56 research outputs found

    Quantitative Assessment of Environmental/Human Health Risks

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    This book focuses on the quantitative assessment of environmental and human health risks which are usually evaluated by the ecological risk assessment which is the process for evaluating how likely it is that the environment might be obstructed as a result of exposure to environmental stressors. This book can deliver novel data on the quantitative assessment framework and provide a theoretical basis for follow-up research on the mitigation measures and control strategies for stakeholders

    Kaupunkimetsien vaikutuksia ilmanlaatuun teiden lähiympäristössä

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    Trees and other vegetation have been suggested as an efficient means in improving urban air quality. While it is well known that vegetation is able to remove air pollutants by dry deposition on their leaves and other surfaces, whether or not this removal affects local ambient pollutant concentrations is still not fully understood. Overall, the challenge in this field of research is due to the complexities of changing environmental conditions and green infrastructure design. A plethora of factors under these categories determine the relative significance of vegetation-related pollution deposition (improves air quality) and dispersion inhibition (deteriorates air quality), which are considered to be the most important processes defining the effects of vegetation on local air quality. This thesis provides new empirical evidence regarding the efficacy of urban parks and forests in improving air quality in near-road environments in urban and peri-urban areas. Levels of nitrogen dioxide (NO2), anthropogenic volatile organic compounds (AVOCs), gaseous polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and particulate matter (PM) were measured in tree-covered and open habitats using several sampling methods and an unprecedented number of site replication. Sampling events were carried out either at single points in open and tree-covered habitats, or at several measuring points along transects perpendicular to roads. PM was measured in many size-fractions to observe if vegetation affects nanoparticles, fine particles and coarser particles differently. Results were ambiguous, as consistent vegetation-induced reductions in the parameters investigated were found only for PM deposition obtained with passive collector, the average reductions being 36–49 %. Less distinct reductions were observed for AVOCS, coarser PM and NP, being markedly less consistent and often providing results of a merely tentative nature. Coarser PM (> 2.5 µm) concentration data from active sampling are more reliable in terms of exposure estimation as opposed to the passive PM deposition data, which may be altered by wind speed differences between open and tree-covered habitats. Active sampling results were similar with a reduction observed using passive PM collectors, yet the reduction was less prominent: 12 % (2.5–10 µm) and 33 % (> 10 µm). However, larger particles are of lesser importance in causing health problems, whereas the most hazardous fraction, PM2.5 (< 2.5 µm), was not reduced by tree cover. PM results were broadly in line with the deposition mechanisms of particles, where nano-sized particles and coarser particles are more prone to dry deposition than PM2.5. Furthermore, instead of being reduced, levels of NO2 and gaseous PAHs were at times significantly elevated within tree cover. Consistent distance attenuation differences between open and tree-covered transects did not emerge, unexpectedly, meaning that there was no difference in pollutant decay between the study habitats. These studies did not show clear connections between the measured vegetation properties and the observed pollutant concentrations. Overall, the general consensus according to which urban vegetation is effective in mitigating air pollution, was not supported. Instead, these data imply that the importance of urban vegetation in reducing local air pollution is limited and often over-estimated. Consequently, urban parks and forests appear to mitigate air pollution problems only occasionally, thereby not serving as a sustainable solution for local air pollution problems. A more detailed mechanistic understanding of the transformation, deposition and dispersion of atmospheric pollutants in terms of urban vegetation as affecting local concentrations is needed in order to create landscape designs where unintended consequences of vegetation are avoided and the truly potential set-ups for air quality improvement are recognized. Ultimately, air quality effects are merely one aspect in the wider spectrum of ecosystem services provided by urban vegetation; assessing the most beneficial and cost-efficient combinations of ecosystem services to be supported at a given location requires a holistic approach.Puita ja muuta kasvillisuutta on ehdotettu tehokkaaksi keinoksi parantaa kaupunkien ilmansaasteongelmia. Kasvillisuus sitoo saasteita pinnoilleen, mutta vielä ei täysin ymmärretä, miten sitominen vaikuttaa paikallisiin ilmansaastepitoisuuksiin. Kasvillisuuden ilmanlaatuvaikutuksen tutkimus on haastavaa johtuen monimutkaisista ja muuttuvista tekijöistä liittyen sekä kasvillisuusrakenteisiin että muihin ympäristön olosuhteisiin. Nämä tekijät määrittävät kahden merkittävimmän prosessin suhteellisen merkityksen: saasteiden sitoutuminen kasvillisuuteen (parantaa ilmanlaatua) sekä saasteiden leviämisen estyminen (huonontaa ilmanlaatua). Väitöskirjani sisältää uutta tietoa kaupunkipuistojen ja -metsien vaikutuksesta ilmanlaatuun teiden lähiympäristössä. Tutkimuksissa tarkasteltiin typpidioksidia (NO2), ihmisperäisiä haihtuvia orgaanisia yhdisteitä (AVOC), kaasumaisia polyaromaattisia hiilivetyjä (PAH) sekä hiukkasia (PM) puustoisilla ja avoimilla alueilla. Mittauskampanjat toteutettiin joko mittaamalla yksittäistä pistettä kullakin puustoisella ja avoimella alueella, tai useammilla mittauspisteillä jonomittauksina tieltä poispäin. Hiukkasmittauksissa tarkasteltiin useita kokofraktioita: nanohiukkasia, pienhiukkasia ja karkeampia hiukkasia. Tulokset eivät olleet yksiselitteisiä, ja johdonmukainen ilmansaastevähennys (36–49 %) puustoisilla alueilla todettiin ainoastaan passiivisella hiukkaskeräimellä, jonka tuloksiin karkeammat hiukkaset vaikuttavat dominoivasti. Alustavia, merkittävästi vähemmän johdonmukaisia ilmansaastevähennyksiä havaittiin AVOC-yhdisteille, karkeammille hiukkasille (aktiivikeräimillä) ja nanohiukkasille. Karkeampien hiukkasten (> 2.5 µm) tuloksista aktiivimittauksin saadut ovat luotettavampia altistuksen arvioinnissa verrattuna passiivikeräinten tuloksiin, joihin ovat voineet vaikuttaa tuulierot avoimella ja puustoisella alueella. Aktiivikeräinten tulokset olivat samansuuntaisia, mutta selvästi maltillisempia kuin passiivikeräinten, puustoisen alueen saastevähennyksen ollessa 12 % (2.5–10 µm) ja 33 % (> 10 µm). Suuremmat hiukkaset aiheuttavat kuitenkin vähemmän vakavia terveyshaittoja verrattuna pienhiukkasiin (< 2.5 µm), joiden pitoisuudet eivät vähentyneet puustoisilla alueilla. Hiukkastulokset olivat karkeasti ottaen linjassa hiukkasten yleisten asettumis- eli laskeumamallien kanssa; nanohiukkaset ja karkeat hiukkaset asettuvat pinnoille herkemmin kuin pienhiukkaset. NO2:n ja kaasumaisten PAH-yhdisteiden pitoisuudet olivat ajoittain merkittävästi korkeampia puustoisilla alueilla. Johdonmukaisia eroja ilmansaasteiden laimenemisessa avoimilla ja puustoisilla alueilla ei havaittu jonomittauksissa. Myöskään kasvillisuusmuuttujien ja ilmansaastepitoisuuksien välillä ei havaittu yhteyttä. Yleinen väite, jonka mukaan kaupunkikasvillisuus on tehokas ilmanlaadun parantaja, ei saanut vahvaa tukea tutkimuksistani. Sen sijaan tulokseni viittaavat siihen, että kaupunkivihreän merkitys ilmansaasteiden torjunnassa on hyvin rajallinen ja usein yliarvioitu. Puustoiset alueet parantavat ilmanlaatua vain ajoittain, eivätkä ne siten muodosta kestävää ja pitkäaikaista ratkaisua paikallisiin ilmansaasteongelmiin. Ilmansaasteiden hallitsemisen kannalta toimiva kaupunkisuunnittelu tarvitsee tuekseen yksityiskohtaista tietoa ilmansaasteiden muuntumisesta, laskeumasta, sekä leviämisestä ja laimenemisesta, jotta vältetään kasvillisuuden negatiiviset vaikutukset ilmanlaatuun, ja toisaalta tunnistetaan parhaat mahdolliset ratkaisut altistumisen minimoimiseksi. Ilmanlaatuvaikutukset ovat vain yksi ulottuvuus kaupunkikasvillisuuden tuottamassa ekosysteemipalveluiden kirjossa. On tärkeää tunnistaa paikallinen potentiaali erilaisten ekosysteemipalveluiden tuottamisessa, jotta kokonaisuus on kustannustehokas, ja mikä tärkeintä, mahdollisimman suureksi hyödyksi kaupungin asukkaille

    Global green infrastructure: How is green infrastructure research translated into practice outside the UK?

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    The Centre for Sustainable Planning and Environments at the University of the West of England, Bristol have been commissioned by the Natural Environment Research Council(NERC) to conduct a review of how the evidence base for Green Infrastructure (GI) is being translated into practice across the international community. This builds on previous work that focussed on the grey literature targeted to a UK audience (Sinnett et al., 2016). This review will inform the future investment in GI from Innovation Programme and Partnershipswithin NERC.We reviewed 26 pieces of grey literature aimed at an international audience. These include those from government departments (e.g. US Department of Agriculture) and globalinstitutions (e.g. World Bank). Differences in the definition of GI internationally meant that some documents focussed almost exclusively on water management. Others included comprehensive reviews of the health and well-being outcomes associated with the use and presence of GI as well as broader evidence summaries.The review examined the extent to which academic evidence is cited in the grey literature and which ecosystem services are prioritised in these documents

    Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 2017

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    Energy Efficiency in Buildings: Both New and Rehabilitated

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    Buildings are one of the main causes of the emission of greenhouse gases in the world. Europe alone is responsible for more than 30% of emissions, or about 900 million tons of CO2 per year. Heating and air conditioning are the main cause of greenhouse gas emissions in buildings. Most buildings currently in use were built with poor energy efficiency criteria or, depending on the country and the date of construction, none at all. Therefore, regardless of whether construction regulations are becoming stricter, the real challenge nowadays is the energy rehabilitation of existing buildings. It is currently a priority to reduce (or, ideally, eliminate) the waste of energy in buildings and, at the same time, supply the necessary energy through renewable sources. The first can be achieved by improving the architectural design, construction methods, and materials used, as well as the efficiency of the facilities and systems; the second can be achieved through the integration of renewable energy (wind, solar, geothermal, etc.) in buildings. In any case, regardless of whether the energy used is renewable or not, the efficiency must always be taken into account. The most profitable and clean energy is that which is not consumed

    Qualidade do ar e alterações climáticas à escala urbana: vulnerabilidade, resiliência e adaptação

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    Doutoramento em Ciências e Engenharia do AmbienteAs cidades, áreas que albergam cerca de 70% da população europeia, enfrentam hoje um conjunto de desafios associados a alterações do metabolismo urbano, que num contexto de alteração climática (AC), afectam o microclima urbano e a qualidade do ar (QA). Compreender a interação entre as AC, qualidade do ar e fluxos urbanos de calor (FUC) é um tópico de investigação emergente, reconhecido como área de interesse para a definição e implementação de políticas locais. O principal objetivo do presente trabalho é promover uma avaliação integrada das interações entre medidas de resiliência urbana e as AC, e respectiva influência no microclima urbano, QA e FUC, tendo como caso de estudo a cidade do Porto (Portugal). Pretende-se ainda impulsionar o desempenho dos modelos numéricos para que estes representem realisticamente os fenómenos físicos que ocorrem nas áreas urbanas. Para atingir este objetivo, o sistema de modelos WRF-SUEWS foi aplicado para a área de estudo para avaliar a influência de diferentes níveis de área urbanizada nas trocas de calor entre a superficie e a atmosfera. O modelo foi validado mediante a comparação dos seus resultados com dados medidos obtidos em campanhas de monitorização de fluxos. A influência das variáveis meteorológicas nos FUC, e a forma como estas, por sua vez, são influenciadas pela superfície urbana foi também avaliada. Para tal, o sistema WRF-SUEWS foi aplicado para 1-ano representativo de um período de clima presente (1986-2005) e de clima futuro de médio prazo (2046-2065). O cenário climático futuro foi projetado tendo por base o cenário RCP8.5. Esta análise permitiu quantificar e mapear os efeitos das AC nos FUC na cidade do Porto. Face à necessidade corrente de aumentar a resiliência urbana a futuros eventos meteorológicos extremos (e.g. ondas de calor), o sistema WRF-SUEWS foi ainda aplicado (com uma resolução espacial de 200 m) para avaliar a influência de medidas de resiliência nos FUC. Conhecendo a importância da morfologia urbana para as características do seu próprio clima, um conjunto de parameterizações urbanas (LSM, SUEWS e UCM) foram analisados para área de estudo, por forma a obter uma representação realista das características urbanas no modelo WRF e, consequentemente, obter um melhor desempenho na modelação da QA à escala local. Os resultados revelaram que o modelo UCM é a parameterização urbana que melhor representa os fluxos turbulentos de calor, a temperatura e velocidade do vento à superfície. Como resultado, o modelo CFD VADIS, inicializado pelo modelo WRF-UCM, foi aplicado com uma elevada resolução espacial (3 m) a um bairro típico da cidade do Porto. As simulações realizadas permitiram caracterizar o estado atual da QA na área de estudo, bem como avaliar a influência de diferentes medidas de resiliência nos padrões de velocidade do vento e na concentração de poluentes atmosféricos (PM10, NOX, CO e CO2). Este trabalho constitui uma ferramenta científica inovadora no que diz respeito ao conhecimento dos processos físicos que ocorrem à escala urbana, proporcionando uma visão integradora entre AC, QA e FUC. Estes resultados são relevantes para o apoio à decisão política do que respeita à implementação de estratégias que permitam aumentar a resiliência urbana, nas suas diversas vertentes, a um clima em mudançaCities, home of about 70% of the European population, are facing important challenges related to changes in urban structure and its metabolism, and to pressures induced by climate change (CC) effects, which are affecting urban microclimate and air quality. The better understanding of the interactions between CC, air quality and urban surface energy balance (USEB) is an emerging priority for research and policy. The main objective of the current study is to provide an integrated assessment of the interaction between resilience measures and CC effects, and its influence on the urban microclimate and air quality as well as on the USEB, having as case study the city of Porto (Portugal). The ultimate goal is to improve the accuracy of numerical modelling to better represent the physical processes occurring in urban areas. For this purpose, the relevant parameters to both USEB and air quality were analysed. The WRF-SUEWS modelling setup was applied to the study area to assess the influence of different levels of urbanization on the surface-atmosphere exchanges. To validate the modelling setup, the results were compared with measurements carried out on field campaigns. The way of how the meteorological variables affect the USEB and how, in turn, these variables are themselves affected by urban surface was also assessed. The modelling setup was applied for 1-year period statistically representative of a present (1986-2005) and medium-term future (2046-2065) climate. The climate projection was produced under the RCP8.5 scenario. This analysis gives insights of how the urban-surface exchanges will be affected by CC, allowing the mapping of the FUC over the study area. As result of the need of increase cities resilience to future extreme weather events (e.g. heat waves), the WRF-SUEWS model (with a spatial resolution of 200 m), was applied to Porto city to evaluate the influence of a set of resilience measures on the USEB. Knowing the importance of urban surfaces to its own microclimate, a set of urban parameterization schemes (LSM, SUEWS and UCM) were analysed for the study area, to achieve a more accurate representation of urban features in the WRF model and, in consequence, to improve the capability of air quality modelling at urban/local scale. The results point out that the UCM is the urban parameterization that provides a more realistic representation of the turbulent energy fluxes and the near-surface air temperatures and wind speed. As result, a CFD modelling (VADIS), forced by WRF-UCM, was used to provide a set of numerical simulations with a high spatial resolution (3 m) over a typical neighbourhood in the Porto city. These simulations allow the characterization of the current air quality status over the study area, as well as the assessment of the influence of different resilience measures in the wind flow and air pollutants dispersion (PM10, NOX, CO and CO2). Overall, this research work is a step forward in understanding the physics of urban environments, providing also a linkage between CC, air quality and USEB. These findings are highly advantageous to support policy makers and stakeholders helping them to choose the best strategies to mitigate extreme weather events and air pollution episodes and so increase cities resilience to a future climate

    The impact of ecological thought on architectural theory.

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    This thesis looks at the idea of ecology and its relationship to, and influence on, architectural thought. Ecological thinking emerged as a subset of biology in the second half of the nineteenth century and developed as a philosophical idea and a political outlook. As an idea that stands in the hinterland between science and society, it has not been particularly stable; sometimes it is fashionable, at other times it has disappeared from consciousness. This thesis looks at the long history of ecology, paying particular attention to the periods when it was a popular idea and it had an impact on the imagination and outlook of architects. The first of these periods is in the decades from Darwin's publication of his theory of evolution through to the run-up to the First World War, prior to the emergence of the Modern Movement. The second period is brief, from the late ‘60s through to the early '70s, and is popularly referred to as the Age of Ecology. Finally, there is the period from 2000 to the present. The final section of the study looks at the impact of ecological thought on architectural ideas and buildings today, when there is a high level of concern about the environment. Through historical interpretation, the study identifies some of the core themes of ecological thought and looks at their relationship to the design of the built environment. It traces the recurring themes of naturalism, vitalism and materialism, which are emerging as significant influences on today's architecture. The thesis includes research interviews with some of the leading architectural thinkers and historians of our time in order to situate the discussion of ecology in the broader discourse on the purpose and nature of architecture and the future of the discipline and the profession

    Urban ecosystem services and climate change: a dynamic interplay

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    Urban ecosystems play a crucial role in providing a wide range of services to their inhabitants, and their functioning is deeply intertwined with the effects of climate change. The present review explores the dynamic interplay between urban ecosystem services and climate change, highlighting the reciprocal relationships, impacts, and adaptation strategies associated with these phenomena. The urban environment, with its built infrastructure, green spaces, and diverse human activities, offers various ecosystem services that enhance the wellbeing and resilience of urban dwellers. Urban ecosystems offer regulatory services like temperature control, air quality upkeep, and stormwater management, plus provisioning like food and water. They also provide cultural benefits, promoting recreation and community unity. However, climate change poses significant challenges to urban ecosystem services. Rising temperatures, altered precipitation patterns, and increased frequency of extreme weather events can disrupt the functioning of urban ecosystems, impacting the provision of services. Heatwaves and urban heat island effects can compromise human health and energy demands, while changes in rainfall patterns can strain stormwater management systems and lead to flooding. Moreover, climate change can disrupt biodiversity and ecological processes, affecting the overall resilience and sustainability of urban ecosystems. To address these challenges, cities are adopting various adaptation strategies that recognize the interdependence between urban ecosystems and climate change. Green infrastructure interventions, such as the creation of urban parks, green roofs, and community gardens, aim to mitigate the impacts of climate change by enhancing the regulation of temperature, improving air quality, and reducing stormwater runoff. Additionally, urban planning and design approaches prioritize compact and walkable neighborhoods, promoting public transportation and reducing reliance on fossil fuels. Furthermore, engaging communities in the management of urban ecosystems and climate change adaptation measures is crucial for ensuring equitable distribution of ecosystem services and building social resilience. Therefore, the review article highlights a comprehensive understanding of the dynamic interrelationship between urban ecosystem services and climate change and their implications. By recognizing and integrating the contributions of urban ecosystems, cities can develop sustainable and resilient strategies to mitigate and adapt to climate change, ensuring the wellbeing and habitability of urban environments for present and future generations

    Artificial Neural Networks in Agriculture

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    Modern agriculture needs to have high production efficiency combined with a high quality of obtained products. This applies to both crop and livestock production. To meet these requirements, advanced methods of data analysis are more and more frequently used, including those derived from artificial intelligence methods. Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are one of the most popular tools of this kind. They are widely used in solving various classification and prediction tasks, for some time also in the broadly defined field of agriculture. They can form part of precision farming and decision support systems. Artificial neural networks can replace the classical methods of modelling many issues, and are one of the main alternatives to classical mathematical models. The spectrum of applications of artificial neural networks is very wide. For a long time now, researchers from all over the world have been using these tools to support agricultural production, making it more efficient and providing the highest-quality products possible

    Performative Microforests

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    The design of office buildings can substantially improve the building, social, and ecological performance of office building projects. However, existing research on improving the performance of work environments has primarily focused on identifying and evaluating methods to make work environments less bad, rather than focusing on how to develop work environments that are positively performing. Moreover, the potential of building projects to perform positively, in terms of economic, social, and ecological performance, remains relatively unexplored in existing research and building projects. To this end, this PhD research project is focused on exploring the positive economic, social, and ecological performance potential of buildings. Specifically, this research project identifies and evaluates the potential economic, social, and ecological performance benefits of integrating microforests into office buildings. Microforests are defined in this book as dynamic, stimulating, cohesive spatial environments that are composed of vegetation and soil layers that mimic the structural, perceptual, and ecological composition of a forest ecosystem, yet are not large enough to reliably provide the myriad of functions of a robust, mature forest ecosystem. This design research focus is based on findings from existing literature that suggest that natural environments and stimuli can provide a diverse range of economic, social, and ecological performance benefits. The Design Research Methodology [DRM], an established research methodology that facilitates the use of diverse research methods in a rigorous, effective manner, is used in this research project to explore and evaluate the performance potential of microforests, by investigating the following sub research questions: How can microforests improve the performance of office buildings? How can microforests improve employee performance + comfort? How can microforests improve the ecological performance of office buildings? Within the DRM research framework, explorative design case studies, systematic literature reviews, expert interviews, observation case studies, and experimentation research methods were employed, in order to develop design guidelines, high performance space types and case studies, as well as assessments of the hypotheses of several experiments. For instance, as part of the investigation of the first sub research question, a design case study was conducted that evaluated the potential of microforests to reduce the energy consumption rates of office buildings, both in terms of the potential of vegetation to function as a shading device, and in terms of the potential energy savings that can be attained through the provision of semi-outdoor, high quality microforest workspaces. The results of this study, which are discussed in Chapter 4, indicate that vegetation can be as effective, or more effective, than typical shading devices, in terms of shading effectiveness. Moreover, in terms of economic performance, this study found that improving occupant work performance provided substantially greater economic benefits than reducing the energy costs of the mid-size commercial office building. This finding indicates that, in terms of economic performance, design teams should be focused on designing office environments that improve worker performance. Thus, the results of this case study indicate that economic and worker performance are interrelated. In order to investigate the potential effects of microforests on occupant thermal comfort, a quasi-experiment which evaluated the potential psychological and physiological impacts of microforests on occupant thermal comfort, was conducted. This study is discussed in Chapter 5. The results of this study indicate that working within a densely vegetated work environment, such as a microforest, improves occupant thermal comfort, both in normal and more extreme temperatures, throughout the four seasons. Thus, the inhabitation of microforests can improve occupant thermal comfort, as well as reduce building energy consumption rates, by allowing the temperature set point of the space to be raised in the summer and lowered in the winter. In terms of microforests impacting worker performance, a multidisciplinary, systematic literature review was conducted to identify the potential of the design of work environments to impact worker performance, particularly natural environments such as microforests. The results of this review, which are discussed in Chapter 6, indicate that natural environments can provide a diverse range of worker performance benefits. However, further research is necessary to determine the effectiveness of various design solutions, space types, and space qualities on worker performance. To this end, a survey was conducted to evaluate the types of work environments and space qualities that promote worker performance, including constructed and natural environments, in terms of a diverse range of work tasks. The results of this study, which are described in Chapter 7, suggest that knowledge workers prefer to conduct a wider variety of work tasks in microforests, compared to a range of existing work space types, than existing research suggests. Moreover, the results of this study suggest that different types of microforests, such as spatially open and public microforests compared to more dense and private microforests, provide different performance benefits, and are preferred for different work tasks. Hence, these findings suggest that the integration of microforests into office buildings can improve worker performance, and from a more general perspective, that workers prefer to have access to more diverse types of work spaces within their office environment than typical office environments provide. Furthermore, the results of the conducted studies indicate that the design of work space environments, at both the scale of individual spaces and space qualities, impacts worker performance, and thereby should be accounted for in the design of office environments. In terms of microforests impacting the ecological performance of building projects, a systematic literature review was conducted to investigate the ecological performance potential of building projects. The results of this review are presented in Chapters 8-11. Three general design strategies to improve the ecological integrity of local ecosystems were identified: design for ecosystem functions, design for ecological behavior, and design for biodiversity. The potential effectiveness of various design strategies within these three general design strategies were explored, as well as gaps in existing research, and issues with evaluating the ecological performance of building projects. Potentially effective design solutions were identified, such as hybrid infrastructure, gene seed banks, and constructed environments which are designed to foster positive experiences in natural environments. Moreover, the results of this review indicate that further research is needed to evaluate the comparative value of different ecological design solutions, as well as effective means to account for the interrelationships of building projects with their local and regional contexts. Taken together, the results of this research project make it evident that the design of constructed environments has a significant impact on the performance and value of building projects, from economic, social, and ecological performance perspectives. More specifically, the integration of microforests into office environments was found to yield a diverse range of building, worker, and ecological performance benefits. The results of this research project can aid in the development of comprehensive design support systems and building project performance metric systems, as well as identify, and in some cases evaluate, potentially high performing, innovative design solutions and strategies. However, it is important to note that the results of this research project indicate that, in order to develop comprehensive building performance evaluation metric systems and design methods, further research is necessary. To this end, this research project identified innovative performance benefits that the design of building projects, and microforests, can provide, as well as identified existing research gaps that should be addressed. This research project also identified potentially high performing space types and design strategies, including various types of microforests. In summary, the results of this research project demonstrate that the design of building projects can be an effective and efficient method to generate diverse economic, social, and ecological performance benefits. Moreover, the results of this research project suggest that the design of high quality spaces, particularly microforests, can improve the social and ecological performance of building projects, while at the same time, also reduce building costs