for the LTE standard because it is the most widely used standard in the 4G communication systems. However, WiMAX, another 4G standard, is also being widely used in many applications. The third design targets on covering both the LTE and the WiMAX. An improved noise cancelling technique with gain enhancing structure is proposed in this design and the bandwidth is enlarged to 8GHz. In this frequency range, a maximum power gain of 14.5dB and a NF of 2.6-4.3dB are achieved. The core area of this LNA is 0.46x0.67mm2 and it consumes 17mW from a 1.2V supply. The three designs in the thesis work are proposed for the multi-standard applications based on the realization of the 4G technologies. The performance tradeoff among noise, linearity, and broadband impedance matching are explored and three new techniques are proposed for the tradeoff relaxation. The measurement results indicate the techniques effectively extend the bandwidth and suppress the increase of the NF and nonlinearity at high frequencies. The three proposed structures can be easily applied to the wideband and multi-standard LNA design

    CMOS radio frequency circuits for short-range direct-conversion receivers

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    The research described in this thesis is focused on the design and implementation of radio frequency (RF) circuits for direct-conversion receivers. The main interest is in RF front-end circuits, which contain low-noise amplifiers, downconversion mixers, and quadrature local oscillator signal generation circuits. Three RF front-end circuits were fabricated in a short-channel CMOS process and experimental results are presented. A low-noise amplifier (LNA) is typically the first amplifying block in the receiver. A large number of LNAs have been reported in the literature. In this thesis, wideband LNA structures are of particular interest. The most common and relevant LNA topologies are analyzed in detail in the frequency domain and theoretical limitations are found. New LNA structures are presented and a comparison to the ones found in the literature is made. In this work, LNAs are implemented with downconversion mixers as RF front-ends. The designed mixers are based on the commonly used Gilbert cell. Different mixer implementation alternatives are presented and the design of the interface between the LNA and the downconversion mixer is discussed. In this work, the quadrature local oscillator signal is generated either by using frequency dividers or polyphase filters (PPF). Different possibilities for implementing frequency dividers are briefly described. Polyphase filters were already introduced by the 1970s and integrated circuit (IC) realizations to generate quadrature signals have been published since the mid-1990s. Although several publications where the performance of the PPFs has been studied either by theoretical calculations or simulations can be found in the literature, none of them covers all the relevant design parameters. In this thesis, the theory behind the PPFs is developed such that all the relevant design parameters needed in the practical circuit design have been calculated and presented with closed-form equations whenever possible. Although the main focus was on twoand three-stage PPFs, which are the most common ones encountered in practical ICs, the presented calculation methods can be extended to analyze the performance of multistage PPFs as well. The main application targets of the circuits presented in this thesis are the short-range wireless sensor system and ultrawideband (UWB). Sensors are capable of monitoring temperature, pressure, humidity, or acceleration, for example. The amount of transferred data is typically small and therefore a modest bit rate, less than 1 Mbps, is adequate. The sensor system applied in this thesis operates at 2.4-GHz ISM band (Industrial, Scientific, and Medical). Since the sensors must be able to operate independently for several years, extremely low power consumption is required. In sensor radios, the receiver current consumption is dominated by the blocks and elements operating at the RF. Therefore, the target was to develop circuits that can offer satisfactory performance with a current consumption level that is small compared to other receivers targeted for common cellular systems. On the other hand, there is a growing need for applications that can offer an extremely high data rate. UWB is one example of such a system. At the moment, it can offer data rates of up to 480 Mbps. There is a frequency spectrum allocated for UWB systems between 3.1 and 10.6 GHz. The UWB band is further divided into several narrower band groups (BG), each occupying a bandwidth of approximately 1.6 GHz. In this work, a direct-conversion RF front-end is designed for a dual-band UWB receiver, which operates in band groups BG1 and BG3, i.e. at 3.1 – 4.8 GHz and 6.3 – 7.9 GHz frequency areas, respectively. Clearly, an extremely wide bandwidth combined with a high operational frequency poses challenges for circuit design. The operational bandwidths and the interfaces between the circuit blocks need to be optimized to cover the wanted frequency areas. In addition, the wideband functionality should be achieved without using a number of on-chip inductors in order to minimize the die area, and yet the power consumption should be kept as small as possible. The characteristics of the two main target applications are quite different from each other with regard to power consumption, bandwidth, and operational frequency requirements. A common factor for both is their short, i.e. less than 10 meters, range. Although the circuits presented in this thesis are targeted on the two main applications mentioned above, they can be utilized in other kind of wireless communication systems as well. The performance of three experimental circuits was verified with measurements and the results are presented in this work. Two of them have been a part of a whole receiver including baseband amplifiers and filters and analog-to-digital converters. Experimental circuits were fabricated in a 0.13-µm CMOS process. In addition, this thesis includes design examples where new circuit ideas and implementation possibilities are introduced by using 0.13-µm and 65-nm CMOS processes. Furthermore, part of the theory presented in this thesis is validated with design examples in which actual IC component models are used.Tässä väitöskirjassa esitetty tutkimus keskittyy suoramuunnosvastaanottimen radiotaajuudella (radio frequency, RF) toimivien piirien suunnitteluun ja toteuttamiseen. Työ keskittyy vähäkohinaiseen vahvistimeen (low-noise amplifier, LNA), alassekoittajaan ja kvadratuurisen paikallisoskillaattorisignaalin tuottavaan piiriin. Työssä toteutettiin kolme RF-etupäätä erittäin kapean viivanleveyden CMOS-prosessilla, ja niiden kokeelliset tulokset esitetään. Vähäkohinainen vahvistin on yleensä ensimmäinen vahvistava lohko vastaanottimessa. Useita erilaisia vähäkohinaisia vahvistimia on esitetty kirjallisuudessa. Tämän työn kohteena ovat eritoten laajakaistaiset LNA-rakenteet. Tässä työssä analysoidaan taajuustasossa yleisimmät ja oleellisimmat LNA-topologiat. Lisäksi uusia LNA-rakenteita on esitetty tässä työssä ja niitä on verrattu muihin kirjallisuudessa esitettyihin piireihin. Tässä työssä LNA:t on toteutettu yhdessä alassekoittimen kanssa muodostaen RF-etupään. Työssä suunnitellut alassekoittimet perustuvat yleisesti käytettyyn Gilbertin soluun. Erilaisia sekoittajan suunnitteluvaihtoehtoja ja LNA:n ja alassekoittimen välisen rajapinnan toteutustapoja on esitetty. Tässä työssä kvadratuurinen paikallisoskillaattorisignaali on muodostettu joko käyttämällä taajuusjakajia tai monivaihesuodattimia. Erilaisia taajuusjakajia ja niiden toteutustapoja käsitellään yleisellä tasolla. Monivaihesuodatinta, joka on alunperin kehitetty jo 1970-luvulla, on käytetty integroiduissa piireissä kvadratuurisignaalin tuottamiseen 1990-luvun puolivälistä lähtien. Kirjallisuudesta löytyy lukuisia artikkeleita, joissa monivaihesuodattimen toimintaa on käsitelty teoreettisesti laskien ja simuloinnein. Kuitenkaan kaikkia sen suunnitteluparametreja ei tähän mennessä ole käsitelty. Tässä työssä monivaihesuodattimen teoriaa on kehitetty edelleen siten, että käytännön piirisuunnittelussa tarvittavat oleelliset parametrit on analysoitu ja suunnitteluyhtälöt on esitetty suljetussa muodossa aina kuin mahdollista. Vaikka työssä on keskitytty yleisimpiin eli kaksi- ja kolmiasteisiin monivaihesuodattimiin, on työssä esitetty menetelmät, joilla laskentaa voidaan jatkaa aina useampiasteisiin suodattimiin asti. Työssä esiteltyjen piirien pääkohteina ovat lyhyen kantaman sensoriradio ja erittäin laajakaistainen järjestelmä (ultrawideband, UWB). Sensoreilla voidaan tarkkailla esimerkiksi ympäristön lämpötilaa, kosteutta, painetta tai kiihtyvyyttä. Siirrettävän tiedon määrä on tyypillisesti vähäistä, jolloin pieni tiedonsiirtonopeus, alle 1 megabitti sekunnissa, on välttävä. Tämän työn kohteena oleva sensoriradiojärjestelmä toimii kapealla kaistalla 2,4 gigahertsin ISM-taajuusalueella (Industrial, Scientific, and Medical). Koska sensorien tavoitteena on toimia itsenäisesti ilman pariston vaihtoa useita vuosia, täytyy niiden kuluttaman virran olla erittäin vähäistä. Sensoriradiossa vastaanottimen tehonkulutuksen kannalta määräävässä asemassa ovat radiotaajuudella toimivat piirit. Tavoitteena oli tutkia ja kehittää piirirakenteita, joilla päästään tyydyttävään suorituskykyyn tehonkulutuksella, joka on vähäinen verrattuna muiden tavallisten langattomien tiedonsiirtojärjestelmien radiovastaanottimiin. Toisaalta viime aikoina on kasvanut tarvetta myös järjestelmille, jotka kykenevät tarjoamaan erittäin korkean tiedonsiirtonopeuden. UWB on esimerkki tällaisesta järjestelmästä. Tällä hetkellä se tarjoaa tiedonsiirtonopeuksia aina 480 megabittiin sekunnissa. UWB:lle on varattu taajuusalueita 3,1 ja 10,6 gigahertsin taajuuksien välillä. Kyseinen kaista on edelleen jaettu pienempiin taajuusryhmiin (band group, BG), joiden kaistanleveys on noin 1,6 gigahertsiä. Tässä työssä on toteutettu RF-etupää radiovastaanottimeen, joka pystyy toimimaan BG1:llä ja BG3:lla eli taajuusalueilla 3,1 - 4,7 GHz ja 6,3 - 7,9 GHz. Erittäin suuri kaistanleveys yhdistettynä korkeaan toimintataajuuteen tekee radiotaajuuspiirien suunnittelusta haasteellista. Piirirakenteiden toimintakaistat ja piirien väliset rajapinnat tulee optimoida riittävän laajoiksi käyttämättä kuitenkaan liian montaa piille integroitua kelaa piirin pinta-alan minimoimiseksi, ja lisäksi piirit tulisi toteuttaa mahdollisimman alhaisella tehonkulutuksella. Työssä esiteltyjen piirien kaksi pääkohdetta ovat hyvin erityyppisiä, mitä tulee tehonkulutus-, kaistanleveys- ja toimintataajuusvaatimuksiin. Yhteistä molemmille on lyhyt, alle 10 metrin kantama. Vaikka tässä työssä esitellyt piirit onkin kohdennettu kahteen pääsovelluskohteeseen, voidaan esitettyjä piirejä käyttää myös muiden tiedonsiirtojärjestelmien piirien suunnitteluun. Tässä työssä esitetään mittaustuloksineen yhteensä kolme kokeellista piiriä yllämainittuihin järjestelmiin. Kaksi ensimmäistä kokeellista piiriä muodostaa kokonaisen radiovastaanottimen yhdessä analogisten kantataajuusosien ja analogia-digitaali-muuntimien kanssa. Esitetyt kokeelliset piirit on toteutettu käyttäen 0,13 µm:n viivanleveyden CMOS-tekniikkaa. Näiden lisäksi työ pitää sisällään piirisuunnitteluesimerkkejä, joissa esitetään ideoita ja mahdollisuuksia käyttäen 0,13 µm:n ja 65 nm:n viivanleveyden omaavia CMOS-tekniikoita. Lisäksi piirisuunnitteluesimerkein havainnollistetaan työssä esitetyn teorian paikkansapitävyyttä käyttämällä oikeita komponenttimalleja.reviewe

    Microwave CMOS VCOs and Front-Ends - using integrated passives on-chip and on-carrier

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    The increasing demand for high data rates in wireless communication systems is increasing the requirements on the transceiver front-ends, as they are pushed to utilize more and wider bands at higher frequencies. The work in this thesis is focused on receiver front-ends composed of Low Noise Amplifiers (LNAs), Mixers, and Voltage Controlled Oscillators (VCOs) operating at microwave frequencies. Traditionally, microwave electronics has used exclusive and more expensive semiconductor technologies (III-V materials). However, the rapid development of consumer electronics (e.g. video game consoles) the last decade has pushed the silicon CMOS IC technology towards even smaller feature sizes. This has resulted in high speed transistors (high fT and fmax) with low noise figures. However, as the breakdown voltages have decreased, a lower supply voltage must be used, which has had a negative impact on linearity and dynamic range. Nonetheless, todays downscaled CMOS technology is a feasible alternative for many microwave and even millimeter wave applications. The low quality factor (Q) of passive components on-chip usually limits the high frequency performance. For inductors realized in a standard CMOS process the substrate coupling results in a degraded Q. The quality factor can, however, be improved by moving the passive components off-chip and integrating them on a low loss carrier. This thesis therefore features microwave front-end and VCO designs in CMOS, where some designs have been flip-chip mounted on carriers featuring high Q inductors and low loss baluns. The thesis starts with an introduction to wireless communication, receiver architectures, front-end receiver blocks, and low loss carrier technology, followed by the included papers. The six included papers show the capability of CMOS and carrier technology at microwave frequencies: Papers II, III, and VI demonstrate fully integrated CMOS circuit designs. An LC-VCO using an accumulation mode varactor is presented in Paper II, a QVCO using 4-bit switched tuning is shown in Paper III, and a quadrature receiver front-end (including QVCO) is demonstrated in paper VI. Papers I and IV demonstrate receiver front-ends using low loss baluns on carrier for the LO and RF signals. Paper IV also includes a front-end using single-ended RF input which is converted to differential form in a novel merged LNA and balun. A VCO demonstrating the benefits of a high Q inductor on carrier is presented in Paper V

    Design of reliable and energy-efficient high-speed interface circuits

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    The data-rate demand in high-speed interface circuits increases exponentially every year. High-speed I/Os are better implemented in advanced process technologies for lower-power systems, with the advantages of improved driving capability of the transistors and reduced parasitic capacitance. However, advanced technologies are not necessarily advantageous in terms of device reliability; in particular device failure from electrostatic discharge (ESD) becomes more likely in nano-scale process nodes. In order to secure ESD resiliency, the size of ESD devices on I/O pads should be sufficiently large, which may potentially reduce I/O speed. These two conflicting requirements in high-speed I/O design sometimes require sacrifice to one of the two properties. In this dissertation, three different approaches are proposed to achieve reliable and energy-efficient interface circuits. As the first approach, a novel ESD self-protection scheme to utilize “adaptive active bias conditioning” is proposed to reduce voltage stress on the vulnerable transistors, thereby reducing the burden on ESD protection devices. The second approach is to cancel out effective parasitic capacitance from ESD devices by the T-coil network. Voltage overshoot generated by magnetic coupling of the T-coil network can be suppressed by the proposed “inductance halving” technique, which reduces mutual inductance during ESD. The last approach employs system-level knowledge in the design of an ADC-based receiver for high intersymbol interference (ISI) channels. As a system-level performance metric, bit-error rate (BER) is adopted to mitigate a bit-resolution requirement in “BER-optimal ADC”, which can lead to 2× power-efficiency in the flash ADC and achieve a better BER performance

    Integrated Circuit Design for Hybrid Optoelectronic Interconnects

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    This dissertation focuses on high-speed circuit design for the integration of hybrid optoelectronic interconnects. It bridges the gap between electronic circuit design and optical device design by seamlessly incorporating the compact Verilog-A model for optical components into the SPICE-like simulation environment, such as the Cadence design tool. Optical components fabricated in the IME 130nm SOI CMOS process are characterized. Corresponding compact Verilog-A models for Mach-Zehnder modulator (MZM) device are developed. With this approach, electro-optical co-design and hybrid simulation are made possible. The developed optical models are used for analyzing the system-level specifications of an MZM based optoelectronic transceiver link. Link power budgets for NRZ, PAM-4 and PAM-8 signaling modulations are simulated at system-level. The optimal transmitter extinction ratio (ER) is derived based on the required receiver\u27s minimum optical modulation amplitude (OMA). A limiting receiver is fabricated in the IBM 130 nm CMOS process. By side- by-side wire-bonding to a commercial high-speed InGaAs/InP PIN photodiode, we demonstrate that the hybrid optoelectronic limiting receiver can achieve the bit error rate (BER) of 10-12 with a -6.7 dBm sensitivity at 4 Gb/s. A full-rate, 4-channel 29-1 length parallel PRBS is fabricated in the IBM 130 nm SiGe BiCMOS process. Together with a 10 GHz phase locked loop (PLL) designed from system architecture to transistor level design, the PRBS is demonstrated operating at more than 10 Gb/s. Lessons learned from high-speed PCB design, dealing with signal integrity issue regarding to the PCB transmission line are summarized

    대역폭 증대 기술을 이용한 전력 효율적 고속 송신 시스템 설계

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    학위논문(박사) -- 서울대학교대학원 : 공과대학 전기·정보공학부, 2022.2. 정덕균.The high-speed interconnect at the datacenter is being more crucial as 400 Gb Ethernet standards are developed. At the high data rate, channel loss re-quires bandwidth extension techniques for transmitters, even for short-reach channels. On the other hand, as the importance of east-to-west connection is rising, the data center architectures are switching to spine-leaf from traditional ones. In this trend, the number of short-reach optical interconnect is expected to be dominant. The vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) is a com-monly used optical modulator for short-reach interconnect. However, since VCSEL has low bandwidth and nonlinearity, the optical transmitter also needs bandwidth-increasing techniques. Additionally, the power consumption of data centers reaches a point of concern to affect climate change. Therefore, this the-sis focuses on high-speed, power-efficient transmitters for data center applica-tions. Before the presenting circuit design, bandwidth extension techniques such as fractionally-spaced feed-forward equalizer (FFE), on-chip transmission line, inductive peaking, and T-coil are mathematically analyzed for their effec-tiveness. For the first chip, a power and area-efficient pulse-amplitude modulation 4 (PAM-4) transmitter using 3-tap FFE based on a slow-wave transmission line is presented. A passive delay line is adopted for generating an equalizer tap to overcome the high clocking power consumption. The transmission line achieves a high slow-wave factor of 15 with double floating metal shields around the differential coplanar waveguide. The transmitter includes 4:1 multi-plexers (MUXs) and a quadrature clock generator for high-speed data genera-tion in a quarter-rate system. The 4:1 MUX utilizes a 2-UI pulse generator, and the input configuration is determined by qualitative analysis. The chip is fabri-cated in 65 nm CMOS technology and occupies an area of 0.151 mm2. The proposed transmitter system exhibits an energy efficiency of 3.03 pJ/b at the data rate of 48 Gb/s with PAM-4 signaling. The second chip presents a power-efficient PAM-4 VCSEL transmitter using 3-tap FFE and negative-k T-coil. The phase interpolators (PIs) generate frac-tionally-spaced FFE tap and correct quadrature phase error. The PAM-4 com-bining 8:1 MUX is proposed rather than combining at output driver with double 4:1 MUXs to reduce serializing power consumption. T-coils at the internal and output node increase the bandwidth and remove inter-symbol interference (ISI). The negative-k T-coil at the output network increases the bandwidth 1.61 times than without T-coil. The VCSEL driver is placed on the high VSS domain for anode driving and power reduction. The chip is fabricated in 40 nm CMOS technology. The proposed VCSEL transmitter operates up to 48 Gb/s NRZ and 64 Gb/s PAM-4 with the power efficiency of 3.03 pJ/b and 2.09 pJ/b, respec-tively.400Gb 이더넷 표준이 개발됨에 따라 데이터 센터의 고속 상호 연결이 더욱 중요해지고 있다. 높은 데이터 속도에서의 채널 손실에 의해 단거리 채널의 경우에도 송신기에 대한 대역폭 확장 기술이 필요하다. 한편, 데이터 센터 내 동-서 연결의 중요성이 높아지면서 데이터 센터 아키텍처가 기존의 아키텍처에서 스파인-리프로 전환되고 있다. 이러한 추세에서 단거리 광학 인터커넥트의 수가 점차 우세해질 것으로 예상된다. 수직 캐비티 표면 방출 레이저(VCSEL)는 일반적으로 단거리 상호 연결을 위해 사용되는 광학 모듈레이터이다. VCSEL은 낮은 대역폭과 비선형성을 가지고 있기 때문에, 광 송신기도 대역폭 증가 기술을 필요로 한다. 또한, 데이터 센터의 전력 소비는 기후 변화에 영향을 미칠 수 있는 우려 지점에 도달했다. 따라서, 본 논문은 데이터 센터 응용을 위한 고속 전력 효율적인 송신기에 초점을 맞추고 있다. 회로 설계를 제시하기 전에, 부분 간격 피드-포워드 이퀄라이저 (FFE), 온칩 전송선로, 인덕터, T-코일과 같은 대역폭 확장 기술을 수학적으로 분석한다. 첫 번째 칩은 저속파 전송선로를 기반으로 한 3-탭 FFE를 사용하는 전력 및 면적 효율적인 펄스-진폭-변조 4(PAM-4) 송신기를 제시한다. 높은 클럭 전력 소비를 극복하기 위해 이퀄라이저 탭 생성을 위해 수동소자 지연 라인을 채택했다. 전송 라인은 차동 동일평면도파관 주위에 이중 플로팅 금속 차폐를 사용하여 15의 높은 전달속도 감쇠를 달성한다. 송신기에는 4:1 멀티플렉서(MUX)와 4-위상 클럭 생성기가 포함되어 있다. 4:1 MUX는 2-UI 펄스 발생기를 사용하며, 정성 분석에 의해 입력 구성이 결정된다. 이 칩은 65 nm CMOS 기술로 제작되었으며 0.151 mm2의 면적을 차지한다. 제안된 송신기 시스템은 PAM-4 신호와 함께 48 Gb/s의 데이터 속도에서 3.03 pJ/b의 에너지 효율을 보여준다. 두 번째 칩에서는 3-탭 FFE 및 역회전 T-코일을 사용하는 전력 효율적인 PAM-4 VCSEL 송신기를 제시한다. 위상 보간기(PI)는 부분 간격 FFE 탭을 생성하고 4-위상 클럭 오류를 수정하는 데 사용된다. 직렬화 전력 소비를 줄이기 위해 출력 드라이버에서 MSB와 LSB를 두 개의 4:1 MUX를 통해 결합하는 대신 8:1 MUX를 통해 PAM-4로 결합하는 회로가 제안된다. 내부 및 출력 노드에서 T-코일은 대역폭을 증가시키고 기호 간 간섭(ISI)을 제거한다. 출력 네트워크에서 역회전 T-코일은 T-코일이 없는 경우보다 대역폭을 1.61배 증가시킨다. VCSEL 드라이버는 양극 구동 및 전력 감소를 위해 높은 VSS 도메인에 배치된다. 이 칩은 40 nm CMOS 기술로 제작되었다. 제안된 VCSEL 송신기는 각각 3.03pJ/b와 2.09pJ/b의 전력 효율로 최대 48Gb/s NRZ와 64Gb/s PAM-4까지 작동한다.ABSTRACT I CONTENTS III LIST OF FIGURES V LIST OF TABLES IX CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 MOTIVATION 1 1.2 THESIS ORGANIZATION 5 CHAPTER 2 BACKGROUND OF HIGH-SPEED INTERFACE 6 2.1 OVERVIEW 6 2.2 BASIS OF DATA CENTER ARCHITECTURE 9 2.3 SHORT-REACH INTERFACE STANDARDS 12 2.4 ANALYSES OF BANDWIDTH EXTENSION TECHNIQUES 16 2.4.1 FRACTIONALLY-SPACED FFE 16 2.4.2 TRANSMISSION LINE 21 2.4.3 INDUCTOR 24 2.4.4 T-COIL 33 CHAPTER 3 DESIGN OF 48 GB/S PAM-4 ELECTRICAL TRANSMITTER IN 65 NM CMOS 43 3.1 OVERVIEW 43 3.2 FFE BASED ON DOUBLE-SHIELDED COPLANAR WAVEGUIDE 46 3.2.1 BASIC CONCEPT 46 3.2.2 PROPOSED DOUBLE-SHIELDED COPLANAR WAVEGUIDE 47 3.3 DESIGN CONSIDERATION ON 4:1 MUX 50 3.4 PROPOSED PAM-4 ELECTRICAL TRANSMITTER 53 3.5 MEASUREMENT 57 CHAPTER 4 DESIGN OF 64 GB/S PAM-4 OPTICAL TRANSMITTER IN 40 NM CMOS 64 4.1 OVERVIEW 64 4.2 DESIGN CONSIDERATION OF OPTICAL TRANSMITTER 66 4.3 PROPOSED PAM-4 VCSEL TRANSMITTER 69 4.4 MEASUREMENT 82 CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSIONS 88 BIBLIOGRAPHY 90 초 록 101박


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    Technological enhancements in a low-power CMOS process have promoted enhancement of advanced circuit design techniques for sensor related electronic circuits such as wearable and implantable sensor systems as well as wireless sensor nodes (WSNs). In these systems, the powering up the electronic circuits has remained as a major problem because battery technologies are not closely following the technological improvements in semiconductor devices and processes thus limiting the number of sensor electronics modules that can be incorporated in the design of the system. In addition, the traditional batteries can leak which can cause serious health hazards to the patients especially when using implantable sensors. As an alternative solution to prolonging the life of battery or to mitigate serious health problems that can be caused by battery, energy harvesting technique has appeared to be one of the possible solutions to supply power to the sensor electronics. As a result, this technique has been widely studied and researched in recent years. In a conventional sensor system, the accessible space for batteries is limited, which restricts the battery capacity. Therefore, energy harvesting has become an attractive solution for powering the sensor electronics. Power can be scavenged from ambient energy sources such as electromagnetic signal, wind, solar, mechanical vibration, radio frequency (RF), and thermal energy etc. Among these common ambient sources, RF and piezoelectric vibration-based energy scavenging systems have received a great deal of attention because of their ability to be integrated with sensor electronics modules and their moderate available power density. In this research, both RF and piezoelectric vibration-based energy harvesting systems have been studied and implemented in 130 nm standard CMOS process

    A 256-input micro-electrode array with integrated cmos amplifiers for neural signal recording

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--Boston UniversityThe nervous system communicates and processes information through its basic structural units -- individual neurons (nerve cells). Neurons convey neural information via electrical and chemical signals, which makes electrophysiological recording techniques very important in the study of neurophysiology. Specifically, active microelectrode arrays (MEAs) with amplifiers integrated on the same substrate are used because they provide a very powerful neural electrical recording technique that can be directly interfaced to acute slices and cell cultures. 2D planer electrodes are typically used for recording from neural cultures in vitro, while in vivo recording in live animals invariably requires the use of 3D electrodes. I have designed an active MEA with neural amplifiers and 3D electrodes, all integrated on a single chip. The electrodes are commercially available 3D C4 (Controlled Collapse Chip Connect) flip-chip bonding solder balls that have a diameter of 100 µm and a pitch of 200 µm. An active MEA neural recording chip -- the Multiple-Input Neural Sensor (MINS) chip -- was designed and fabricated using the IBM BiCMOS 8HP 0.13 µm technology. The MINS IC has 256 input channels that are time-division multiplexed into two output pads. Each channel was designed to work at a 20 kHz frame rate with a total voltage gain of 60 dB per channel with an input-referred noise voltage of 5.3 µVrms over 10 Hz to 10 kHz. The entire MINS chip has an area of 4 x 4 mm^2 with 256 input C4s plus 20 wire-bond pads on two adjacent edges of the chip for power, control, and outputs. The fabricated MINS chips are wire-bonded to standard pin grid array (PGA), open-top PGA, and custom-designed printed circuit board (PCB) packages for electrical, in vitro, and in vivo testing, respectively. After process variation correction, the voltage gain of the 256 neural amplifiers, measured in vitro across several chips, has a mean value of 58.7 dB and a standard deviation of 0.37 dB. Measurements done with the electrical testing package demonstrate that the MINS IC has a flat frequency response from 0.05 Hz to 1.4 MHz, an input-referred noise voltage of 4.6 µVrms over 10 Hz to 10 kHz, an output voltage swing as large as 1.5 V peak-to-peak, and a total power consumption of 11.25 mW, or 43.9 µW per input channel