26 research outputs found

    A systematic review of applying modern software engineering techniques to developing robotic systems

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    Robots have become collaborators in our daily life. While robotic systems become more and more complex, the need to engineer their software development grows as well. The traditional approaches used in developing these software systems are reaching their limits; currently used methodologies and tools fall short of addressing the needs of such complex software development. Separating robotics knowledge from shortcycled implementation technologies is essential to foster reuse and maintenance. This paper presents a systematic review (SLR) of the current use of modern software engineering techniques for developing robotic software systems and their actual automation level. The survey was aimed at summarizing existing evidence concerning applying such technologies to the field of robotic systems to identify any gaps in current research to suggest areas for further investigation and provide a background for positioning new research activities.Los robots se han convertido en colaboradores habituales de nuestra vida diaria. Los sistemas rob贸ticos son cada vez m谩s complejos y, como consecuencia, crece la necesidad de aplicar nuevas t茅cnicas ingenieriles a su proceso de desarrollo. Los enfoques tradicionales que se utilizan en el proceso de desarrollo de estos sistemas de software est谩n alcanzando sus l铆mites; las metodolog铆as utilizadas actualmente y las herramientas de soporte no alcanzan para atender las necesidades de estos procesos complejos. Para fomentar la reutilizaci贸n y el mantenimiento de c贸digo es esencial separar el conocimiento estable del dominio de rob贸tica en las tecnolog铆as de implementaci贸n, que var铆an r谩pidamente. Este art铆culo presenta una revisi贸n sistem谩tica de la utilizaci贸n actual de t茅cnicas modernas de ingenier铆a de software en el desarrollo de sistemas rob贸ticos y su nivel de automatizaci贸n. El objetivo del estudio es el de resumir la evidencia existente respecto a la aplicaci贸n de dichas tecnolog铆as en el campo de los sistemas rob贸ticos para identificar carencias en la investigaci贸n actual con el fin de sugerir 谩reas en futuras propuestas y proporcionar las bases para posicionar adecuadamente nuevas actividades de investigaci贸n

    Revisi贸n sistem谩tica de la aplicaci贸n de t茅cnicas modernas de ingenier铆a de software al desarrollo de sistemas rob贸ticos

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    Los robots se han convertido en colaboradores habituales de nuestra vida diaria. Los sistemas rob贸ticos son cada vez m谩s complejos y, como consecuencia, crece la necesidad de aplicar nuevas t茅cnicas ingenieriles a su proceso de desarrollo. Los enfoques tradicionales que se utilizan en el proceso de desarrollo de estos sistemas de software est谩n alcanzando sus l铆mites; las metodolog铆as utilizadas actualmente y las herramientas de soporte no alcanzan para atender las necesidades de estos procesos complejos. Para fomentar la reutilizaci贸n y el mantenimiento de c贸digo es esencial separar el conocimiento estable del dominio de rob贸tica en las tecnolog铆as de implementaci贸n, que var铆an r谩pidamente. Este art铆culo presenta una revisi贸n sistem谩tica de la utilizaci贸n actual de t茅cnicas modernas de ingenier铆a de software en el desarrollo de sistemas rob贸ticos y su nivel de automatizaci贸n. El objetivo del estudio es el de resumir la evidencia existente respecto a la aplicaci贸n de dichas tecnolog铆as en el campo de los sistemas rob贸ticos para identificar carencias en la investigaci贸n actual con el fin de sugerir 谩reas en futuras propuestas y proporcionar las bases para posicionar adecuadamente nuevas actividades de investigaci贸n.Robots have become collaborators in our daily life. While robotic systems become more and more complex, the need to engineer their software development grows as well. The traditional approaches used in developing these software systems are reaching their limits; currently used methodologies and tools fall short of addressing the needs of such complex software development. Separating robotics knowledge from shortcycled implementation technologies is essential to foster reuse and maintenance. This paper presents a systematic review (SLR) of the current use of modern software engineering techniques for developing robotic software systems and their actual automation level. The survey was aimed at summarizing existing evidence concerning applying such technologies to the field of robotic systems to identify any gaps in current research to suggest areas for further investigation and provide a background for positioning new research activities.Facultad de Inform谩tic

    A model-driving approach to constructing robotic systems

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    Most robotic systems tend to be complex to maintain and reuse because existing frameworks are based mainly on code-driven approaches. This means the software development process is reduced to the implementation of systems using specific programming languages. During the constant evolution, the systems grow in size and in complexity. Even when these approaches address the needs of robotic focused markets, currently used methodologies and toolsets fail to cope with the needs of such complex software development process. The general objective of our work is the definition of a methodological framework supported by a set of tools to deal with the requirements of the robotic software development process. A major challenge is to make the step from code-driven to model-driven in the development of robotic software systems. Separating robotics knowledge from short-cycled implementation technologies is essential to foster reuse and maintenance.Facultad de Inform谩tic

    A systematic review of the application of modern software engineering techniques to the development of robotic systems

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    Robots have become usual collaborators in our daily life. While robotic systems grow to be more and more complex, the need to engineering their software development process grows as well. Traditional approaches that are used in the development process of these software systems are reaching their limits; currently used methodologies and toolsets fall short to address the needs of such complex software development process. Separating robotics knowledge from short-cycled implementation technologies is essential to foster reuse and maintenance. This paper presents a systematic review of the current use of modern software engineering techniques for the development of robotic software systems and their actual automation level. The goal of the survey is to summarize the existing evidence concerning the application of such technologies on the robotic systems field; to identify any gaps in current research in order to suggest areas for further investigation and to provide a background in order to appropriately position new research activities.Presentado en el VIII Workshop Ingenier铆a de Software (WIS)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI